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S71 PT#5: That's a Wrap

The special event for the opening of the Calgary Dragons' brand-new stadium after spending the season in a college rink is meant to be a big event to bring together the fanbase for a celebration. The event would be focused on bridging the team's history from the old stadium to the new, and so a big show would be made of lifting the Cup banners and retired numbers into the banners of the big new stadium and celebrating the past. Retired players in the area from those old teams would also be invited to give the fans a chance to celebrate their favourite aged stars one last time. This event would be exciting for the players as well, as getting to see the players who wore the Dragons jersey before them would be a hugely inspirational moment that would push them towards greater heights in the future. Overall, tapping into the nostalgia while tying it to progress would be a really great way to introduce fans and players to the new stadium.

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Written Task: See, none of this off-ice promotional stuff is actually in your contract. You have to put on a good face in interviews and not do enough cocaine to make the news, but stumping for a new stadium or designing events on behalf of your owner is outside your job description.

If you choose to enforce this part of your contract, how would you politely (or otherwise) tell your owner to buzz off? Or would you negotiate a consulting contract? (150+ words)

Smurfunkel Dothe does really love playing in Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. Smurfunkel Dothe has played for the Quebec City Citadelles for 3 seasons now and has loved every moment of it. More than anything else, Smurfunkel Dothe loves the many fans that cheer him on while he plays for the Quebec City Citadelles. If the owner of the Quebec City Citadelles approached Smurfunkel Dothe to ask him to do promotional events for the team Smurfunkel Dothe would not do it for free. Smurfunkel Dothe would ask that the front office of the team write him up a contract that would give him payment for the appearances. Smurfunkel Dothe realizes that hockey at the end of the day is a business and he refuses to help the owner earn more money out of the goodness of his heart because that same team could get rid of him at a moments notice.

Words: 150

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Sig By @enigmatic

The opening night in Amerco Center, new home for the Battleborn, needs to go off strong. And as such management has came to their biggest hopes to have it go off well, Luka Nogoalov. Of course, Nogoalov isn't qualified at one bit for this job, but he tried. To open things off, each seat gets those inflatable clapper thunder sticks to try and make the stadium as loud as possible. And before the game starts, you would have Brandon Urie sing the national anthem. And for the first intermission you would have Nevada locals, the Killers playing a few of their hit songs for the crowd in attendance. And for the second intermission you would have a sheep race on the ice. As for during the game, when there's a TV timeout, casino like games would be played with random audience members, where they can win prizes like money, season tickets or tickets to local concerts being held at some of the casinos. So all in all a good opening game for the Battleborn.

[174 words]

RIP Mac & 701

Finally, Svoboda's project is complete and the stadium has been built. He decided in the end not to have the arena named after him, after his realization that hockey is about more than the individual. His ego has deflated and he is ready to get back to simply playing hockey.

As he was getting ready to step on the ice of the new rink for the first time he got a call from the owner to visit him in his office, and he obliged. The owner told him that now that the arena has been built, they needed someone from the team to help promote the new site. As such, he demanded that Svoboda would help. Svoboda, of course, had no interest in this, as he has lost all interest in engaging with the media. That's when Svoboda threw a smoke bomb in the office, obscuring the owner's vision. Without saying a word, he jumped out of the window and was never heard from again...

That is, until puck drop when he came back to join his team. In the end he earned a reprimand from the owner and ended up helping with the promotion anyway.

196 words



Story Mode

Opening night. Everyone gets whale plushies and commemorative pucks to celebrate the occasion. There will also be a trivia competition between periods. People will have to answer trivia questions on their phone and a winner will be chosen and receive free season tickets to the new arena. We will also have some celebrities present, nobody big. Maybe Tom Welling, Lance Stroll, Chad Michael Murray, and Brian Redban. They will all be present to sign autographs and greet fans. Vancouver band Default would also perform their hits, or hit. How many hits did they have? There would also be a staking competition before the game where whoever can do the most impressive stunt wins a free hot dog. I'm really running out of ideas, I have no idea why I'm doing this. After the game we will also do a binge watch of Season 1 of Smallville. Free admission for everyone interested in seeing this classic show.

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Renegades  raiders  Finland

Opening night is all about the Atlanta inferno community. They’ve put up with a lot and for that reason, opening night is free to those who had season tickets before the tiny college stadium and renewed again after the college stadium. The big day arrived, and a sense of pride filled the air as fans gathered for the grand event. The team owner cut the ribbon, officially inaugurating the magnificent arena. Inside, the ice glistened under the sparkling lights, inviting players to skate in this new home of hockey greatness. The grand opening of the new hockey arena became a defining moment for the town, fostering a strong sense of community and pride. It brought people together, uniting them through their shared love for the sport, creating memories that would last a lifetime. The state-of-the-art arena became more than just a venue; it became a symbol of dreams realized and aspirations achieved. What a whirlwind of a season and a crazy set of events, but the new stadium was here and the free entrance for the fans meant more money for booze, so the atmosphere was electric.

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Atticus Hale won’t go above and beyond for just any team. For a team like the New Orleans Specters though - one in which has gone above and beyond for him - he’d be willing to do just about anything to keep the team where it is, the way it is. However, if he were to be asked to spend time on things outside of the normal duties expected of him as a player, there would certainly need to be some time of contractual agreement in place. Atticus has no problem attending team events for the fans or volunteering at events or even for other organizations on behalf of the team. Things like planning and organizing big events for the team and/or organization and playing the politics game when it comes to convincing government officials and the city that it is a good idea to invest in the team, those are the type of above and beyond things that would be completely outside of the job description of a player.

[169 words]

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It's always cool to do some interviews, spend some time with fans, make selfies with them, etc. But as it has been mentioned above, it isn't included in the contract. We can use for an example a comedian Pete Davidson who had similar issue in NBA this year. Some fans are too focused to theirselves. They just don't let you rest. They think that you should do anything, because they're meeting famous people, celebrities, their idols. And hockey players has these issues too. These type of conversations with team owners and general managers are always the hardest. It's not easy to say them this stuff, but as a bussiness man - we have to do it. Aumy Junior II always lets them know that he is all about fans and the city, but there are some red lines too. No more than ten events per season, otherwise it's extra two million per event. And it always works - never been more than ten events per season in his career this far. Know your price, players!

173 words

Stars Stars Stars

(This post was last modified: 07-02-2023, 07:54 PM by jlutz14. Edited 1 time in total.)

In my brand new stadium in Buffalo, the owner is losing his mind, trying to get my player to advertise a giant life-size chocolate chip cookie. While this life-sized cookie is a gimmick oriented towards selling new chocolate chip cookies at the arena, the owner wanted me to go out on the ice dressed in a chocolate chip cookie costume. Quite frankly, I thought it was downright humiliating, so I refused to do it. However, the owner was not very pleased with that. Resulting from my inaction, the owner called me into his office, and proceeded to scream at me for 20 minutes. Fuming inside, I just sat there and frowned at him but I didn’t express my frustration verbally. I want to the GM and talked to him, telling him that I would like to be treated if the owner continued his shenanigans. That got the ball ball rolling. Unwilling to lose a young player for almost nothing, the owner called me back into his office, a few days later, and apologized for his actions stating that they were unprofessional, and that we would be scrapping the promotion. However, to replace the lack of an on-ice presence, the team decided to create an animated, chocolate chip cookie that would play on the video board during TV timeouts.  Ultimately this proved to be a success - the arena concessions sold more chocolate chip cookies and I didn’t have to wear an embarrassing costume on the ice. Problem solved.

Creative prompt

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07-02-2023, 07:53 PMjlutz14 Wrote: In my brand new stadium in Buffalo, the owner is losing his mind, trying to get my player to advertise a giant life-size chocolate chip cookie. While this life-sized cookie is a gimmick oriented towards selling new chocolate chip cookies at the arena, the owner wanted me to go out on the ice dressed in a chocolate chip cookie costume. Quite frankly, I thought it was downright humiliating, so I refused to do it. However, the owner was not very pleased with that. Resulting from my inaction, the owner called me into his office, and proceeded to scream at me for 20 minutes. Fuming inside, I just sat there and frowned at him but I didn’t express my frustration verbally. I want to the GM and talked to him, telling him that I would like to be treated if the owner continued his shenanigans. That got the ball ball rolling. Unwilling to lose a young player for almost nothing, the owner called me back into his office, a few days later, and apologized for his actions stating that they were unprofessional, and that we would be scrapping the promotion. However, to replace the lack of an on-ice presence, the team decided to create an animated, chocolate chip cookie that would play on the video board during TV timeouts.  Ultimately this proved to be a success - the arena concessions sold more chocolate chip cookies and I didn’t have to wear an embarrassing costume on the ice. Problem solved.

creative prompt

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When it comes to organizing a special night, safe to say Los-Angeles always does it bigger, brighter, and simply put better. The city of fame and glam knows how to throw a party, and the Panthers can count on A-list celebrities galore that roam the street of the worlds capital of fame to show up to the new Arena, wearing teal and orange and hyping up this new franchise chapter. For the occasion, Taylor Swift accepted to throw on a pre-game show, with small time band Foo Fighters playing the tune of the anthems before both teams square off. The cherry on top : tickets have been handed out for free to families on a random basis, which is sure to make an electric building come puck drop. This is a celebration of community, love for the sport and giving back, and to make sure that this is done the proper way, the Panthers are gonna go all out and make it a memorable night! Now, all we need is a blowout win!

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@jason kranz sig elite / @sulovilen elite sig
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Panthers Ireland Highlanders

Come one and all, Welcome to this years biggest event we have waited all season for. Shoot Tanner into the Sun! Now do not worry, Tanner volunteered, with no pressure from others, and sighed all the appropriate waivers that say, when he gets hurt, It is not on the Yukon Malamutes. This event will start with a party, including a meet and great with all the players. There will be free popcorn and water both before and during the events. Afterwards, there will also be a party at the best local pub. Donations buckets will be posted at multiple locations, all over, with donations heavily encouraged. All proceeds of "Shoot Tanner into the Sun" will go into the Mutes scholarship fund, Helping lower income kids reach higher education without societal pressure to be able to afford schooling. The Yukon Malamutes, hosted by former captain Sydney Shaw, look forward to seeing everyone at this special event!

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Player Prompt

knowing this wasnt part of my contract i dont think id actually try to convince my owner that i shouldnt be doing this. my tactic would be to try to convince him that i SHOULD be but do an absolutely atrocious job in doing so. just be overly confident in what im saying but anyone whos really paying attention to what im saying knows im not saying anything of any worth. you know the scene in the office where Michael is talking to David Wallace about what hes doing right to record strong numbers? “dont ever, for any reason, do anything, to anyone…” something like that. completely absurdity that makes the ownership go “there is no way we are making this guy the face of this promotion, hes going to make us look downright silly.” this… could backfire… buuuut im at least assuming, maybe hoping, that the group is smart enough to see that what im saying is complete bullshit nothing.

[161 words]

Opening Night

It was a rather common occurrence that an eyelash would find itself in Joe Owner's daily cup of coffee, served over the counter at a nationwide chain. What he didn't know wouldn't kill him. He sipped his black coffee on his stroll from the car garage to his office at the top of the arena, as he had often done, completely unaware of the plans set in place by Tiberius Kane. Again, as he had often done. Kane was a clever opponent in any battlefield, and control over the team was no different. He had big plans for opening night. At last the world would finally see the Brotherhood of Nod not as a terrorist organization, but as a brand. They would welcome Nod into their households as they had Nike, General Electric, Pepsi. And if we're being honest here, is it really that different? Nod shrugged off the veil of dishonesty, stood naked to the world in total truthfulness. So there was a little death involved. There's death involved in the chocolate trade, but at least we're not pretending. What they didn't know about Nod was no more dangerous than what they did. That portion was better left to the future, when the public was ready. For now, a modest showing of force in the area. A buy-in to the NHL that couldn't be turned down. The fans might not like it at first, but they would learn.

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Fuck the penaltys
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