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S71 PT #0: Is it solipsistic in here or is it just me?

PROMPT 2: Salzberger was really happy to see that someone like him enough as a player that he thought he should inspire himself from Salzberger style of play to create his player in an online hockey simulation league. Salzberger decided to contact this fan to ask how he builds the player as time went on. He was interested in finding out what attributes. The fan invested in at the start and bow he made the player progress towards the season. He was also looking forward to seeing which attributes were lower than the others, because Salzberger is always looking for ways to improve his game and looking at which attributes had lower values might give him some idea on what he should work on during this offseason. After his talk with the fan, Salzberger decided to send him an autographed jersey to thank him for his dedication towards Salzberger. The fan was really happy about that.

154 words

Nor Ge
norway Citadelles

Salzberger Lillehammersson
norway Inferno World Falcons

Anders Christiansen
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Louise St. Martin is honestly pretty happy that her style is being replicated in an online sim league. Part of being a professional athlete is knowing that the next generation looks up to you, and if someone wants to play like Louise that only drives her to more success. She probably wouldn't create a player in said league (since there's no point to pretending to be a pro athlete when, yanno, you actually are one), but she takes notes on anyone who plays as her and does her best to send them autographs and merchandise. A key rule of being a pro athlete is being welcoming to the fans, of course. This especially goes for Swiss people who want to Live Like Louise; it's all about inspiring the next generation.

That said, if one of those players trying to be like her ends up being a shithead and getting banned, she makes sure to distance herself.

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Thanks to @Ragnar, @Symmetrik, @Merica, @enigmatic, and @sulovilen for the sigs! 
Avi courtesy of @MN_Moosey
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Citadelles Switzerland
Citadelles Switzerland Stars Blizzard
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it is 11 am, ray is drinking his morning coffee, and has season training coming up later that day, to get into peak form for the season, when he is informed by his close friend Alvin Wong @Eggcracker9 that a picture of a recreated version of me in an online sim league is going viral. I spit out my coffee, start an Instagram live for all 7 of my fans, tell the guy he needs "maidens" and to "touch grass". As soon as I end it, I immediately call all of the top law firms in the city in an attempt to create a case, however I spent all of my money on base packs, so that was not an option, instead, I call up my good friend @HabsFanFromOntario and ask how much law he knows, He says that he remembers a bit from 9th grade social, and I decide that's good enough. With my elite legal team consisting of a single hockey player, I sue this criminal. We fail miserably and I am forced to pay $100,000 for reparations.

[182 words]

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PROMPT 1: Your player has come to a horrible realization - they are a fictional entity that exists only on a website for hockey nerds, and now have to come to terms with the truth of their existence.

WRITTEN TASK: Tell me how your player came to this realization and how they respond to the knowledge that their existence depends on this site's servers not going down, and their career goals depend mostly on the fourth-dimensional Entity's willingness to keep doing point tasks.

Damn this is some Truman show level shit. For the sake of making it non depressing I'd like to think lil Oskar would hide the initial shock as best he could and then meticulously develop a plan to switch roles with his user karlssens all the while performing adamantly on the site and the sim. He'd memorise my activity schedule and use that time to discover other things about my integration with the site like passwords, IP's and the like. And then using some fictional movie logic he'd develop a gateway that creates a backward portal upon logging in wherein I karlssens "log in" to the digital entity known as Oskar Scholz and he fills the vacant position known as karlssens. He then proceeds to use his database like brain to harness and develop human tenancies while still regularly completing PT's so that I can be a half decent player in the sim because he's nice like that.

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pride Armada  Player Page || Update Page  Germany pride

When budding forward Jolmi Koivu of the Simulation Hockey League's Hamilton Steelhawks found out that he was being imitated by lame ass hockey nerds, he would have several thoughts and reactions. Jolmi Koivu's first thought about nerds imitating him online is, who wouldn't wanna be Jolmi Koivu? He plays professional hockey and makes millions of dollars doing the thing he loves, which is playing a game for millions of people to watch and enjoy. The fact that people like him enough to imitate him is flatteriing. However, the fact that people imitate him and want to be him is a weird thought. Jolmi has always been gifted at playing hockey, so the idea of not being good at it makes no sense. Why doesn't everyone else just play hockey for a living? He also thinks that the weird obsession with being a different person is disturbing, why not just love yourself for who you are instead of wishing and hoping to be somebody you arent?
(171 words)

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(Sig Credit: toedragon84)



I'm going to start off with the disclaimer that a bombshell like that would immediately send Viktor into a catatonic state from which he would never surface, which I also think is a pretty reasonable reaction under the circumstances. But since that does not make for a good batch of words, I'll move forward as though he somehow took the information and didn't implode. On one fateful day, Vik was bored and decided to google himself. However, instead of seeing pictures and articles featuring his hockey career, more often than not he found himself listed under the name Elliot Page. Not only was he not a hockey player, but his name and likeness were doubly taken from a fictional character in a fictional television show. Not only is poor Viktor two layers of fictional, he also didn't get to inherit a single speck of the apocalyptic power set of his Umbrella Academy namesake. Dude just gets to be really good with a simulated hockey stick. While an absolute ripoff, Viktor would also be relieved that he was actually in the passenger seat of his life because he's as anxious as I am.

192 words

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If Graj were to discover that someone in the world had taken his likeness, general name, and personality and had created a fictional online persona with that information, he would feel a wide range of emotions. First, he would feel fear that the person would do or say some despicable shit that could then be pinned on him. Second, a sense of pride that he was chosen as someone's character at all. Third, trepidation that there was a large amount of foul play at hand. Fourth, fear that his security and his personal space had permanently been compromised and couldn't be recovered save a change of name after his retirement. I think it hadn't occurred to Graj that he was a very successful hockey player up until he discovered this fan account, and now that it has Graj will take a minute to recover from that and decide his next courses of action. As for the fan account, he would check it every few days to make sure that no horrific shit was going on and then let it be if all was well.

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Thanks to EAB and sulovien for the sigs!

Prompt 2
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It's no secret that Mit has done some experimenting with certain chemicals that do some certain things. During one of the training camp practices Mit took a hit that jolted his head a bit and may have caused a.. what the cool kids would call a "Flashback" - While his team tried to get him to come back to reality, Mit got a visit from an odd entity. He described his world as just a simple simulation and nothing truly matters. Everyone he knows, loves, and hates in just a dot on a 2D ice rink and an imagination in the heads of some hockey nerds. As he snapped back to reality, Mit tried to describe what he experienced, but everyone seemed super weirded out by it. Nobody took him serious, but given his experience, he knows what he experienced was "real" and that what he is experiencing every day is "Fake" .. but then again maybe the ones who created the simulation are also just another simulation of a simulation of.... I'm just going to stop.

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Big Thanks to @Sburbine & @Carpy48 for the dope graphic!
(This post was last modified: 05-22-2023, 10:49 PM by bjkman. Edited 1 time in total.)

Anchor: Many fans had an assumption that the biggest news about SHL player Greg Davies would be his welcome return to the local San Francisco Pride, but it's actually a story of mistaken identity or catfishing? Our sports reporter has the story.

Reporter: When Greg Davies was contacted online by a fan asking if an account posing as him on a Simulation Hockey League website was actually him, he became concerned that this account was being used for more than just fun. Could it have been a person using his identity for sinister purposes?

Davies: I've been looking to have an active discussion with the person behind all this but after multiple attempts to contact them were unanswered I felt this was the only way to get to the bottom of it. I don't want others to think this person is me when in reality I'm far too busy to join something like this, even though it's pretty cool.

Reporter: The person behind the account will arrive tomorrow at the local court to tell his side of the story to a judge.

Anchor: The suit is looking to be settled in the coming days at the San Francisco civil court.

200 Words

Did Ya Get It?

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I do not get why someone would want to create a fictional simulation character after me as I am already a fictional simulation character. Besides that I guess I would be honored if someone did that. It would be recognition of things I have done and that someone is looking up to me in some way. I would engage with this person and provide him with swag and or digital imagery so he can created kick ass banners and signatures for his online simulation league and be the best player. I would also make sure that the player he builds is an even better copy than my own player and learn from my mistakes in misplacing TPE in certain attributes. His player would be an improved version of myself. A clone, but better. He will tear up that league with our combined effort in player creating. He will win many cups unlike me.

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Barracuda Germany Scarecrows Knights

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S50 Challenge Cup Finals Game 7
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PROMPT 2: Your player has either been informed or discovered personally that some nerd-ass fan has created a version of themselves in an online sim league.

WRITTEN TASK: Tell me how your player reacts to this information. Do they give the fan an exclusive selfie to use as their sig? Do they sue for likeness abuse? Do they create a player themselves just to see what it's like?

For Tom Pedersen that would be a serious homage and true honour. Nothing would make Tom Pedersen more happy than having an e-sim player created by a fan. Tom Pedersen would follow that league and pay attention and drop merch just to keep everybody happy. But if the fan fails to deliver there will probably be a law-suit to redeem money lost and devaluation of Tom Pedersen’s good name and honour. So be careful. Tom Pedersen is vengeful and does not forget when someone does things he does not approve of. Other than that it would be a pure joy and Tom Pedersen would help out in any way he can. Tom Pedersen is actually very fond of e-sim leagues and his favourite is the Simulation Soccer League or the SSL as it is called. Football is life. But only the right kind where they actually use their feet and not that americanised rugby version of a long commercial break. So pop over and join him there!!

Words: 167

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Prompt 2:

It's fine. Honestly, as a pro athlete this is all part of the deal. You get paid millions of dollars to play a game that even children can play and many people don't realize that the reason you get paid so much money isn't just because you are good at what you are doing, but to compensate for all the other stuff that is going on around it, away from the rink. The criticism in the press, the trade rumors and baseless speculations about your personal life, the time away from your family and yes, the fans and their impact on your life as well. This goes from the most harmless of interactions, signing autographs or someone asking for a selfie with you very politely while you are walking the streets, to the more crazy interactions, from obsessive fans to having your alter ego used in weird fantasy leagues. I can live with that just fine, everyone with two brain cells knows that isn't me, someone else is probably having fun doing it and I'm compensated well for allowing it to happen.

Evan Winter
Edmonton Blizzard
Player Page - Update Page

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Peter’s Existential Crisis

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