Now that I've gone and checked what Isekai even is, I really do think it sucks so skills competition against Death itself it is. I'll get the question of whether to cheat or not to cheat out of the way: wee Viktor Hargreeves is too lawful good for anything but to put up a fair fight. Regardless of what Death does, we're playing this high stakes game squeaky clean. As for what hockey skills competition Vik would choose? I'm going to go ahead and say we're making a brand new one. Viktor isn't the fastest skater, nor is he the hardest shooter. You know what he is good at? Running away from the puck. Introducing to the universe for the first and probably only time ever: The Puck Run . Taking place on your standard issue SHL hockey rink, participants Viktor Hargreeves and Death will wait for a whistle before they take off in whichever direction they want, at whatever speed they prefer, all in a bid to dodge as many flying pucks as they can. The winner is simply whoever gets hit less.
Prompt 2: In a competition with Death to stay in world I think cheating would be almost mandatory. Or at least tricking. I would challenge him to a hardest hitting competition. Where we hit each other against the boards as hard as possible until one of us gives up. I am pretty tough so I believe I could take quite a beating. Also, even if I lose I get to go out beating the crap out of death, and that would be quite the story to tell. But my real plan would ask if I could hit him first, as he is Death and I would surely lose immediately. Death knowing this would let me have this final wish and allow it. My first hit would start the competition, and Death could not kill me until I gave up. I would then never throw that first hit to start the competition, thus never losing. Checkmate, Death.
The skills competition between Death versus Montagne will be one that Death will not win. He has to take a shootout challenge, he gets five shots and needs to score over 50% to win the challenge. Montagne however is almost a maxed out goaltender and no matter what Death will try to throw at her, there is almost no chance in hell that he will win. Death has never been on ice before, let alone held a hockey stick. He might be a fast learner due to his supernatural skills, but Montagne has some surprises of her own as a inhuman. So no matter what he tries, she will definitely in this challenge and send Death back right to where he belongs (and that is not on the ice!) So, this was an easier night for Montagne than the playoffs were, so hopefully this will be the start of a new chapter in Montagnes career, where things do come easier.
So the thing with Death is that I’ve seen Bill and Ted’s Bogus Journey, and I know how bad he is at board games, so it honestly shouldn’t take much. It’s never even been established that death knows how to ice skate, so I would assume the first thing I would face him in is a speed competition, since I doubt he could keep up with a professional hockey player. The next thing would be a shootout, as again I think that requires a higher degree of skill than something like hardest shot or even an accuracy challenge. I also wouldn’t do accuracy because Slavakov cant shoot for shit. I don’t think I would try to cheat because I’m pretty confident I could beat death in a fair one on one fight, and also, as they always say, you cant cheat death. But if Keanu Reeves and Alex Winter can beat death, why cant Slavakov?
hievements 5: Named Assistant Captain of Kelowna : Drafted 6 OA by Calgary : Named Captain of Kelowna
Hopefully we would be in a cold area with good frozen lakes. At first I would builds some skates for us out of boots and some scrap metal. I would then force my friends to get on the ice and try it. Teaching them slowly. Once they got the hang out it I would bring them for a skate around the lake, enjoying the wonderful views of the the surrounding areas and enjoying the cold air. After they were hooked on skating I would start crafting the sticks and painting the rink. I think the hardest thing to make would be the puck, we would use a round flat piece of wood at first. THen I would try to cut a puck out of a tire. It wouldnt be quite the same but i would do the job for now. For goalie pads i would just have them strap some cloth to their legs and hope and prey that we couldn't shoot that hard. I would get one of my bigger new friends to be in net.
In an interesting plot twist, Strom passes away at the end of his SHL tenure and wakes up finding himself transported back in time instead of waking in a completely different dimension. It's strange as the people talk funnier and are more proper. It definitely feels Victorian in nature, but almost earlier than that even. Cold equals north so obviously he would travel north and would begin pitching the idea of the game to people in advance of the weather turning cold so that there is actual ice to skate on. Everything would be wood based. Finding trees to cut sticks out of, and maybe even using hemp rope to make the netting as it would be semi-abundant in this age. Then all the padding would mostly be almost Division 5-esque. Pillowcases filled up with as much sheep wool as possible and then a layer of leather cow hide on top. The puck though, the puck would be a little more difficult. Rubber, especially vulcanized hard rubber isn't a known thing really yet so he would substitute it with the next best thing: A ball.
First thing you gotta do is find ice. Colder climate will be greatly beneficial to that. Once you have ice you can draw a picture in how the structure of the rink is. Explaining that this would be similar to an arena that the sport is played in. Next you need to build the rink and show them how to keep the ice smooth to skating on using water. Now the hard part is teaching them what skating is. You’ll need a boot with firm ankle support and will need to find a way to attach a double edged blade to it. Once this is constructed you can show them how to move around on the ice. Now all you need is to create goals, sticks and anything resembling a puck to shoot around with. It’s a step by step process but as people begin to learn to skate they will be receptive to the sport. Patience is key.
sebastien regazzoni is two things. he is a very fast very cocky hockey player with a good shot. he also talks a lot of shit and is confident in beating anybody who comes his way. so when death challenged regazzoni to a skills competition and even generously allowed regazzoni to pick the three skills they would compete in, sebastien knew immediately what he wanted to do. accuracy challenge, fastest skater, hardest shot. those three skills are the skills regazzoni, as a top prospect in the simulation major junior hockey league for the anchorage armada, knew he could beat death in. why? because he backed himself 100%. he outskated death and yelled at him the entire time, mocking the specter's lack of speed and POWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEER. during the accuracy competition, regazzoni completed it in 4 shots and a time of 6.9 seconds (nice). death did not complete it in that time. knowing that it was a best 2 out of 3 competition, regazzoni phoned it in for the hardest shot and lost (death's staggering 200 mph clapper was no match for regazzoni's feeble 100 mph). he proved that death was a lil wimp.
Let's start with the obvious choice here. My player is a goalie so I would challenge Death a.k.a. The Reaper or whatever you want to call him to a shootout competition, just as they have the exact same in a skills competition in various All-Star games. I would be in net and Death will have to try and score a goal. I would clearly have the advantage, because - have you seen the Reaper on skates before? Probably not. Death might be skilled using a scythe but can he hold a hockey stick properly? Doubtful. The cliché Reaper is probably all bones underneath that outfit, so I don't know how he's supposed to both skate and put any serious power behind the shot. I don't even know why we're still discussing this, but it would probably look very funny to whoever is watching this. I wouldn't even have to think about cheating.
Trying to play hockey with people who have never played it before would not be too bad.. I think you would start by finding a frozen lake that is thick enough to skate on. Making skates would be tricky, but maybe just attaching knives or small strips of sheet metal to the bottom of shoes would work for those. For sticks you could just use actual sticks. Time to go search the forest for the best sticks you can find. For pucks I would just use a ball, it may bounce all over the place but it's something, or use a 2 week old donut. Goalie gear would be interesting but I'm picturing basically what the goalie is wearing in the mighty ducks movie before they get real gear. Random kitchen oven mitts, pillows, maybe a strainer for face protection. Just whip some crap together. Once you get people liking hockey that's when the companies would get on board designing actual equipment for the game.
So prompt #1 & I guess it just depends which reality it is cause if an anime world then hell fucking yes we're having dramatic ice hockey anime. I feel like Isaac is probably one of the main evil early on villain players but at least this reality has it. In others? It probably has to be an improv version of field hockey. Sticks & a ball are way easier to get and have people invest in I feel than finding snow. Quite limited in a lot of nations shockingly.
Same rules unless we are in a reality where we can like mario party it & have blue shell like powerups. Sounds a tad like Bobble League on discord now but or Haxball or Rocket League now but not far off. Technically if I am the founder of the new ice hockey sport in this new reality I can be the governing body so I can organise crazy tournaments too! Assuming it gets popular at least. Maybe we settle for a mario party bonus game & work ourselves up from there.
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