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S71 SMJHL Postseason Bonanza
(This post was last modified: 07-05-2023, 11:54 PM by DigDoug11. Edited 9 times in total.)

2. Looking Towards the Future
The future for the Detroit falcons has a lot of potential, starting with getting two great GM's and a very active rookie class that you will definitely want to keep an eye on them. With that said, it looks like it may be rebuilding time because they will need a little bit of everything next season. With some of the veterans getting ready to be called up to the big leagues and the high number of inactive players on the team it may be a tough couple of seasons for the falcons. But this team has enough grit and determination that I believe anything can happen for this team even if the rookies need to play each game by themselves, and I know they would if they could and that makes me very excited to be part of this team and I'm looking forward to the next class of rookies to join the Detroit Falcons.

156 Words - 3 TPE

3 - Secret Plan
When it comes to secret plans, Trevor is all about sabotaging, all though he may be a wizard on the ice, his off the ice ideas aren't always the best. Trevor's plan would be to steal all the ice from the opposing teams ice rinks.  Doing this would be no easy feat, it would require lots planning to pull off a stunt of this size. The plan would be to find some type of machinery that could be used to scrape up all the ice in the rink, but I believe this is as far as Trevor would make it, because he would probably get arrested for stealing some construction company's machinery, which then he would really just be sabotaging this own team. Alternatively, Trevor would see about hiring the biggest name in the SHL to come a do a workshop for the team to help them find their groove again so they will be ready to win the whole thing next season!
163 Words - 3 TPE

9 - What's in a Name?
I like the names that reference characters from shows/movies, it's even better when they are pairs with a great sig.  But on the other hand, you can't go wrong with a real-life player reference, especially with its referencing a person favorite player in any league. But if I had to pick one, I would go with the character references.
60 Words - 1 TPE

12 - On the Radar
Trevor Lahey is a s71 rookie playing for the Detroit Falcons, while the falcons didn't have an amazing season, they had Trevor.  During his 1st season in the SMJHL he definitely was able to make his mark by being one of the top rookies in the league which makes him a very attractive prospect to the SHL. His pure grit and will to be the best are just a small portion of what makes him great. Any team in the SHL would be excited to have a player of his caliber. You can expect to see Trevor being a part of this league for a long time and is very committed to the league.  Outside of the league, Trevor does great things for his community, such as food drives and helping the needy.  With all this said, it's easy to see why Trevor would be an excellent fit on any team that would have him, and Trevor is excited to be apart of a teams great legacy 
for years to come.
171 Words - 3 TPE

17 - Feedback
So far with my 1st time in the SHL and any sim league, I've enjoyed the PT's more than I thought I would because I'm not much of a writer/creative person.  Doing These has put me out of my comfort zone and force to do new things.  I've enjoyed the PT topics that we've had this season especially having a RL buddy in the league and we've been creating a back story with our players being rivals.  So over all I'vee had a good time doing the PTs and im looking forward to what next seasons PT's have to offer in terms of entertainment.
105 Words - 2 TPE

16 - Goals
Being that this is my 1st season in the SHL and my 1st time in any sim league this has been quite learning experience but after my 1st season i think I've gotten it mostly figured out. My goals for my time in the SHL are to make my player be the best that he can be and hopefully have an MVP season one year and take him all the way to retirement.  As for site goals, I haven't really put much thought into it, but a HOF induction would be pretty neat but after I get a better understanding of how everyting works I see myself trying out a few different site jobs.
114 Words - 2 TPE

18 - Milestones 
+2 TPE - Milestone

16 TPE Total.

[Image: captainLahey.png?width=1000&height=606]
[Image: lIYTYDN.png][Image: tCcIWQC.png][Image: 9pUocRs.png]
(This post was last modified: 07-09-2023, 11:53 PM by BANACKOCK. Edited 6 times in total.)

1. Fan Appreciation Day
Come one, come all. Step right up. You don’t want to miss out! The biggest event of the year is coming to St. Louis and it’s gonna be an absolute party. The St. Louis scarecrows are hosting the first ever Scarecrow Scarer, which is a big Halloween bash the team throws to show their appreciation to the fans. All the players and staff show up, dress up and party with the fans. The fans are also dressed up. There’s a contest for best dressed costumes and a bunch of prizes. There’s haunted houses, treats, games, decorations, games for kids, a beer garden, tons of food and it’s seriously just a very great time. The event starts in the morning with a breakfast and then they have a parade around lunchtime where they toss candy to the little kids that are dressed up. It’s honestly a great time. then they set up behind the scarecrows arena, the forest area to make it look like a haunted forest. All the money that they make goes to charity.

= 175 Words / 3 TPE


12. On the Radar
With this player, you’re going to get the entire package. You were going to get somebody that Max earns and makes money.  They also have well above 50 million in the bank right now. Then you go to player who is extremely hungry and the rookie season and played incredibly well. They scored lots of goals got a lot of helpers and put up the points. They were a big reason why their team was as good and they let their team for points as a rookie player. I think this is going to continue. Teams can expect this player to be very loyal to management and their teammates. They have potential to be elite levels. They also come with risk of burning out. this is something that GM’s are going to have to look at and give thought. However, I think if the GM’s reached out to them and did a little bit of scouting, it’s a pretty safe pic. They’re not going anywhere anytime soon and I strongly believe that they’re going to be a very good young players in both leagues.

= 184 Words / 3 TPE

14. R&R
I’m going to do a little bit of both! I think it’s important that I take a little bit of time to relax and regroup. A little time to heal, collect my thoughts and go over my last season as well as my current self. Then I think it’s also important to explore the world, have a lot of fun with my family and friends, and just make a lot of memories during the off-season. It’s time to focus on happiness and health, and bettering myself as an individual so that I can be a strong player and Prospect moving into the entry draft. While we ended things a little soon in the playoffs, I am looking forward to the time off so that I can really put my head down and focus.

= 133 words / 2 TPE

15. Charity Drive
The St. Louis scarecrows were hosting a charity event at their last home game of the playoffs. It was a teddy bear toss game! After the first goal scored by the St. Louis scarecrows, all the fans would toss a teddy bear onto the ice. The teddy bears will go to children that are sick in the local St. Louis hospital. 50-50 funds were also go to the cause and all other extra donations.

Each Scarecrow has donated an autographed jersey as puck for a fun auction. The current bid for jerseys is starting at $150 USD and the bud at the moment for all pucks is priced to start at $15. There’s currently one jersey and one puck from each player available.

= 123 words / 2 TPE

16. Goals
While the career still is young, the fire is burning extremely bright for Konig Wolf right now. Heading into the regular season, my expectations for my player and for my team were a lot lower. I thought St. Louis was going to struggle a lot more than they did. I can’t remember why I had that expectation but I do know it was for fair reason. I really thought they were going to be a very bad team. I thought they were going to be rebuilding. We came together as a team this year, and it was a lot of fun. For my player, it was a blast. This is the most success I’ve ever had in a SMJHL season and I’m a rookie. That probably just means that next season. I’m going to be Shit  lol…

Moving forward, I want to continue to earn my TPE. I also want to cash in on as many double draft medias as possible to earn money. Careerwise, I want to be a star elite player to the team that drops me. I want to chase continental cups and grow a team. Also score BIG GOALS.

193 Words / 3 TPE

17. Feedback

I feel like this version of championship week gives us a little bit more options for how we earn our TPE. I think it’s important that you give us as many ways as possible while it’s still makes sense with everything else. I’m totally fine with her being a minimum word amount for the normal point tasks but for something like this, it’s nice to remove the word count and just have a mile stone up to a specific amount.

80 words / 1 TPE

18. Milestones
S71 Milestones

TOTAL: 16/16

(This post was last modified: 07-03-2023, 07:51 AM by DigDoug11. Edited 1 time in total.)


[Image: captainLahey.png?width=1000&height=606]
[Image: lIYTYDN.png][Image: tCcIWQC.png][Image: 9pUocRs.png]
(This post was last modified: 07-06-2023, 09:48 AM by Figgy. Edited 2 times in total.)

1. Fan Appreciation Day

Your team is giving back to their supporters by holding a fan appreciation day for one of their games, where the team will hand out a special commemorative item to show thanks for their continued support of the franchise. You have been tasked to design the product to be given out to the attendees (can be a rally towel, foam finger, bobble head, etc.) Write a blurb about the item, including details on during which game was / will be given out.

I have always loved give aways done by teams, I think they are not only an amazing way to bring in fans, but to show the fans and players how much they mean to an organization. In appreciation of the amazing fan base up here in Anchorage we plan on giving away a Tony Soprano Bobblehead doll at the first home game next year. Tony was the indisputable MVP of the Armada this last season, basically leading us in every statistical category and being an incredibly uplifting presence in the locker room and on the ice. I feel the bobble head would be of Tony in the Armada's home uniform saluting all the while standing in front of the Aramada's battleship. It will have a base in Armada dark blue with the font being grey, there will be a small logo on either side of the the base. I also think it would be very cool to have Tony's stats etched into the back of the base so everyone who receives one, can look back and remember the incredible season that Tony had.  I think this would be the best way to show our absolute appreciation to the fans and for the team to show its appreciation towards Tony for his contributions.

212 Words

2. Looking Towards the Future

As we near the end of S71, the SMJHL draft will be happening soon. Going into next season, what are your team's biggest needs and areas of strength? Do any holes need to be filled with call-ups? Do you have a position that is incredibly stacked? Give us all an overview of your team, from top to bottom.

After finishing my first year here in Anchorage I feel that our weaknesses were quite apparent. After going through a tough season and disappointing playoff round, we definitely need to look at upgrading our goaltending, secondary scoring and our defensive play. Our goaltending did its best, but at the same time it becomes very difficult to win many games when  you are giving up 4.32 goals a game. With that being said the defense needs to step up, giving up on average over  40 shots a game doesn't give our goalies much of a chance either. The poor tendy's faced more rubber than a freeway during rush hour. Our defense needs to get better at getting into lanes and taking away the shots and passes to give our goalies any chance of winning us some games. Now moving on to our forwards, we have a deep group of players, but we need to score some more. We have a promising rookie in Reed who hopefully can get even better this year and give Tony Soprano some help in putting in the puck. We are honestly quite stacked going down the middle with Soprano, Reed and late singing Manty, obviously we will need to draft another center whether it is Manty himself or another player to round out the spot. We could use some help on the LW as we are weaker there.

232 words

9. What's in a Name?

A player name is the first of many steps that mark the start of a new SHL career. From meme names, real life references and parodies of hockey players, there are a wonderful assortment of names that can be found throughout the league. Which player(s) have the best name and why?

Now this is a fun one. When joining the league myself I just went with a combination of different names, but after joining and seeing all of the creative names that are in the league, my mind has been spinning with all of the possibilities going forward with new builds. I love the ones that use a play on words and the all of the renditions of existing or previous pro players. Some great examples are Cheeks Klapanen who took an instagram post of Kasperi Kapanen and used that name.  Georg N'Zola(great cheese reference from one of the Armada's resident chefs) is another amazingly creative name.  From the Raptors you have Burger King, a great idea and easy render with that creepy mascots head. In Great Falls you have one of my favorite dishes Pork Tenderloin, and in Maine you have the creatively silly Iliket Urtles, and defenseman Mushu the Dragon straight out of Mulan. Then you have I-Stir MyPudding in Nevada. All of this just through half of the J let alone alll of the amazing names in the SHL. It is completely baffling to me how some of you have come up with these amazingly funny and creative names. I love seeing all of the new ones and as I said it continues to inspire me for my next build.

222 Words

12. On the Radar

Write a pre-draft scout report on your player from the perspective of a journalist covering the prospects of the S72 SHL draft class. What do possible SHL suitors have to be excited (or perhaps wary?) about when it comes to potentially drafting your player?

Well here is the time that honestly is one of my least favorite. Never been a big fan of bragging myself up, but here it goes. Dan Johnston came into the draft with the ideas of being a solid defense man who is hard to play against. I wanted to be strong in my own end with the ability to step up into the rush when it was needed. While I feel I did my job by racking up 61 take aways, 131 shots blocked and 135 hits, I also managed to jump up into the offensive end more than I had expected. I ended up with 11 goals and 29 assists in 66 games played, and out of those 40 points 20 of them came on the PP (10g/10a). My goal going forward is definitely to improve my play in the defensive end as I am not happy with my -21 on the plus/minus. Our team gave up way too many chances and I feel it is my responsibility to rectify this myself.  I am going to work on my defensive side of the game to remove the liability in my game as best as I can. So anyone looking for a defense man willing to put his body on the line, but who can still contribute on the score sheet, Dan Johnston is your man.

229 words

+3 TPE - S71 SMJHL Milestones[url=][/url]


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[Image: Q9Ii17g.png]
Credit to Ragnar and Enigmatic for the great Signatures
(This post was last modified: 07-04-2023, 12:55 PM by Weaves. Edited 1 time in total.)

2. Looking Towards the Future:

The Kelowna Knights are a team in transition. I don’t think there is any question about that. They finished near the bottom of the standings, and they are looking to be on the upswing. I think it is safe to say that there are holes all over the roster, yes literally everywhere. They need talent anywhere they can find it. However, this past draft was a good start, but they need to build off of it to have success.

If we start off in net, Tibuk, one of the best goalie’s in the SMJHL, is allegedly moving up this upcoming season, so KEL will be losing their main goalie. Secondly, despite having an up and coming star (Activity Check) in net, he is finally embracing the reality that his services are best served as forward (more on that in a minute), which would basically mean that KEL has zero goalies entering next season. So, I would expect this to a be a high need entering the draft. I think it is fair to expect a top 3 round selection. There is no call ups as this is the SMJHL, so the draft is all they have! So yeah, in terms of goalie depth, KEL has an F - as there is literally no goalies on the roster!

Moving towards the defensive side of the team, Rikkad Metzller should be graduating to his SHL team, so KEL is losing their best D man right off the bat. Cole Dasice, there #2 on the chain, is also graduating after spending 5 seasons in the SMJHL. Their #3 defensman, first round pick Rocky Orwell, has no choice now but to be the man and step up as the #1, as KEL has literally nobody else to fill in that void. This is an insane amount of pressure to put on a sophomore, but again, KEL really doesn’t have any choice, unless they go out and get a D man, which is unlikely. Isak Sogaard, their #5 defenseman, has also hit four seasons in the SMJHL, so he will likely also be graduating. Joshua Luna is the only other defenseman on the roster, and therefore slots in as the number 2 on the team with only 155 TPE, WOWZA. KEL really needs to pick up here, and I would expect both of their top selections to be on D-men, if not at least the first round. It is a dire need as the team moves to be more competitive. On the D side, I would give the overall grade of this unit a C, because they may have a young stud D man that can develop into a #1, but nothing else at all to go around him.

Now, the offense is a bit more optimistic, and there is some talent across all of the lines. Given the nature of the goalies and of the defense, the offense will essentially have to carry the entire load. Wonada Jagrs, the top point-getter for KEL last year, is now graduating - so thats a big blow right off the bat. However, Logan Webb will step up in year 3 and should take over for him. I would expect Webb to lead the team in points and be a focal point of the offense. WILHELM VON HINDENBURG II is the next man to talk about, the second leading point getter last season, locked at 266 TPE as he is inactive. I would imagine this actually bumps him down to line 2, if not 3. Probably line 3. Either way, expect him to provide some decent bottom 6 depth this upcoming season. Rookie of the year candidate, Arthur Kaliyev, had a great campaign last season with over 50 points is very impressive, and I would expect Arthur to maintain a locked-in LW positon in the top 6 for 3 more seasons. Arthur will have massive expectations as staying consistent will go a long way to insure Kelowna remains relevant and competitive. Mu Wisconsin, max earner, will be entering his final season with Kelowna. Played very well last season and I expect him to play very well again this year and be one of the leaders on the squad. Not a center naturally but forced to play there last season due to C depth, I think a transition back to the wing would be good for this player because of….. Enter Activity Check. Activity Check, a third round pick goalie last season has turned into his pads and is now Centre for Kelowna. The highest earner on the team from last years draft, and a player that should have over 320+ TPE before the season starts, should be an offensive Dynamo as soon as he enters the lineup. If i was KEL I would put him at Centre with Webb and watch the sparks fly. He has three full seasons left in KEL and should make more of an impact at C than in G, despite KEL no longer having a goalie! Kevin Kim is also on the roster in KEL, and should get to max earn status soon. A natural centre, Kim probably did not play as well as most expected, and hopes to bounce back this season. He should be locked into a top 9 role no matter what. Rounding out the group with Trey Daniels (LW), another play selected in last years draft that is active, and is expected to contribute in the top 9 as well, and probably will play at RW this upcoming season. And rounding out the top 9 is Crystal, who will probably return to a second line checking role, as the player type is a grinder and will have fierce competition this season, a third line role is probably more likely. The unit overall is solidly a B+, lots of young talent but need more consistency.

My forward lines would be:

Arthur K - Mu Wisconsin - Trey Daniels
Logan Webb - Activity Check - Kevin Kim
X - William Von Henderberg ll - Crystal

Words: 1005 

2. Looking Towards the Future
As we near the end of S71, the SMJHL draft will be happening soon. Going into next season, what are your team's biggest needs and areas of strength? Do any holes need to be filled with call-ups? Do you have a position that is incredibly stacked? Give us all an overview of your team, from top to bottom.

Quite honestly the Kraken are looking great as an entire roster with an absolutely stacked rookie class of Defensive players(Lazer Gato, Westley Kirkpatrick, Sith Happens) and a few veteran Forwards(Timo Lambert, Alexej Kastrba) I don’t think there really is a true need on the roster at the moment. However, those Forwards are getting older and likely get called up sooner than later, so if the team did want to make some moves selling out right now for draft picks in this coming class to replace soon to be call ups could be the right call. If we can pair some stellar rookie Forwards to age alongside what might be the best young defensive core in the Juniors, then Carolina could be looking at a 2-3 year window where we can compete for the cup every season. That being said, my personal motto is slow but steady wins the race, and I don’t think selling out the future is the right move. Ideally we continue to stick with our picks and keep adding 2-3 members to the roster every season, that still puts us in a good spot competitively without ensuring a tank season in the near future after we lose our S72 defensive core. Regardless I have full faith in Frenchie and Seven and their vision!
(216 words / 4 TPE)

7. Winner Winner Chicken
At the end of the day, what we all really strive for is the Four Star Cup. It takes everyone's best efforts, an unrelenting determination to win and hard work to be able to hoist the glorious trophy. Out of the 12 teams in playoffs, who do you think will win the 4 Star Cup? Are you going for the clear favorites, or the underdogs? Give reasons to justify your prediction.

Carolina is most certainly the underdog when it comes to the playoffs this season. Slotting in at 6th in the standing we’ve got our work cut out for us if we want to raise the cup! I’d say the odds on favorites to win it all are either Maine or Nevada who both sport well balanced rosters and the regular season wins to back the claim. Nevada seems especially tough with star forwards Alekss Ivanova and Bender Junior having both tallied over 50 goals during regular season play. But let me tell you why the Kraken just might be this year's Cinderella story. Yes by the standing we were only able to rack up 34 wins, but we did that with a roster loaded with true rookies who have only developed more and more over the course of the season. Future all pro Westly Kirkpatrick slots in at Right Defense and an impressive 287 TPE, not to mention a shameless plug for my own player Lazer Gato here sitting at 292 TPE.  The defensive duo combined with rookie goalie Sith Happens(258 TPE) is sure to give opposing offenses a true underdog fight this offseason. Will it be enough to win it all? Well if the Kraken sweep of Detroit in the first round isn’t a sign of things to come you might just need to get your vision checked!
(229 words / 4 TPE)

15. Charity Drive
Professional hockey players are among the luckiest members of a community, but not everyone is given the same opportunities. As such, many players are expected to give back to the community by volunteering their time and energy off the ice with various charitable organizations. Write about a charity or event that your player helped out with.

Oh man this is a no brainer slam dunk for my player! Lazer Gato, being a Cat with Lazer eyes of course, has decided to give back to the animal community! He’ll be spending plenty of time this offseason volunteering at the humane society making kitten biscuits to help feed starving animals. Really though I’d urge everyone to donate to your city's humane society if you can spare a few SHL sim bucks. Gato will be hosting adopt a kitten events every Saturday this offseason, even kitten you adopt enters you into a raffle where you can win a number of Carolina Kraken memorabilia and hockey equipment signed by the Lazer Cat himself and other members of the Kraken roster. If that isn’t enough to convince you perhaps you might just be interested in spending some quality time with a cat with none of the long term commitment. Gato will also be opening a Cat Cafe to help foster cats and find them new homes! Drop on in for a nice coffee and give a cat a nice scratch behind the ears while you’re there. 100% of all the cafe profits will go back into helping pets find their forever home. Who knows you might just find the right cat for you!
(212 words / 4 TPE)

16. Goals
Although your career may still be in its early stages, it's still a great time to think about the future. What are some goals you have for your career, or some personal goals for the site? Are you striving for a HOF induction? Getting a site job?

Lazer Gato’s isn’t the type of player to have his eyes on the long game. After all being a cat means his attention span is incredibly short(note to opposing teams please do not bring a laser pointer to Kraken games it’s incredibly rude and distracting). So just looking one season forward his goals are right there in the title of this prompt, he wants to score at least more than 5 Goals and ideally have a better shooting percentage than 3.23%!! In all seriousness I’m looking to be as much of a team player as possible so the statlines are irrelevant to me as long as what Gato is doing helps the team in some form, even if that means riding the bench and cheering the team on! To put it another way, with 38 of my 43 points coming from assists, those 5 goals were absolutely not worth the potential glory of 150 missed shots this season.  As Lazer Gato always says, you miss 100% of the shots that you miss. So in short my goal is to be a team player, continue to earn TPE, and hopefully not go inactive! If I’m fortunate enough to win some awards or a championship along the way that’s just a little extra on top.
(213 words / 4 TPE)

[Image: wizard_literal2.gif]
[Image: SZRCDpe.png]
(This post was last modified: 07-04-2023, 06:46 PM by trashae.)

1. The citizens of Detroit are avid animal lovers and with the recent wildfires in British Columbia there are a lot of displaced falcons.  To that end the team is repurposing their fan appreciation night for a great cause.  The team will be giving the first 5000 fans in attendance their own falcon and a code to redeem the 'Idiot's Guide to Falconing'.  Each of the gifted falcons will be animals whose homes were burned down in the fires.  This of course in lieu of the commemorative hats the team was planning on giving out when the Maine Timber come to town.  They depicted a falcon felling a fur tree and with the aforementioned wildfire situation the public relations department decided that giving away clothing depicting the complete and utter destruction of a forest.  The giveaway will however still be happening the next time that the Maine Timber come into town to get their asses beat.

2. After this season Detroit will officially have no active players outside of the S72 class.  Keeping that in mind the roster holes are virtually everywhere.  We have one solid defenseman and two forwards.  That's not even enough to fill the ice.  The only strong position on the roster is in net.  Wayne Holloway played admirably last year and continues to develop.  I have no reservations about his continued success.  Zedward, Trevor, and The Murray will all be rock stars in the SMJHL but they just need help.  Detroit is in the position that just any warm body will make the team better.

3. With such a young team and no 425 eligible active players on the roster the Detroit Falcons will need to resort to pretty drastic tactics to win games.  Tapping into The Murray's past experience as a member of the world's best crime gang to sabotage opponents was the best decision the team could have made.  The team's win total jumped from almost none all the way up to a few when the decision was announced.  Right out the gate the tunnel from the visitor's locker room to the ice will now be tilted at a fifteen degree angle.  Hopefully implementing that change will cost at least one ankle this season.  From there The Murray has had heat lamps installed over the visitor's crease for periods one and three.  They will be off for the second period of course, but I hope that the opposing goalies know how to swim and packed their swim trunks.

7. With The Murray's tenure prior to the draft as a member of a Maine Timber team that made the finals and ultimately got swept in that series I will admit some bias in their favor when I make this prediction.  Don't let my biases distract from the numbers though.  The Timber were a strong team from puck drop on the first game of the season to the final whistle on game sixty six.  They finished atop the standings with 107 points.  Nevada was the only other team to finish with more than 100 points this past season so sure that isn't the most convincing argument for Maine.  Well I've got a few more for you because no matter how you look at it the Timber are at worst a top 2 team in a number of statistical categories.  Looking at stats related to the goals scored this past season they were also on top of the league with a plus 158 differential.  Nevada was again in second place, but over 40 back from Maine.  Interestingly enough both teams finished within 5 goals scored over the course of the season.  The true differentiator between Maine and anyone else is their stifling defense.  They allowed only 173 goals all season.  To put some of this into perspective Detroit allowed more than twice as many goals all season with over 350! The Timber will dominate these playoffs like they dominated the regular season and finish with a four-star cup.

14. In the offseason The Murray stays in Kelowna.  After escaping from the jungle he doesn't have much of a home to go to and with the career criminal situation his friends are difficult to track down.  Offseasons are spent staying in shape and exploring the great outdoors of British Columbia hiking and camping.

Milestones 3 TPE


opening this thread real quick :}

[Image: sig-orwell.png]

[Image: LeBr8Bk.png]
thank you to sulo and enigmatic for the sigs!  Knights
(This post was last modified: 07-05-2023, 08:53 PM by Pyro182. Edited 2 times in total.)

18. +3 TPE - Milestones

9. What's in a name:

Here comes Pyro’s top 5 names:
1. Alexandros Mograine – I am definitely biased here for two reasons first, he is on my team, and secondly it’s a WoW reference. Why is the second one so important? WoW has a special place in my heart because it was how I learned to read, and has even helped me in a science competition. And while I prefer playing as the horde, all the lore that Blizzard put around Arthas Menethil has been amazing and Alexandros Mograine, both he and his sword earning the title of Ashbringer, is an amazing story. This name was good enough for me to try my hand at using photo editing software to turn this legendary warrior’s sword into a hockey stick, and any name that is good enough to take me out of my comfort zone and into trying to use a type of software that I have never even looked at before has got to top a list.
2. Westley Kirkpatrick – My own player’s name has to make the list somewhere, especially since it shares a name with my own child. Other perks of this name include being the same as the hero in The Princess Bride, a top tier movie that I absolutely love.
3. Lazer Gato – More Carolina bias from me, but hey, no one can stop me so there. This one is great because cats rule the internet and the one that can shoot lasers out of it’s eyes has got to be the most powerful.
4. Billy Hill – Great play on words here by Papa Sorin, his player is designed to be a no nonsense kid from the sticks and his name says it all, can’t get much simpler than that
5. Zedward Zilliams – There is a rumor going around that the only non-bust from this draft class is going to be players named Zedward, as the highest TPE Zedward he gets to round out the top 5.

326 words

12. On the Radar:

Player Name: Westley Kirkpatrick
Class Ranking: 9th
Potential: First Ballot Hall of Famer
Analysis: Westley’s first season in the SMJHL has shown how much potential this young defenseman has hiding being his baby-like frame. Soaring into the league with 17 goals and 35 assists, this player has shown that sometimes the best defense is a good offense. While some may worry that his offense would mean that he has several cracks in his defensive zone play, Westley was tied for second among all SMJHL players in takeaways showing that he can contend with the best in any zone of the ice. Westley is even a decent locker room presence, while he may not always be the one to start conversations, he was there to lend advice to the waiver claims based off his experience so far and has already begun to show a more veteran presence. He also has been known to be particularly interested in studying the games analytically and has worked with his GMs and coaches to improve his game.

172 words

15. Charity Drive

As a beneficiary of his Old Coach’s generosity, Westley has made it a personal mission to help set up younger players in the Indianapolis area. At the end of his first regular season, Westley flew back out to Indy for a day trip where he and good friend and rival Grell Fortox started the Indy Plays program. The first beneficiaries of this program was their old team, where the two of them donated gear and hockey sticks to supply their old team for the next few seasons. Afterward the team was split into two groups to be coached by Grell and Westley, with Grell’s team being outfitted in Vancouver Whalers gear, and Westley’s team outfitted in Carolina Kraken gear and the teams played each other for a charity game to continue kickstarting the Indy Plays program.

136 words

[Image: pyro182.gif]

Thank you hewasajazzman, Slothfacekilla, Sulo, Frenchie, and Raymond for the sigs Smile
(This post was last modified: 07-09-2023, 07:34 PM by Dainjah. Edited 2 times in total.)

1. Fan Appreciation
On January 1, 2038, we held our Fan Appreciation Night. New year, New staff members, new players and new thanks to all of our fans new and old. Right before the teams come out to the ice for warm ups, an announcement goes off. "Dear Fans: New and old, this night is for you. It is for sticking with us in the past for all of our ups and downs, and looking to the future may you continue to support us. If you have not seen it yet, underneath your seat is a bag with a special gift! We are proud to hand the Krak Head hats out to everyone here! Now put them on as the Knights come on the ice and remind them who's territory they've crossed into!" As the teams come out, the crowd is roaring with their new orange and black Kraken hats flailing everywhere! (Imagine this but Orange with black underbelly -

164 words (not including parenthesis) / +3

9. What's in a name?
While I have a personal bias to mine, I still think it is one of the best, especially from a goalie stand point. Outside of being a play on words, Sith Happens (shit happens), it is a personal attitude I take while playing in the net in real life. Things are going to happen and you just have to prevent what you can. Shake off or laugh off failures and mistakes so you do not get in your own head and have fun with it. On a personal level, it seems to help relieve the tension and stress of not only myself but other teammates as well. I have been known to laugh at some of the most random things. It definitely gets commented on and you know... goalies are a special breed. Besides, it is also a great name to make nerdy references with and an awesome render for. Be prepared for me to make more nerd references in the future.

162 words / +3 TPE

14. R&R
After having a great rookie regular season and making it to the second round of the playoffs, Sith definitely feels he has earned a little break to rest and gather himself mentally before summer leagues kick off. And what better way is there to have a little self care and fun than to visit DISNEY. He has to check in on his apprentice, Lord Vader, at the Star Wars area to see how he is and how many new soldiers he has converted to the dark side to serve the empire. After that though, he is definitely headed back to the ice to grind out some harsh trainings to be prepared for all the upcoming challenges. Starting with some reactionary drills to move better side to side between the pipes. Next will be some movement drills outside of the crease, especially focusing on edges while sliding around cones. Followed by some quick puck tracking drills. One of his favorites being starting with his back to the puck, turning, and catching the puck shot at him or placing the rebound in a safe area. Anything after that will be up to Frenchie and whatever devilish coach he brings in for off season workouts.

202 words / +4 TPE

16. Goals
With finally stepping onto junior professional ice and making it all the way the the 2nd round of playoffs, I have been able to learn, grow, and identify some areas of needed improvement. To begin with, I definitely need to pay better attention to deadlines. I have also been able to begin learning making graphics with a few of the weekly PTs thanks to the help of Sloth and a few others from the Kraken discord. I would definitely like to learn / master more on the graphic side of things. With the in between of seasons I would like to see and learn more about the WJC and IIHF leagues. I am slowly figuring out stat weights and going to distribute them better. Eventually, i would probably pick up a job or two on the site. I am just currently not comfortable with knowledge of how things are done yet.

150 words / +3 TPE

18. Milestones
+3 TPE

[Image: Sith-Happens-Signature.gif]

[Image: KS8UYv9.png] [Image: zFE0mSA.png] [Image: HKi05IH.png]
(This post was last modified: 07-07-2023, 05:59 PM by soevil. Edited 2 times in total.)

18. SMJHL Milestones (3 TPE)

12. On the Radar (7 TPE)

Regina Elk Center Austin Morley Pre-Draft Scouting Report: After a productive but relatively unexciting rookie season in the SMJHL, Austin Morley seems ready to take the leap in to the SHL. A season 71 second round pick for the Regina Elk, Morley proved his mettle by gutting out a respectable stat line while skating on the third line. He currently leads the S71 Elk draft class in TPE and doesn't appear to be slowing down any time soon. Although he is capable of providing some offensive firepower, Morley really prefers to get his hands dirty on the defensive end of the ice. His offensive ability was seen throughout the season as Morley finished with the third highest shooting percentage for the Elk and fourth in goals despite being on the third line and seeing the second lowest average time on the ice. Defensively, he finished 4th on the team in takeaways and finished with a greater than 50% win rate on faceoffs. Although his defensive contributions don't stand out on the stat sheet, as a reporter who has watched every minute skated by this defensive minded Center, I can attest to the impact that he brings on defense. Although he is a raw talent, SHL teams can expect Morley to continue to hone his craft on both offense and defense. It is clear that his intent is to become a great two way player with a focus on providing a real impact on defense. He may never be a 50 goal scorer in the SHL, but teams can depend on him to not be a liability on offense. On defense he will prove to be a menace to opposing centers and wingers in the coming seasons. He is relentless in the pursuit of creating turnovers and his tenacity will enable him to do whatever it takes to put his team in the best position to win. Overall, I suspect SHL scouts and GMs to give Morley a 2nd round grade that may fluctuate depending on team needs during the draft. At the time of this publication, only two teams have reached out. (350 words)

16. Goals (5 TPE)

Austin Morley doesn’t do anything half assed. For him, the goal is always going to be Hall of Fame or bust. Since he intends to be a defensive focused two way center for his whole career, he recognizes that he will probably never be the best in any metric, making that goal more challenging than someone who has 10k career points or hits. Morley will have to work to achieve his HOF dreams by other means. Firstly, he will have to ensure that he has a long career. Because he will never rack up the most goals or takeaways in a season, he will have to player longer than his peers to achieve similar statistics. Other than his individual stats, Morley will likely have to prove his HoF worthiness by winning individual awards and by helping his team(s) hoist the Challenge Cup. Hopefully his longevity will lead to better than average stats for his career and some awards will give him a good enough resume to make the SHL HoF. A goal that is just as important to Morley as the SHL HoF would be being inducted into a teams Ring of Honor. That would mean that he showed loyalty to a team for a long duration and more importantly could be viewed as a great player and teammate. Long story short, Morley absolutely wants to fight the long, uphill battle toward the hall of fame, but a ring of honor bid would be just as great of an achievement in his eyes. (253 words)

14. R&R (1 TPE)

As Morley has just finished his rookie season in the SMJHL, some might think he should look to rest before the SHL draft. Those people would be wrong. Ain’t no rest for the wicked. He will continue to train in hopes of improving his skill, and ultimately, his draft stock. (50 words)

16/16 TPE earned.

[Image: Morleyhockey.gif]
(This post was last modified: 07-08-2023, 05:09 PM by linsangeles. Edited 9 times in total.)

16.  Milestones +2TPE

3. Secret Plans
This offseason the management gave players close to 3 weeks time off with no any disturbing stuff. Some of us enjoyed it with the closest ones, others to just recover but it took a while to process what went wrong this season. Got take the positive side only towards the next season, cus we gotta play and train with even more passion and drive. The camp is starting within days and minds has to be in right place already. It will be quite different this time, cus we will travel across many cities in days off to not get stuck in routine, mix things up, see new places, train in different environemts like sea and sand, cold, hot, high altitude and even thick air. Gotta be ready for those away games and rivalries with those fanatical fans. Biggest news tho is actually new helmsman who certainly will give the team the something extra, at least in the seasons begging where everyone will try to show their worthy. At the marketing side also there is improvement as the heads are getting new sponsor in the name of GamePatch sports. Arenas boards and jerseys will get redesigned a little and players will get some cool GamePatch's equipment to try on. All things considered the curve towards the right way is there and there is no worries at the camp that something is off, just gotta always be ready for healthy competitiveness in the team, cus we believe that can only makes us better.
267 words = 5 TPE

12. On the radar
No doubt, there is nothing new that drafting goalies early isn't the most seen thing. And I compeletely understand that isn't at the same excitement level as drafting high scoring forwards. From what I have seen, teams fill their need at the goaltender in their third or even fourth round, so that most likely could be the case for Falcons youngster Holloway. He played a whopping 3150 minutes this season, which is 3rd in the league, so he gained much experience which is the most important as goalies. He takes the full time job at the net, so althought goalie matters in Detroit is safe, importance of a goalie in a good shape in great, as young Falcons could be struggling to score. At his age, though, he can’t be expected to carry the team that strongly, but there will be good streches here and there. Scouts say, Wayne is a team player and he has improved much in mental toughness during the seasons tough losses. He has got no concern about playing in rebuilding team at any time, as well as, sitting some games out to be a great addition as back-up in contenders. Hollo's a nice kid with an unexplainable charm which makes everyone around better humans and players.
211 words = 4 TPE

Yes, goals... I think as a goalie the most important thing to reach goals could be patience.. Because the greatness only comes with experience.. There is no such thing as superstar level as a rookie like some wonderkid like McJesus. My biggest goal of all is to simply win as many games as possible, even if I sit as backup. If that's not the case for any goalie, well, maybe you are in the wrong place... Goalies milestones often is left in shadow cus it's not the most eye-popping, so my milestones has to mean something only for me, and I wouldn't work towards the greatness if it wasn't for my pleasure and happiness. I would like to meet and get in touch with new people, cus althought I have been around many years, I feel like I know barely anyone outside my team. Gotta work on my communication side, cus won't lie - i'm often locked in my own thoughts.
160 words = 3 TPE

17. Feedback
My coming back to site season matches with this new format and it really gave me excitement. How I remember my old experience with the CW, well, it was mostly pain, so I often missed it out. Some of the tasks required to actually know stuff around the league - outside of your own locker room, but the tasks variety was huge, so I was able to match my abilities and options to given tasks. I will certainly do this every off season. I read some of other members submissions and I felt like I was in SMJHL media section. I really wanted to share my feedback cus I really appreciate the work of responsible people who created this Bonanza.
119 words = 2TPE

Rage Falcons Latvia Latvia Falcons Rage
[Image: HOlloway.png]
(This post was last modified: 07-08-2023, 03:21 PM by ChickenLeg. Edited 1 time in total.)

+2 TPE - Milestones

3. Secret Plans (152 words.) 3 TPE
Our secret plans which I know that I should not be revealing but shall for the good of the TPE boost is that we are having a complete revamp of our visitors locker room. We have had a new paint job done to it where we have painted it the brightest yellow which we could find, we have also realised that we needed to add structural support to the whole building which means unfortunately we have had to install a large pillar right in the middle of it meaning team talks may be a bit disjointed by views being blocked, ignore the fact that the pillar sounds completely hollow. The heating shall be on all summer long but don't worry we will put on the air conditioning when it hits winter. We have also had the plumbing in the showers redone so that all the water that comes out is refreshingly cold.

12. On the Radar. (205 words.) 4 TPE
Chris Robertson is an exciting young playmaking forward who naturally plays right wing but has been playing for the Carolina Kraken at the Centre position. During the regular season his scoring record wasn't much to write home about despite his 111 shot attempts only converting 8.11% of them for 9 goals, however Robertson has put in a lot of work into his shooting and in the playoffs made 18 shots for 5 goals at a much improved 27.78% shooting average. Robertson has excelled at his faceoff winning around 55% for both the regular season and the playoffs as well. Robertson is also willing to get involved in the grittier side of the game putting up in the regular season 86 hits and 14 blocks and even involving himself in a fight which he won. When it came to the playmaking side of things I'm sure even Robertson would admit that it was lacklustre only managing 22 assist in the regular season and 2 in the playoffs.  Any SHL team which drafts Chris Robertson may not receive the flashiest of players however they will gain a workhorse who put in the training hours in the gym and someone willing to put their body on the line.

14. R&R (172 words.) 3 TPE
After the Carolina Kraken's playoff journey came to an end in the second round, Chris Robertson, knew that the offseason was a crucial time for rest, reflection, and personal growth.

In the immediate aftermath of the playoff defeat, Chris took some time off to let his body recover from the gruelling demands of the season. He focused on rest and rehabilitation, allowing any minor injuries to heal completely. He also engaged in light physical activities like going golfing and ten-pin bowling with his teammates to maintain his fitness and flexibility while giving his body the chance to recharge.

It wasn't all leisure and relaxation for Chris during the offseason. He understood the importance of continual improvement and dedicated himself to enhancing his skills and overall game. He meticulously reviewed game footage from the past season, identifying areas where he could elevate his performance. He consulted with the coaching staff to gain insights and strategies to refine his game, working on specific aspects such as his shooting accuracy, skating speed, and defensive positioning.

15. Charity Drive (316 words.) 6 TPE
I know that I'm in a ridiculously privileged position being a professional hockey player. I'm getting paid millions to live out every kids dream and this has put me in a position where I am able to help other people. Despite having so much success on ice and having fans treat me as some sort of idol, I admit I have had my struggles with mental health problems such as anxiety and depression, but I had a wonderful support system in place, this is why I have made the decision to team up with a mental health charity, "Minds Matter."

While there much more awareness to mental health struggles than their used to be their is still a bit of a stigma and I want to be part of the solution to help break down those barriers and offer a helping hand to those in need. Motivated by my own journey, I want to make a difference and let others know that they were not alone. Minds Matter is an organization dedicated to promoting mental health awareness, providing support, and advocating for individuals facing mental health challenges.

I have lent my face, voice and time to galas, charity walks, and community fundraisers, inspiring others to contribute to the cause and generating much-needed funds to support mental health initiatives as I know that I have some social power given to me through being a professional sportsman.

I also involved myself in making visits to local schools to talk with classes about mental health, resilience, and the importance of seeking support. By sharing my own vulnerabilities and triumphs, I aim to create a safe space where young individuals feel comfortable discussing their own mental health journeys.

I collaborated with mental health professionals to develop educational resources to carefully craft  informational videos and online content aimed at promoting mental well-being and self-care strategies based off of my own journey.
(This post was last modified: 07-09-2023, 07:37 AM by KC15. Edited 2 times in total.)

Milestones +2 TPE

12. On the Radar - 606 words = 12 TPE

Claude Le Pire here with another scouting report on an SMJHL rookie and his prospects for the upcoming SHL draft. Today we have a young defenseman named Philippe Le Bel in the spotlight. Philippe came onto the scene in Regina with high hopes and expectations. There is a lot of raw talent there, but how did things go for him this season? Well, frankly, not as well as one would have hoped. The physical attributes are all there. He’s relatively quick and has great hands – especially for a defenseman. As evidence take a look at his 58 takeaways vs only 22 giveaways. He certainly seems to have a high ability to control the puck.

Not a terrible outlook on defense either – a rating of 66 on defense is not bad for a rookie in the SMJHL. Plenty of room to grow, but it’s certainly a solid base to build upon. More room to grow on the offense side though and that was supposed to be a big part of his game. His 54 rating shows he has some skill on that side of the puck, but no one will mistake him for a forward, that’s for sure. I will say he’s not afraid to shoot the puck (120 shots) which is good for an offensive-minded defenseman, but without better accuracy (5%), there kind of isn’t any point in taking those shots apart from the hoped for deflections and imperfectly made saves.

The kid doesn’t mind mixing it up a bit either – a real plus in the SHL. Though he certainly picks his spots and won’t kill a team with his time in the sin bin – only 48 minutes.

The real question is – how bad does this kid from Brittany, France really want to make it in the SHL? There are lots of kids who have enormous talent and potential, but so often it’s drive that separates the best from the just good enough from the ones who find other ways to make a living. Hockey is clearly not the number one sport in France. We all know that place belongs to football or as the Yanks would have it, “soccer”. Is the love of the sport alive enough in this kid’s heart to push him over the top? How can he adapt to being far, far away from his family, his farm and his “far breton”? Does he have the mental toughness to grind away at the game? It’s a crucial characteristic of every single hockey player, but in my experience, it is most important for defensemen. Goalies make the spectacular save and get applause. Forwards make the dazzling deke and bury the puck for the game winner and hats rain down on the ice (if they’ve made the other 2 earlier in the game.) Defensemen make a brilliant hit to stop a rush up the ice or they lay their body on the line and block a shot at their own expense and everyone loves it … for about 20 seconds… and then go back to watching the forwards and goalies. To be a top-notch defenseman you have to want it and want it bad. Does this kid have that drive?

I don’t know. Some days he seems to be totally focused on his craft and is putting 110% into every second on the ice. Other times he seems like he’d rather be back at the crêperie having a galette “à blé noir” and a “boule de cidre”. Time will tell. The draft is just around the corner and rumor has it Le Bel is getting the inquiries. What do prospective SHL teams’ scouts think?

606 words

14. R&R - 121 words = 2 TPE

Philippe Le Bel regrets to the bottom of the soles of his feet that the Elk did not win the Cup, but he IS grateful for the offseason. It was his first extended time away from Brittany, France and his beloved family and he was ready for the offseason to recharge.

Philippe returned to central Brittany to house and home to spend some time with his parents, 2 sisters and childhood friends. He’s enjoying being able to truly express himself in his native French though he has improved his English living in western Canada. Familiar food and familiar faces are just what this young man needs to get ready for the upcoming season – his second – in the North American hockey world.

PHP Code:
121 words 
(This post was last modified: 07-09-2023, 10:33 AM by trella. Edited 1 time in total.)

1. In order to show appreciation to the Great Fans in Great Falls, the entire Grizzlies team set up an ice cream stand in front of the arena. The team worked all day to hand out free ice cream cups to any fan. The cups were shaped like little bear paws.

50 words

2. Great Falls currently has a great crop of young defenseman who are all improving rapidly. With this fact in mind, I would assume that management will be targeting forwards in the upcoming draft. The team needs more scoring support to combine with the defensive excellence of the last draft class.

50 words

3. The Great Falls Grizzlies have a lot of work to do to make the playoffs and be successful after a last place finish. In order to mess with other teams, the Grizzlies are going to release live grizzly bears in the opponents’ locker rooms. They can’t win if they’re dead.

50 words

4. RIP THUNDERDOME 2013-2023 is going to bring an inflatable bouncy castle to the team hangout to make sure that everyone has a good time. Even adults can have fun bouncing around in a whimsical bouncy castle. Just make sure you take off your skates before coming in the bouncy castle.

50 words

5. Pork Tenderloin is quite the popular figure in Great Falls for many reasons, be it his handsome face, great on ice skills, or his philanthropy. However, the superlative I would like to give Mr. Tenderloin is the Player with the most Tender, Juicy, Delicious, meat. Pork Tenderloin’s meat is incredible.

50 words

6. The Great Falls Grizzlies have had a lot of rough seasons in their history. The lack of sustained success might be disappointing to some fans, but the Grizzlies faithful always sell the games out. Despite a history of losing, the Grizzlies still have an amazing fanbase who supports their team.

50 words

7. I think the Newfoundland Berserkers will win the Four Star Cup. Honestly if you pick anyone else you’re asking to get it wrong. It seems like the Berserkers are like the old Steelhawks of the SMJHL. They’re gonna be a tough team to beat every season. Where is the parity?

50 words

8. If I was not playing for the Great Falls Grizzlies, I would like to play for the Carolina Kraken. I helped rebrand the team as Co-GM and also helped to bring 3 championships to that team in just 6 seasons. I have a lot of good memories with the Kraken.

50 words

9. RIP THUNDERDOME 2013-2013 has the best player name as much as I don’t want to toot my own horn. Honoring an important part of the league for most of its history is the least I can do for all the crazy times that subforum has provided us. Rest in peace.

50 words

10. FITTED *PRIMETIME 99* CUDDLES is the most clutch playoff performer of all time. How can you debate this when he literally has the word “PRIMETIME” in his name? Nobody is better suited to the stressful play of the playoffs. Fitted always comes through in the clutch so he’s my pick.

50 words

12. RIP THUNDERDOME 2013-2023 is an offensive and aggresive defenseman. He is a truly unique player as usually defenders will focus on defense, offense, or physicality. However, RTD 2013-2023 will be creating a player who not only scores, but also plays a very punishing physical game. Fights, hits, and goals too.

50 words

13. My superstition for the SMJHL playoffs is do not match up against the Newfoundland Berserkers. While this task is pretty much out of your hands, you better hope you don’t match up with the big bad evil empire of the SMJHL. They got the sim figured out so good luck.

50 words

14. RIP THUNDERDOME 2013-2023 will be using his time in the offseason to mourn the devastating loss of the Thunderdome. Its hard to play good hockey when you’re in the grieving process. I just miss the Thunderdome so much its hard to cope with the pain. Its like losing your family.

50 words

15. RIP THUNDERDOME believes that using his position of privilege to benefit others is truly the best thing you can do. To help his community, RIP THUNDERDOME volunteers weekly at local soup kitchens in Great Falls. Helping to feed those who are less fortunate is a beneficial experience for all involved.

50 words

16. I hope to one day make the Hall of Fame with this player even if that might be unlikely. I want to immortalize the Thunderdome in the Hall of Fame. When people look back on the SHL greats, they will have to see RIP THUNDERDOME 2013-2023 and thats my goal.

50 words

17. Overall it’s still pretty similar to the old CW which is always the worst PT, however I did like the flexibility that this approach gives. There are a lot of options for prompts and even how many words per prompt. Definitely a step in the right direction in my opinion.

50 words


[Image: pppoopoo.gif]
[Image: 7925.png]
Thanks to @karey and @JSS for the sigs!

Former USA Fed Head, Carolina Kraken Co-GM, Tampa Bay Barracuda GM

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