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S71 PT #1: Public Relations

Written Task:  Tell me what your player does to boost his profile with the fans! You probably want to be popular with them, if only to boost your jersey sales and make that extra dough, so how do you go about interacting with them? Alternatively, if your player truly does not care, how does that affect his interactions with fans? (150+ words)

Despite being at it for many seasons now, Kawashima still gets big joy out of meeting with fans. Wether it's a post game chat as he goes into the dressing room, a meet and greet event or one of the many community outreach programs the Blizzard are involved in. Kawashima loves going out there and just being with the fans. Because he knows it's a small gesture on his part that can mean something truly big to the other person. Signing a stick or a puck for a kid is every day work, but for each kid that experience is something they will treasure and Kawashima wants to create those moments.

Some would do it for the popularity, the jersey sales, the sponsorships and other deals, but for Kawashima it is all about the interaction. The other things are nice bonuses so to speak. Kawashima's motto is that a smile a day, can carryy ou through live. He loves delivering those smiles.

[162 words]

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Thank you Fever, sköldpaddor and OD for the amazing sigs!
Heart  Militia Montreal Impact/Militia Militia-Old Heart

PT Pass

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Creative Prompt

Since Kevens has a cool 50 million dollars in his bank account and has a lot of rich teammates too, he promises to personally commit $20 of his own money for every yes vote and also convince as many of his teammates as he can to follow along with this promise. The contribution from each of the players will reduce the taxpayer and government portion of the cost of the arena. With Chicago having a population of around 2.5 million and an expected voter turnout of maybe 1 million or so, each participating Syndicate player would be contributing around $20 million, totaling about $400 million of savings for the average citizen. Hopefully the citizens don't want their team to move to Saskatoon anyways, so this incentive is really just a bonus. If he really wanted to secure the arena vote, he would spread rumors that star player Ben Jammin would request a trade if the team didn't get a new arena built.

[Image: Keven.gif]
Thanks to @enigmatic, @Matteo, @sulovilen, @zeagle1, and @TheOPSquid for all the sigs!
Czechia Malamutes Rage Czechia
Canada Citadelles pride syndicate

ISFL Affiliate Claim

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Past Players


PBE Affiliate

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prompt one

sebastien regazzoni was shocked when he heard that the ownership group of the hamilton steelhawks, one of the most historic franchises in the simulation hockey league, was threatening to relocate the city's beloved franchise to the middle of nowhere (i.e. saskatoon, saskatchewan where hicks like @Jepox reside). the steelhawks had a perfectly good arena but just so happened to be owned by greedy fucks who wanted to wring the city of money for their own profit, and they were asking regazzoni to basically do their dirty work for them through shilling for their plot. however, regazzoni didn't want to live in saskatchewan so he sadly acquiesced to their demands. and it was always going to be an easy pitch for a hockey-crazed city like hamilton, used to winning and sellout crowds. all he had to do was film a television ad for the owners telling the fans to vote for the new stadium, and the vote would easily pass in favor of the steelhawks. ez pz.

Armada Monarchs

Armada Steelhawks Switzerland

Armada Specters Wolfpack Steelhawks Forge Switzerland

Scarecrows pride Chiefs Riot Stars Blizzard Ireland

ty to @High Stick King @EvilAllBran and @Ragnar for the sigs

Mick Mayhem has always been a fan favorite, but it isn't only for his play on the ice, his popularity can likely be attributed to his signature act of signing autographs while juggling flaming axes in the parking lot before games. He began the act as a child playing in the youth leagues, and has perfected it as a professional.

The sight of Mayhem fearlessly manipulating flaming axes in a mesmerizing display of dexterity sets their hearts racing with anticipation. He signs an autograph after each toss of the axe, and the number of fan casualties is in the single digits!

On the ice Mick is a threatening scary sight, but off the ice, he'll do anything to bring joy to his fans.
His ability to go from juggling flaming axes and chatting with fans pre-game, to smashing skulls on the ice during the game is impressive, but not as impressive as the juggling act that has earned him the love and support of so many fans.

PT Pass

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(This post was last modified: 05-31-2023, 09:24 PM by lore. Edited 1 time in total.)


I don't think anyone has actually told Viktor that he gets any money out of jersey sales. Is that a thing? EIther way, it wouldn't exactly alter his approach with fans because he has already long reached the point where money will never be an issue for him for the rest of his life. With that said, he hates letting people down and has always made time for anyone who approaches him in spite of his abundant awkwardness. That's probably a big part of his charm, really. He's just as nervous as the fans, and it really puts them at ease when he is also struggling to find words. Combine that with his goofy smile and ever-rising stardom, and you get a quietly popular and endearing figure on the Pride. It's never going to go to his head, and he even makes a point of stopping by the Citadelles' arena every time SFP has a game against Montreal.

158 words

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Firstly, when it comes to a new arena for the ownership would be the ability to help promote how great it is going to make the fans experience, when it comes to me spreading the word to help this out after having quite a big pull from the local fans in Edmonton, i would 100% be looking to give them a mass amount of information about the things that will make them feel more entertained such as the pre-game antics as well as how us as a team could also help them feel engaged, the arena would have to be a lot bigger then what the old one was as well as some special things for the first few games to help people come to a single game and hopefully turn them into a huge fan, Patches would also have to see how the new locker-room would be set up and how much more space could be added to help our medical team as well as the equipment teams.

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Actually Conner Snooks would rather the team got moved to Saskatoon. One it's closer to his boyfriend Lias and that would always be a positive. But two the team could be branded as the Jellies and be these adorable little Jellyfish. Unfortunately, I did this branding and had it used in the ISFL. But yeah Conner would be totally down to move to Saskatoon. So he not only refuses the stadium deal but active sabotages any other plans for a new arena. He whispers things to his teammates to reject it to and has covertly started an anti-stadium movement in Edmonton to refuse to put a dime of tax payer money towards the new stadium so that the team would be forced to move. So far it's been a success. Even school board meetings are in an uproar over the claims that their taxes would be raised a large amount (which is lie and fake news but who is actually checking sources these days).

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(This post was last modified: 06-01-2023, 01:22 AM by hewasajazzman. Edited 1 time in total.)

Player Prompt

i am lucky enough to be a part of a great program in Carolina, so the majority of my fan interaction comes from signing up for any sort of team event that i can. anything from hospital visits to block parties, youll usually find me attending and trying to contribute to the great community that surrounds the team. im only in my second season with the team but the fans seem to be warming up to me pretty fast. the attention can be a little surprising at first but once i settled in i got comfortable and found it easier and easier to be myself. another thing i try to do is just be a normal ass dude while im out and about in my every day life. im not one for VIP treatment by any means so i try not to let this new found fame go to my head. ill strike up a conversation with just about anyone and i think its important to show people that… celebrities, for lack of a better term… arent actually larger than life. im just another person walking through life just as you are.

[192 words]
(This post was last modified: 06-01-2023, 01:54 AM by Festinator.)

Prompt 2:

Well as mentioned earlier in a different thread, Joans has started a new hobby building computers, especially gaming ones with all the fancy colours. He has decided to get pretty good at it and then offer it as a service to fans who might want him to build them one. It is a good way for joans to give back to the fanbase while also having fun spending time doing a hobby that he has really been enjoying recently. As well, it gives him the opportunity to tap into a population that might not be super into hockey and give them so interest as well as show the public that hey, not all hockey players are big dumb oafs, just a the vast majority of them and joans is determined to be one of the ones that is not! But yes this would be a good way to increase public relations with his fans, and to create many new ones

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Sig by @Ragnar

I think there is a couple of ways I would go about trying to boost my public image and get the fans to like John Hopoate. I would always like to stay out on the ice after the game and make sure I could talk to any of the fans that hung around. Give back to the fans and take some selfies with them and sign some things they wanted signed. This is a great way to give back to the people that pay money to come see the team and makes a fun experience into a great one for kids and the like. The other thing I would do is just always go drinking with the fans after the games, especially the wins. Find out where the fans are going and just show up and have beers with everyone who wants beers. Just be a man of the people. Hang out with them all.

[Image: hopoate.png]


Aumy Junior II is definitely a player for fans. His main goal is to make fans satisfied, because then he will have that extra boost in arena when they are playing. New Finnish forward has monthly meetings with fans at Carolina. He even has a Discord server where you can spend time with other of his fans. There are even a thing like premium package where you can make weekly calls to him, talk about something and get some jerseys, sticks etc. Once per month he selects three users which he follows on social media too. It's pretty hard for a hockey player to connect with fans, but he is trying his best to do so. That's the reason why new season for him is pretty good right now, plus his jersery sales blown up in pre-season. Of course, he is always going to the fan sector after the games to make photos, sign jerseys, sticks and everything else. It's all the small things which helps athletes to get more loved.

171 words

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