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S70 PT #0: Otherworldly Forecheck Due: March 26th @ 11:59 PM (PST)
(This post was last modified: 03-19-2023, 08:32 AM by Zerg. Edited 2 times in total.)

Please pick ONE prompt to write about. Do not mix and match prompts. Identify the prompt you are using in your submission - Copying and pasting the prompt will deduct from your word count so if you do this make sure YOUR submission is 150+ words excluding the prompt.

PROMPT 1: Your player has died and been reincarnated in another world of your choosing. Unwilling to give up on your game, but finding it doesn't exist in your new world, you now need to introduce and grow the game of hockey in this alternate dimension!

WRITTEN TASK: Tell me how you would explain hockey to your friends in the other world? What do you use for gear? What do you use as a rink? Does it catch on? Would you change the rules? Go nuts!

GRAPHIC TASK: Show me your otherworldly hockey team, rink, equipment, whatever's most interesting to draw!

PROMPT 2: Isekai sucks as a rule, so you challenge Death to a hockey skills competition for the right to stay in your own world. Corre corre, gatito...

WRITTEN TASK: What skills competition do you think you can beat Death at? Why? Would you try to cheat, or just give it your best shot?

GRAPHIC TASK: Show me your hockey-battle with the Reaper!

You will receive 3 TPE for fulfilling all requirements.

All responses are due on Sunday, March 26th at 11:59 PST. NOTE: IF YOU SUBMIT/EDIT AFTER THE DEADLINE YOU WILL RECEIVE REDUCED/NO TPE.

Affiliate claims from either PBE or ISFL or WSLB or SSL are accepted; link directly to your post and note if your username is different there.

If you have any questions/concerns, please PM me. Tasks with malicious intent will not be graded. The graders reserve the right to determine malicious intent, after discussion with me. You will not be warned.

This task is for SHL players and send downs only, it is not for SMJHL rookies.

[Image: ZergRush.gif]

I think one of the hardest things that Melvin would have to contend with is the fact that he is a moose, first and foremost, so even if he were able to communicate with the humans of this other world, they may not necessarily understand him (and view him as a tasty snack). After, though, they realize that he is a friend and not food, he would definitely have a harder time showing these other-worlders how to play hockey. After all, he's on four feet, while they only have the two. I think Melvin would find a large stick, (which would later become his snack, to be fair), and he would just shove it into the hands of the other humans, and then mime trying to slap at a rock on the ground with his antlers or his hoof, and then urgently point to the others that are there. If it seems they don't understand, Melvin would eat the stick, find another one and start again. Eventually he'd make a net of leafy greens and stick one of the humans in front of it. It wouldn't be easy or glorious, but it would probably be satisfactory.

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[Image: lUeg4KM.png]

Prompt 1:

Pengu would absolutely struggle to describe hockey to anyone from this world, much less another world. He barely knows what hockey is as it is. The coach tells him to go smash things and slappy the puck towards the big scary net thing and thats what he does. Every single game day they struggle to get this penguin into his pads and helmet as he prefers to be in his natural state, so he would only be able to describe the gear as death traps meant to torture him and hole him against his will. They're tight and uncomfortable and Pengu would rather smash things the old fashioned way, without pads. The only gear that Pengu genuinely enjoys is the stick itself, which he would only be able to describe as a bludgeoning weapon. After all that is what he uses it for on the ice as he repeatedly bops players over the head with it. At the end of the day the people in this other world would only see hockey as a barbaric arena sport in which tortured souls beat each other with sticks.


Prompt 2.
Death was fast, silent and knew right where they needed to be to make sure Kyle didn’t score. It wasn’t a pleasant sight staring Death in the face, Kyle had a feeling the only way to win this game might be to do something Death wouldn’t expect. Using his speed he blasted from behind using his speed and stick handling to try and force Death into a mistake. WACK, Kyle’s crashes into the ground it did not look pretty, Death stood over Kyle saying it’s time to give up. Kyle got up and skated back to his zone messing with the puck and within a split second he used his edge work and bolted up the side to Death, could he have caught him off guard with this one, Death was fast so he tried to keep up with the speed of Kyle is just wasn’t enough by the time he caught up, Kyle said “Change the rule” and skated off.

[Image: Duga.gif]
Sig made by - @Ragnar or @XxCL16xX (if you made one for me let me know ill tag you)

Prompt #1, WC: 485, I literally wrote all of this myself, I swear.


Alright, so here we are, in Neo Seattle, where the only major difference is that everything is drenched in neon, capitalism has run rampant, and hockey is a sport that isn't real.

So let's talk rule changes.

1. There are Nine players per side in Neo Hockey, in two positions: offense and defense.
1a. The offensive team consists of nine players who each take a turn at "home plate," where they attempt to hit a ball in such a way that results in either a single play or a score.
1b. The defensive team consists of a pitcher, a catcher, three basemen (first, second, third), a shortstop (between second and third), and three outfields (left, center, right).
2. A single game lasts for nine total "innings."
2a. An "inning" consists of the attacking team attempting to score as much as possible while the defensive team attempts to get three "outs"
2a-1. An "out" is denoted by either three "strikes," a hit ball caught before it touches the ground (called a "fly out"), a "tagged" out, or a "forced" out.
2a-1a. A "strike" is defined as a pitch that falls within the "strike zone" on an attacker's body.
2a-1a-1. The "strike zone" is the space in which a pitch qualifies as a strike. It is typically denoted by the width of the plate and a height spanning from the knees to mid-torso of the batter.
2a-1b. A "tagged" out occurs when a defender is in possession of the ball and touches any part of a running attacker's body while he is not in contact with one of the four bases (first, second, third, home).
2a-1c. A "forced" out occurs when a defender is in possession of the ball and touches a base that the running attacker is mandated to run to (for example, with no attackers on a base, an attacker that makes contact must run to first base, and if the defender touches the base before him, he is considered "out.")
3. Any pitch that falls outside of the aforementioned "strike zone" (see 2a-1a-1a) is considered a "ball," and if a batting attacker reaches a count of four "balls," he is awarded a base as a result of the pitching attacker's incompetence.
4. A "run" is considered "scored" if a player successfully returns to "home base" without having been put "out."
5. When the defending team reaches "three outs" in an inning, the "top half" of an inning is considered complete, and the defending and attacking teams switch places, resulting in the defending team now attacking, and the attacking team now defending.
6. Teams are denoted as "home" and "away," and the "home team" shall always attack in the "bottom half" of an inning.
7. If the "home team" is winning at the end of the "top half" of the ninth inning, the match shall conclude post-haste.
8. The win condition for a match of Neo Hockey is one team having more scored runs than the other.

And that's Neo Hockey. Go Neo Argonauts.

[Image: MvfRxO2.png]
sigs by me bitch


Well I have no idea wtf prompt 2 says so im forced to do prompt 1 which I also don’t like. Enjoy my suffering-

Sydney Shaw was reincarnated and somehow against all odds remembers her past life in great detail. Also not sure how we would end up in another dimension but here we are. Sydney lived a good life, always caring for others. This ment she got reincarnated and someone powerful. Now she could use this position of power to “invent” the game of hockey. This world still had football and ice skating and lacrosse. They understood sports, just not this one. Sydney threw on some football gear, made a puck and stick, and put on a bike helmet. She filmed herself shooting the puck into her homeade net and skating around the ice, flawlessly controlling the puck. This video went viral and quickly took off. She was able to release the rule book and within 5 yrs we had collegiate hockey. 10 yrs gave us the original 6. History is doomed to repeat itself, even in another dimension.

155 words poorly written. Hope you enjoyed in my confusion.

[Image: badwolf221B42.gif]
[Image: DG0jZcS.png]

Prompt 1: It's game 7 in the Challenge Cup finals, 2-2 halfway through the 2nd period. Mat Smith sees a shot incoming, it flies straight into his mask, then darkness... He wakes up in a pool of water in a cave, surrounded by weird technology. Eventually he makes his way out of the tunnel, blinks a few times to let his eyes adjust to the light, and looks out in awe. He sees an expansive world, full of diverse nature, ruins, mountains, and valleys. He looks to his left to continue along the path, and the first person he sees is an old man sitting at a campfire. The old man remarks "that's strange, the last fellow who came out of this shrine wasn't wearing anything, never seen this suit of armour made of pillows before," and seems even more puzzled when Smith speaks back. He learns that he's found himself in the land of Hyrule, which has been thrown into ruin by a great calamity, and it's up to him to stop it since the previous hero failed. Smith thinks about it for awhile, and eventually decides that instead of doing that, he's going to make his way to a nearby town and teach some kids how to play hockey.

[Image: Mat10Man.gif]

PT Pass

[Image: Caleb_H.gif]
(This post was last modified: 03-21-2023, 10:12 AM by The__Y-man__100. Edited 1 time in total.)

Oles has faced many battles before. Him and his ancestors turned back the Russian federation from the homeland multiple times and have virtually gone up head to head with death throughout history. The Grim Reaper does not frighten Oles, for he has already faced a different incarnation of him and won. If Oles were to challenge the grim reaper to an ice hockey skills competition, he would choose a puck shooting accuracy contest. Oles believes that his precision and accuracy in targeting the goal post could be better than that of the grim reaper.Oles would not try to cheat because he believe that honesty and integrity are essential virtues. Moreover, cheating would not be fair to the grim reaper, and it would diminish the sense of accomplishment if he wins. Instead, he would give it his best shot and try to win with honour. Having been one of the best junior players ever and assisted in leading the Edmonton Blizzard past the first round of the playoffs for the first time in the last 5+ seasons, he is confident he can win

[Image: zcOwSzN.png] [Image: b1AwZLU.png]
First ever Yukon Malamute draft pick (1st overall S65)

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WRITTEN TASK: Tell me how you would explain hockey to your friends in the other world? What do you use for gear? What do you use as a rink? Does it catch on? Would you change the rules? Go nuts!

Ben Jammin wakes up back in the world of Bloons Tower Defense and is wondering why he is back home and not in the city of Chicago preparing for the season. Ben is looking on his phone and on news outlets as to why there's no mention anywhere about the game of hockey. He even asks his family and friends about hockey and they all answer him the same thing which is "what is hockey"? Everywhere Ben goes in his hometown there is nothing about the game of hockey and nobody knows what hockey is about. The game that Ben has loved ceases to exist in this world that Ben is now living in.

To educate the people in the world of Bloons, Ben opens up a hockey school and uses his own funds to build a local ice rink. He shows videos and highlights from the SHL to help explain what the game of hockey is about and how popular it is. 

After several months of teaching and educating, the citizens of Bloons catch on and the game of hockey is the top sport in the town!

(188 words)

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[Image: ju78wnC.png] [Image: KS8UYv9.png] [Image: zFE0mSA.png] [Image: snacnei.png] [Image: sXDU6JX.png]
Thank you @Stadacona for the Chaewon player sig!

Prompt 1

Okay well introducing the game of hockey into a completely new culture or world would be quite the task because let's face it, when looking at it from the outside it really doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Sticks and goals, sure, many sports have those things. But why do you need ice for it and why do you not have a ball but this weird flat thingy? It's tough because to an extent, those are the things that give the game its unique character, but getting rid of some of those or at least softening the requirements would make the game a lot more accessible for a lot of people in a lot of regions of the world. So let's get rid of the ice part, it's just too hard to implement and maintain if you don't happen to live in the Polar regions of your planet, and essentially have two versions of it: A skating version of it and a non-skating version, both of which can be played in normals gyms. Then get a ball in there instead of a puck and keep everything else more or less the same and voila!

Evan Winter
Edmonton Blizzard
Player Page - Update Page

[Image: winter-500.png]


[Image: JKortesi81.gif]

Update Page
Player Page

Prompt 1:

Alvin Wong has died, rest in peace. But for some reason or another he has been given a second chance to dominate at hockey. They hockey gods have allowed him to reincarnate to another world of his choosing. The world he chooses is exactly the same as the human world he had left, but instead, everyone and everything is robotic/synthetic. This robot world is highly focused on production and efficiency, so there is little to no time for fun or recreation. I sell the game of hockey in a way to the robot beings that the game will actually help test new systems for errors, and improve research and development for innovations in robotics. This new hockey game will be great, all players will have swappable gear/parts that will help them specialize in the game. Rocket skates, atomic powered sticks, nano technology protective equipment, you name it, it's in the game. Everything needed for the game can already be produced, and there are no restrictions on the new innovations that a player can have on their parts. I will be the new commissioner of the robot hockey league, Geary Robettman. This new hockey league is cut throat as everything is created for maximum efficiency and there is no room for errors. Every game would be a blood(oil?) bath as the more technologically advance team would destroy the other team. The league is the catalyst that propels the robot planet to dominate the entire galaxy and beyond.

Word count: 250

Yukon Malamutes Hall of Fame
[Image: NwdnVLP.png][Image: fDB9MNX.png] 
[Image: 3j8MIXU.png]
Granny Panpan Count: 258

PT pass

[Image: jay2233.gif]
Thanks to @Ragnar, @High Stick King and @Maxy for the sigs!

Raptors Argonauts 
[Image: m59RPb7.png][Image: FcWmVTl.png]

Explaining hockey to someone who has never heard of anything like it would be difficult. The first thing I would try to do is see if there’s any ice, or at least if the people around me have heard/seen ice. If not, then we go the ball hockey route.

However, assuming there is ice, then I have to try and move on to step 2. That’s going to be trying to explain how people are moving around on a large surface of ice. Trying to explain that it’s basically a boot with knives underneath and people using that to quickly glide around should be something. Imagine the look on their faces.

When it comes to gear, I would try to find some soft material, like use some pillows for the chest and use them to stuff the pants to make it protective if you fall. A bucket on the head for a helmet and some sort of plastic sheets for the shin pads. Once that’s all done I have to try to explain that you gotta take a small object and use only a thin stick to move it around and put it into a small net at the other end of the ice. If I could do all this, I would consider it a success for one day.

[Image: Otrebor13.gif]

[Image: 7MO9RpC.png]  [Image: gdppv5N.png]

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