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S73 PT#0: sus.jpg

OPTION 1 - Rules are Rules?

Written Task: You are given the power to change or add one rule in hockey. What's the funniest rule change you can come up with?

The hockey world has followed the rest of the world and has officially become soft. Over the years, there's been a lot of accidents that have been avoidable due to some of the equipment that hockey players use. Some of the biggest "weapons", as they've recently called it, are the sticks and the skates. Too many incidents have happened throughout history - from skates slashing wrists and necks, to sticks being swung - breaking bones and causing head issues. This needs to stop. It's supposed to be safe!

What's in store? The hockey world will now be moving towards a plastic form of skate blade. It's sharp enough to glide on the ice but causes minimal damage at high speeds when it comes into human contact (we tested it on rats and rabbits). THEN for the sticks we've just decided to go with the blow up rubber ones you would get at a carnival or fair. You know those blow up hammers and stuff that you can swing around like a mad man, beating the shit out of everyone? Exactly. Do they hurt? Kinda. Will they cause big harm? The potential is fairly low. We imagine this will also increase the game and lower all the offensive inflation we've been seeing over the years as we graduate away from the game we knew and into the soft little beings we are.

What's coming next? Armour for our feelings. Stay tuned!

238 words

(This post was last modified: 10-01-2023, 09:25 AM by Thelastheraclid. Edited 1 time in total.)

Option 2
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I think using *checks notes* ChatGBT is, to put it mildly, disgusting. People who use ChatGBT, no excuse me, ChatGPT, should be banned. For at least a year. From making written PTs. Yes, you read that right. This crime deserves a fitting punishment. Have them do the graphics PTs for a year. The graphics PTs that take so much more efforts to complete than rambling about a subject for 150 words. Those individuals should be shamed, yes my fellow SHLers, SHAMED. So they should make terrible graphics PTs for a year so we can laugh at them collectively. Let's be honest, no one reads the PTs, but when you scroll down to smash that New Reply button, you see the graphics PTs and how cool or how ugly they are. After a while they might look good but at first it'll be funny at least... or will it? Who knows because it's never gonna happen. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.

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I like the jumping over lines drills in hockey so I think that should be a rule. You touch the lines you die, but actually not that serious. You have to hop over the line in the neutral zone and you have to hop over the blue lines. Both offense and defense. I think it could add a fun acrobatic aspect to the skating that they don't get to showcase as well as the goalies have a chance to, and it wouldn't be a big issue if they touch the line, they just get a one minute penalty, and the play doesn't stop. The ref just grabs them and steers them over to the penalty box. I think that people would definitely hate it, but it would bring a bit of levity that is sorely needed to the sport. Either this or we made offsides like soccer and that would suck for passes.

153 words

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gay heghog

Does everyone remember the ''april fool's'' job initiative? Jobs 4 all was it? Well little did you know, it wasn't entirely an joke, and part of it was more of a ''throw a line in the water and see what bites''. Although the community reaction wasn't all that enthusiastic about forced labor, the brainstorm and ensuing chaos of the proposition had one positive result : forced labour à la dictatorship became and increasingly considered avenue to the growing issue of chatGPT usage. First through academia, then the workplace and now plaguing the sanctity of sim leagues, its time to take a stand.

From here on out, your first offense is pardonned, but your record shows the offense. Where things get interesting is when you do it again : one season of SHL job labour, unpaid. What better way than to make someone who doesn't want to work for their sweet sweet TPE to want to work : FORCE THEM. That'll show them, and that solves two issues at once : less job vacancies and less AI shenanigans.

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@jason kranz sig elite / @sulovilen elite sig
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Panthers Ireland Highlanders
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ChatGPT punishments need to be severe, in order to discourage its use. I propose that we create a specific discord channel titled “PT Shame” where all offenders will be called out and placed on the “no earners list” for a minimum of three weeks. Depending on the severity and frequency of the infraction, this TPE & SHL cash earnings ban could be lengthened. This will be a public forum where any and all can swing by to shame and berate the offenders. It will be a digital pillory of sorts, in which the convicted felons users will be stuck in front of the entire league and will have to answer for their crimes. Again, punishment must be swift and severe to eliminate the scourge that is ChatGPT from interfering with our PTs. Bonus points to anyone who is able to figure out ways for us to throw digital fruits and vegetables at the offenders.

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I'd change the rule from 2 minutes to 43 for penalty because we want goals get rid of players who can't abide by rules like why u even playing if your gonna be a big dumb and not listen we learned in kindergarten how to behave and your dumb ass just can't do it gotta always be an asshole and just do stupid stuff like a dimwitted I am not baooy by these actions that people choose like we just wanna have a nice life and adhear to more goals being scored like we are all good noodles ya feel me don't be a jerk and screw off we need a good rule set with people who behave e always nice fun clean game know what I mean. Now so.eo e please go and pet my dog hes sad that no one's paying attention to him he needs some fun hes a good boy who likes fetch so go play please

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2x 4Star Cup Champ s49 s50

1x commissioners excellence award s 50

The most logical punishment for using ChatGPT for point tasks should be 0 TPE in that task and a double length PT the next week also for no credit as penance. If they are a repeat offender, they should have to do double length PTs for the next 8 PTs (equivalent of a season) before they can receive credit for a PT again. I would not want the punishment for a first time offense to be too high as it's not hard to believe that someone could just be feeling lazy and make a poor decision. However the steeper penalty for a second offense would hopefully deter people from breaking the rule again. If anyone was stupid enough to get caught three times, the only logical punishment would be to banish them to the worst sim league, the PBE, where they would have to max earn for an entire player career before they were allowed back in the SHL.

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S58 Elias Armia Award Winner

OPTION 1 - Rules are Rules?

Written Task: You are given the power to change or add one rule in hockey. What's the funniest rule change you can come up with?

The rule I would implement is that if a team scores 10 goals in a game, they automatically have to trade their goalie for the other team's goalie. Right in the middle of the game. and not just until the end of the game, but permanently (or at least until the end of their contract). It could create some interesting scenarios where a good team would think twice about running up the score on a bad team, or would have to consider playing their backup just in case. It could also inspire medium teams to just play no defense against the other team in the hopes that they could give up enough goals to improve their goaltending for the rest of the season. Neither team would want to play defense, and neither team would want to score too many goals, so you'd probably end up with most games being 9-8 in a shootout! It would probably suck for the goalies too but hey at least it would keep them interested!

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Grizzlies      S76 SMJHL DRAFT 3RD OVERALL PICK      Grizzlies
Argonauts        S77 SHL DRAFT 4TH OVERALL PICK          Argonauts
norway                     IIHF TEAM NORWAY                       norway

Option 2:

I think the punishment for using chatgpt to do your PTs should be something that is fair and equitable in regards to the violation you've committed against the league. Not something that would benefit everyone else but rather something that would make you realize that doing the work yourself really aint that bad and you should just suck it up and do it if you're gonna do it at all. I think that if you use chatgpt to do your PT then you should have to write a PT for each user that uses a PT pass on a PT for the rest of the season. This means that all those GMs and simmers and all that, that run those PT passes up throughout the season and well into championship week, you should have to write the Pts that they will not be completing. Until that is fulfilled, the player who committed this heinous act will not be eligible to complete any additional PTs.

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Barracuda Chomp Chomp Water Dog Barracuda
Scarecrows Scarecrow Noises Scarecrows
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For me, I think a rule that should be changed should be high sticking. While I understand the premise behind it and to protect players from a high stick, I don't know if time in the penalty box necessarily makes sense. I think if they draw blood then I think they should sit but if they kind of just boop someone then the penalty should be reassessed. I think a great change for high sticking is the player then has to have the stick taped to their back for the next two minutes when they are on the ice. I think this changes the way that power plays work because then if that skater is one and maybe have a way to force him on. He may actually get in the ay of his team instead of being helpful. Also I think it would be rather great to see a player with their stick taped to their back. I think that would be a fun rule change

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(This post was last modified: 10-01-2023, 03:57 PM by CrazyMojito.)


I'm not much of a comedian so I'm not coming up with funny rule changes, nor am I creative so it's not going to be very good either. If given the ability to change one rule, I'd be making a slight tweak to the offsides rule. Each team has to keep one player in the offensive zone and this player can play the puck at any time in the offensive zone. The caveat is that if the defending team dumps the puck down the ice and the offensive zone stationed player doesnt get to the puck before it crosses the red line, its automatically whistled icing. This creates a situation where the defending team needs to decide where to place a player to defend the offensive player. Do they keep a defenseman back in their defensive zone and cover the player tightly, do they station up in the neutral zone, or do they risk it all and use numbers to their advantage and get some 5 on 4 opportunities. The only downside of this is for the player stationed in the offensive zone, they have to keep themselves moving and focused, and they'd have to be pretty good skaters to really take advantage.

[Image: CrazyMojitoSHL.gif]
Canada Blizzard Stars Renegades  Citadelles Citadelles Renegades  Stars Blizzard Canada 

In the early history of hockey, there existed a position known as the Rover. This player had the unique ability to roam the ice without a fixed position, similar to a midfielder in soccer. However, as time passed, the Rover position was phased out by many hockey leagues due to its declining utility.

To introduce an interesting rule change, I suggest removing the traditional goalie position and reinstating the Rover instead. This alteration would inject an element of unpredictability and excitement into the game, as teams would have to adapt to playing without a dedicated goaltender.

To balance this change, Rovers would wear specialized equipment, which would be bulkier than that of regular players but less extensive than goalie gear. This adjustment would allow Rovers to participate in offensive plays in the offensive zone while also stepping up to defend their own net when necessary. The result would be a dynamic and engaging style of play, with Rovers adding a unique dimension to the sport of hockey.

167 words

Xavier Beausoleil
Position RW
Height : 6.5ft
Weight : 236lbs
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Prompt 2:

Artificial intelligence is a lot like magic and like in the middle ages when you found someone, lets say a witch, practicing magic then the only right thing to do would be to burn them at the stake. After all how can you trust someone that cannot even be bothered to parse out the barest of one hundred a fifty words without having the temerity to cheat? @WannabeFinn could lead the whole of the simulation hockey League on a great crusade against those that would sin against the point task team in such a grievious manner and together we could scour the scourge from our pristine league. Some may say that this is taking things too far or too seriously but how else can we possibly expect people to comply and write one hundred and fifty original words without the fear or being burned alive while all their peers watch in satisfied silence.

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Credit to Ml002, King, Wasty, Carpy, Bruins10, Rum_Ham, Turd Ferguson, Ragnar and Enigmatic for the sigs.
Forge Stampede Inferno Specters Wolfpack Platoon Armada Scarecrows Uk

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Hockey is in desperate need of some rule changes to help spice up the game and draw more viewership. One way I propose we do that is through a couple of changes regarding goaltenders. First, we let them handle the puck past the centre line. I mean everyone has seen that play by Patrick Roy where he was penalized for doing exactly that, and I'm sure most people would have rather seen what he was going to do from there.

Second, we count goalie goals as 2, to encourage them trying to score more. Imagine in the dying seconds of a game, your team is down by 2. Suddenly you see your goalie rushing up the ice with all his equipment on. He gets fed the puck and rifles one into the net to tie the game. The caveat of course is they must use their goalie stick and cannot swap it out. We need more chaos in the game in this would do exactly that.

166 words



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