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S72 PT #1: Above-Average Ambassador


Written Task: The night before opening day, your player is contacted by extraterrestrials. They have seen broadcasts of this hu-mon sport of "Ho'Kii" and want you to teach their crew the rules. How does your player teach the game? Are the aliens any good at it? (150+ words)

174 Words

Alright, time for coach Samson comma Brock to teach you aliens how to play hockey. Lucky for you, playing exemplary hockey has very little to do with playing hockey and everything to do with understanding, internalizing and living the lessons and philosophical teachings of Jean Claude Van Damme's masterpiece Bloodsport. You might have questions like "is bloodsport a movie about hockey?" or "is watching a movie the best way to learn the rules of a game?" or even "why are Jean Claude's pants so tight?"... these questions are wrong. The answer is simple: we keep watching bloodsport until you understand. And once you understand, we'll watch it a few more times because it rules. Then, once you've stopped watching the Kumite and it has become part of your very being, you'll be ready to play some hockey. Skating is easier than defeating Chong Li, Shooting the puck is too. All of hockey is easier than winning the Kumite, therefore once you've come to understand the Kumite so too have you come to understand hockey.

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So I have been abducted by aliens who want to know more about hockey, I guess this was bound to happen when I spend so much time around a Sith lord. 

So lets start with the basics of the game, wait no Blizznar! That's not food! That is what is called the puck it is made from vulcanised rubber (heh vulcan) this is what we use to play the game, you want to get the puck into the oppositions goal. The team that does this the most within 3 separate 20 minute periods is the winner. You get to have 6 players from your team on the ice at a time normally a goalie, two defenceman and 3 forwards. 

The goalie is the last line of defence and will try and stop this puck from going into the goal. Defencemen's jobs are keeping the opposing team's forwards away from their net and keeping the puck away from them as well. Forwards are the offensive players who will most often try and score goals or create opportunities to score them.

Creative prompt

It really depends on what the aliens look like. If we are to assume they are humanoid and have similar anatomy to us, we can teach them the way we play it. It might be difficult due to a language barrier, unless they are super advanced and have universal translators or something. We would have to teach them through action. If they take a non-humanoid form, it is very difficult to teach them hockey. We have to engineer new equipment for them, and for that we need a larger understanding of their anatomy and what areas need most protection. We need to determine where to put the skates, and how they can hold a stick. Then, after figuring all of that out, we have to find out how to most efficiently play hockey for them, and teach it. Which is especially difficult because we do not have the same bodies as them, so we can't exactly use our bodies to show them how to play.  In summary, it would be extremely hard to teach aliens hockey

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sigs from @sulovilen @_Blitz_ @Ragnar and @enigmatic

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PLAYER PROMPT - Preseason Prep

During the offseason, Sean Davies prefers to focus more on strength and conditioning. Much like a runner building up base mileage, Davies likes to get in the best shape he can and only focus on some basic puck skills. As the preseason draws closer, he'll slowly start replacing some of his conditioning work with more on ice drills and work on getting busting some of the rust his puck skills picked up. Once preseason games start, Davies is giving 100%. He hasn't earned the right to coast, and as his father told him, "Every day is an audition." Davies stands by these works and works to play at his very best at all times, even if the games mean nothing. He also stands by playing at 100% in the preseason helps him feel better for the regular season. Sure he's a little bit more fatigued and beat up, but it's better than playing at 80% and trying to flip the switch when the games begin to matter.

To ensure he is able to compete at an elite level when the regular season starts, Hoang's usually die-hard borderline-suicidal pursuit of the puck in the corners tends to take a backseat to a safer, playmaker-central role. For Hoang, it's not his game to go out hard every night if the focus isn't on someone like him, who knows he's going to have a spot on a roster. It's about the kids who need a spot to eat, where their careers are going. Their place is in the corners, fighting and checking and hitting and beating and banging to every puck they can. Let them earn their spot and keep it. Hoang will be sure to help them score some goals and look good in the offensive zone, it's the least he can do. It helps the team to preserve himself.

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Creative prompt

The upcoming season is a very important one for the Panthers, as they attempt to keep their rebuild moving forward. Svoboda has been here a while now and is ready to do whatever he can to bring the Panthers back to where they need to be.

When Svoboda was contacted by aliens asking about the rules of this mysterious sport he played, he was more than happy to oblige. On the one hand, he was happy to spread the sport and have this new race of aliens learn it. On the other hand, he could not shake the thought of bringing some of these aliens onto the team. They would present a new element for opposing teams to have to deal with.

Svoboda decided to bring the aliens along with him to training camp so they could partake in all the same drills that he did. His coach was so supportive of the idea that he immediately penciled in a 5 of the aliens to make a new line for the Panthers on opening night tomorrow.

176 words



In past seasons, Brick Wall would spend his off-season working out with his PBE cousin Green Wall, pushing each other to get stronger and faster. But this past off-season, Green decided to focus on working with his own team, and a more baseball-focused routine. So that left Wall to come up a new routine. While Wall is still at the top of his game, age has definitely started to set in. Working out is no longer just to get into game-ready shape; it's to fight off aging and keep the body limber and to avoid injuries later on. Wall looked into a lot of the training that guys like Chara and Tom Brady did, in order to make sure he's got as much longevity as possible. But he also began seeing a sports therapist as well, as he wants to make sure he's mentally ready for another season, and hopefully prepare his mind to be better ready for another grueling playoff run.

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Thank you all for the amazing sigs & player cards
Germany Citadelles  Stampede [Image: vhY18i8.png][Image: Raptors.png][Image: gs89eGV.png] [Image: eE2UQZC.png] Stampede Citadelles Germany

3. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 5 (Maximilian Wachter, Alexis Metzler) at 16:25
5. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 6 (Steven Stamkos Jr., Brynjar Tusk) at 19:48
8. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 7 (Brynjar Tusk, Alexis Metzler) at 13:55
9. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 8 (Anton Fedorov, Mikelis Grundmanis) at 15:12
10. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 9 (Dickie Pecker) at 19:43 (Empty Net)

Alien Space Bats

Written Task: The night before opening day, your player is contacted by extraterrestrials. They have seen broadcasts of this hu-mon sport of "Ho'Kii" and want you to teach their crew the rules. How does your player teach the game? Are the aliens any good at it? (150+ words)

After I calmed down the whole process went fairly smooth. Since they've seen broadcasts they know it's played on ice and the puck has to go in the net. So the fundamentals wasn't too challenging to them but some of the aliens had extra legs which made skating a little more difficult. The hard part was the rules, the faceoffs and line changes they eventually got down but teaching them the penalties were rough. Icing was hard and debated would always break out over if a player touched the puck or not. Offsides was a nightmare which I'm not sure they have grasp on at all, they get the concept but calling during a live was something else. Also every player on player penalty seemed to end in a fight, turns out aliens aren't too fond of holding, cross checking, elbowing, interference, boarding and things like that. All in all it was fun to teach them and some have potential I just wish it didn't happen the night before opening night.

[Image: DrbPYHV.png]   [Image: B4x6AQm.png]
Scarecrows Russia Wolfpack

Rest In Peace Dangel

1st SHL Goal - S52 Game 1 vs Tampa 3. New England Wolfpack , Jakub Bruchevski 1 (Eko Van Otter 1, Delver Fudgeson 2) at 8:10

Scarecrows Platoon Russia

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First and foremost, I have no idea why the aliens had their absolute pick of the litter with hockey players to show them how it is played and they chose the garbage ass Chimkin Wing who isn’t even point per game this season. They could have chosen half the players on Winnipeg or Philly but they chose Chimkin Wing? That is a mystery in itself. But anyway, I guess I’d start off by showing them the pregame ritual of eating seven cheeseburgers as fast as possible and then biking as hard as you can until you throw it all up because playing on an empty stomach is really the only way to ensure you are as fast as possible. The aliens have mastered cardiovascular health and do not need to do this. So I move on and teach them how to skate properly without falling (which I can barely do). The aliens have seven leg like appendages and they do not ever fall. They grow tired of my lack of skill and vaporize me immediately.

Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab
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Sigs by Me, Merica, High Stick King, Rum_Ham, Jess, vulfzilla, enigmatic, and Carpy
Stampede  Kraken
❤!! RIP to the big homies 701 and Mac !!❤

Pre season involves a lot of training to get in season shape. Some players take the summer off and come into camp all out of shape and not looking so great. That is a mistake in my opinion. You need to be staying in shape and getting ready for the upcoming season so that you can get off to a hot start. Getting into a slump off the start of the season is a good way to jeopardize your playoff chances down the line a the end of the season. However, if you are struggling to make the playoffs and it comes down to the finish line, then your chances of going far in the playoffs is severely limited. To get in shape for training camp, you need to stay playing hockey and not missing your workouts. It’s good to group up with some other players so you aren’t going at it alone. Find some players you live near and keep everyone at an elite level so you’re good to go at training camp.

Reed Kobo - Winger - #33
Player Page- Update Page
Elijah Jones - Winger - #33 Retired
Player Page - Update Page
Toivo Kosonen - Defenseman - #33 Retired
Player PageUpdate Page
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PBE Affiliate

RIP Mac & 701

prompt 1 aliums

Extraterrestrials are not unknown to Tiberius, especially as he himself is one. The scrin are common enough in his travels, but these are different. True enough, they actually care about hockey. A winged arm extends itself, the gesture unclear. To a human, it would seem a greeting. But to another species, it could mean something entirely different. Without shared language, diplomacy hangs on a whim of fate. Perhaps fate has already made her bets with such a serendipitous arrangement. Tiberius is, after all, the only other known alien. He cycles through his mind, trying to form a bond between him and the unknown creature. page after page turns as he searches for language that might be known to him. With that failing, he probes his own mind for scrin memories. Perhaps these are known to them? Ahh fuck it, no one lives forever. The aliens seem dazed at his mental assault, but are none the wiser. He grasps the claw and to his surprise, it shakes in return. So, some human gestures are known to them. Next step, can they hold a stick?

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Fuck the penaltys
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I'm the above average person who also runs the shl so you all better look out when I come through the door because it's so empty without me so com3 on now just watch some Garfield and be a better person for it now if you can't see why I'm also making dinner for saddam huesin then u never watched Southpark because I still love Chris and without that dude what would I even be can we get an amen brother let's get it together and pull for daddy number one let's also put in a request to get it right and get it tight and the aforementioned young fittest can always be a king maybe I'll one day take the world by storm but until then om just a worm living his best life never stopping or stooping to lows I'm just taking an observation made by my dad when I was 17 trying to make a name for myself

[Image: Fitted_3.png]

2x 4Star Cup Champ s49 s50

1x commissioners excellence award s 50

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