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The Birth of Salad Fingers

(714 words, ready for grading)

(Note: Since I'm brand new here, and also reasonably new to hockey, I decided for my media work here I would focus on building out some character lore. I'll post these little character vignettes occasionally to flesh out Jonas and I hope anyone who reads through it enjoys!)

“Does your last name really mean ‘salad’?”

Jonas looked up from where he was tying his laces. His hands were already shaking pretty badly, and he was finding it difficult to keep his leg from bouncing. The two combined to make it a near-insurmountable challenge to focus on getting his laces tied securely, not helped in the least by his own inner monologue trying to work out why the hell he was so nervous. So when the unknown voice startled him out of his thoughts, it took him longer than usual to process the English that was being spoken to him. And when he did finally work out the meaning, he was even more confused.

“Ah, yes?” He answered in his lightly accented English, his voice lilting in question. “Why is it that you ask this?”

He was looking up at the amused face of his new teammate (and roommate), James Kelley, whose eyes sparkled with good humor. He was a stocky guy, maybe 172cm at most, but wide and muscular like one of those “brick shithouses” he kept hearing Americans refer to. Despite that, he moved with a surprising grace.

“Nah, it’s nothing,” James replied easily, sitting down next to Jonas as he expertly pulled his gear on. “Just trying to work out how the guys will make fun of you, so you can be ready for it. You gotta think of this stuff, since it’s our first team practice and all.” He said this with a chuckle, like it was the most normal thing in the world. He was deftly lacing up his skates as he continued, “See, for me, they’ll either come at my height or the fact that my dad sells wieners for a living.”

Jonas frowned at that. He was used to the sort of “trash talk” banter that would occur between opposing teams on the ice, it was certainly common enough in Germany, but he did not realize before he’d come to the US that he would get it from his own teammates. That felt… much more personal. Jonas was already a reserved person by nature, and the language barrier was certainly doing no favors on that front. As though sensing the worry he’d created, James was quick to pat Jonas on the shoulder.

“Hey, it’ll all be in good fun. This is just how locker rooms are sometimes, you gotta know your buddies can take a ribbing, if you know what I mean.”

Jonas nodded. He did, mostly, though he was only guessing at what “take a ribbing” meant.

“I will do my best to participate in this ‘ribbing’.” He said, turning his attention back to his skates.

It was a real struggle, he thought, this move he’d made. Boston seemed a long way from Landshut, his home town about 30 minutes outside of München. Growing up, he had always dreamed of playing in the DEL for his home team (EHC Red Bull München), and as a junior it had seemed like that was a foregone conclusion. But then as he grew up, and got bigger and faster, it was clear that he was destined for greater things. Being contacted by a scout from Boston College had been a surprise, as had been the offer to fly Jonas out for a campus tour. His flight hadn’t even touched down in Boston before he’d made the decision to go, and the campus tour only solidified his choice.

Shaking his head to clear the reminiscent thoughts, he turned to James and held out his hand.

“Danke,” he said, the German slipping out instead of English, “we have known each other only two weeks but you have been a good friend to me. I will remember it.”

James laughed, shook his hand, then clapped his shoulder again.

“You’re already doing a piss-poor job at ribbing there, Salad Fingers. But hey, you’re pretty huge, so if you can’t think of a good insult, just hit the guy!”

With that, James stood up with a quick, “see you on the ice!”, leaving Jonas befuddled on the bench.

“Salad fingers?” he mouthed to himself in confusion as he finally finished lacing his skates. And if he stared wonderingly at his fingers for an extra moment before gloving up, well, could you blame him?

My entire body clenched seeing this thread title.

Russsty kettle

Platoon Elk Elk Platoon
Argonauts Argonauts

[Image: AH23zKq.png]
Thank you karey, OrbitingDeath Ragnar, and sköldpaddor for sigs! 
[Image: BAL_Player_Page.png] [Image: BAL_Update.png]

elite name

[Image: arTbD7O.png]

Germany Berserkers Stampede Stars Barracuda syndicate Blizzard
[Image: PuANRuu.png]

Salad Fingers, such an old reference. From the golden age of flashmation.

[Image: photostudio-1720667986458.jpg]

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