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S73 PT#4: Planning Perfection

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Nick Larsson does not have the hockey IQ to implement a coherent system of tactics. Because of this, he leaves it to the kids to come up with their own style of hockey, and it is interesting. To start, they will have 5 forwards and 0 defensemen on the team because the kids decided that defense is too boring anyway. Nick Larsson approves, as he has never been one to backcheck or play hard in the defensive zone. On faceoffs, the center will take the draw as normal, but outside the faceoff circles will be two wingers on each side.

Going along with the no defense strategy, the children decided on a 4-0-1 style forecheck, where all four wingers bring pressure into the offensive zone and the single center has all of the responsibility outside of that. This forecheck is virtually guaranteed to succeed, as the sheer chaos of having four wingers at a time will eliminate any need to play defense and will frighten the children on the other team.

Prompt 2

Inspiring speeches are all well and good for some folks but not for Andren. He doesn't have the stoic nature needed to pull that kind of speech off. Andren is a warrior on the ice and that's reflected in how he gets his teammates to kick it into the next gear. Andren's trick for getting his teammates going is by inspiring their desire to crush the other team. Bringing up the tribalism and desire to protect their own that is innate in us all. Did you see that hit? Lets give it back to them two fold. They are too close to our goalie, time to knock them off their feet. The other team are obstacles to be run over. The enemy to be crushed. The reason for all our woes and problems in that moment and by vanquishing them, we will attain a level of peace we haven't had recently. All we need to do is take that next step

161 words

Andren Akerson (Present)
Adrik Baranov (S55 to S70)
Rurik Razin (S32 to S44)
Roy Razin (S17 to S32) (HOF/Rage HOF)
Audun Wissink (S5 to S15)

the second prompt

so binko koivu my player on the atlanta inferno of the sim hockey league really excels at a certain set of particular skills that he uses to really unlock that last bit of potential in his teammates on the atlanta inferno and you know he really knows how to go the extra mile for all of his teammates he really goes to bat for them yeah like for example he really motivates eel @hotdog very well before games when he goes up to the eel and spits right into his mouth because eel's reaction will be a mix of confusion and attraction and horngriness (mix of hungry and horny and angry) and that mixture of emotions really lends itself well to the game of simulated hockey. he also gives him a little tug here and there just to keep up team morale as it is very important to make sure that everyone is well taken care of from head to toe (or tail/fin)

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Signatures by Vulfzilla, Jepox, Jess, rum_ham, Ragnar, and myself
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[Image: tkMQzhf.png] [Image: tdKmZA0.png]

(This post was last modified: 10-29-2023, 11:43 PM by NJBadApple.)

Sometimes you absolutely need that push to reach your full potential. That's just for one individual. When it comes to an entire team, it's a whole new ballpark. That's a lot of players. That's a lot of moving parts and you really need to be on top of things. When it comes to the Scarecrows, well, it's basically just that. They scare the living piss out of you. Fear is one the best things to motivate someone to do something... sometimes... but in this case, it works really damn well. In fact, just last week, the general manager of the Winnipeg Aurora was seen skating around the ice during practice chasing the guys with electric cattle prods. Do you think that's bad? That's nothing. We've heard rumors that one day he actually put small little fireworks on the back of their skates so he could "teach them how to skate faster while also having control when... not having control".

Words: 150+

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I think the main thing here is to not to stick to a system, maybe just the simple breakout where the centre goes down low to carry the puck and does a give and go with the winger to start the offence but other than that, i would like to see my players develop instincts and just play the game, its just a game and i think the main point is to have fun and play hard and as long as they do that theya re going to have success in the ;league, we could do a bunch of system work in terms of ntz and forecheck to get on the same page and everything but i rather spend time developing skills so in the future they have the skills to execute bigger and better plays at a higher level. i would be practicing skating, doing power skating and trying to be deceive other skaters in terms of skating style or shot.

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Andreas Kvalheim may be one of the worst players in the Simulation Hockey League these days, but no one can deny that he was once at the very top end of SHL talent. Andreas knows first hand what it takes to find that next step in the big leagues, to transition from the juniors to competing in the much faster and stronger league that is the SHL. With several young prospects on the Toronto North Stars, Andreas has enjoyed getting the opportunity to teach them about finer details of the SHL game. In particular he enjoys imparting his knowledge on how to successfully play defense - while offense is a much more instinctive and free flowing part of the game, defense requires structure and discipline which is why younger players tend to struggle at this side of the game. Andreas has been teaching them on how use their stick to block passing lanes, manage gaps while defending and several other small tricks.

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Rasmus at his core is a motivator, through both his words and his actions, and he uses this strength to try to ensure that his teammates perform to the best of their abilities. Using his words, he lets his teammates know if they've been slacking off in the weight room by making remarks about their arms getting smaller or their newfound one-pack of abs. Using his actions, he developed the prototype for what he thinks might re-shape hockey for the future. He came up with the punishment closet, and has been using it on his teammates. It's like a normal closet, but it's completely empty and locked from the outside. Make a bad pass? Punishment closet. Forget your elbow pad in your other equipment bag? Punishment closet. Bad song on the aux before the game? You guessed it, punishment closet. His teammates have really seemed to respond fearfully to it, so it's only a matter of time before the results follow. Patent pending of course.

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Berserkers     -       syndicate      -     Berserkers

Option 2:

Getting into the major leagues of hockey is extremely difficult which means that everyone here is in peaks shape physically and have incredible skill on the ice that is leagues above what anyone else is capable of. That being said, the other side of the game is completely mental. Many people just aren't able to fully reach their potential for reasons that could be a confidence issue, not feeling comfortable, or just not able to overcome certain mental hurdles as they appear in their careers. With that in mind, Grumathan always tries to get along very well with his teammates. Creating good chemistry allows for a team to be more open with each other and creates a lot more friendly dynamic so they can pick each other up when someone is down. Creating a good atmosphere also helps in being able to be more honest with criticism and allows for us all to help each other on a deeper level.

My player excels at helping his teammates find their playmaking ability. In all three seasons in the major leagues, my player has scored over forty goals, so he has been around players with playmaking skills that they are able to utilize with my player on the ice. He finds ways to get open no matter where he is. My player and Adrian O'Rugg compliment each other very well with his playmaking skills and my player's goal scoring skills. They dominated the SMJHL with 93 points each in their final season as send downs, and are still teammates on the platoon. In another sense, my player is also good at making my teammates play better defense. This is because my player is abysmal on defense and my teammates need to play defense better to compensate for it. My player is well aware of the issue and is putting the work in on defense to rectify it for the benefit of himself and all of his poor teammates forced to play on a line with him

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sigs from @sulovilen @_Blitz_ @Ragnar and @enigmatic

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Option 2:

Matiss is a good player to have on the team to unlock the potential of his other teammates, because he is always going to be the player that is going to talk up his teammates and motivate them after every shift. Matiss will always be giving his teammates positive reinforcement about how they did during each shift and continue pumping them up when they have a bad shift. Matiss is very vocal on the bench and on the ice to be able to give his teammates positivity and support to be able to bring out the best hockey in their games. If he is able to go out and look at the positives of every shift and keep continuing to tell his teammates, what the good things they are doing and for them to keep doing those things to be able to have a strong team to be able to win a lot of games.

When looking at my youth hockey team, it’s a lot less about plays, and positioning, and more about making sure we’re not clumping, and just having a fun time while learning the basics of the sport. Although every kid wants to win, based on the age, it’s more important to get them used to the sport and develop the basis that they need to continue to grow as a player as they continue to indulge in the sport of hockey. Although, during practices, we may work on sprinkling in some plays in positioning, really, it’s more about the fundamentals, teaching them to be comfortable on skates, and really focusing on the positional skill sets needed to continue to succeed as they grow within the sport. I know this may be a very unpopular opinion, and well many people focus less on the scores while the kids are young, it is all about making sure they are enjoying the sport, growing with every practice, and continuing to push forward as they grow older.

Dominik’s ability to play players open is something that can’t be overstated. He is the Scarecrows’ all time leader in assists and powerplay points, and it shows when he gets on the ice. He has an uncanny ability to find his open teammates, and he shows a great ability to make passes in a way that his teammates find themselves open because of it. Of course, a great assist man isn’t much use without players to put the puck in the net, and Dominik benefits from having 3 of the top 5 all time Scarecrows goal scorers on the team with him as well. Hopefully this continues for him when he reaches the SHL with San Francisco, but he has shown that he has the capability to be good, create opportunities, and he has a ton of potential to be able to be an excellent player at the next level as well.

Alex Winters (retired)
Matej Winters (retired)
Dominik Winters
S45 Jesster Trophy Winner
Challenge Cup Winning Goal Club: S52
(This post was last modified: 10-30-2023, 12:58 AM by diacope. Edited 3 times in total.)

I think being able to stay calm in all situations, listening to the coach and knowing enough about my attributes has made my player a consistent enough threat to make an impact every game, it's helped build trust between my teammates, earned them more points in the process and widened grins to help them keep up the good work for a string of games. In the offensive zone I not only keep myself actively engaged all the time staying out of the box I also am quick to the puck so empty gas tanks will even be able to get a scoring chance. Outside of the rink it's pretty much the same attitude and if you follow my social media I'm continually making positive posts to hopefully relieve some of my linemates stress after bad games/cheer us on when we do something good.. Activity staying involved, connecting with her friends to show support and doing it with haste no matter the time to maximize the Baltimore Platoon brand.

Platoon RAIYA Platoon RABINOV Platoon

This is Iliket Urtles favorite passing drill. since even though he has to pass the puck, he always gets it right back so he can shoot
[Image: image.png?ex=6551b0ec&is=653f3bec&hm=7e1...838626b86&]

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