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S73 SMJHL PT #1 - New Places

Sergey Ivanov was a long way from home, roughly 4,133 miles away to be specific. However no matter how different Vegas was from Yelizovo, one thing remained exactly the same, the game of hockey. Ivanov ignored the allure and glamor of the city, deciding to give his full attention the upcoming season. Perhaps he would explore Vegas later, but now was time to prepare. The Battleborn locker room welcomed the rookies with open arms, holding a team banquet the night before training camp started. After the banquet the team held an impromptu ping pong tournament in which, sadly, Ivanov got eliminated in the first round. Veterans like Thomas Sawschuk and Shnopple Lopple gave the rookies a tour of the team facilities, and even gave them advice on how to deal with all the media day shenanigans. As much as he didn't want to admit to it, Ivanov was starstruck. The size and quality of not only the facilities, but the stadium itself was amazing compared to what he grew up playing in. Ivanov had finally made it to the big leagues, but his job was not done just yet.

Entering the hockey locker room for the first time as a rookie was a mix of excitement and nerves. The air was thick with anticipation as sabage into a world where tradition and camaraderie run deep. The seasoned veterans, coaches, and staff all watched to see how the new recruit would fit into the team's dynamic.
As Sabage walked in, the smell of sweat, equipment, and freshly sharpened skates filled the air. The locker room was a sea of stalls, each one adorned with a player's name and number. It felt surreal to see his own nameplate hanging above a stall next to the other rookies. The sound of laughter, banter, and the clinking of equipment echoed in the room.
The response from his new teammates was a mix of curiosity and warmth. Some of the veterans offered friendly nods and handshakes, while others gave him a playful once-over, sizing up the new competition. The welcoming committee was led by the team captain, a seasoned player with years of experience. He gathered the rookies in the center of the room and gave them a pep talk, emphasizing the importance of hard work, dedication, and earning their place on the team. His words were both encouraging and daunting, a reminder that the road ahead would be challenging.
In the end, the transition into the hockey locker room was more than just donning the team colors and wearing the jersey; it was about becoming a part of a tradition, a brotherhood, and a shared dream. The warmth, guidance, and occasional playful pranks from his new teammates made the experience unforgettable and laid the foundation for a successful journey on the ice together.

Jerry Moonshine walks into the Kelowna Knights Locker Room. He is excited about his future hockey career, ready to see where the next few years takes him. One by one other players and staff members bring him welcoming gifts, all of which are moonshine. Every variety of moonshine known to man, some commercial, some clearly made in an engine block outside. Bottles and jars as far as the eye can see. It's really generous, and Jerry feels welcomed into the team. There is only one problem.

"I don't like moonshine." Jerry says

The locker room freezes in stunned silence, nobody had thought this to even be an option. His name is MOONSHINE, how can he not like it? Everyone just got the new guy an uncountable amount of jars of a drink he doesn't like. His apartment will be full of it. The silence is piercing.

"I love Moonshine!"

As I stepped into the locker room for the first time, a palpable mix of excitement and curiosity hung in the air. The atmosphere buzzed with the camaraderie of a closely-knit team, and my new teammates greeted me with warm smiles and firm handshakes. It was evident that the bonds among them ran deep, but they were quick to extend the welcoming embrace to include me and the other draftees. To my surprise, the team had orchestrated a thoughtful welcome for us newcomers. Colorful banners adorned the lockers, each bearing our names alongside encouraging messages. The veterans took the initiative to organize a team lunch, creating a space for us to break the ice in a casual setting. It was during this gathering that the team captain addressed us, emphasizing the importance of unity and teamwork in achieving success. Throughout the day, my new teammates went out of their way to share insights, provide tips, and make us feel like integral parts of the team from the get-go. It became clear that beyond the talent on the field, this team valued the strength of their collective spirit, fostering an environment where rookies and seasoned players alike could thrive together.

as the Colorado Raptors training camp starts, Coach and GM NewYorkRangers SeventyAndThree took the highway to get to the training facilities. As they took the exit they got a call from the league that one of their player was ineligible to play due to unforseen circonstances and that they needed to find a replacement as soon as possible. With almost no time to think of a replacement, GM NewYorkRangers SeventyAndThree saw the construction on the road and a cone placed weirdly in the middle of the road. They did the most sensical thing and shoved the cone in their car and drove to the training facilities. Entering the locker room with the cone, GM NewYorkRangers SeventyAndThree announced to the group that the 2nd round pick from the previous draft was unable to participate but that they found a replacement and introduced Oranj Konhe who was totally not a construction cone with a jersey. First round pick Nick Kodiak, really enthusiast to see their new teammate, lifted them up and yelled "Let's win the cup!!!"

all mention of real life events are coincidental

When i walked into the Anchorage Armada locker room i was welcomed with cheers and hella beers. We are looking forward to seeing what we can do this season and i'm extremely excited to see what i can do as a player and im hoping to get my career off to a great start. I feel like the Locker room in the Anchorage Armada is something i didnt expect, everyone is extremely cool and helpful, im hoping we can take this team to the cup! Id love to be apart of something great here in Anchorage. We’ve done great in preseason and im hoping this carries into the regular season. The Gm here in anchorage is honestly one of the coolest guys ive met. Hes super chill and layed back but also does what needs to be done and is hella helpful, as well as the assistant gm, hes the same way. He scouted me and he was extremely cool and helpful since im new to this, but hes helped me with anything ive needed so im excited for this season and see what we can do Armada

Since I was able to play a tiny bit on the team last season as an UnDraftable Free Agent, most of the players already knew who I was coming into the Great Falls Locker Room. I had spent some time at their training camp where my newly retired father decided to help run. I knew I had a lot to live up to with how long my dad played in the SHL, so I wasnt sure how I would be accepted. Thankfully the team and management welcomed our draft class with open arms. I was second into the LR after John Peanut who was taken 1st overall in the draft. Our lockers were set up with new jerseys and skates as a present from management as well as a gift card to a local steakhouse owned by a former general manager. All in all, the team did a great job making all of the new draftees feel right at home in Great Falls.

[Image: spartangibbles.gif]
Outlungus   Usa Monarchs  Grizzlies  

That first day in the locker room was an interesting one to say the least. Cal Juice walked into the room with tears streaming down his face and sucking on a juice just like he did every other day. But then people weren't exactly being nice to him. They were sort of polite, but a few people asked things like "why are you green?" or "what's with the juice box, don't you know how bad juice is for you?" or "why are you crying weirdo?". Not really something you expect to hear out of the captain's mouth on your first day, but I think that everyone is going to get used to it and eventually find that Cal Juice is actually a pretty cool person. You just have to sort of keep your distance and pick the moments that you want to talk to him during. He's just a fragile fellow whose only coping mechanism happens to be something that spikes your blood sugar beyond an astronomical scale.

[Image: 5PYmCAe.png]
[Image: doubtfulalpha.gif]
[Image: 0XJkcN5.png]
[Image: vHNIXVO.png][Image: 639861613880541184.png] Cal Juice [Image: 639861613880541184.png][Image: RyzkmSj.png]
[Image: Eo2nBCt.png] Tomas Zadina
[Image: tkMQzhf.png] Brady McIntyre
[Image: ice-level.svg]

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