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S69 PT #5: Everyone's a Critic February 26th @ 11:59 PM (PST)

So after getting blown out 7-1 I would definitely feel the hate and with how star studded Winnipeg is from top to bottom it would not be rocket science to know that I would most likely be the odd man out to be blasted as a rookie. To be honest I just use it as fuel. I want everyone to remember every single bad thing they have said about me and every criticism so when I am one of the top players in the league in the future they can know just how wrong and stupid they were. I have no doubt in my mind that I am going to be greatness one day so them picking apart my game now means nothing to me other than a way to watch them put their feet in their mouths later. I don't know that I am petty enough to save it all so I even have proof because in my opinion there will be so many that delete their comments the day I blow up. Always will be with these people.

180 words

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First thing is first, I need to identify who the reporter is, what city they live in, and then I will go from there. I will buy a plane ticket to the city they live in and I will rent a cheap hotel on the outskirts of town. That is when the real research begins. I will figure out where the studio is that the report works at, I will figure out what they drive to and from work, where they live, how long their commute is, what streets they take, their family members names and schedules, and what the reporter likes to do on their time off. Then I will stalk my prey like I am a cheetah and the reporter is an unassuming antelope. When the time is right, I will approach the reporter while they are out on a nice Sunday brunch with their family. They won't even see it coming. I've prepared for months for this and I am about to exact my revenge. My heart pounds with anticipation as I slowly approach the reporter and their family.

"Hey, [reporter name]," I say. They look up. A terrified and puzzle look crosses their face as they realize I am towering over them, fists clenched in rage.

"I didn't like what you said about me. It hurt my feelings."

Then I leave.

Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab
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Sigs by Me, Merica, High Stick King, Rum_Ham, Jess, vulfzilla, enigmatic, and Carpy
Stampede  Kraken
❤!! RIP to the big homies 701 and Mac !!❤

Player Prompt:

If you're a professional athlete you are going to be on the receiving end of some negative backlash. It could be from something you can't control or something you brought on yourself with your actions, but you will experience it. This has happened to me more than a few times, but you learn how to react to it after each instance. When I first started out those negative comments from fans and media do get to you. You're young and excitable and you want to defend yourself from every comment you hear about you, but it quickly becomes a fleeting exchange.

As you grow up you really learn how to ignore those comments and just keep doing what you do. Not everything is going to be rosy and sports are the most reactionary thing out there so of course there are going to be those negative comments directed towards you. It's almost always all heat of the moment and go away once they find the next thing to complain about. I've learned to ignore situations like this and just focus on myself and I've found that to be the best defence against something like this.

(195 words)

Guy Incognito - D - #24
Texas Renegades
Season 79
Regular Season - [G 0] [A 0] [Pts 0] [+/- 0] [PIM 0] [Hits 0] [SB 0]

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Written Task: Tell me how your player deals with negative attention from fans or journalists! Do you get in fights on Twitter? Ignore it all? Prove them wrong with your play? Do you say or do anything when you have to face a reporter that said something bad about you in a media scrum? Does this kind of thing get to your player, or is it just part of the job? (150+ words)
 Faust Faker is usually above talking shit on media members but this one went too far.  Faker has been one of the players in this league for 2 seasons now and deserves his due respect.   This journalist simply crossed the line.  Saying Faker lacked commitment because he plays a professional esport while being a pro hockey player is ridiculous.  He's fully commited to both and performs both to the highest of levels.  He got Rookie of the Year nominations last season in the SHL and went to the Worlds Final in League of Legends.  Not many who only do one of these grueling competitions accomplish that.  His SHL team may have unperformed this season but the team has been dogshit since long before Faker arrived.  He's there now and they had their best season in a long time.  I dont' think that's happenstance.  Faker is a winner and will continue to be a winner.  This nerd journalist can stay behind his keyboard.

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Player Prompt:

Justin Time is no stranger to criticism from the media, the fans, or anyone else. As a goalie, you learn early on the painful truth that you're going to have bad games, no matter how hard you try or how much you hone your skills. Just like there are nights you feel on top of the world, there will always be the unexpected game where nothing goes right, you can't track the puck, and your team gets blown out on the scoreboard. As the most visible player in a loss, goalies learn to shake off the media if they want to have a long career, and Time's first two seasons in the rebuilding Edmonton Blizzard gave him plenty of experience in that regard. When the times get tough, he turns off his phone, heads to the rink, and takes a few quiet laps to clear his head and remember that for every dismal outing, there's a huge win on the horizon that will shut everyone up.

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sig credit: Ragnar, Sulovilen, Enigmatic, Bayley
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Written prompt 

Adam is pretty good at dealing with hate. Adam dealt with bullies and unlikable people his whole life. At first, it bothered him, but he found ways to deal with it and ignore it. Adam has a twitter but doesn't use it as he isn't a huge fan of social media. Taking social media out of the picture is a big part of ignoring it, although staying off of social media can be helpful, there are people that get around it. He also stays away from the news as he doesn't like it. A lot of people have problems dealing with hate, and it's dumb it happens but at the end of the day it is just the game we play no matter who you are where you come from where you play or how you play. People no matter what will always dislike you, even the greats get hate whether, deserved or not.


I think overall the NHL could have a bigger social media presence, because to your point the NHL is drastically behind the NFL and NBA in terms of popularity, and I think social media presence is a big part of it. The NHL’s biggest star right now, Connor McDavid, has next to 0 presence and a lot of non-hockey fans don’t even know he exists. Meanwhile Lebron James started the whole Taco Tuesday thing and Patrick Mahomes is in Old Spice commercials. It leads to a bigger issue of the NHL not really letting players express themselves. Anytime a player has a bit of personality all the old heads in hockey start trying to shout them down. Look at the reaction to the Carolina Hurricanes victory celebrations and the whole “Bunch of Jerks” reaction. If the NHL wants to grow in popularity it needs to encourage its players to be themselves more off the ice.

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Thank you @xjoverax and @phoenix for the sigs!

Written Task: Tell me how your player deals with negative attention from fans or journalists! Do you get in fights on Twitter? Ignore it all? Prove them wrong with your play? Do you say or do anything when you have to face a reporter that said something bad about you in a media scrum? Does this kind of thing get to your player, or is it just part of the job? (150+ words)

Seamus sees a lot of hate from opposing fans for his decision to be a shutdown dman. A lot of the time he is in the limelight for ruining power plays and generally shutting down any kind of offensive plays from the other team. So much so that when playing away there are a lot of boos and awws whenever he makes a good defensive play. This just fuels him to play harder. When it comes to media though, Seamus does not really participate. Preferring to spend his time working on his side business he more avidly controls that social media. Thankfully, most people in North America do not know that he owns a bar in Ireland or there would probably be a lot more trolls targeting there. So Seamus gets up and spends each day without worry what the fans or journalists say because at the end of the day, he is not playing them. Seamus continues these efforts by asking his GMs to never put him in a situation where he has to do a press conference. Discreet is better and Seamus is not in this game for the fame. He is in it for the fun and the glory of Ireland!

[Image: seamsu_500.png?ex=66b438d3&is=66b2e753&h...96a382d50&]

Credit to Vulfzilla for the awesome render pic
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Player Prompt

Jack McCarthy is no stranger to criticism. This season, McCarthy struggled as he finished as a -35 on the ice. This meant that he was on the ice for many goals against, and the fans and media sure let him hear it. Furthermore, this season McCarthy was named as the captain of the Regina Elk, so that criticism was only heightened.

Jack McCarthy deals with this criticism head on, letting anyone who will listen know that he takes full responsibility for the poor play and that he needs to improve. You'll never hear McCarthy criticize any of his teammates, and he will do all he can to make sure the media and fans go after him instead of one of his linemates.

Although he has never been a fan of being in the spotlight, McCarthy has gotten more comfortable in his second year in the SMJHL. He knows now that after a game, the media's first stop will most likely be at his locker. He has come to embrace this, and knows that the words he says have an impact not only on his teammates, but the city of Regina as well.

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Player prompt

By now Dusty Rhodes is used to the criticism. I mean let's face it with a big ole pot belly he's not exactly the typical body type for a hockey player. But hey that's OK. Because big Dusty al3ways shows up when it counts the most. Son of a plumber growing up Dusty didn't have much and hard to work his ass off for everything. This mentality has followed with him through his whole life and into his sporting career. So what they don't see is Dusty staying late after practice to work on his game. He will never be the best player on the team but for damn sure he will always be the hardest worker on his team. Although sometimes when all thye criticism builds up and he gets frustrated he has to cut a promo on the local media. And brother let me tell you, you don't want to be the subject of said promo.

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Prompt 1:

When it comes to social media, GK does not have a presence online and as such does not really witness any negative attention he make get from fans of the sport. If it is brought up by a reported during an interview, GK is the type to typically shrug it off, and inform the media that they don’t care much for opinions and would rather focus on their game.

At this point in GK’s career, things are slowly starting to wind down, and GK understands his role he has to play in Winnipeg, and any negative feedback is just background noise. This is even more the case as GK only really has 3 planned seasons left in the SHL before he goes back to fishing with his family back in Iceland. GK really just sees things in a positive light, and really tries to emulate that, however his media time slacks personality and he would rather get that over with. (160 words)

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Written Task: Tell me how your player deals with negative attention from fans or journalists! Do you get in fights on Twitter? Ignore it all? Prove them wrong with your play? Do you say or do anything when you have to face a reporter that said something bad about you in a media scrum? Does this kind of thing get to your player, or is it just part of the job? (150+ words)

BASE PACK doesn't really watch much TV or check social media that much so I guess he was feeling extra down on himself after letting in 7 goals which has sadly become a regular occurrence for the goaltender. If he was feeling down enough to go seek out the smack talk about him then I imagine BASE PACK would be logging onto Twitter to get into fights with anyone who wants some of the action. Then I would challenge the offending reporter to a duel in the next media scrum that I see them in. No one talks bad about BASE PACK except for BASE PACK himself so he would want to correct this right away. Though maybe getting emotional like this is why BASE PACK is struggling so much on the ice this season. It would be better for him to just ignore all of the outside noise and try to do his best in the playoffs here for the Forge. So hopefully this outburst will be his last.

170 words

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I think that hockey media culture has its pros and cons for a viewer like me. The lack of "star power" or zany personalities might not make it as marketable in a monetary sense, but I personally like the fact that hockey embraces its nature as a team game, with star players earning that place on the ice alone, rather than with off-ice antics. I do not watch hockey for the drama in any sense, and find it annoying and distracting when individual players draw attention in a click-bait fashion. Players can have their own identities and personalities, but I typically lose a decent chunk of respect for players who embrace a bunch of their personal problems as methods of gaining notoriety and attention. The media market in hockey can sometimes be culpable for fanning these flames as well (looking at you, Spector), trying to fabricate some sort of emotional engagement for the fans to have based on some off-ice issues that really shouldn't have a focus within the sport.

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Thank you to Ham and Sulo for the sigs!
Scarecrows Chiefs Renegades Dragons Stampede Panthers norway
Scarecrows Specters Switzerland
Scarecrows pride Switzerland
  Armada pride Ireland



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I lay awake at 6:18 am, after snoozing the alarm twice already. I just cannot get the image out of my head. Such a simple thing has turned into something terrible. When I finally rolled out of bed, I turned on Newfoundland Sports radio before I started my breakfast. The first story I hear is about the unfortunate event in last night’s SMJHL game. I stopped what I was doing and listened to what they had to say. It was not surprising to hear them attack me instantly. They even took calls from fans who were not happy about it. So what do you do when you are being attacked? You defend. I called the station and doubled down on my stance. “Pineapple does not belong on pizza.” From there the conversations turned on the hosts of the shows. Fans started calling in saying they agree with my statement and to leave me alone. It’s not like I made a horrible play or hit during the game. I just got caught on a hot mic saying pineapple is horrible on a pizza and that the other team were dumb for thinking it is not.


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Specters Monarchs Berserkers Scarecrows [Image: italian-flag.jpg?s=612x612&w=0&k=20&c=tO...eKFgvtgqU=]

Specters Armada Scarecrows Czechia
Panthers Specters Jets Scarecrows Usa [Image: 4star.png] [Image: challengecup.png] [Image: challengecup.png]
RIP Dangel #AD26  |  RIP TDZ

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