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S72 PT #2: Aliens Amongus #sus

Player Prompt

First thing I'm doing, is right away ordering an even more giant, oversized mascot head. That thing is already unwieldy, and now it's going to be crazy. Having to jam it through doorways, knocking over children and adults alike as the mascot passes them. It's going to be a major inconvenience for the poor bastard. Second, itching powder. The stuff works. Don't ask me how I know, but I know this stuff is going to make it a living hell for the duration of being in that costume. Unable to remove it, and the monstrously oversized head that I've ordered won't be so easy to remove to get to those itchy areas. Even if you get it off, where are you going to put it? It will take up an entire hallway if you lay it down, no one can get over that. Social media b.s. won't stop me from exacting my revenge. Even if I need to play down to this childish level. If they want family friendly pranks and entertainment, they're going to get it.

[Image: Flusso.png]
Sig by @Evil_AllBran

[Image: YztPk3T.png] [Image: 6by0kBi.png]

(This post was last modified: 08-09-2023, 05:55 PM by Southie. Edited 2 times in total.)

Quote:Written Task: The aliens have learned the game thanks to your tutelage, but have now been challenged to a playoff series by General-Khagan Kul'Garath of the Sarris Star Empire. Your team will, perhaps obviously, be at a size disadvantage, but you're very sure the Sarris players have never had a real coach and just watched the movie Goon several hundred times. How will you coach your plucky undersized extraterrestrial friends to victory?

First, I remind them that scouts once said Wayne Gretzky would never make in the NHL due to his small frame and he went on to become the  single greatest hockey player the world has ever seen. I remind them of current undersized stars like Sebastian Aho and  Connor Bedard. If I can I'd love to have Connor come in and teach some drills to the boys.
Secondly I'd love to get some Barry Trotz and  Bruce Cassidy in to help instruct these diminutive aliens  on how to handle big pressure situations and get the core fundamentals down.

Last but not least, I'd run them some legendary games on youtube. Once again getting them use to hig leverage and high pressure situations. They're talent which I assumed they've stolen from various in the NHL Space Jam style  is going to help handle the easy parts of the game without any major concerns. It's just the clutch stuff I have tol teach them. We have the more experienced and arguably talent team in this constenst. Size shouldn't be much of a factor here. Jonathan Marchessault just won the Con Smythe and he's legit listed at 5'9. I don't think height will be much of a factor here.

Quote:206 Words

ISFL Affiliate (username: thecanadiancanuck)

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Creative Prompt:
I guess I shouldn't have taught these guys everything incorrectly, now that we discovered that they're the actual good guys we got reverse space-jammed and now have to beat General-Khagan Kul'Garath and his crew of 8 foot tall super aliens. I got to teach them some hockey fundamentals real quick and it'll be like that spongebob episode but instead of fine dining, all they know is hockey and breathing (if they breath air like us). Since these guys are gigantic I think I'm going to have to win with speed and agility, if they make contact with any of my players they might actually die. So the secret is to teach the wheel and snipe, it's that easy, they also might be killed if they celly so we should avoid that part of the game. McDavid is the best player in the league and he doesn't usually hit people unless it's open ice hits away from the refs, he just skates around people and scores, we should do that.

[Image: rFu52UT.jpeg]

Written Task: You enter your stall one morning before an early practice and find your gear all wrapped in unholy amounts of duct tape. Nothing was actually damaged, and your coach doesn't acknowledge your lateness in getting on the ice, beyond trying not to smile. A brief investigation of your team's Xitter feed reveals the mascot as the culprit.

Curse you San Francisco moose Lion! I guess I should be honored they decided to prank me, the plucky young rookie. The mind swirls with ideas. I could subscribe them to a monthly subscription of National Geographic: Safari Edition. Hopefully with a significant emphasis on Lions. Or maybe fill their head (helmet) full of something unfortunate like honey or shaving cream. Most likely shaving cream. Honey might be a bit too mean, don't want to hear the poor fella. For the execution I'd first wait a few days so people (namely the Lion) doesn't think I'm actually going to do anything. And then in the buildup to a big moment, maybe a social event with plenty of cameras on set, I'll quickly empty a can of shaving cream in to their head before they put in on. Hopefully in a rush they grab it and get rolling, only to get a nice big mess of shaving cream.

[Image: IAP8v68.png]

pride Armada  Player Page || Update Page  Germany pride

Jarrod Lakemore is well known as an agitator on the ice and he did not hesitate to bestow his wisdom in the ways of "gamesmanship" upon his alien friends. Though Lakemore wasn't a small guy, his game was never centered around goonery and he had plenty of experience dealing with his opponent's goons and enforcers. Born in England, Lakemore was also very familiar with the concept of "diving", which all youths knew about from watching soccer and it was all too easy to provoke the larger players into wonton aggression. With a bit of embellishment, an easy power play opportunity for his team. Though his purple skinned friends may lack size, they are indeed quite fearless and more than willing to take catch a stray stick or elbow for the benefit of their team. From there, the plan is quite simple: teach some basic power play setups and utilize the man advantage along with proper positioning and crisp passing to wear out the larger, slower opponents before finding an open shot. Really all just too easy. (178 words)

Citadelles  S68 - Jarrod Lakemore - C Stampede

Player Prompt: Written

bruh. this fucker is going down. next time they put on their mascot head theyre gonna find its filled with some saucy ass spaghetti. i'll suck the cream out of a twinkie and replace it with shaving cream and give it to them. oh the ideas are flowing. i'll put a lego brick in each foot of the mascot suit, but small enough its like a little sharp pebble in their shoe that even after taking it off and shaking it upside down, it somehow managed to stay in the foot. i'll spray the inside of the suit with a whole body of the nastiest axe body spray i could find. you chose the wrong one to prank buddy i dont hold back. you started this war and im gonna finish it. i'll unsticky your stick tape. i'll replace your favourite playlist with Weezer's worst songs. i'll make you fear pranking me again next time our social media team wants to pull a stunt like this.

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Cranberry Sig by @enigmatic
Pride Skates by @sköldpaddor
"You Belong..." Banner by @sve7en

Imagine being the one chosen to introduce ice hockey to a group of curious aliens. As I stand on the ice rink, a sense of excitement and responsibility fills the air. My first step is to establish a connection, reassuring them through gestures that we're all in this together.

Breaking down the game's fundamentals, I simplify the rules and dynamics, comparing the ice rink to an expansive field they might be more familiar with. Visual aids and hands-on demonstrations help convey the puck's purpose and the art of skating.

To make the sport relatable, I draw parallels with teamwork in their own context, emphasizing collaboration and shared objectives. Analogies to known activities spark understanding; the puck becomes a cosmic token to pass and protect.

Patience and encouragement remain key as they grasp the game's essence. Step by step, we forge a connection between their otherworldly experiences and the exhilarating world of ice hockey.

[Image: hopoate.png]

Player Prompt:

I knew it was that darn mascot the whole time, I tell ya. He's always staring at me with those googly eyes and that goofy smile of his. I get back at him for his prank by arranging for him to have a special opportunity to hang out with the team all day during a recent practice. He was informed to bring his skates and be in full costume as the Public Relations team has some good ideas for some new promotions that they'd like him involved in. When he arrived he found an entire camera crew, and was informed by the myself and captain @Eggcracker that the photo opportunities would come after practice, and that as he is a part of the team he would be expected to practice as well. The poor mascot skated drills in costume for the whole world to see. There were numerous falls and spills, and the team got a lot of fun footage. After the practice the team took turns playing fetch with the mascot on the ice, throwing a tennis ball down to the other end of the ice and watching him skate and pick it up repeatedly.

198 words


Nash has a few solid ideas on how to prank the mascot after his gear was wrapped in duct tape. It took hours for nash without thumbs to make sure he could get every piece of duct tape off of his equipment so its time for some payback now. Nash went right to starbucks and ordered about 30 pupperchino’s. For anyone that doesn’t know, its just straight up whipped cream in a tiny cup. Nash slowly emptied the cups into the hand, foot and head areas of the mascot’s uniform so that when he put the uniform on he was entirely covered in whipped cream! Even trying to remove his hands or feet would cause the messy stuff to go everywhere! The best was when he put on the head portion there was whipped cream shooting everywhere, even out of the eyes! That will teach that mascot to play a prank on the doggy defenseman!

[Image: topalo2.png] [Image: sig-nash.png]
[Image: Rangerjasegmailcom.gif]

Fileworker PT Pass

[Image: RichSHL.gif]
Thanks to sulovilen for the sigs!
Adam Prpich Portal Link

Check out past episodes of Rich and Luke!

Player Prompt: Morning Mayhem

I'm not even angry, I'm more amazed that an actual dog, nay a malamute, with no opposable thumbs was actually able to use duct tape and maneuver around to tape around all the nooks and crannies around the complicated shapes and sizes of hockey equipment. However, regardless of species or cuteness, no prank goes unanswered. As payback, I will be duct taping all of North's toys together into one giant ball and then duct taping that ball of toys to the ceiling of the arena where it is out of reach to everyone, unless you have a boom truck. Also, in the middle of that ball of toys, I will be putting in a bluetooth speaker inside, so every 5 minutes or so it will play a squeaky toy sound, alerting North that her toys are up there, the irresistible squeak will keep her attention to the rafters and make her regret ever pranking the captain of the Malamute. 

162 words.

Edmonton Blizzard Co-GM
Yukon Malamutes Hall of Fame
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Granny Panpan Count: 258

First prompt and this feels like it is going to end in the hockey version of Space Jam. If that is the case I would like to be the MJ since this means our movie has Keanu Reeves in it which you know we 100% need. What we need to do is the ol' razzle dazzle. The meat n 2 veg. The butter side up.

You follow me? Of course you bloody dont. I doubt you're reading this but see that is what the blorgons (Yeah, I called them that. Human supremacy) won't know what they are doing either especially if we confuse them beyond no end. It is perfect. To quote a very powerful person who should remain unnamed "The enemy can't know what you're doing if you have no idea what you're even doing.". The element of surprise will fuck them up and we will crush them into a heavy defeat!

Then humans will never drop the huge dub and drink water like the weird species they are.

[175 words]

Raptors Proud S67 - S69 Colorado Raptors Captain  Raptors
Uk S57 Forward of the Season Award winner  Uk

Now I am free <3

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Player prompt
Well I was going to go into how I light the mascot on fire, but apparently that’s off the table according to the teams health and safety rep. How boring.
I guess we fight fire with fire. The mascot is getting duct taped from head to toe. Bonus points I do it with the mascot occupied and make a fun ransome video to send the fans on a wild hunt to chase down the mascot and discover where I’ve hidden it. The police eventually catch wind of the stunt, but I convinced the mayor to let it slide by, afterall this kind of engagement is good for the city as it’s bring revenue to local businesses.
I eventually acquire a similar mascot, and send one of the fingers of this duplicate to the biggest news outlet. Once there is a perceived real risk, the scavenger hunt should be geared up into full swing! You’re welcome, Philadelphia

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Player Prompt

It is a hard situation to get the mascot back, cause everyone likes the mascot so you can't do anything to mean or you would be a hated played. For me, I think it would have to be a friendly prank, something we can both laugh after. I think something around a food eating contest based around chicken fingers. We would have a bunch of chicken fingers, and a bunch of random dipping sauces, ranging from tasty, to gross, to just plain hot. We would start off easy with them eating the good ones, just getting him warmed up. Then we would have them taste some of the wacky ones like, chocolate sauce, or toothpaste. Then we would mix some good ones back in there, like buffalo sauce, yum. Finally before ending with a real hot sauce and seeing how they handle heat! We might even have a bucket of milk we can dump on them when they ask for milk!

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