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S72 PT #3: A Hitchhikers Guide to General Management

Player Prompt:

After the chaos that endured in the last few weeks, Videl Valor and former mascot Ville Kurri decided to enact a prank on GM Joe K, as punishment for the teams poor performance. The first thing they do is blackout any of the security cameras by slapping an image of "Make Valor The Captain" propaganda on the cameras. The next move they did was replace the AC Unit with a milk truck hose, and when Joe enters his office he gets dumped milk on himself, with an audio clip by Jim Ross saying "Oh My Gawd, Milk!" The final part of the prank is to lead Joe into thinking that he found the culprits of the prank, only to get double downed with more milk coming out of a fake laptop, which detonates with milk coming out of it when touched, with an audio clip of Jeremy Clarkson saying "Still, Could Be Worse", only for Joe to have skunk spray deployed on him.

(163 words)

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PT Pass

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Thanks @enigmatic, @Carpy48, @Bayley, @Ragnar, @sulovilen, & @dasboot for the signatures!



It was a bloodbath. I'm of course talking about the "hockey" game against the Sarris Star Empire. The score ended 79 to 42 once the Sarris Star Empire's goalie was obliterated. I never caused any harm but I had to defend myself. I used the tools and weapons provided to me to fire of distractions and fireworks to keep the empire away from me. Myself and Dangle made it out. Some players on our team were left on the "ice" in more than one piece. 

As we all made our way back to the locker room to clean up from the blood and sweat that had just ensued, the "Coach" started yelling at us again. "You're all lucky you made out of that rink alive." You're all to be sent to the gym for exercise, training and feeding. The next game is soon. Be prepared or die."

We were informed that our next team were against super smart Alien Mice race. They were small but they were smart. As we got to the rink for the next game they were already out on the "ice". They were quick and moved fast and their passes never missed. We were shoved back out onto the ice for the next game. The faceoff was instantly won by the Mice. A pass went sailing down and they were in our zone quickly. The puck was off the glass, to a player ehind the net, back to the point, off the boards and flipped up perfectly to a player skating across the goalie crease for an easy tap in goal. It was incredible. The Captain brought the group in close after the goal. "They are small, but we are big. Don't chase them. Just lay and block shot, they never score!"

The Captain was right. I did one of the things I do best. I got down low to block shots. The mice could shoot anything up high so blocking shots was easy. And with a mouse in net on the other end the game just got way easier. I don't think anyone is going to die this game. Let's get this game over with.

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PT Pass

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ISFL Affiliate PT

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PT Pass

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Player Prompt

Well, our GM is a nice guy and it is hard to prank some one as nice as Dirty Boots. However, if you saw my mPT from the other week you would know there is one thing about him that we all complain about, it is his dirty smelly boots. He doesn't seem to think it is an issue, as he is use to the smell now but everyone else on the team cannot stand the smell any longer. To get back at him, we are going to make him enduring a fart / poop smell prank. When he goes into use the washroom next time, we are going to block the door from the outside, and spray fart smell into the washroom from the vents, so that he experience what we smell on a daily basis. Hopefully this will be enough motivation for him to wash and clean his boots so we no longer have to inhale the stinky fumes.

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Prompt; ANd now for the GM

You know how they have those stripper cakes? The big fake ones? My plan starts with those. We are going to have 17 of them, except one cake is real and the strippers are all different mascots around the league, with repeats of the Kraken, Quebec City, and Maine because those are the funny ones to me. They will all be in the GM's office and we will force them to pick out the real cake. If they get it wrong, the mascot inside gives a dance. Since the GM is afraid of felt, this will be essentially torture because the kicker is, there is no real cake. Every time the GM picks a cake, you will see them die a little inside. Now of course for max engagement, we will be filming the whole thing, and then putting it in episodic bits because if shown in one sitting this would come off as cruel. But hey, that's Vegas baby.

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Rat's about to splat

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CREATIVE PROMPT: Now that we are facing a team with a completely different set of skills than our previous opponents, we need to come up with a new plan. Since they have a never seen before level of intelligence, we can safely assume that they would have watched all our previous game and use this information to try to predict the way we will play against them. Because of that, the first thing we will need to do is come up with a game plan that is nowhere clause to any of the ways we have played before. What we came up with is a plan where we would use our size to protect the centre of the ice, especially in our own zone, to keep them on the outside which would force them to take low chance shots. We would also with a list of the trigger that would be fine for us to break our tight-knit formation and put pressure on the puck carrier.

164 words

Nor Ge
norway Citadelles

Salzberger Lillehammersson
norway Inferno World Falcons

Anders Christiansen
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ISFL Affiliate

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ISFL Affiliate

Did Ya Get It?

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Player task:

Well, together with a ArgoMascot, we would prank our GM mr. adamantium in the way which you would never believe. Because we would have a permission for it, we would order 100 pizzas and full one room with them. Then, when our GM would arrive to that room, he would be amazed. We would lock him there afterwards and tell him that if he wants to get out of that room, he would need to bite each pizza and eat one piece from each of them. 100 bites, 100 pizzas. After that, we would gift rest of the pizzas to the charity which is run by some Argonauts players. So yeah, that prank would bring some smiles to viewers in the social media and it would also be a good thing to the community. So yeah, that would be the plan between me and our ArgoMascot. Take it or leave it. I would take it honestly, because it sounds clever and unique. Vamos Seattle.

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