Jonas has been trying to read more books in English to help with his language learning, so he recently started reading Brandon Sanderson's novels. He just finished Elantris, and is wondering if he's in over his head because of how many made-up words there are in the novels. But he'll keep trucking on.
Sydney Shaw last watched the show fraiser. The old one. She heard about the new one coming out and wanted to watch the old one to see if the hype was worth is. It is not. At all. 0/10. No stars.
The last book Emerson read was Bullshit Jobs by David Graeber. It was an enjoyable read that had quite a few laughs. Luckily, Emerson does not have to worry about having a bullshit job.
Aaron Wilson recently finished reading the "Game of Thrones" book series. He loved the complex characters and plot twists, found it as captivating as the show.
Trella took a boat ride with me to the museum and we found 74 pictures of young fitted being a walrus because fuck salt where do they pick up the porch when it's dinner
2x 4Star Cup Champ s49 s50
1x commissioners excellence award s 50
Sburbine IIHF Federation Head
That boy ain't right
Jay O'Neil has been watching a lot of nature documentaries, they zen him out and help him get ready for game day. Gotta get that animal instinct come the start of the game.
Reno SMJHL Commissioner
if two of your three members are in the band i dont care if you call it box car racer its still blink-182
the last book Willow read was 1984 by George Orwell. she read it because there's an awesome metal album where every song is based on a book, only for her to realize after she read it the first song is based on animal farm and not 1984
The last book Tiberius Kane read was hustler magazine and the last TV show he watched was Deadwood, the greatest show in the world. He's not a big reader.
Well the unfortunate thing about Pork Tenderloin is that he is actually illiterate. He cannot read, though he loves audiobooks and TV shows. Recently he's been on a big fantasy kick and has been listening to A Song of Ice and Fire by George RR Martin on audiobook.
Did you just ask me if a read a book? Get that nerd shit outta here. I haven’t read a book ever. The last movie I watched was a parody movie that I won’t repeat on here since this is a family friendly league.
Lias is watching Gossip Girl lately on all the road trips. He never got to watch it when it first aired due to being an infant or whatever at the time so he’s watching through it now.
. : : .
Whikadoodle Registered
S23, S45 Challenge Cup Champion
The last movie Johnny FourStar watched was It Came from Outer Space, a super old spooky movie that's very fitting for the season. At the end of the movie we learned that it was just our imagination the whole time.
I've become pretty interested in Star Wars the last couple years so it should be no surprise that the last series I watched was Ahsoka. Also, the last book I read was The Phantom Menace and currently working on Attack of the Clones.
Sunrise reads a lot but his more recent readings were in the realm of manga. His latest one was a dutiful read on the adventures of The Helpful Fox Senko-san, apparently to learn about the ability to care for others heavily like Senko.
Player Page - Update Page
Former Players: Yoshimitsu McCloud (LW, #64) - Won a Four Star Cup once, knew ninjutsu, picture editors hated him, never tried free agency
Anton Harrier (LW, #90) - Won WJC gold, liked skateboarding a lot, went to the finals with Manhattan, kept his seat glued in LR