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S73 SMJHL PT #7 - One Season at a Time

Starting the season off expectations for my player was not very high. Not that I think I had some terrible player being made, but more so that I decided to just use a balanced build to allow myself to be okay at everything and not really excel at particular aspects all the time. It really didn't work. I was really surprised on how much offense my player was able to have putting up 45 points total as a rookie defenseman but then was equally crushed with how bad his defensive play was so that will likely be a big focus as we head into the off season and apply a few more updates for his sophmore year.

The Elk I think at about to lose some huge pieces this off season with the age of main 1st liners all approaching that call up point it would seem so I will have an even bigger role to fill so we need to stay on that TPE grind and really try and nail my 350 TPE Build.

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GM's Son is a bit disappointed in how his first season in the SMJHL went, as he wanted to be the runaway rookie of the year winner and put up a ton of points, but his performance should be put into perspective. He centered the 3rd line of a good Vancouver team, and while his line mates weren't the top end scorers of the other two centers, Son still put up a respectable 16 goals and 32 assists (48 points) over the year. Son got a lot of time on the penalty kill for the Whalers, which was good to see for the rookie, and he won a majority of his faceoffs with a 50.7% win percentage. Looking ahead to his sophomore year, Son projects to be at least the 2C on what will be a somewhat weaker Whalers team, but he'll look to improve offensively and physically so he can win some awards and games.


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For Average Dude's first season in the league, I would say he performed averagely adequately. For a player that was mainly interested in screening, he still managed to get some decent stats. I don't know much about hockey, but I do know goals are a good thing to get and Average Dude got 14 of them in the regular season. He also managed to get 2 goals during STL's short playoff run. He also had 20 assists- each one tenderly given from the generosity of his heart.

On the defensive side of things, he had 160 hits. That seems like a lot. Add on 26 blocks and it sounds like he wasn't just standing there. Maybe he should have played a different position.

Overall, while a loss in the playoffs is tough, it's hard to be too upset about a successful regular season. Considering Average Dude doesn't even know what he's doing out there, he is seeming to make it work.
(This post was last modified: 11-12-2023, 01:12 PM by ShadowFenix. Edited 2 times in total.)

Shadow Fenix had a great rookie season. He started out as the top line center for the Colorado Raptors, leading to him being in contention for rookie of the year. He was the only player on the team to end up with a positive plus minus, and he came 3rd in points for his team, and 2nd for rookies. Unfortunately, he couldn't catch up to the first place rookie, but I'm hopeful that his defensive abilities, combined with how important he was to his team (a bad Colorado Raptors), will at least get him a few votes. Nevertheless, individual trophies don't really matter, what matters is playoffs, and unfortunately, my player didn't get a chance to shine in playoffs. You know that he would have, if given the opportunity though! All in all, it was a great rookie season, and I'm excited for next season. I’m especially excited for the chance to participate in playoffs.

It was a great first season, we're still alive in the playoffs. Considering the Elk accepted me for at least this season feels pretty good. Overall I underperformed to what I was hoping for, I wanted more blocked shots. But I can't be too upset considering we're still in the playoffs and I'm playing pretty well. Next season I think I'll be pushing hard for more minutes and will be an assist machine. Hopefully call ups don't destroy our team. My favorite memory this season was watching Bayle go back and forth for the scoring title. At some points it felt like we didn't care about the score, as long as Bayle was getting some goals it was a big win. It's a shame it didn't pan out, and I don't know if the call up gods will be cruel or not. We will see what happens!

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Colorado Raptors Capitan S42-Until Forever!
Czechia Wants you! Ask about a transfer!!


I'd this was a pretty nice rookie season. There isn't too much memorable from a player front as the key to it was all just committing to the team identity and sacrificing potential counting stats to hold things down defensively. With that said, I still ended up reasonably well scoring for a rookie d-man--it was in line with what I'd expect a 3rd line centre to put up at just under .5 ppg. And that's with pretty much zero power play time. One nice memory is getting the 1st goal out of the way in the 1st sim. 2nd game of the year against Nevada. Just feels good to get out of the gates quick.

Going in to next year one of the things I don't feel I need to put as much focus on is defensive attributes. (Fingers crossed) Murdock gets pushed back to playing centre, and all of the focus on defensive/physical attributes means there's a good amount to push towards the offensive side of the game. Not to say I'll neglect defense--but as a rookie there was a lot of emphasis in early builds on defence, and now the focus can turn to offensive styling.

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7:17 p.m, Friday evening. Detroit Falcons coach Jim Barrington sends a final email, shuts down Outlook and switches off his computer. This week has been longer than usual - the Falcons getting wiped off the playoff bracket by Maine meant even though everybody was expecting the loss, morale took a bigger hit than normal. The team had finished practice early today, Jim had sent them home to get some rest and try to decompress a little bit. The raw rookies had had to stick around for the mandatory workshops on the SHL draft and dealing with attention from the big league teams who would inevitably be sniffing around, but they should have gone by now as well.

Jim hits the light switch to his office and turns to leave. The place is mostly deserted, but he's not alone, as there's light still spilling underneath a door. He knocks - there's no answer, so he opens the door and there...


It is indeed. Headphones on and Simo is completely oblivious to everything except the screen, playing the footage of their first loss to the Timber. This isn't the first time he's found the Finn here after hours.

"Alright Simo. What are we working on?"

Simo looks up at his coach. He's become used to the young heavyweight as a jokester, a guy always ready to make a stupid gag or do something silly to keep the mood light, but the look in Simo's eyes now is new. It's raw, it's angry and it's...vulnerable. "Everything, coach. I was not good enough."

Jim pats his charge on the shoulder. "Simo, this is your first year in America. Nobody was expecting you to make us champions in your first season, that would be insane. Who in their right mind would put that sort of pressure on a teenager?"

"I would." Simo stands up suddenly, looking down on the older man. "You put faith in me to come here and prove myself and I have to repay that. I was not good enough."

Jim sighs as he takes off his coat. If the kid's not leaving, neither is he.

So here’s the thing.
This was absolute overperformance.
To finish the season and have people saying “hey, wow, I think you just broke the rookie scoring record” as soon as it was over was genuinely shocking. Getting drummed out of the playoffs the way we did sucked pretty horribly.
But Celly earned their spot on the top line and on PP1, despite the allegations of some other rookies in the class. Recording a four-goal game against the Berserkers for their first career hatty is a moment that will live on in infamy.
But a strong start to a career like this is risky, they know that. They could go into freefall next season just as easily as their numbers could keep climbing. Is it likely? No. But it’s always possible. So the offseason plan for Celeste Desjardins?
Well, it’s simple.
Just keep working. Just keep grinding. Just keep upping those skills and acting like the whole thing’s just a game of keepaway. If they can’t touch you, they can’t stop you.
The only way to go is up.

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My season in Regina went about as expected but to me that was also disappointing. I know it is a big ask for any rookie to perform well, especially a rookie defenseman, but I still had high hopes. In the end I did do pretty well defensively so I can not be too mad. I had a -5 +/- but that was better than about half the team so it's something to me. I had a good amount of takeaways which is always crucial for a Dman. Ended with 55 of them which was 3rd on the team among defense and wasn't far off the top 2 either. I had an ok amount of hits and blocks. Would have loved to see both of those up for sure. Biggest for me though was the points. I tried to be much more 2 way in my game and I just didn't have it on offense. So that disappointed me quite a bit. Only 28 points which was only 1 point above being bottom of the team for all that played the entire season of 66 games.

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Rodrigo Banes had, overall, a decent rookie season. On a team that struggled mightily, avoiding last place by virtue of a tie-breaker, finishing with a -57 goal differential, Roddy managed to finished with 38 points (21G, 17A) in 66 games. He contributed at both ends of the ice, in all situations. He finished the season with time on both special teams, went 56.5% in the faceoff circle, and had 2 game winning goals. Defensively, he contributed 51 blocked shots and 67 hits. 

While overall a decent rookie campaign, Roddy wants to focus down on the physical side of his game over the off-season. Finishing last on the Kelowna Knights in Hits, he wants to get stronger on the puck, work on forcing turnovers, and be more responsible in his defensive zone. He hopes his second season will be a step forward in all areas. Hopefully the addition of more young, high draft picked players can surround the young Center with dynamic talent to complement his two-way play. 

Next season comes with new expectations and hopes. Roddy will be called upon to take a larger role with the team, now with a full season under his belt. Expect to see Roddy killing more penalties, and likely featuring on the teams second powerplay unit again. With an off-season to add strength and speed to his tall frame, Roddy plans to continue his career as a defensively-minded center, capable of contributing plenty at both ends of the ice. What will the future hold? And more importantly: how good will Roddy B look in a Montreal sweater one day (not so) soon?

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In the dynamic realm of professional hockey, where the regular season acts as a crucible for emerging talent, one rookie, Poiklm, surfaced as a symbol of unwavering resilience. Commencing his journey with initial struggles, Poiklm grappled with the formidable learning curve of the professional league, often finding himself vying for any sign of consistency throughout the regular season.

However, when the spotlight intensified, Poiklm evolved into a clutch player. Remarkably, despite few regular season goals, he ended the season as the team-lead in game-winning goals. This unexpected feat underscored his mental toughness and ability to shine under pressure.

As the regular season tribulations faded into the background, the playoffs became the arena where Poiklm truly showcased his mettle. Not only did he secure a pivotal role, but he also ascended to the top, leading the team in goals off a truly spectacular 41% shooting rate. Poiklm's extraordinary journey from a struggling rookie to a playoff sensation exemplifies the unpredictable and exhilarating nature of sports, where true champions emerge from the crucible of adversity.

This season has been absolutely amazing. When I was drafted to the Maine Timbers, I did not expect much. I set my expectations pretty low, was just hoping to be a good teammate and help when I could. As the season continued my player started to take shape.  In the 66 games I played I managed 31 goals and 29 assist coming out to 60 point and 16 plus/minus. And to my surprise game wining goal. There is still a lot I want to work on though one thing I’m hoping to improve in mt shot percentage which would mean I’m also scoring a lot more which is always nice. There is still a little more I need to do defensively also I don’t want to be a liability there. We made it to the Conference finals with hopes of getting to the Cup Finals. I would say that has been one of best moments for me this season, never had a chance to win a championship and now that I’m so close has me beyond excited.
(This post was last modified: 11-10-2023, 09:48 PM by hockeyiscool. Edited 1 time in total.)

Expectations for the rookie season for Shawn Pawn were pretty absent. Going into the season seventy-third season of the simulation mini juniors hockey league Shawn Pawn really had no expectations, the Queen City Citadelles had a tremendously young team, rostering a total of eight rookies to the team. As a specialist, Shawn Pawn's job was to get open, and get open he did. Despite having an entry level of stamina and a below average skating skill level and abysmal shooting skill, with middle of the road passing ability, some could say that Shawn Pawn actually performed above average. The expectations were that he would be towards the lower end of production and and be a role player. Considering Shawn Pawn's usage he performed above average, definitely carried by his line mates Froya Solberg and Sonja Solberg while matching up against some of the leagues best lines, Shawn ended up with a modest 48 total points, scoring 21 goals and 27 assists while shooting a solid 12.4 % on 16:31 minutes of average time on ice per game. This number would likely be increased had Shawn Pawn made any sort of investment into his conditioning of skating skills.

What a year it was. From draft day, it was a bit of disappointment as I thought I was playing for a bottom dwelling team. Even when looking at predictions, I predicted us last in the division, but boy was I wrong. The season turned out ton be a massive surprise for myself, as we were able to make playoffs. Even though we lost in the first round to my old team, we were able to at least compete in those playoff games. For next season, personally I am looking to obviously get more points, but if I can play a more sound overall game to give us more wins, that is the goal. I was only able to achieve a total game rating of 65 for the season, and most teams are not winning with players of that calibre. Overall I would say I did have a good season though. As a third liner, I had a positive +/- and almost 40 points, playing a little more than 20 minutes a game. I would not say I had any glorious moments, but that first playoff win did give me that hope that next season could be a good one, even though this one did not end the way I may have wanted. The class of S74 on this team could give me some glorious moments over the next season though, as I believe this could be a group of people that could be special together, on this special team.

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Coming into the season with a young defender I expected to have maybe 10-20 points. I was walking into the locker room with a lot of really great experience defenders. I knew my playing time would be quite small compared to other defenders in the league. I'd likely see 3rd pairing minutes and spend most of the time I was playing in situations where I couldn't impact the game much. I set 10 points as my goal. And it looked to be right on track about 10 games into the season. But out of nowhere I started getting a lot of assists. I was becoming a potent weapon to utilize for the Maine Timber. And as the season went on I only got better offensively and defensively. So now that I look back at everything. I finished with 45 points (most for a rookie defender), a fantastic plus minutes, and solid defensive possession, hits, and block stats. I know that Teal'c needs to bulk up and add more to his physical game for next season. But his offense was off the chain for a rookie and I could honestly believe that, while not a front runner, Teal'c could be in the running for a nomination as a possible Rookie of the Year candidate. 

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