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S71 PT #1: Public Relations

Dave Heinrich: So ownership is threatening to take us to Saskatoon and you want me to just sit on my hands why? Seriously a team with as much pull as the Syndicate moving to a city with a population one tenth that of Chicago, to a province with a tenth the population of the state of Illinois, and honestly even worse than all that to a province with half the population of just the city of Chicago. You have to have a damned good reason why you would have me stand aside while ruining the experience for so many fans.

Agent Tesla: Well the first honest answer here is that there is an amusing story I have heard in my time in simulation sports leagues that relates to Saskatoon that makes the entire concept especially amusing to me. Second moving there means we would be the Saskatoon Syndicate which gives an added alliterative appeal that is enticing to me. Third I like the idea of more international teams in general. Fourth and finally you just have to admit it is kind of a hilarious proposal.

Dave Heinrich: So in conclusion you want me to frustrate fans for the lulz?

Agent Tesla: Exactly! Also because I literally own your soul and you will do what I say which for the purpose of this debate is to let the Chicago Syndicate become the Saskatoon Syndicate solely because I find the concept hilarious.

Dave Heinrich: Done and done!

Word Count: 245

Quote:Written Task: Tell me what your player does to boost his profile with the fans! You probably want to be popular with them, if only to boost your jersey sales and make that extra dough, so how do you go about interacting with them? Alternatively, if your player truly does not care, how does that affect his interactions with fans? (150+ words)

Spack Jarrow has a dedicated routine when it comes to marketing. A few seasons back he hired a marketing firm to analyze trends and to come up with a schedule for maximum jersey sales. Some of it is a secret that he refuses to divulge. After all, he did pay a lot of money for the research. However he has let slip a few of the steps in interviews. He has claimed in the past that he likes to first put out a video and then gets accounts to spam them in all the social media corners. Then, a day or two later, a mystery story gets leaked to the media that gets people talking which then in-turn bumps the video counts.

There is no telling how many steps this plan has but needless to say, it is a well choreographed "dance" and one that changes from season to season to prevent people from noticing. Some say that he has secretly donated millions then has people leak the donation information anytime Jarrow receives any bad-press. Is he using charities to help cover up his bad deeds? Hmmm....

[ 187 words ]

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Red Kirkbys dad Rex drilled into him from a young age that without the fans none of lifestyle he has earned from hockey would be possible. Yes it was him that put in the endless hours of practice and yes it was his parents and coaches that did a lot of the additional work that is required to turn someone into an elite sporting professional. However without the fans turning up to watch and paying their hard earned money then there would be no professional hockey or any sports for that matter. So Red always does his best to take photos with people when he is out, signs kids jerseys and generally tries to act like a stand up guy while out in public. It does make it hard to go grocery shopping or to take a date out for dinner but one day he wont be playing anymore and that attention and adulation will begin to fade away. That's just the price you pay for being a public figure.

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Credit to Ml002, King, Wasty, Carpy, Bruins10, Rum_Ham, Turd Ferguson, Ragnar and Enigmatic for the sigs.
Forge Stampede Inferno Specters Wolfpack Platoon Armada Scarecrows Uk

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Honestly, Melvin has a lot of sway being both management and a fan favorite player when it comes to the new arena. Melvin has not always understood what it meant to have everyone fawn over him the way that they do, but he knew that he had the power to do something important here. So after spending some time talking with the rest of his team, he made sure to make his way into the community. After finding out what the players would want, Melvin took to the streets. He wanted to be visible in the public and wanted to be available to anyone who might have questions, or who might just want to take some pictures with the Chicago Syndicate players. Setting up ample opportunities for the community to get involved with himself, as well as the rest of the team (public skate nights, training camps, and more) it meant that Melvin was having a good enough time with the community to get them to be supportive of the whole thing.

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In order to boost his jersey sales, Edward Elric decided to move teams from his former team, the New England Wolfpack, to the fast rising Edmonton Blizzard. The Blizzard are a team full of fun young players who have been gaining in popularity and Edward found that by switching teams he might be able to join this upswinging team in popularity and given his championship pedigree he could really use this chance to stand out on a new team to its fans after playing in several players' shadows back on the New England Wolfpack.

In order to also help with gaining popularity and fans, Edward Elric worked hard on his offensive abilities so that he could get more of the flashy stats by racking up points on a team that was very gifted on that end of the ice. Although Edward was usually known for his ability to play elite defence, he feels that with a couple of tweaks he could become one of the best two way forwards in the league, increasing his popularity

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Nour is pretty hot ngl

Written Task:

Brick Wall has become pretty well known for his more reclusive personal live, and while fans still do try to engage with him, overall, people tend to be respectful of his wishes and keep disturbances to a minimum. But, paradoxically, this seems to have made him more popular with the fans. Wall does try to make some time post-game, or during breaks when he's on the bench, to sign autographs and take pictures. But outside of games, fans see getting to interact with Wall as a rare opportunity, so it's viewed as more valuable. Wall has always had decent jersey sales, at least for a goalie, so he doesn't feel the need to try to promote himself. Montreal fans are passionate and support Wall, and he gives back to them when he can. Having a more genuine and wholesome connection with the fans is worth more to Brick than a few extra bucks from jersey or merch sales.

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Player prompt: Makrus is terrified when he sees his picture on the internet. Being a wanted man in Germany, he knows if he gets too popular he might get busted. On the other hand, he is a total showboat and can’t resist posing for photos and making public appearances. Makrus tries to balance fan interaction with keeping his face off the internet. The headshots that he hands out , unprompted and often unrequested, have him in disguise. Makrus isn’t too concerned with selling merchandise to fans. He doesn’t know what to do with all the money he has now. He isn’t trying too hard to get more of it. He likes making appearances wherever he can. Going to places that he thinks need his support. Any local event or donation drive Makrus is sure to show up, invited or not, to add some hype to the event. He then goes home and checks social media to see if more photos got out.

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First of all, do you know how far away Saskatoon is? Sure, its not quite as north as Edmonton but its still in the middle of nowhere and you'll never find a convenient way to get there. So the thought of our ownership moving the New Orleans Specters all the way to the boonies of Canada is, quite frankly, horrifying. I don't think there's another team in the league that's further south than us, making this transition probably the worst for any squad. We would have zero fans and zero support, and I wouldn't expect the fine folks of New Orleans to support the Saskatoon Specters (though, to be honest, that is a great name). Wait, this name is great. The subtle alliteration of it, the similarity to another sport's spooky themed Canadian team. Hey, maybe being in Saskatoon wouldn't be so bad? The branding opportunities would be interesting at the very least. Maybe shift the purple to a nice ice blue...

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PT Pass - Simmer

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Player Page [Image: berserkers.png] [Image: syndicate2.png]Update Page

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okay so apparrently i have been tasked with saving the team in philly. to be honest i probably am the best person for this job, the team is weak mentally and phhsically so it only fits that I am the one tasked with with this. now what we need to do to save this team in this low life city is to sponsor a city wide brawl with one on one fights to be taken in a braket style. not only will this help bring the fans together, it will also help the stff find new people who maybe can join the ssuqad and do something that is better than what half of these dumb ass teammates are doing now. I plan on competing myself and maing a donation to the team fund on top of a buy in. I plan on having at least 512 epople in the bracket so a few dollars each for a buy in and then taking bets on the fights i think we can make more than enough cash to save the team.

Tell me what your player does to boost his profile with the fans! You probably want to be popular with them, if only to boost your jersey sales and make that extra dough, so how do you go about interacting with them? Alternatively, if your player truly does not care, how does that affect his interactions with fans? (150+ words)

Smurfunkel Dothe has always been dedicated to making a name for himself on the ice while at the same time making a name for himself off of the ice. He knows that he won't be getting paid forever as a hockey player and nothing is more important than his future after his hockey playing days are done. Smurfunkel Dothe is a Norwegian playing in Quebec City, Canada which is a french speaking area. One way he has tried to make more of a name for himself with the fans is by learning french along with english. Another way he tries to make a name for himself is by attending public events as much as he can. He knows that the fans pay him his salary so he tries to always be a favorite of them. He also has a very strong social media presence that allows him to interact with fans all around the world.

(156 Words)

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Sig By @enigmatic

Moving the arena from Baltimore to Saskatoon? Respectfully, hell no. That ain’t happening. I have nothing against Canada since I already play in Vancouver but it’s so damn cold, once I move up from the junior leagues I don’t want to be frozen all the time. Baltimore isn’t exactly the desert either but at least it has a very solid climate. I really want this new arena to be built, so Bellamy Blake is on the case. I saved the world a couple times, so I can handle this! First I’m going to spread the word on social media so that the fans can help. But then I have to rally my teammates and get them to help show that we belong in Maryland. If we care about the city, it would be painful to see us leave. After all we got here not that long ago. If we’re going to have a new arena, let’s move back to Florida LOL

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Written Task: Ownership wants a new arena. They're planning to move the team to Saskatoon if they don't get one, as is North American tradition. Now, ownership is asking you, as one of your team's most popular players, to help spread the word in your city. How do you go about getting people to vote for your new arena? If you refuse, why? (150+ words)

If my player has to be the one to convince the general public of Philadelphia that the Forge need a brand new arena with their help, BASE PACK is going to go about it the old fashioned way by making general threats to the public. If any household is found out to not have voted in favor of the Forge's new arena, BASE PACK will personally come to their houses and replace all their toilets with toilets with tiny tiny holes in them that aren't even usable. Then he will run around their house, destroying things and jumping up and down on the furniture as another way to teach them a lesson. It wouldn't be all threats with BASE PACK though, he would hand out autographed pictures of himself to anyone who could prove that they voted in favor of the new Forge Arena. You gotta use the carrot as well as the stick sometimes. So keep an eye out on the Forge's social media to see if the threats and autographs from BASE PACK are effective and the team doesn't have to move.

184 words

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(This post was last modified: 06-04-2023, 10:57 PM by the5urreal. Edited 1 time in total.)

For Atticus Hale, hockey is life. When he's not working on his game personally, working with the team, or working with the community, he has little time for anything else. However, he knows and understands that he would be nothing without the fans. Because of that, he doesn't take them for granted and will always carve out extra time for them.

One thing that Atticus will always do is interact with the fans. Both before and after games, especially home games, you'll find him there earlier than everyone else and staying later. He's more than happy to give a fan the jersey off of his back, his stick, his gloves…you name it. He'll also sign pucks beforehand to give out before and after games. You could say he adores the fans and you'd be hard pressed to find a fan that doesn't feel the same way. He's truly a great role model for the young fans but will also charm the more seasoned fans with his quick wit. All in all, Atticus is the type of player the SHL is happy to have represent them.

[185 words]

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