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S72 PT #3: A Hitchhikers Guide to General Management

When thinking about how Melvin was going to prank the GM, he realized, he also runs the team, so instead of pranking himself, he decided to prank his good friend Adelie de Pengu. Working with the maintenance crew, Melvin decided to get some specialized lighting that would make it look as though there were fish underneath the Chicago Syndicate ice. During an important part of practice, and potentially a game where they had basically won (or were losing so bad they just wanted to forget the game was even happening) Melvin would be able to turn on the switch, and have fake fish floating throughout the ice, tempting Adelie to want to try and catch them. While it might not be a super high tech or interesting prank, it was definitely one that would make Melvin smile in an otherwise very tough week, and de Pengu wouldn't feel super frustrated by them being fake fish.

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Isfl pt

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Nour is pretty hot ngl

Prompt #1

While it was easier to out-play the goony aliens it was going to be a problem for the team to face an army of little mice that have the intelligence on us. Toasty instructs his random aliens that the only way they were going to win is to park the bus. Even if the mice are super smart about how they were going to attack, they would be too small to pile on the offence. As long as the team was focused on playing some solid defence there was going to be nothing that was going to stop them! The team had momentum on its side from winning the exhibition match from the past week and was heading towards universal conquest if they could keep up this pace. They're seemingly become experts at the game and while balancing his games in San Francisco and around the SHL, Toasty is growing close to his new friends! Hopefully they will be able to make things work against the mice.

171 words

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[Image: Hunter.png]

ISFL Affliate 

Different Forum Username: footballiscool

Player Prompt

Alright, for the prank we're planning on unleashing on the GM of the Wolfpack, it's gonna be a doozy. We're going to wait for him to leave the office for the day and then we're going to sneak in and replace every single thing with an identical edible replica. He's going to come in the next morning and sit down only to find his chair is made of chocolate and can no longer support his weight. The desk will be made of wafer candies and be covered in chocolate, polished to such a sheen that it nearly blinds him. And the best part is, we're going to set up a secret camera to get his reaction to figuring out each and every thing is not a piece of the office he left the night before. With some top notch editing, I think this thing really has what it takes to go viral and bring tons of engagement to our fans.

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Barracuda Chomp Chomp Water Dog Barracuda
Scarecrows Scarecrow Noises Scarecrows
[Image: EePsAwN.png][Image: eaex9S1.png]

We win this one by being able to move the puck. Sure the mice are super evolved and know hockey but they are weak and tiny and cannot move the puck with their little arms and legs. So while they slide all over the ice we will move the puck into the goal. Also how the hell are they gonna goaltend? Rat machine? It's illegal. Rat wall? They're gonna be absolutely decimated by the puck. They really should've thought this through but their loss our gain. Maybe we'll allow them one goal by own-goaling it with a bounce off a mouse body. I think the hardest thing will be not stepping on them and killing them inadvertently. That might be grounds for season suspension but also they're mice? What rules apply here in this game? Regardless, mice cannot hockey and they will lose and maybe die but hopefully not. That's the plan.

152 words

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gay heghog

Pranking the GM and involving them in social media is something that I think should be a part of more organizations in sports. For Meowski and the Renegade they would definitely do smaller things to get the attention of the GM. It would then get bigger and bigger as time would go on. They would start with changing his mug, the blanket on the back of his chair, etc. It would get bigger and bigger to include things liek rearranging his desk, changing where is office is etc. The culmination of the "pranks" would be the Mascot sitting in the GM's chair with a T-shirt saying that they are the boss now. A lot of it would be reminiscent of the TikTok trend where they would say "enjoy" and then would say "you too" so that could also be used to the Mascot being the GM of the team. Definitely for this one TikTok would be utilized because some of it would have to be in Video format to be fully utilized and get to the most people

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Nevek Kove and Superb Owl have always been in an alliance, that's the thing to know. But it haven't been without hard work for the both of them. however, pranking the gm will be an amazing experience for them. Kove has always liked playing prank with Superb Owl, and the GM is the ultimate target. In order to drive maximum engagement on twitter, the duo decided to start with a guessing game on threads in order to get the fan intrigued and hyped. They also made sure to include a raffle of a few ticket including a season ticket package. Once the fans were into it enough, it was time to pull up the prank that was livestreamed. As they ran into the office of @RAmenAmen and @lore, they announced them that they need to officiate their wedding right now. Got the wedding bands out and the whole crew behind them with an assistant handing them the official papers and the things to say. Utter confusion could be seen on the GMs face before realizing it was a prank.

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The mice, who created the supercomputer deep thought, the greatest supercomputer ever made but which designed an even greater supercomputer: the earth, upon which we live our lives to provide the mice (the smartest creatures on earth, followed by dolphins, then humans) the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything have challenged us to a hockey game. I hate to say it, but we're fucked. They are that fucking smart. That is to say, we're fucked if we play hockey like a bunch of wusses. The answer here is the same as it was in our game against those other aliens: we lean into our training and play hockey like it's a kumite. We will double down on watching bloodsport. We will learn from the greatness of Jean Cluade Van Damme's portrayal of Frank Dux. We won't play a game, we'll inflict our will upon the mice using the martial sciences.

since i am the GM i will be doing a prang on my co-gm @goldenglutes. i'm the me and i'm also the mascot, so it's eel and otter vs glutes the co-gm. we've come up with an extensive and elaborate prank to pull on him and wow my oh my he's gonna not like this one! i call him into my office (my GM's office btw since i'm the GM) and tell him to have a seat - immediately he may be wary, since this is an impromptu meeting. i start launching into a monologue praising him for all his hard work and dedication over the years as atlanta inferno co gm. he will become even more wary since why would i be praising him out of the blue. and i build up to telling him that he is getting relieved of his duties as co gm of atlanta inferno . he will be now shocked since he spends so much time energy and effort on his co GM duties that there's simply no recourse to fire him and such an unwarranted move must be against the rules. then we reveal that it's just a prang! i will never fire him, his time and effort is too invaluable to the team!!

[Image: ekovanotter.gif]
thanks @Carpy48 and @frithjofr and @rum_ham and @Julio Tokolosh and @Briedaqueduc for the sigs
Armada Inferno norway

Sim team pass

ISFL Affiliate
Username: Jumbo

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Thanks to @DELIRIVM @sköldpaddor @Merica for the Sigs

PT Pass

[Image: Svatos2.png?ex=660626ee&is=65f3b1ee&hm=4...height=350] [Image: sig.png?ex=660330ca&is=65f0bbca&hm=574bd...9bdc77fda&]

Fairly likely that more folks will choose the similar prank, but it is essentially fake retiring on social media to scare the general manager. Won’t go as far as to say I have “retired” but will leave it vague and hint at it. Whip up a pdf and screenshot the document, have it transcribed below too for those that use screen readers. Create a buzz about whether my player is still around or not so that you will have fans check out next season if I am in the line up. This should get some shares and rechirps. Hopefully, it will get the team trending on chirper. We are trying to drive up engagement, and this is perhaps the big driver right here. This document will have the mascot crying and upset over losing a player of my caliber. Hopefully sports media will pick up on the story and get it going so that everyone in hockey and sports in general are discussing this prank on our GM.

Reed Kobo - Winger - #33
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Elijah Jones - Winger - #33 Retired
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Toivo Kosonen - Defenseman - #33 Retired
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