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S71 PT #1: Public Relations

PT pass

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Well Regina is only a few hours away from Saskatoon, so in reality if we moved its not the end of the world. I guess the Saskatoon Elk doesn’t sound as cool. The way that Willow is going to help raise interest in the arena is offering coupons for a free car wash from a member of the Regina Elk. Think about it, people hate washing their cars. It’s a drag because most people don’t have the time to do it after a long day of work, and paying for a car wash is really expensive because they “do a good job.” So when the offer comes in from a local team to do it for free, you have to experience it because you’re losing money by doing so. Now we can’t guarantee that the car will be spotless, but because we went through the effort of showing up to your house to clean your car to the best of our ability, you’re going to be on our side.

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Player Prompt

There's not much Blizzard captain Justin Time won't do for his fans, and he can frequently be found outside the arena before and after home games signing autographs and talking with the fans. On nights where he isn't slated to start in net, he's been found at tailgate parties until just minutes before puck drop! Despite the focus on the fanbase, though, Time has never paid much attention to the sales of his own jersey. Since the rebuild began a few seasons ago, his focus has been on building excitement for his younger teammates, helping them to find their footing in Edmonton and with the fans when they arrive. Last season he spent much of his time introducing rookie and fellow Quebec City alumni Jack St. Clair, and this season the focus is on newcomers Edward Elric, a former QCC teammate of St. Clair, and division rival turned teammate Evan Winter, both of whom look to be big pieces of a cup-contending team. If the fans love the team, the team plays well, and that's the most important part for Time.

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sig credit: Ragnar, Sulovilen, Enigmatic, Bayley
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PBE Affiliate

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Ownership wants a new arena. They're planning to move the team to Saskatoon if they don't get one, as is North American tradition. Now, ownership is asking you, as one of your team's most popular players, to help spread the word in your city. How do you go about getting people to vote for your new arena? If you refuse, why? (150+ words)

I would definitely go about of raising awareness of setting up some Autograph sessions as while they are there having fun things, but making a big announcement before hand talking about how we need a new arena or ownership believe saskatoon may be our only way. I will say we are the pride! We take pride in our hockey and we are a pack as we all strive for one thing. Greatness In this life time and all our ownership is asking for, Is a new place to do just that. Sure we've been a tanking team, but imagine with a new arena the confidence we would get out of it and not only that. When we start winning imagine the atmosphere you will feel in this new arena. the new faces of the team, new arena, new season. NEW EVERYTHING BABY. Show your love for the team, by helping push for the city to provide the funding for a team they will regret losing if they don't agree to a new arena.

[Image: Dusty_new_sig_with_the_pride.png]
(This post was last modified: 06-01-2023, 11:29 PM by minaj27.)

As one of the most popular players on the team, I understand the importance of engaging with the community and advocating for their interests. If NHL Ownership asks me to help spread the word about a new arena in my city, I would approach the task with careful consideration. First and foremost, I would want to understand the motivations and concerns of the local community. Conducting town hall meetings, participating in community events, and engaging with fans on social media would provide me with valuable insights. By actively listening to the residents, I can better articulate their desires and concerns to ownership, helping to shape a proposal that aligns with the community's needs. To rally support for the new arena, I would organize public awareness campaigns, including public speaking engagements, media appearances, and grassroots initiatives. These efforts would focus on highlighting the economic benefits of a new arena, such as job creation, increased tourism, and opportunities for local businesses. I would emphasize the positive impact the arena would have on the city's cultural scene and the potential for community events beyond just hockey games.

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Creative prompt-

There is no way this would happen, but I will play along. There is no possible way the stampede are moved from Buffalo. It is a way of life. It is as things should be. I do not think much had to be done to get a new arena. With their success in the past and having a solid team now, they would have to try very hard to not secure a new arena deal. And what is the Great Lakes with out Buffalo? Pretty shitty if you ask me, but you want me to secure a new arena deal? Fine. People in Buffalo love crazy shit. Like hanging out outside when it’s too cold to do so, and jumping through tables. I would like to run a team sponsored “Buffalo polar plunge “. Where we all go out in our swimsuits in freezing temperatures and jump through tables. It could be like the red bull flugtag, or even better parking lot death diving. Either way, Buffalo loves when you hurt yourself for money.

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(This post was last modified: 06-02-2023, 10:51 AM by Count Chocula. Edited 1 time in total.)

CP: Moving the team to Saskatoon, no way in hell that is going to happen. To be honest it would not be difficult to get the Newfoundland faithful to rise up and get the Berserkers a new arena. After all the success and community events we have had for the area they would get the project approved in a heartbeat. They are the most loyal fans in the world and honestly our team is the only spotlight in the entire region worth a damn. That is partly why I have spent the last 4 seasons of my career bringing the French Renaissance to the area. I have opened several french Cafes and even a restaurant in Newfoundland. I even have my own charity summer hockey fighting camp. I just have to put out the word to all my venues and our loyal fans will support anything the Berserkers want to accomplish. That's why this countryside is the greatest in Canada.


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Berserkers Wolfpack France

Listen, when it comes to hockey in Anchorage, the people go ape shit. They love their hockey and they love their players. However, they are some cheap skates. Anchorage has received pushback lately when it's come to building a new arena. Lucky for the Armada, Barg Hazbite is the most popular, kind, thoughtful, and handsomest players to ever come through the Armada. Barg is going to spend every weekend going house to house and promising each owner that the new stadium will be named after them. Barg will snap a selfie, have some laughs, shake some hands. Then when the stadium is finally built and the final touches of the name being revealed as Barg Hazbite Arena all the fans will be up in arms and ready to fight. But Barg won't care because they'll either be fighting each other thinking it's their name that should be on that building, or Barg will be halfway to Philly to play for the Forge by the time the announcement happens.

172 Words

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Player Prompt

As we know from last season, Marton loves interacting with his fans and will show up for any and all events that fit into his schedule. With all the great restaurants in and around La Salle arena, he's working with the marketing team in his new Texas home to create Reneg-eats, events where fans can come have dinner with their favorite Renegades! Rather than interrupting players when you see them out to dinner on their personal time, here's an opportunity designed for you to ask for an autograph just as they take a big bite of pasta. And the players are expecting to be asked for pictures and more, so they won't be bothered by the interruptions.

Event registration is free and you order a meal just like you would on a regular visit to Chili's or Whataburger, so cost is no barrier to entry. Upon arrival, you'll be given a buzzer that tells you when it's your turn to go hang out with the players who are dining that night. Though the lineup changes each evening, Marton is making it a point to be at every single one. The series will kick of and close with events at the world's largest Dave & Buster's, so fans will also have a chance to play some DDR and Golden Tee Golf against Renegade stars!

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Sig courtesy @sulovilen

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ISFL Affiliate - Offseason Task
Username: Jumbo

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Thanks to @DELIRIVM @sköldpaddor @Merica for the Sigs

Player Prompt / Written Task

In this technology age we are in, the easy way to interact with fans is via social media. But, during my playing career, I have found that taking the time to talk and meet with them in-person is what really makes the difference. so in order for me to boost my favor with fans is to go back out after practice or after a game to shake hands, sign autographs, or take pictures. After a practice, I'll usually skate over to the stands to get to know each person on a more personal level. After a game, it is a bit more tricky after meeting with the media and just wanting to get home, but in that line to my car I will always stop when I can to sign an autograph for a kid. These types of interactions are the ones that fans will truly remember, and I hope will make them want to wear a McCarthy jersey at some point!

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Because the Montreal Patriotes' arena is not as shiny and new as some other arenas, of course the team must have a new arena or they'll just have to leave town. Jack Nishimori came up with a genius idea to show the public that the team is serious as well as to scare the Montreal public with just how much they'll be missing without the Pats in town. The team set up a pop-up restaurant in the city called the Nontreal Patrinopes Poutine Shop. The restaurant sells, as the name implies, poutine made from top-quality ingredients, formulated and made in house as a partnership with the help of renowned poutine makers Chez Tousignant. However, as you may also guess from the name, the poutine is not as one might hope. Customers spin a large wheel of ingredients once they've made their purchase. Their result on the wheel will dictate the random ingredient that will be removed from the poutine, leading to many customers leaving without gravy, cheese curds, or even the chips themselves. This stunt was a resounding success showing the public why they must continue to subsidize the uber rich's play things weeeeeeeeee

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Shaggy had always been just average when it came to interacting with fans. His last two seasons he spent as backup goalie behind Tummy Hurts so there was no real spotlight on him - apart from coming from a famous family and people obviously knew who he was either way. However, now in his third season with the Berserkers that changed very quickly since a) he's the team's starter now and b) due to the almost perfect performance he's displayed during his first ten starts. He didn't have to do anything because almost over night he was the team's new star and along with that popularity came - you guessed it - jersey sales. Of course management noticed that and picked him for post game interviews and some other events so all Shaggy really had to do was to show up, smile and answer some questions. Fans always loved autographs so you add some of those and they were happy. And bought more jerseys. Overall it almost seemed to be too easy, but who doesn't like an easy job?

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sigs either by @Wasty, @Nokazoa, @sulovilen, @Capt_Blitzkrieg, @sköldpaddor, @Ragnar, @enigmatic, @Lime or myself

Stars Lions Berserkers
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