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S70 PT#3: Let Ampersands and At-signs Fly

when i first got to Detroit i shared here that i was having a hard time with the leadership. one of the higher ups was bullying me since the draft. Always calling me names letting me know that i would never live up to expecations. We'll i proved them wrong but how did i handle it? obviously i used my power as a star player to try and get them fired. unfortunately Vax is still with the team but that is why i keep my consistent effort to write letters and call team ownership as often as possible to let them know this is unacceptable. I have even gone as far was the commish of the league to inform them of this injustice. I'm currently working on my latest single to help spread the awareness of the entire situation. the name is "when Vax attack" and i think it should be a radio hit soon.

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Nevek Kove is a skilled defenseman, known for his physical play and aggressive style. However, he often clashed with one of his teammates, a brash and cocky forward named Brendan Kennedy III. Brendan had a habit of needling Nevek during practices and games, taunting him and trying to get under his skin. Nevek tried to ignore him at first, but as the season wore on, Brendan's antics began to wear on him.During one particularly heated practice, Brendan started trash-talking Nevek, telling him that he was a liability on the ice and that the team would be better off without him. Nevek lost his temper and shoved Brendan, sparking a brawl on the ice. The coach quickly intervened and sent both players to the locker room, warning them that they needed to resolve their differences or risk being benched for the rest of the season. Feeling embarrassed and frustrated, Nevek decided to confront Brendan and try to work out their issues. They sat down in the locker room and talked things out, with Nevek explaining how Brendan's behavior was affecting him and Brendan admitting that he had been trying to provoke a reaction. After their talk, Nevek and Brendan were able to work together more effectively on the ice, with Brendan toning down his taunts and Nevek learning to stay focused and not let his emotions get the best of him.In the end, the team was able to make a good start with the current season, with Nevek and Brendan playing important roles in their success. And while they may not have been the best of friends, Nevek and Brendan were able to respect each other's skills and work together for the good of the team.

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ISFL affiliate

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credit to Qwest

Emotions have never been higher for the Philadelphia Forge in the Simulation Hockey League. This season has seen strong performances on the ice, but big points of contention, competition and a locker room that sometimes gets over zealous. You see, Igor Victory, left forward for the Philadelphia Forge in the Simulation Hockey League has been at it with the equipment intern, Jerry Gergich. You see, Jerry Gergich happened to fall face forward into this internship. Having just recently retired, he was at home relaxing. Often oil painting, or reading a good book in the bathtub. His daughter started dating the physiotherapist for the Philadelphia Forge in the Simulation Hockey League. He knew they were looking for someone to help with clerical work tracking equipment and players needs. So he asked his girlfriends father if he wanted to help. While Larry didn't want to help originally, his wife, Gayle, told him it good for him to get out of the house a bit, and it'll help with his daughter. So he joined onboard. Second day comes and Jerry found himself getting a promotion out of necessity. Since then Terry, the most agile, nimble and athletic man, has been a bumbling idiot at the rink. Igor got so frustrated he yelled at him and told him he needs to figure it out. Luckily aftert hat happened, the equipment team finally was able to hire a new equipment director and Jerry could go back to clerical work. Feeling bad, Igor took Gary out for ice cream.

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render cred: @rum_ham, @Rangerjase @Ragnar @supertardis101 @Jogurtaa @Drokeep @evilallbran @Carpy48 @enigmatic
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The only thing that really gets under Darnell's skin these days is when somebody comes in and messes up the pre-game jams. There's a meticulously curated playlist that Darnell subjects the rest of the team to before every game and practice. The tempos of these songs have been carefully counted and monitored, and the songs are organized in a way so that the tempo naturally ebbs and flows, and culminates in its highest intensity just before the game begins. In theory, anyway. Sometimes some jabrony will come by and skip a song, and that really throws things off. Sometimes someone will "accidentally" hit shuffle on spotify and really throw a wrench in things. One time someone even hit the "enhanced shuffle" option, and spotify began introducing brand new, unapproved, unvetted songs into the playlist. Simply unacceptable. To compromise, Darnell has now made it so that every Friday his teammates are allowed to play ONE song each that they like, that way there's less temptation to mess with the jams on game days.

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PT pass - Simmer

Drafted 2nd round 21st Pick by the Winnipeg Jets in S55 SHL Entry Draft 
GM of the UCORCAL in the WJC S55
S55 WJC Gold Medalist GM/Player for UCORCAL
Management Role for Russia in the IIHF
Recent Management Role / Head Coach for Winnipeg Aurora in SHL 
CO-GM St. Louis Scarecrows S57-S60
GM of the St. Louis Scarecrows S61-S72
S72 Challenge Cup Champion
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For this one, we're gonna take it all the way back to the S62 SHL draft. Leading up to the draft, Sconnie McHits made it a point to personally reach out to representatives for every SHL team, whether they had a pick to take him with or not. He did this as a way to get to know GMs and get to know more folks around the league, as well as obviously see where he might go or where he might fit in. A particular team showed a fair amount of interest, however their GM told McHits that he would be a risky pick in the draft and that they were worried about him burning out on hockey. To say Sconnie took that personally would be an understatement. McHits requested that this team not draft him, and used this as a chip on his shoulder, a chip that would last for his entire career. To be fair, that team made out extremely well in the draft, but having had a pretty good career himself, I'm sure they may look back on that one as a minor miss.

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Urtles negotiating his next contract with the Steelhawks
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 Timber Steelhawks norway norway Steelhawks Timber  
Knights  Renegades norway   norway Renegades Knights

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The only method that Minamino took to ensure that he wouldn't be dragged down by an unknown source of negative energy for him was to ensure that there could be zero stimulus or interaction perceived by the other party. What is meant by that is that there would be little to no opportunity for the other person to even be seen or heard by Minamino. This would include purposeful use of blindfolds on team flights and rides. Whenever Minamino would be in the locker room and even on the ice, he would be wearing noise cancelling headphones. It got to be difficult because it meant that he was also filtering out the rest of the organization, but a stare by him when you tried to make a move on taking his headphones off was akin to trying to take away a dog's favorite toy away from them. You knew that you were just better off letting this continue no matter how weird it ended up being.

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The biggest fight my player has had with another teammate has been with former starter goalier for the Philadelphia Forge Scoochie. Scoochie loves talking smack and teasing every player on the team, but specifically rookies. On my players first year he was going through a rough patch and scoochie kept hounding him for his play. So my player did what any normal person would do and challenge scoochie to a best out of 5 shootout. Of course, scoochie being the terrible goalie he is, lost not only the first 3 but the other extra 2 as well. Being a sore loser, scoochie dropped his gloves and proceeded to get drilled to the ice by my player, resulting in a scuffle that everyone was glad to see. Scoochie had to sit the next game and our back up Base pack came in and won the starting job immediately. After that situation scoochie and my player became close friends

Raptors Raptors  Raptors Raptors Raptors Raptors

Forge Forge Forge Forge Forge Forge 

Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany 

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Written task:
As said previously, Edžus Ozolins is a team player first, and the rest is secondary to what he thinks he should bring to the team. With that in mind, he would totally try to work things out with whoever he’s having a problem with, whatever the issue is. Whether it's because of linemates, time of ice or simply a bad interaction, Ozolins will not hesitate to apologize and try to make up for whatever mistake he's made, which can cause others to try using him. However, just because he's able to apologize does not mean he cannot call your name out if you even dare try to use him. So while Edžus will do anything for the team, even apologizing when he himself did nothing, not to cause any distractions for the team, he can easily turn the tables around by chatting a bit with a journalist for some crunchy details considering the rebellious player if it goes too far.

Kaapo Kampainen's initial reaction was to ask for the team's color commentator to be fired with immediate effect. However, as it was explained to Kaapo, he is beloved by fans all around and has a good reputation around the league, so that is just plain impossible. Kaapo knew he had to be more realistic and asked for an on air apology, which was, once again, refused. He asked for him to give money to Kaapo's charity, but he refused, saying he was broke due to Kaapo scoring a goal. The higher ups decision ultimately was to shoot a commercial with both of them to show there is no bad blood and it's all water under the bridge as the team wants to show a united front ahead of the playoffs. Kaapo wasn't particularly happy about that, but he took the high road and didn't let it show. The commercial will be awkward to shoot, but he knows it's ultimately for the common good.

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