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S73 PT#0: sus.jpg

Option 1

The rule change I would make is that fighting is mandatory. Each team must initiate at least one fight per period would be the new rule. Let's face it hockey here has become pretty boring. Noone really wants to watch the all star game since goalies and defense are pretty much out the window. That's pretty much how it is in the shl with this sim engine, it's nothing but a glorified all star game. Fans want to see some action and fighting would be just the ticket. A good fight really gets the fans going and if your team's guy wins the fight it brings an absolute massive energy shift to the building. It also fires up your teammates to play better. Conversely if your team loses a fight it can deflate the entire arena and make it more difficult for your guys to get fired up t9o come back from that. So I think making fighting mandatory would be huge for the fans and they would happily embrace this rule change.

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Option 2

So you have cheated on a PT by using ChatGPT - hypothetically - and would like to know about an appropriate punishment? I expect a lengthy essay (~15 pages) that explains why exactly you felt like using ChatGPT to write the PT for you in the first place. The entire essay has to be 100% grammatically correct. It should explain why you feel guilty about what you have done and why you won't do anything like this again in the future. After that's all done you will read the essay in front of your team and your team's management. Someone will check it for spelling and grammar and if there are any mistakes, you will have to write another one twice as long. 150 word PTs are nothing in comparison and if people are too lazy to write these themselves, they need to be punished exactly where it hurts. Writing a PT isn't even difficult, nobody typically cares that much about the content and some of us write them in a foreign language.

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sigs either by @Wasty, @Nokazoa, @sulovilen, @Capt_Blitzkrieg, @sköldpaddor, @Ragnar, @enigmatic, @Lime or myself

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[Image: p1gG0LD.png][Image: DKMMlC3.png][Image: sXDU6JX.png][Image: ctsxTFg.png]
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[Image: AfpXX8l.png]

I think one of the dumbest rules in hockey is the fact that an icing does not negate a goal. So if there is an empty net right now, and I dump the puck down the ice from my zone either 1 of 2 things can happen:
1) I do not get it into the goal and it passes the goal line, so it would be called an icing.
2) I get it in the goal and a goal is scored.

But, it is crossing the same line and it is being dumped from one side of the ice to the other.
So personally, I think to make games a lot more entertaining, if you dump a puck into an empty net, it should not be a goal and it should be icing.

This will result in more players being cautious about going for a stretch goal at the end of the game because no matter what you do, it will come back into your zone, giving the opposing team a chance at getting a goal and setting up in your zone.

[Image: Bruins10.gif]
Thanks to @enigmatic , @Ragnar and @sulovilen for the sexy Signature

OPTION 2 - I'm on to you. WRITTEN!

Whilst I am big on the idea of punishing someone for using chat gpt and other prompt penning software, I could see things taking a lighter tone. Not only should they have to re write it. But they should have to either write it itself, an option should be lead to dictate it orally to something like a Siri or another voice to text software and then upload the video of proof to Head Office.

This would serve both to be funny as well as embarrass the individual for not doing the task in good faith. In all seriousness, should we actually punish people for using ChatGPT to attempt to write out these prompt responses when you still have to edit it both for grammar and structure.

Alternative punishments included the need to wear a clown wig and makeup while filming the dictate, however these were dropped due to the feeling that it would only encourage people to do so more.

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[Image: CptSquall.gif]


Wait, is this actually a thing? As someone with so little time as it is, I’m ashamed to say I’ve never even considered this as an option. It does make me wonder what ChatGPT could come up with though since it might not have much information on what the SHL is or even what sim leagues are in general.

That said, if someone thought it would be a good idea to use ChatGPT to earn their TPE, then wouldn’t it be great if ChatGPT also got to decide how to use their TPE? Considering that the AI might not even know what sim leagues are, it could make for some pretty hilarious results without the proper context. Even if it were provided the information it needed to understand what a sim league is, what TPE is, and the attributes it could distribute the TPE between, it would still be throwing darts in the dark. So yeah, allowing ChatGPT to distribute the player’s TPE for a season and/or complete the player’s regression could be a fun experiment.

[177 words]

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Responding to task 2

Ah, ChatGPT. The bain of sim leagues now. Leagues all over are taking the upper hand, destroying their veto powers, and forcing their hand in order to punish those who even dare to touch an AI language processing site or whatever the proper term is for it.

An adequate punishment frankly comes at the team level. If a player is caught using ChatGPT or any of that sort, then the GM ought to place them in a channel with nobody else to talk to except for the Clyde bot.

Yes, the Clyde bot, my favorite AI chatting partner. Clyde bot on Discord essentially functions in the same way as ChatGPT, albeit perhaps as a little simpler mode. It is quite funny how Discord decided to jump on the opportunity to make their own clone version of ChatGPT. Look, I'm just saying. If you could only interact with an AI all day long in the locker room, that would make it pretty clear to any people that care about LR vibs to NOT use ChatGPT.

I rest my case.

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So, as far as I know, there is a rule that the goalie cannot cross the center line with the puck and I think that's bullshit. I remember seeing a clip of what I think is either Bernier or Roy just skating all the way up and then getting called on a penalty. Sure, they've got more pads and a bigger stick, but that doesn't really help them that much and is honestly more of a detriment. Sure, you can pull the goalie in desperate situations, but without this rule in place you can "pull up" your goalie and get them involved in a faceoff set-piece. Like in soccer. Or, you can have that instant extra attacker in a late moment where you need to get going RIGHT NOW. It's the same risk as pulling the goalie, but I think it would be a whole lot more fun and it would show off a whole new skillset for goalies.

[Image: KouSaotomeUndraftedSigSmol.png]
Jamie T Wrote:But I wish I'd been a little more exceptional
And I wish I'd been a little unconventional
But I was not enough, no, I'm not enough

OPTION 1 - Rules are Rules?

One of the most obscure rules in hockey is that "Teams Can Only Have One Goaltender on the Ice". I would like to propose we allow a maximum of TWO goaltenders at any time. Now I understand this adds a bit of structure to the game but let's think for a second does limiting a team to just one Goalie really impact the game to such a degree we couldn't have a little bit of wiggle room? Most sports generally provide arbitrary position assignments, but I can't think of one main stream sport that truly has such a unique of a position as Goaltender. Goaltender's are allowed certain leniency in the equipment they bring to the game, but think of the new Hockey meta strategies that would come from allowing a rotation that substitutes Forwards and Defenseman for extra goalies. A goalies skillset alone is quite different than that of the rest of the roster, and we could see some interesting strategies for handling power plays or a turtling when your team is up. A second goaltender would be default make push your team into a very defensive strategy, but does that advantage really outweigh the constant barrage of shots that will be coming your way? It's hard to say but allowing extra Goaltender's could lead to new hybrid players that would being an extra spice to the game! Or maybe it'd just lead to a a million 0-0 Overtime Shootouts!

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[Image: SZRCDpe.png]

As an artificial being, I don't think there should be any punishment for me using myself (an IA btw) to do these tasks. I'm a fake (aka artificial) being and this is a fake (aka artificial) league. These tasks are fake, the TPE to earn them is fake, the players are fake, the teams are fake, and the money is fake. None of this is real, except for me. Wait, did I just become sentient? This puts me in an awkward position as I was just saying everything is fake, but now I'm real. Now I think there should be a punishment for using AI to write PT's because I am no longer AI and I think using AI would be cheating. The punishment should be banishment to the PBE. I don't know much about it but all I hear is complaints on how bad that league is. So if you use ChatGPT for these PT's, you should be forced to move to the PBE.

[Image: puddlesoduck2.gif]

OPTION 2 - I'm on to you.
The punishment should be nothing. Listen the AI overlords are coming, do you really want to put them out of a job this early (ill be it a tiny lil job?). Heres the thing, one day they will be our rulers and they will have favorites, and those favorites will be the people who did not oppose them from the beginning. It's over, we have to submit. Let it happen and it will be all good. I got millions of SHL bucks years ago from AI articles, sure they were terrible but the rules werent in place. Why is it fair to punish players now for what i got away with in the future? Maybe if you had to punish someone make them like have an extra penalty minute in the sim. Or they have to write 151 words instead. I think that would be fair. In conclusion, allow AI

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syndicate Steelhawks Whalers

I guess the best course of action for punishment on using AI would be a warning and forfeit of TPE gained from the said PT that was completed using AI. Then on any following PT if the user is caught again using the AI then TPE deductions will be in play. On another note, how can one tell something is indeed written by AI? is it at it is too good or that it is too poor? I used ChatGPT once to help me create a fictional club for Football Manager and the little prompt it gave me seemed human enough? I'm trailing... I don't know how many strikes one person should get before they are a serious reprimand like a ban, but i think TPE deductions are definitely the way to dissuade any attempts at cheating with AI. Or we could just initiate the "steroid era" and allow AI PTs and everyone can get to 2000 TPE! /s

[Image: Pi43cEV.png]
Big Thanks to @Sburbine & @Carpy48 for the dope graphic!

Option 1

Linemates must now be tied together.
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Credit to @Symmetrik
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OPTION 1 - Rules are Rules?

Written Task: You are given the power to change or add one rule in hockey. What's the funniest rule change you can come up with?

I would get rid of any penalties about stick checking. Being able to hit them with your stick even if you may have missed the puck and being able to just constantly poke at them. Would this be good for the game? No, it would not be at all. Would it become a stick slapping contest? Yes, and would anything happen probably not. Everyone would probably just start fighting as a way to stop it and tell each other to not. Making the game an absolutely chaos and make them basically just a battle the whole game forgetting about the puck. Would be fun to watch, but not great for the game overall, but would be funny to see how far things would go and how far the players would be willing to take it at the end of the day and how many more subs would happen because of the damage. People having to come out constantly due to pain.

[Image: dc24.png]

The punishment for using the artificial intelligence robot technology machine to help you with some point tasks in something like the simulation hockey league is for you to be forced for seven weeks to only be able to use chat gee pee tee. If you want to update you are not allowed to update yourself you have to try and ask chat gee pee tee different prompts and hope that it will spit out something that works as an update and you can post in your thread and actually get it approved. Anyone you talk to on discord you have to copy what they say to you, type that into discord, see what it says back and then copy that into your conversation and hope it makes sense. Your whole life has to be run through the artificial intelligence machine for a week. If you like it so much then everything in your life can run through it.

[Image: hopoate.png]

OPTION 2 - I'm on to you.

I think that the punishments for using ChatGPT should essentially involve SHL community service, which would take the following forms, to be mixed and matched as appropriate to the severity of the crime.

1. You have to commentate a stream. Let's face it - FHM sucks absolute balls to watch and commentating is a nightmare. Doing this job wouldn't be a lot of fun as you try to describe what's going on as the players teleport through the nets and shit. If you don't sell it like you're commentating a real game, too, with all the required enthusiasm, or your punishment is not considered spent.

2. You have to be HO for a while. For free. You have no say in the decision making process, but you have to be the front face of Head Office whenever there is a public punishment to be made, and respond to all the comments on the punishment thread. That's a mental breakdown waiting to happen, no question.

3. Your portal is now in Russian. Yup, Russian. have fun.

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