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S73 PT#4: Planning Perfection

Option 2:

Helping players reach their potential and make the most of their natural abilities is an absolutely crucial skill both for coaches and teammates. Let's face if, we were all in that situation once where we either struggled with our own game, or had to deal with the fact that other players around us were developing faster or simply at another point of their career cycle, where they were ahead of us in skill, experience or raw physical ability. Once you get into one of those sitiuations as well as one of the older players, it is absolutely crucial to help those guys who are in that position now that you used to be in a few years ago. When it comes to these situations, I think it's all about mentality. All the players at the level we are at have the raw skill and potential to make it in the big leagues, what separates those who do from those who fall off along the way is their attitude and mental fortitude. So that's what I would put all my focus on.

Evan Winter
Edmonton Blizzard
Player Page - Update Page

[Image: winter-500.png]

Option 2:

The best thing my player manages to unlock in my teammates is annoyance, then they convert that to pure rage on the rink, and win the game by sheer anger. But of course the big question, how does he do that. Well first off as a chicken, Furious Chicken can not help himself but peck at everything, goalie gloves, fan merchandise, even the helmets of the players sometimes have small indents in them. Next up is the nice food that is left everywhere, and an animal without the human hands the food gets everywhere, nice chicken feed in the gloves, some worms in the helmet, one time there was even a few small pieces of carrot were found in the opposition goal. Of course this also automatically leads to the teammates needing to be careful to leave their greens out, if they are not safely locked into a closed fridge this chicken will eat all of it. Especially carrots, but a nice bit of lettuce, or a cucumber are snacks the chicken will never say no to.

177 words

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Thank you Fever, sköldpaddor and OD for the amazing sigs!
Heart  Militia Montreal Impact/Militia Militia-Old Heart

Option 2

I am a sort of person that loves to help his teammates at every aspect of their game. Whether it is shooting accuracy, passing accuracy, pace or tactical insight to help to make better decisions I am your guy. I will easily take a teammate aside after practice or whenever and go through things they want to improve. If my teammates get better, the team gets better and I get better. So I guess what I do is have patience and make time to help wherever I can.

The other day one of the guys was anxious about facing a certain opponent, so we watched a few hours of tape and analyzed strong and weaknesses of said player. Then we figured what we needed to improve on and worked on that. In the end he was all over that guy and he did not have a good game. Getting better takes time and patience and you can’t always just rely on talent alone.

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Barracuda Germany Scarecrows Knights

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S50 Challenge Cup Finals Game 7
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Today is the day. 

We have no more eggs. HFFO's car is totally fucked. It's time for hockey. 

Egli is more of a storyteller than a coach - he wants to build tension and have these kids really feel the moment that life has thrust upon them. He doesn't even enter the dressing room until it's minutes before game time. When he walks in its pure silence, the kinds that resonates, the kind that you can hear your own heart beating through the pounding of your own eardrums. He walks into the room, wearing his best suit with a Jamaican flag draped over his shoulders and begins to give these his best Bruce Boudreau impression.

He kicks over a garbage can and with veins popping out of his forehead he screams "YOU DON'T HAVE TO WANT IT. YOU HAVE TO FUCKING WANT IT!" 

The parents are upset. Egli is asked to leave. He streams the game illegally in his apartment.

Jamaica loses 12-0.

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PBE Affiliate

[Image: CrazyMojitoSHL.gif]
Canada Blizzard Stars Renegades  Citadelles Citadelles Renegades  Stars Blizzard Canada 


The Nash strategy when it comes to non SHL and SMJHL games is a shoot and crash the net kind of vibe. From what we learn in peewee soccer and hockey is that there is chaos when everyone is together and going for the puck.  This is the kind of strategy that we can really take advantage of. Goalies are going to be giving up rebounds so we are just going to shoot and crowd the goalie and the net. Hopefully get a little horizontal line action going and be able to tap the puck to the left or right and open up the net for one of our wingers there. Some of our players have some great sniping skills but the odds are always better when the goalie is already down and leaving the sides of the next exposed. It might not be the biggest skill kind of move but its certainly a strategy that should pay off this tournament.

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[Image: Rangerjasegmailcom.gif]

Option 2

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Option 2

Marton is a competitor and he does his best to inspire his teammates to the same mindset. He takes "outwit, outplay, outlast" to heart, even if it's just a dumb TV show slogan. Reading the game is outwit, helping everyone understand what's happening on the ice and anticipating what will happen next, to always be in the right place at the right time. Outplay is all about the effort, giving 100% every moment, both in practice and during the game. Outlast is never giving up, always being the last person to leave the practice rink and competing until the final whistle. Marton gets those game winning goals and shorthanded points because he keeps fighting for the puck even when his back is against the wall. As he moves into a leadership role for the Renegades, he hopes that constant effort rubs off on the young guys and ones nearing retirement, to just never stop giving their all.

[Image: YpRQWIT.png]
Sig courtesy @sulovilen

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Written Task – Option 2 – 176 Words
Lord Farquaads is very good at unlocking secret potentials and even confessions from his prisone- I mean teammates. All it takes is the pulling of a secret lever deep in the bowels of Northern Lights Arena, and the elevator descends into the dank dungeons nestled in the Winnipeg bedrock. As the elevator descends, the distinct scent of mildew penetrates the nostrils. You see a hooded man, who Lord Farquaads calls “Thelonius” grasp onto the prisone-, err, teammate, and then they are brought to a round chamber with a large wooden table placed in the middle. There are four chains, one at each corner of the table. Each chain features a manacle at the end, and the individual’s hands and feet and bound with the manacles. It is at this point that Farquaads begins his work to implement sweeping changes on the prisoner, eh, teammate’s, behavior. It isn’t long after his work begins that measurable improvement occurs. Lord Farquaads expects a long career as Player Development Coach when his on ice career ends.

Aurora Knights Aurora Knights Aurora Knights Aurora Knights Aurora Knights
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[Image: 1n0REYx.png]

RIP Dangel. See you on the other side, brother

Well well well well well, that's five wells, and that's how many times that Ubba Lodbrok, second year center for the Anchorage Armada of the Simulation Major Junior Hockey League, prospect for the Philadelphia Forge of the Simulation Hockey League, has stepped up and brought something new for these kids. These kids who are having the time of their lives playing hockey in Alaska as part of an all expenses paid trip to experience Hockey in an area where that is *the* sport. Well, the time is nigh. It's time for these kids to get up and get going. So Ubba Lodbrok saves the best for last. He breaks out the Ubba Code.

"NEver walk away from home ahead of your skates and sticks. you can't feel a battle in your bones, or foresee a fight."
"Wake early if you want another man's title. No lamb for the lazy wolf, no battle's won in bed."
"fight your foes in the field, nor be burnt in your house"
"wisdom is welcome where it comes from"
"the one you trust the most, can disappoint you most"

Of course, the kids take these a little warily, but with enthusiasm.

Let's go.

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[Image: wearingabear.gif]
render cred: @rum_ham, @Rangerjase @Ragnar @supertardis101 @Jogurtaa @Drokeep @evilallbran @Carpy48 @enigmatic
Player Page | Update Page
Armada  Forge  Finland

PBE Affilate-

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In QCC, Ryland takes it upon himself to make sure everyone in the LR is fitting in and gelling nicely. He likes to introduce new team mates to the older crew and checks in to make sure everyone is adapting to new surroundings and has an open door policy for everyone to talk about difficulties they may experience or how to make things better for individuals with concerns. At least once or twice a week, he tries to get everyone out for team activities whether just going to a players house for a huge team dinner or just going downtown Quebec City and taking in some night life. He feels that he is at his best when everyone else is at their best. When you're feeling good about your circumstances, your playing good hockey and I think that's been one of the many examples of why QCC is doing so well this season and very excited about the upcoming second season, or ploofs as they like to call it. Our rookie class has been refreshing to be around and we can't wait to see what's in store for us in the next few seasons.

194 Words

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pt pass

“The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again. ... There are neither beginnings nor endings to the Wheel of Time. But it was a beginning.”

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PT Pass

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