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S70 Championship Week
(This post was last modified: 05-11-2023, 04:03 PM by tweedledunn. Edited 1 time in total.)

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1.5 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.


7. Milestones, up to 3 TPE

Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 7 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.

claim 3

6. Written, 2 TPE, Hopeful Haiku  (5 words min.)
Write a haiku telling me what you hope to accomplish in Season 71! A haiku is a three line poem where the first line is five syllables, the second is seven, and the third line is five again. None of your lines may rhyme with each other.

Sticks clash, bodies slide,
Zamboni shaves the ice's pride,
Slapshot missed, fan's wide-eyed.

[Image: fm4oNHu.png]    Aurora  norway  Raptors     [Image: YHC5qMO.png]
[Image: 47986_s.gif]

(This post was last modified: 05-11-2023, 04:38 PM by CementHands. Edited 1 time in total.)

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1.5 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.




2. Written, up to 4 TPE - Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. Winnipeg made the finals last year and came up just short against the Forge. Last year, their offense ran through Mikko Rashford - this year, their top line has been much more of a balanced attack, with Gonzo Gobbledygook and Lias Ekholm-Gunnarsson stepping up hard. Does this make Winnipeg a stronger team, or would it be better to spread this firepower out and run multiple scoring lines?
I think it’s definitely best to spread the offense. I think it’s definitely possible to match lines and shut down one line, and if there is only one scoring threat and you can minimize it, then I think the odds are in your favor. If you spread out your weapons, then the other team needs to spread out their defense and if you are capable all you need is one line to go off. 74 Words
b. New England finds themselves in a similar situation to Winnipeg's last year: star winger Petr Svoboda has an absurd 30 points in 23 playoff games at the time this is posted. 18 of those are goals, 12 are assists: how do you shut this guy down?
Honestly I don’t know. I guess you could try to send out one of your best players to try and slash him hard enough to break his arm or something. He’s on fire. You need to smother him. Hit him at every chance you can get, you’ll take penalties and give them an advantage, but you have to try to knock him off his streak.
65 Words
c. Olof Karsikko has made 823 saves in these playoffs, nearly twice the number of saves made by Winnipeg's Rebecca Montagne. What can New England do to help their tendie out? Or should they settle on a strategy of allowing their goalie to face a high volume of low-danger shots to get in the zone and stay hot? Alternatively, how can they rattle Montagne?
Similar to the last point, run him. Get in his face at every opportunity, see how many times you can him in the face with a shot. Anything to rattle the goalie. He’s had a ton of work throughout the playoffs and has to be tired. Keep slinging pucks, make him get out of the net to play pucks, and make him feel your pressure.
65 Words
d. If it ain't broke don't fix it: Who you got? Who wins? Why?
I got New England. Obviously, I’m writing this in hindsight. It was as I hear a thrilling finale, and the site will be painted green shortly. New England went through us, and I’m a homer for my team, but we just finished top seed in the regular season, and I think we were a strong pick to repeat as champs. They beat us, so we lose directly to the champions.
70 Words


3. Written, 3 TPE, History Repeating (150 words min.)
Tell me about something good that happened in your SHL career which you hope will happen again! What is it, what will it look like? Did it happen to your current player or one of your former players? What can you do to stack the odds in your favor?

Well, one thing that would definitely be amazing to repeat with Barca is s58 winning the Mexico with Krash. That was the first season we made the playoffs, and the grind was real, the whole team was gelling and excited about the streams and it was down to the final game of the season to get into the playoffs for the first time ever, and to clinch the goal title.
Now, Barca won’t be getting points leads, but as a defender there is a good chance that with a good team with him he might be able to take and hold the lead one season for D. That’s the first step, if his other stats are great then I think there is a chance at a nomination in one of the seasons. That would be awesome.
However, the main goal is to win a cup. SHL championship and IIHF gold are both left on the table and I would absolutely love to accomplish those feats with Barca.

167 Words


6. Written, 2 TPE, Hopeful Haiku  (5 words min.)
Write a haiku telling me what you hope to accomplish in Season 71! A haiku is a three line poem where the first line is five syllables, the second is seven, and the third line is five again. None of your lines may rhyme with each other.

One Thousand Points-Earned
Building into dynasty
Double digit goals


7. Milestones, up to 3 TPE

Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 7 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.


Milestone Claim - 3 TPE

17. Written, 2 TPE - The Procrastinator Special! (100 words min.)
Congratulations, procrastinator!  Through my most gracious scheduling error, you’ve won a special task! [TEAM] has won it all! Were the playoffs as you expected this year, or were there some surprises? Who were you hoping would take it - Winnipeg's redemption tour or the fresh-faced Wolfpack? What did you like or not like about this season?

This playoffs definitely had a lot to it! Obviously sad that my rookie season fell short in the Conference finals, but if you are going to lose it might as well be to the champions. Congrats to the Wolfpack. I can’t imagine how Winnipeg is feeling. I do think they were the overall favorites, both during the season, and in the playoffs. It’s tough being the top overall team, maneuvering the cap to get you in the best possible situation and falling short. I’ve been there, I feel that. But being up 3-1 in the finals and failing to clinch has to sting. I think Winnipeg will get one or 2 more reasonable shots, but I think their chances are starting to run.

123 Words


17 / 16 TPE

[Image: krash.gif]

[Image: kLRJavo.png][Image: ZjgHcNL.png]

[Image: s9JOf1N.png][Image: wW0VNnL.png]
(This post was last modified: 05-11-2023, 06:20 PM by Ohtaay.)

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1.5 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

Verification: oats


2. Written, up to 4 TPE - Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. Winnipeg made the finals last year and came up just short against the Forge. Last year, their offense ran through Mikko Rashford - this year, their top line has been much more of a balanced attack, with Gonzo Gobbledygook and Lias Ekholm-Gunnarsson stepping up hard. Does this make Winnipeg a stronger team, or would it be better to spread this firepower out and run multiple scoring lines?
b. New England finds themselves in a similar situation to Winnipeg's last year: star winger Petr Svoboda has an absurd 30 points in 23 playoff games at the time this is posted. 18 of those are goals, 12 are assists: how do you shut this guy down?
c. Olof Karsikko has made 823 saves in these playoffs, nearly twice the number of saves made by Winnipeg's Rebecca Montagne. What can New England do to help their tendie out? Or should they settle on a strategy of allowing their goalie to face a high volume of low-danger shots to get in the zone and stay hot? Alternatively, how can they rattle Montagne?
d. If it ain't broke don't fix it: Who you got? Who wins? Why?

A) This is very interesting, and it is shaped up to closely represent how the Edmonton Oilers of the NHL work. When you have players that play that well together it is hard to split them up since they are so dominate. That being said, splitting them does allow them to cause miss matches in line matching. Being an oiler fan, you always prefer option 2, but it is hard to ignore when option one scores so much.

B) It is hard, there is no simple way which is why he is preforming so well to this point. You can try to run your top defensive line against him, and ensure they just play solid defensive hockey. You don't expect the line to score, just limit the chances they give up. However, that means that line is spending more time on the ice, you often have to go top line vs top line and hope your line wins the battle.

C) Well he is facing a lot of shots, but he is keeping them out of the net. This is a mixture of a hot goalie, and playing on the top of his game. But also New England limiting the high danger shots, and giving up the secondary shots and the shots from the outside. I think New England has a good mixture right now, and they need to keep Winnipeg to the outside, as you know Winnipeg can score a lot of goals fast.

D) I always like to pull for the under dog, which is why I am going to pick New England. Now don't get me wrong, New England is a very good team in their own right, but Winnipeg is scoring goals like crazy and went on heater to finish the season. I think New England has a little more pride coming out of their rebuild and they really want to show off and show the league they are not to be pushed over or walked on.


3. Written, 3 TPE, History Repeating (150 words min.)
Tell me about something good that happened in your SHL career which you hope will happen again! What is it, what will it look like? Did it happen to your current player or one of your former players? What can you do to stack the odds in your favor?

My career started off really hot, winning the four star cup in junior, then while playing in the juniors world cup winning mvp for the tournament. Being drafted in the first round was a great accomplishment as well. My SHL career started off hot, winning the Jesster award was awesome and I owe a lot to my line mates and GM Pouli. Texas would complete the rebuilt and we would go to win not one, but two challenge cups! Which I will never forget, as we truly had a great group of people on the team. I would then move on to Texas, and register my first only 100 point season which at the time was huge, but is happening by more and more players now every season. I would win the Darr award which is also sitting in my trophy case. So with everything happening, I would be happy if any of those events happened again. I am not picky. (161 words)


14. Written, 3 TPE, IIHF Analysis (150 words min.)
Write your predictions for this year's IIHF tournament or WJC! Tell me about your team! How far do you realistically expect to go this year? What nations do you want to match up against, and which do you dread? What are your expectations for your player?

I don't think there will be much change in the overall standings for IIHF. Sure there is always sim luck that could change the outcome, and move a couple teams up or down. However, IIHF usually follows the averages pretty closely due to larger nations being on the top. Smaller nations struggle as they do not get new recruits, while bigger nations just sit there and wait for new players to sign up. This is why I don't think we will see much change from the top nations. Canada will always be a strong nation, Finland is another strong team, in which you can throw Sweden in there with them as well. The one nation which is an outlier is Japan, as they are often a strong team as well. But as we've seen many teams are facing GM issues, so it will be interesting to see how that plays out. So essentially yes, I think that was an anomaly and we will see the top nations back on top shortly. That being said, I hope France can make a splash in the standings this year, last tournament was a rough one, but we definitely have the players that we need to hopefully make it to the podium.
208 words

+2 TPE - Milestones


17. Written, 2 TPE - The Procrastinator Special! (100 words min.)
Congratulations, procrastinator!  Through my most gracious scheduling error, you’ve won a special task! [TEAM] has won it all! Were the playoffs as you expected this year, or were there some surprises? Who were you hoping would take it - Winnipeg's redemption tour or the fresh-faced Wolfpack? What did you like or not like about this season?

Honestly pretty surprised New England made it to the end, then won it all. New England was a good team, and I guess they have a similar story line to when Philly won it all. They were not the favorite, and went up against a much better team. However their roster had the will to pull it off. It makes me wonder, as Chicago had a close playoff run against Winnipeg in the second round. What if Chicago beat Winnipeg, would we have beat New England? It only hurts to think like that. So congrats to New England on their series win and being the under dog in the series. (110 words)


[Image: Oats.gif]

[Image: 401.png] [Image: S42cup1.png] [Image: r-Wt4-AB350oooo.png][Image: WuTGq5J.png][Image: XUMDqMO.png]
(This post was last modified: 05-11-2023, 10:05 PM by Ferda. Edited 6 times in total.)

Quote:1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1.5 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

3. Written, 3 TPE, History Repeating (150 words min.)
Tell me about something good that happened in your SHL career which you hope will happen again! What is it, what will it look like? Did it happen to your current player or one of your former players? What can you do to stack the odds in your favor?

Billy Herrington is a young forward in the Simulation Hockey League who's a big fan of Augustus Wang, a former star defenseman who once scored four goals in a single game. That's an impressive achievement, and it's one that Billy would love to replicate. Of course, scoring four goals in a game is no easy feat, but Billy's not one to back down from a challenge. He's been putting in the work to improve his skills, hitting the ice hard and practicing his shooting accuracy, stickhandling, and speed. He's also been watching the top goal scorers in the league and taking notes on their gameplay. But what Billy admires most about Augustus Wang is his leadership skills. Wang was more than just a talented player; he was a mentor and a role model to his teammates. Billy hopes to follow in his footsteps and be a positive influence on his own team. The SHL is a competitive league, and there's no shortage of talented players who are also gunning for that four-goal game. But Billy's confident in his abilities and determined to make his mark. He knows that with hard work, dedication, and a bit of luck, he might just achieve his dream of scoring four goals in a game and becoming a leader like Augustus Wang. All in all, Augustus Wang's impressive career and his four-goal game have inspired many young players like Billy Herrington to aim high and push themselves to be the best they can be.

Quote:4. Written, 3 TPE, Dream Series (150 words min.)
Many teams have rivals they'd love to trounce in a playoff series. Maybe you as a player have another specific player you'd love to beat to win the cup and lord it over them for the rest of their lives. Tell me who you'd love to play in a playoff series and why! Why would you love to beat this team or player? What would it mean to you or your team? Keep it friendly.
I gotta say, there's no one in the hockey world that I'd love to take down more than Gabriel Johnson. This dude has been a thorn in my side since we were kids, always pushing me to my limits on the ice. There's just something about him that gets under my skin, you know? If I could choose anyone to face off against in a playoff series, it would definitely be Gabriel. It's not like I have any personal vendetta against the guy or anything, but it's like we have this unspoken rivalry that just can't be ignored. I know I'm not the only one who feels this way, either - my teammates are always hyped up when we're playing against Gabriel's team. If we could beat Gabriel's team in a playoff series, it would mean everything to us. We've been working so hard all season, putting in the time and effort to get this far. Taking down our arch nemesis would be the cherry on top, the ultimate validation for all our hard work. Plus, let's be real - it would feel pretty damn good to finally get one over on Gabriel. But at the end of the day, it's all just friendly competition, right? I'm not looking to start any fights or be disrespectful. I have a lot of respect for Gabriel as a player, even if he does get on my nerves sometimes. It's just part of the game.

Quote:5. Written, 3 TPE, Blood on the Ice (150 words min)
Continuing with the branding wars: this year's final features the return of the glowing bear god against a fresh opponent - a mighty wolfpack! This one seems slanted in the bear god's favor, but don't count the wolves out so easily! Tell me who wins and why! The arena and the rules of the fight can be whatever you desire. Get creative!
In the depths of the forest, a glowing bear god lived a peaceful life. One day, a pack of mighty wolves entered its territory and challenged it to a fight. The bear god accepted the challenge, and they agreed to a one-on-one battle in an open arena in the forest. The first wolf stepped forward, snarling and baring its teeth. The bear god tried to dodge its attack, but the wolf was too quick and landed a fierce blow, sending the bear god to the ground. The second wolf stepped up, and the bear god tried to regain its strength, but it was too late. The wolf attacked relentlessly, and the bear god couldn't keep up. It was defeated by the second wolf, and the creatures of the forest were shocked. The third wolf stepped up, and the bear god was exhausted from the previous battles. The wolf sensed its opportunity and charged at the bear god, dealing the final blow. The bear god fell to the ground, defeated and humiliated. The wolf pack emerged victorious, and the creatures of the forest were terrified. The wolves had proven their strength and dominance, and no one dared to challenge them again. From that day on, the wolves ruled the forest, and the bear god was forgotten. The creatures of the forest lived in fear of the wolf pack, and no one could stop them from doing as they pleased. And so, the legend of the glowing bear god faded away, and the wolves became the new rulers of the forest.

Quote:6. Written, 2 TPE, Hopeful Haiku (5 words min.)
Write a haiku telling me what you hope to accomplish in Season 71! A haiku is a three line poem where the first line is five syllables, the second is seven, and the third line is five again. None of your lines may rhyme with each other.

Jeffie forty three
Bring this man to my team please
Fire team needs cheats


Quote:7. Milestones, up to 3 TPE

Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 7 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.
Milestones (+3 TPE)

[Image: image.png]
[Image: dankestmemes69420.gif]

[Image: vhY18i8.png] [Image: gs89eGV.png] [Image: nBgNUTY.png]
Armada        Canada        Stampede
Falcons        Usa

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1.5 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

VW: Snipes

7. Milestones, up to 3 TPE

Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 7 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.

Link to claim in Milestones Post: +3 TPE

[Image: dZqcwmW.jpg?format=webp&width=710&height=473]

Grizzlies      S76 SMJHL DRAFT 3RD OVERALL PICK      Grizzlies
Argonauts        S77 SHL DRAFT 4TH OVERALL PICK          Argonauts
norway                     IIHF TEAM NORWAY                       norway

S70 Championship Week

Quote:1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1.5 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.


Quote:2. Written, up to 4 TPE - Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. Winnipeg made the finals last year and came up just short against the Forge. Last year, their offense ran through Mikko Rashford - this year, their top line has been much more of a balanced attack, with Gonzo Gobbledygook and Lias Ekholm-Gunnarsson stepping up hard. Does this make Winnipeg a stronger team, or would it be better to spread this firepower out and run multiple scoring lines?
b. New England finds themselves in a similar situation to Winnipeg's last year: star winger Petr Svoboda has an absurd 30 points in 23 playoff games at the time this is posted. 18 of those are goals, 12 are assists: how do you shut this guy down?
c. Olof Karsikko has made 823 saves in these playoffs, nearly twice the number of saves made by Winnipeg's Rebecca Montagne. What can New England do to help their tendie out? Or should they settle on a strategy of allowing their goalie to face a high volume of low-danger shots to get in the zone and stay hot? Alternatively, how can they rattle Montagne?
d. If it ain't broke don't fix it: Who you got? Who wins? Why?
a. In a real life scenario, the coach is spreading it out, not one on each line but maybe moving one to the second line, at first. If it starts to not work out or they are down at the end of the game, they are all coming out on the same line.

b. Usually, a team will have a more defensive shut down type of line, a lot of times its the third line but it can be pretty much any line. The line usually has a solid two-forward that plays more on the defensive side and their goal is to be out there as much as possible when Petr Svoboda is on the ice shadowing them. Could also be a certain defensive pairing and not an offensive line or could be both! Also need your goalie to be your best defensive player.
c. You want to do whatever you can to help out your goalie. I do not think letting them face that many shots, even if they are low-danger, they are still shots and you are not going to score unless you are shooting the puck. Doesn't matter how the goal went in, it's still a goal! To rattle the opposing goalie is to do just this, keep shooting and trying to screen as much as possible. Make their life difficult on the ice!
d. I am going with the Winnipeg Aurora on this one. New England made a very bold statement during the season that they belong, but I am going with Winnipeg on this one. I went with them last season too, but they fell short to a very good Philadelphia Forge, who the Wolfpack had to get through to face Winnipeg in the finals. Beating the reigning champs may just gave them the extra edge they needed to win it all.

Quote:3. Written, 3 TPE, History Repeating (150 words min.)

Tell me about something good that happened in your SHL career which you hope will happen again! What is it, what will it look like? Did it happen to your current player or one of your former players? What can you do to stack the odds in your favor?

Not so much it happening in Bnana NWaffles' SHL career but happening in his SMJHL career, that he wishes to have in his SHL career as well. This feat or good thing that happened to him was in third season with the Detroit Falcons, and it was not only winning the cup but also being the best player in the league and winning a lot of awards that he dreamed of! This has happened to my current player, and I wish it happened to my previous player, but they did win a cup with Detroit and one award (Most Improved Player). This past season, season 70, was a step in the right direction for NWaffles. Was able to get some points in tough league, on a team that is part of the bottom half and must play one of the top teams in the league many times. Just need to keep it going, improvement every season, put in the work, gel with teammates as the team as a whole is getting new players and better, and the pieces will eventually fall into place!

Quote:6. Written, 2 TPE, Hopeful Haiku  (5 words min.)

Write a haiku telling me what you hope to accomplish in Season 71! A haiku is a three line poem where the first line is five syllables, the second is seven, and the third line is five again. None of your lines may rhyme with each other.
Slapshot echoes loud,
Ice rink gleams beneath the lights,
Hockey dreams take flight.

Quote:7. Milestones, up to 31 TPE

Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 7 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.
Bnana's S70 Milestones 1 TPE

Quote:17. Written, 2 TPE - The Procrastinator Special! (100 words min.)

Congratulations, procrastinator!  Through my most gracious scheduling error, you’ve won a special task! [TEAM] has won it all! Were the playoffs as you expected this year, or were there some surprises? Who were you hoping would take it - Winnipeg's redemption tour or the fresh-faced Wolfpack? What did you like or not like about this season?
I will be completely honest; it went about how I for saw that it would. Well on one side of the bracket, definitely not on the other. Pretty sure I had New England Wolfpack losing in the second round, not the first I knew they had that in them but yeah probably the second round. For Winnipeg I had them going to the finals again and winning it all, or as it was stated "Redemption Tour". They had their goalie stand on their head again for the team and had a great season and got more fire power from more than one forward, but again came up short. Maybe next season!

[Image: BnanaNWaffles.gif]
Sig by @Ragnar / Avatar by @leviadan
[Image: lIYTYDN.png]  [Image: qtbn8zh.png]  [Image: wu5MVvy.png]
(This post was last modified: 05-13-2023, 01:34 AM by natedoeshockey. Edited 9 times in total.)

1.CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1.5 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.


+3 TPE

3. Written, 3 TPE, History Repeating (150 words min.)

Tell me about something good that happened in your SHL career which you hope will happen again! What is it, what will it look like? Did it happen to your current player or one of your former players? What can you do to stack the odds in your favor?

Patya want for talk about this season and how Patya am score very many goals for New Orleans Ghostmans! Patya finally am have season of much scoring, but Patya would like for this to happen again. The reason Patya much excited for play so well is Patya finally make it for All-Star team! This one of Payta's many dreams for playing of the ice hockeys in SHL! Patya not be understanding what is mean of former player, because Patya am only player that is Patya. This much confusing, maybe some explain for Patya. Anyway, Patya thinking if train hard, Patya can repeat this or maybe be even better in near future. Patya having years left on contract and Patya expect for continue play well, and sign more deal after if wheels not coming off, as you say in America. Patya not see ending in sight yet, so keep playing to best of ability!

+3 TPE

4. Written, 3 TPE, Dream Series (150 words min.)

Many teams have rivals they'd love to trounce in a playoff series. Maybe you as a player have another specific player you'd love to beat to win the cup and lord it over them for the rest of their lives. Tell me who you'd love to play in a playoff series and why! Why would you love to beat this team or player? What would it mean to you or your team? Keep it friendly.

Patya want for speak about rival that Patya and New Orleans Ghostmans am been having for a while now. Everyone probably know this coming, but biggest rival is Chicago Mafiamans. It seeming to Patya like every season of ice hockeys, Mafiamans and Ghostmans am fighting for first or second in division, based on how teams am doing that season. Then, without fail, Patya am noticing that it seeming like also every season, Mafiamans and Ghostmans am playing in first round of playoffs. Now, Patya am knowing is impossible for these teams for play against each other in cup final, but that is okay. Patya just want for dominate them in playoffs every season. So far, Patya am pretty sure Mafiamans am getting best of Ghostmans, but Patya play harder for change this outcome from now on. Patya having many respects for Mafiamans, but competition is competition, and Patya am playing to win!

+3 TPE

6. Written, 2 TPE, Hopeful Haiku  (5 words min.)

Write a haiku telling me what you hope to accomplish in Season 71! A haiku is a three line poem where the first line is five syllables, the second is seven, and the third line is five again. None of your lines may rhyme with each other.

Will be winning
Much wanting for lifting Cup
Am make it happen

+2 TPE

7. Milestones, up to 3 TPE

Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 7 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.

Milestones Link

+3 TPE

17. Written, 2 TPE - The Procrastinator Special! (100 words min.)

Congratulations, procrastinator!  Through my most gracious scheduling error, you’ve won a special task! [TEAM] has won it all! Were the playoffs as you expected this year, or were there some surprises? Who were you hoping would take it - Winnipeg's redemption tour or the fresh-faced Wolfpack? What did you like or not like about this season?

Wowie! Patya much surprising that New England Wolves am winning cup! Patya would say this not expected, but Patya am keep expecting for Bearmans to win cup, but is keep not happening! Patya thinking Bearmans am "wagon" as teammates am call it. Is much surprising they not winning it all! Patya like for see New England Wolfmans do well and win it all because they am not been much good lately but am rebuild and come back many strongs! Patya admire abitlity for team and management to accomplish this because in brief glimpses Patya am have of this, is not much easy to do! Patya am saying well done New England Wolfmans!

+2 TPE

TOTAL: 16/16 TPE

Lore: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
[Image: 65011_s.gif]
[Image: Eo2nBCt.png]   [Image: HKi05IH.png]   [Image: gs89eGV.png]



2. Written, up to 4 TPE - Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
d. If it ain't broke don't fix it: Who you got? Who wins? Why?
(1 TPE)
d. Look, I am from the future and I know the results don't go my way but I am team Winnipeg 100%.  It makes me happy to see them have success even though it never came during my time.  Much of my success came in the IIHF and pumping up my overall stats, but my most memorable time in the actual SHL was going to the finals with Winnipeg early in my career.

5. Written, 3 TPE, Blood on the Ice (150 words min)
Continuing with the branding wars: this year's final features the return of the glowing bear god against a fresh opponent - a mighty wolfpack! This one seems slanted in the bear god's favor, but don't count the wolves out so easily! Tell me who wins and why! The arena and the rules of the fight can be whatever you desire. Get creative!

It's the glowing bear god for me.  Not just a win, but the bear god in 4, clean sweep of this trivial fight.  To be honest, you are just throwing in "mighty" to make it seem like less of a trouncing.  A normal bear will win against a normal wolfpack.  A bear god will make quick work of a normal wolfpack.  They would have a better chance in this fight if they were wolf pups trying to win a cuteness contest.

How can we try to make this a more fair fight? You really can't unless we are talking about starting the bear god in hibernation mode and gives the wolfpack blessed bear spray coming out as farts.  Normal bear spray would not be enough, you need the extra oomph of a blessing to have any effect.  And it has to come out as farts because the wolfpack will be running away.  Even then, bear god in 6.

6. Written, 2 TPE, Hopeful Haiku  (5 words min.)
Write a haiku telling me what you hope to accomplish in Season 71! A haiku is a three line poem where the first line is five syllables, the second is seven, and the third line is five again. None of your lines may rhyme with each other.

Season seven-one
Slip McScruff keeps lacing up
Career halfway done

7. Milestones, up to 3 TPE

Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 7 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.



14. Written, 3 TPE, IIHF Analysis (150 words min.)
Write your predictions for this year's IIHF tournament or WJC! Tell me about your team! How far do you realistically expect to go this year? What nations do you want to match up against, and which do you dread? What are your expectations for your player?

I haven't really paid a ton of attention to the IIHF recently.  It's kind of surprising to see my old team USA at the bottom of the pile 2 years in a row.  I looked back to one of my gold medal teams (S53) and see our applied TPE was worse than the bottoming out S69 roster.  This most recent roster has four skaters at a higher TPE than our highest back then (Lil Manius at 1508) and we each only had 4 players below 800.

Popping open the other teams, I see a 50% team now is comparable to my old champions while a 50% team then had only four skaters above 1000 TPE.  It seems like the game has changed a lot since then and I don't envy the new federation head.  People always had really high expectations of the big two Canada / USA federations which got a lot of talent by default.  I think it's realistic to still expect at least a 50% result for team USA with this roster.  But these days I'm just checking in from the golf course.

15. Written, 3 TPE, Teams Can Be Rivers Now? (150 words min.)
Since Team Rhine is now a thing in the Juniors wing of the IIHF, name a geographical feature, such as a river, mountain, plateau, or your mother, that should be the next to have a team! Why does this feature deserve a team, like the Rhine? How good would this team be? Would you transfer to it?

To be honest I think the feature that is most deserving of a team is like a really cool tree.  I think you can really do a lot with the branding and a lot of people can claim to be from tree.  Trees cover many different biomes although the trees may be a bit different.  Consider that every player can wear a patch that symbolizes the biome they are from.  Some might have cacti (dessert tree) and some may have a sweet old oak.

Besides making for a marketable team, I think trees have given us a lot.  Think of all the houses that you have seen made of wood.  Did you know that wood comes from trees?  Think of old school sticks, they are made of wood.  Again, that wood most likely came from a tree.  However, we do our best to steer the branding away from natural disasters like wildfires and trees knocking out powerlines. 

If I could, I would transfer to tree because tree is just as mobile as old Slip McScruff.  If people caught me flat footed, then I would be cheered as a great representative of tree.

16. Written, 3 TPE, Home Turf (150 words min.)
Rotating host countries is expensive and politically challenging. Local governments have to maintain sufficient arenas to host an event that comes around once a decade and popular sentiment is changing against olympic-style sports in general. We may have to pick a permanent home for the IIHF! Naturally, this should be your country, so state your case as to why your country is the best candidate to permanently host IIHF!

By my country, I think you mean the in development Slip McScruff amusement park, location to be determined.  The key benefit of hosting it here is that I can decide to develop my amusement park wherever you want to put this permanent home.  The face of Slip McScruff used to be heavily associated with the IIHF as I was a long time federation head, so think of all the nostalgia advertising you could get with this partnership.

I am a mercenary in this endeavor, following the money.  I would like to host it in the USA at one of my many previous team locations.  We could even pitch a little action up to Canada to honor my time in Winnipeg.  Do you have a country with more favorable tax laws? Let's talk about it!

I will literally bend over backwards to make this a success for the IIHF as long as it also makes me a lot of money.  If you need a fall guy for any corruption scandals, blame it on the management of the Slip McScruff amusement park because any press is good press as long as it makes me money.

I am happy to serve food from any country, especially if the representatives will staff the kitchens with chefs who can really do it justice and not cost me any money.

[Image: scrufdaddy2.gif]
credit to Flappy, ToeDragon, and Carpy

Patriotes Stars Panthers Platoon Specters Platoon Panthers Specters Aurora Jets Usa Scarecrows

[Image: Tqabyfh.png][Image: UDyqktK.png][Image: 1DL5JDX.png]

CW pass

[Image: kezia-elk4-smol.png]
sig by me (:

Kezia MacKenzie - LW - Regina Elk - Atlanta Inferno

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1.5 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

(3 TPE, I hope)

3. Written, 3 TPE, History Repeating (150 words min.)
Tell me about something good that happened in your SHL career which you hope will happen again! What is it, what will it look like? Did it happen to your current player or one of your former players? What can you do to stack the odds in your favor?

In my third season in juniors, just after being able to hit the 425 TPE cap, my team had a rather unexpectedly bad start. While it's true that most teams make playoffs anyway in Juniors, and in fact we were in a three team division so we were guaranteed a spot, the GMs decided to trade away the older players for picks, myself included. I ended up going to a contender that had a major need for a defensive forward, a role which my player fit very well. Ultimately that team ended up winning a championship, which was a cool experience. While there certainly isn't a desire to leave my current team, I do think that transactions are a big part of real sports that maybe don't happen quite as often in simulation leagues. Things like massive speculation leading up to the trade deadline or a giant scramble as free agency opens just don't have the same wow factor that they do in real life. Obviously there are a lot of reasons for that but knowing was I was on the trading block and seeing what teams would be interested in me was a neat experience and one I wouldn't mind having again at some point.

(211 words, 3 TPE)

6. Written, 2 TPE, Hopeful Haiku  (5 words min.)
Write a haiku telling me what you hope to accomplish in Season 71! A haiku is a three line poem where the first line is five syllables, the second is seven, and the third line is five again. None of your lines may rhyme with each other.

First Season in Bigs
Lots of TPE to spend
Score more than 10 goals?

(2 TPE)

7. Milestones, up to 3 TPE

Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 7 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.

+3 TPE

15. Written, 3 TPE, Teams Can Be Rivers Now? (150 words min.)
Since Team Rhine is now a thing in the Juniors wing of the IIHF, name a geographical feature, such as a river, mountain, plateau, or your mother, that should be the next to have a team! Why does this feature deserve a team, like the Rhine? How good would this team be? Would you transfer to it?

The next team named after a geographic feature should be Team Iberia, after the Iberian Peninsula, a WJC team feeding into a Portugal and Spain IIHF team. Obviously this would need to occur with an expansion of the league since neither of those two teams exist yet, but if the logistics worked, this would be a great addition. Spain has a men's and women's team ranked in the IIHF and by real life hockey merits alone, would probably make a shortlist of teams to be added, though perhaps not near the top. Portugal has basically no hockey history at all (it's uhhh mildly possible they lost 21-0 to Liechtenstein last week), but who cares? Most importantly for the league, this would most fluidly facilitate the natural addition of Spanish and Portuguese names which otherwise wouldn't make sense playing for Russia or Japan. So many creative player name possibilities would open up that are immediately obvious to any fan of baseball or soccer. So please, SHL, it's time to welcome in the Riveras and the da Silvas.

(182 words, 3 TPE)

17. Written, 2 TPE - The Procrastinator Special! (100 words min.)
Congratulations, procrastinator!  Through my most gracious scheduling error, you’ve won a special task! [TEAM] has won it all! Were the playoffs as you expected this year, or were there some surprises? Who were you hoping would take it - Winnipeg's redemption tour or the fresh-faced Wolfpack? What did you like or not like about this season?

The SHL Playoffs this year were exciting and though I had no dog in the race, I felt pretty happy about the results. New England winning and showing that a team a bit further down in the standings can still make a run is always good for the game I think. While we shouldn't expect it to happen every time, it is always a good reminder to see that a lower seeded team can make a run and that making the playoffs alone gives you a chance. On the other hand, while Winnipeg will certainly take little solace, the fact is that in many ways they have shown that you can also build a powerhouse and set yourself up for a potential dynasty. Obviously it hasn't played out that way but Winnipeg has consistently been one of the top regular season teams and you can imagine in another universe where luck favors them just slightly more, where we'd instead be talking about if anyone could stop Winnipeg every CW instead.

(173 words, 2 TPE)

16/16 total

Citadelles  S68 - Jarrod Lakemore - C Stampede

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1.5 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.


2. Written, up to 4 TPE - Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. Winnipeg made the finals last year and came up just short against the Forge. Last year, their offense ran through Mikko Rashford - this year, their top line has been much more of a balanced attack, with Gonzo Gobbledygook and Lias Ekholm-Gunnarsson stepping up hard. Does this make Winnipeg a stronger team, or would it be better to spread this firepower out and run multiple scoring lines?
b. New England finds themselves in a similar situation to Winnipeg's last year: star winger Petr Svoboda has an absurd 30 points in 23 playoff games at the time this is posted. 18 of those are goals, 12 are assists: how do you shut this guy down?
c. Olof Karsikko has made 823 saves in these playoffs, nearly twice the number of saves made by Winnipeg's Rebecca Montagne. What can New England do to help their tendie out? Or should they settle on a strategy of allowing their goalie to face a high volume of low-danger shots to get in the zone and stay hot? Alternatively, how can they rattle Montagne?
d. If it ain't broke don't fix it: Who you got? Who wins? Why?

A. This makes Winnipeg a stronger team I would say because stepping up regardless of line is a good thing. Honestly as someone who is more gridiron football minded than hockey minded my logic would be to have one hyper good scoring line and follow it with really strong defensive lines. Just go get a lead and then hold onto it. Well as an idealized goal for your line settings at least as obviously it won't always work out that way.

Word Count: 80

B. I am reminded of a maybe apocryphal quote where a former tennis star player was asked how they would beat Roger Federer and they replied given their age it would be with a frying pan. The key in this far more physical sport then I believe is to fight them early and often. Early enough ideally that they don't make it to the game, and often enough that they ideally don't make it to any of the games. Failing that get the closest you can to a hockey equivalent of Gary Payton to shadow them for all their minutes.

Word Count: 99

C. I am not a hockey person, but I got to say that seems like an alarming number of saves to me. That speaks to me of your goalie being your best defender which is great as long as it is sustainable, but feels very much like something where you could run into the puck that breaks the camels back. Still the lack of defensive help is apparent and so my stance would be to just reduce load as best I can by aiming for longer possessions to give the goalie a rest by putting it on the shoulders of my offense. Would this even be legal? I don't know! Does it sound like a good idea? To people who support running to reduce the load on defense in gridiron football it should, and that is good enough for me for this task!

Word Count: 142

3. Written, 3 TPE, History Repeating (150 words min.)
Tell me about something good that happened in your SHL career which you hope will happen again! What is it, what will it look like? Did it happen to your current player or one of your former players? What can you do to stack the odds in your favor?

Given the inclusion of current or former player in this question I am going to take it to be anything in my career as a user of the SHL rather than as a player because in that regard I do have a really reliable answer.

The something good is easily going to a good SMJHL and SHL team for my particular tastes and preferences. I had a great time in the Nevada locker room as a player, and even now as an alumnus I still enjoy what little time I get to spend there. It is run by two absolutely amazing individuals and filled with friendly folks that never fail to put a smile on my face. Whether I get to back there specifically or not when I eventually recreate has yet to be determined, but I hope to or failing that hope that I get to go somewhere similarly pleasant.

Meanwhile Chicago is my second favorite sim league locker room and the only one that beats it is one where I was a GM for several seasons. It is run by my absolute favorite sim league person, and it is filled with some of the friendliest people I have had the pleasure of meeting in sim leagues. I admit I am tearing up a bit just thinking about how sweet they all are and the fact that I know I can't do them justice in this point task. Even the strange person that I am who knows next to nothing about hockey has received an incredibly warm welcome there and I am beyond pleased as punch to be a part of the team.

I fully intend to recreate as it stands and I can only hope that my next player leads me to places as pleasant as I have been with Dave.

Word Count: 303

4. Written, 3 TPE, Dream Series (150 words min.)
Many teams have rivals they'd love to trounce in a playoff series. Maybe you as a player have another specific player you'd love to beat to win the cup and lord it over them for the rest of their lives. Tell me who you'd love to play in a playoff series and why! Why would you love to beat this team or player? What would it mean to you or your team? Keep it friendly.

I don't know actually if this is possible as it stands for Dave to win a finals over them, but the first name that came to mind for me is Lias Ekholm-Gunnarsson also known as LEG. My logic for this is not so much that I would want to beat Lias as much as if Dave and Lias are on opposing sides of the finals then I know a friend of mine gets to win regardless of what happens. Admittedly there is also the side fact of Dave and Lias are both alumni of the Nevada Battleborn and to my knowledge both play the same position now that they are in the SHL rather than the J. So it would be cool to see them duel it out in the big games and have Dave come out on top.

Also given the user behind Lias is also my first GM over here in SHL land as they manage said Nevada Battleborn I feel like they would not be as disappointed to lose in the big game to one of their proteges. Least that is my hope with using them to fill out this point task!

Word Count: 195

7. Milestones, up to 3 TPE

Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 7 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.

3 TPE Milestones

16. Written, 3 TPE, Home Turf (150 words min.)
Rotating host countries is expensive and politically challenging. Local governments have to maintain sufficient arenas to host an event that comes around once a decade and popular sentiment is changing against olympic-style sports in general. We may have to pick a permanent home for the IIHF! Naturally, this should be your country, so state your case as to why your country is the best candidate to permanently host IIHF!

Agent Tesla: Okay so we are all here to argue about why one country should be the permanent home for the IIHF. You have all been chosen to represent your respective countries in this endeavor just as I have volunteered to represent Sweden in this most important trial by combat.

Canada Representative: I'm sorry did you just say trial by combat?

Agent Tesla: Yeah? Why else would I have brought my swords?

Canada Representative: I just thought you were a bit of an eccentric dresser.

Agent Tesla: No I brought this because when the battle starts I am going to win so that Sweden can have home ice. They deserve it for being one of the foremost countries when it comes to human rights, and so the irony of them also having the most combat capable champion amused me too much to turn it down.

US Representative: I did not there would be combat I did not bring any weapons.

Agent Tesla: Well that was on you for not reading the fine print of the invitation. You do have the option to surrender though if you are concerned about fighting. I will not fault anyone for retreating before I summon the meteor.

All Other Representatives: Meteor?

Agent Tesla: Yeah! You know like the one that wiped out the dinosaurs. My magic will prevent it from damaging me and everyone outside the room, but I figure it would be an appropriate opening move for me. Flashy and functional you know.

Unknown Representative: Do we still have the option to just surrender?

Agent Tesla: You have another 36 seconds to do so.

Insert Benny Hill music here as the non-Sweden representatives flee the room with haste.

IIHF Judge: You know this isn't actually a trial by combat, right?

Agent Tesla: Of course I do! Their surrendering to me stands all the same though, and by extension I do believe I won the argument.

IIHF Judge: I am assuming if I say no that said meteor will still make planetfall.

Agent Tesla: Indeed.

IIHF Judge: Well then we look forward to Sweden being the permanent home of the IIHF!

Agent Tesla: Splendid!

Word Count: 359

1. 3 TPE

3. 3 TPE
Back in the days, when I was a little SMJHL player, there was an incident that happened that can't happen to me anymore. The circumstances were so unique, that I am not sure how often this happened in the history of this league at all. It all happened in a stormy offseason, I wasn't much around in the league at that time, and then, suddenly, out of the blue (not quite but it sounds good), a suspension flies in for user Acsolap and his player. So it happened that his former player, defender Rex Kirkby, was rostered for the Atlanta Inferno. But whatever he did - I can't quite remember anymore - it lead to a 4 game suspension of his player to start the season. So there was a rostered player missing for a short amount of time, and Michael Withecheck, a youngling down in the SMJHL got the chance to step up and perform for 4 games at the highest level. Exciting! And he even scored a goal, what a debut in the big league, a year before he was called up entirely.

5. 3 TPE
Now that is an interesting challenge. We have a mighty bear god. What should a god-esque animal have troubles with? Even if it would be a small little butterfly, if it would be a mighty god it would be favored against anyone. Well, on the other side we have a Wolfpack from New England. While I don't know if it has any meaning at all that they are from New England, it could have essential outcome to the whole fight. Are wolves from New England tougher, stronger or blood thirstier than others? Or are they weakling? Not sure. Wolfpacks have a very good team structure and strategies, to get their prey. They mainly fight as an organized team, where everyone knows what he/she has to do. While that's a good feature to have, they still stand no chance against a mighty bear. If it would be just a bear, they could have a chance. But the attributes of mighty god are what puts it over the top for me. Fight ends within 5 seconds.

6. 2 TPE
what season we have?
are we talking this or next?
I feel lost in time

7. 3 TPE

17. 2 TPE
Woop woop, I unlocked a special that grants me the exact amount of TPE I'm still missing to max out this task. I heard New England Wolfpack has won it all, congrats to them. Never would have thought they make it, especially when facing the Winnipeg Aurora. They are kind of an disappointment, as they are regularly in the finals but never manage to win. It is nice that our former PT chief Burloogy made another trophy, after getting one back in the days with Atlanta, may the grinch be with him.
What I didn't like all that much about this season was the stream schedule, sometimes you just didn't know when you are up or if you have a live sim or not. That could be handled better I think.

[Image: CcmpTg8.png][Image: sakro_-_withecheck_-_Inferno.png]

GM CW Pass

                                           Finland Update Page  Interview  Player Page  Wolfpack

                                           [Image: Snussu.gif]
                                                 Thanks to everyone made sigs to me!!!! (Gif made by myself)

1. CW TRIVIA +3(?)


3. Written, 3 TPE, History Repeating (150 words min.)

So as a member of the NEw England Wolfpack, Sean Davies just had a solid season. Nothing too crazy, just ya know, WINNING THE DANG CUP. That's the ultimate goal out there, and to come in as a rookie and win one with such a great team is an awesome feeling. Davies absolutely wants to recapture that glory. Forget the individual stats, just let him win a few more cups. Records are made to be broken, but you'll never take back this championship. If you ain't first, your last baby!!! In all seriousness, it was a dream come true for Davies to get called up and win the cup his rookie season. He hopes to stick around with this elite New England squad for a while longer yet. Hopefully they can get another one or 2 cups in there. Worst case scenario, if Davies gets to be an old man he can sell out to whatever contender looks hot at the time. Just to get one last chance at glory.

1. 1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1.5 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer.


7. Milestones, up to 3 TPE

6. Written, 2 TPE, Hopeful Haiku (5 words min.)

We journey from now
Always yearning for something
We cannot quite reach

[Image: SS19INy.jpg]

[Image: d9J5DHT.png]  [Image: 16PgOBm.png]

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The Simulation Hockey League is a free online forums based sim league where you create your own fantasy hockey player. Join today and create your player, become a GM, get drafted, sign contracts, make trades and compete against hundreds of players from around the world.