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S74 SMJHL Interested Prospects Thread

Player Name: Carter Crutchfield
Position: RD
Recreate or First Gen?: Recreate
Recreates: Who was your last player?: Jonathan Mercer
First-Gens: How did you find the site?: i was tryna find a riley reid video and i ended up here.
Full Discord Username: crutch#1738

How many hours a week do you usually have free? (ie 1,3,6+, etc): 6+

What is the most optimal way of cooking a hotdog?: I got a hot dog roller. Shit is lit.

What made you join the SHL?: The portal made me rejoin. What a great job by the team.

If you could travel back to any point in time, what would it be and why?: Prolly to the first time a girl tried to kiss me on the lips and I didn't get the hint.

If you had to give a 30 minute lecture from memory what topic would you choose?: Why Keith Ballard is the best NHL defenceman of all time.

Waffles or pancakes?: Waffles. They hold the syrup.

If a tree falls in the forest does it make a sound?: Yeah but nobody hears it.

In honor of your team’s Pride Night, you’re being asked to wear a pride-themed warmup jersey to be auctioned off for the benefit of a local LGBTQ+ youth charity. How do you respond?: I'm stoked about it.

Any hobbies you've been into lately?: I got cats so playing with them.

What is the best book you have read and why? (Comics included): The first Wheel of Time book.

What do you consider the most important part of a fun league experience?: A good LR. Winning too but a good LR over all.

What's your favorite pokemon? Why?: Onix. It's a fucking rock snake.

What video games do you play?: FPS games.

If you were to choose a breed of dog you would most likely be, what would it be and why?: a shi tzu because my old one was hella dumb but he was cute and funny.

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Player Name: Caspian Leevi
Position: Right Defense
Recreate or First Gen?: First Gen
Recreates: Who was your last player?:
First-Gens: How did you find the site? Someone posted about it on Reddit
Full Discord Username: IntelligentPea8396

How many hours a week do you usually have free? (ie 1,3,6+, etc): 6+

What is the most optimal way of cooking a hotdog?: Aren't they already fully cooked? I guess if I had to choose, I'd skewer it and roast it over a bonfire.

What made you join the SHL?: Saw someone post about it on Reddit and it seemed cool.

If you could travel back to any point in time, what would it be and why?: A few months before I was born, to see my Great Grandpa that I never got to meet.

If you had to give a 30 minute lecture from memory what topic would you choose?: Proper flip-turn technique

Waffles or pancakes?: Waffles

If a tree falls in the forest does it make a sound?: If I fall in a forest, I know I make a sound. So, I'd guess yes.

In honor of your team’s Pride Night, you’re being asked to wear a pride-themed warmup jersey to be auctioned off for the benefit of a local LGBTQ+ youth charity. How do you respond?: Cool.

Any hobbies you've been into lately?: Open water diving

What is the best book you have read and why? (Comics included): The Little Prince. It is my reminder to not take life so seriously and listen to your heart. There are so many different lessons you can take from the book. I read it regularly to my son when he is struggling and let him tell me what lesson he thinks the book is showing him.

What do you consider the most important part of a fun league experience?: Culture.

What's your favorite pokemon? Why?: Charmander. I'm from the OG Pokemon generation and it was my favorite from the beginning.

What video games do you play?: I don't play video games.

If you were to choose a breed of dog you would most likely be, what would it be and why?: Probably a Lab. I'm loyal and good natured, intelligent and a pretty good companion (if I do say so myself).

Player Name: Niclas Sundqvist
Position: LD
Recreate or First Gen?: Recreate
    Recreates: Who was your last player?: Jonathan Granström
    First-Gens: How did you find the site?
Full Discord Username: halkohol

How many hours a week do you usually have free? (ie 1,3,6+, etc): 7 for sure.

What is the most optimal way of cooking a hotdog?: Don't. Eat it directly from the packaging.

What made you join the SHL?: Boredom caught back up to me again.

If you could travel back to any point in time, what would it be and why?: 1970s. So much of current technology but still no smartphones for a while.

If you had to give a 30 minute lecture from memory what topic would you choose?: Rant about how the swedish central bank is responsible for the current state of Sweden's economical situation.

Waffles or pancakes?: Pancakes, not american.

If a tree falls in the forest does it make a sound?: Yes, why would it not? Now if no one was in the forest, that is a more interesting question!

In honor of your team’s Pride Night, you’re being asked to wear a pride-themed warmup jersey to be auctioned off for the benefit of a local LGBTQ+ youth charity. How do you respond?: Ask why we can't play a full game in pride jerseys.

Any hobbies you've been into lately?: Making beer!

What is the best book you have read and why? (Comics included): Too difficult, but one recent read I loved was Recursion by Blake Crouch.

What do you consider the most important part of a fun league experience?: Delivering and being clear on expectations.

What's your favorite pokemon? Why?: Lotad! I just think he's neat.

What video games do you play?: Right now I am nerding out in Victoria 3.

If you were to choose  a breed of dog you would most likely be, what would it be and why?: None, I'd be a cat.

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(This post was last modified: 11-21-2023, 02:31 PM by Amidships. Edited 1 time in total.)

Player Name: Edouard Lavoie
Position: Center
Recreate or First Gen?: Recreate
    Recreates: Who was your last player?: Ole Olson
    First-Gens: How did you find the site? n/a
Full Discord Username: amidships

How many hours a week do you usually have free? (ie 1,3,6+, etc):

Entirely too many.

What is the most optimal way of cooking a hotdog?:

Coated in batter, deep fried, and finished with sugar, ketchup, and honey mustard.

What made you join the SHL?:

Hockey season started back up, and I can't get enough. I also wanted to check out the new portal a bit more.

If you could travel back to any point in time, what would it be and why?:

If it was a one way trip, I'm not sure I would want to do that, honestly. If I could come back whenever I wanted, maybe I'd go see something crazy like the asteroid extinction event. Maybe I'd just go back and tell my younger self when to buy and sell crypto or something stupid.

If you had to give a 30 minute lecture from memory what topic would you choose?:

Just finished a network certification, so probably computer networking.

Waffles or pancakes?:


If a tree falls in the forest does it make a sound?:

Yes. Sound is a vibration; a person doesn't need to hear it for it to exist.

In honor of your team’s Pride Night, you’re being asked to wear a pride-themed warmup jersey to be auctioned off for the benefit of a local LGBTQ+ youth charity. How do you respond?:

Wear it, sign it, and match the auction price as a donation to the same charity.

Any hobbies you've been into lately?:

Sports cards, hockey, football, video games.

What is the best book you have read and why? (Comics included):

I really liked 11/22/63 by Stephen King. I enjoy sci-fi and alternate history, and this book fits both.

What do you consider the most important part of a fun league experience?:

A good locker room. The people are what makes these leagues great, so having a good group of people to hang out with is the most important.

What's your favorite pokemon? Why?:

Gyarados. The first ever shiny Pokemon card I pulled was Gyarados, and he's been my favorite ever since.

What video games do you play?:

Entirely too many. I'll play just about anything. RPGs, Strategy, Management, FPS, etc. The one I play most often is Rocket League.

If you were to choose  a breed of dog you would most likely be, what would it be and why?:

Maybe a St. Bernard. I'm a big mountain fan, and fairly calm and patient.

[Image: MittschiffsSHL.gif]

Player Name: Launchpad McQuack
Position: G
Recreate or First Gen?:
Recreates:Nikolaj Boyle
Full Discord Username: zaynzk

How many hours a week do you usually have free? (ie 1,3,6+, etc): 6+?

What is the most optimal way of cooking a hotdog?: Grill

What made you join the SHL?: i am recreate

If you could travel back to any point in time, what would it be and why?: 2010 so i can invest in stock market and make bets on sports

If you had to give a 30 minute lecture from memory what topic would you choose?: Sporks

Waffles or pancakes?: Pancakes

If a tree falls in the forest does it make a sound?: no

In honor of your team’s Pride Night, you’re being asked to wear a pride-themed warmup jersey to be auctioned off for the benefit of a local LGBTQ+ youth charity. How do you respond?: Cool

Any hobbies you've been into lately?: Sporks

What is the best book you have read and why? (Comics included): Percy Jackson

What do you consider the most important part of a fun league experience?: Copypasta

What's your favorite pokemon? Why?: Snorlax just cause

What video games do you play?: yes

If you were to choose a breed of dog you would most likely be, what would it be and why?: Hotdog

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Kyle Sux Lmap

Player Name: Journey Man
Position: RD
Recreate or First Gen?: Recreate
    Recreates: Who was your last player?: Brick Wall
Full Discord Username: brickwall35

How many hours a week do you usually have free? (ie 1,3,6+, etc): plenty

What is the most optimal way of cooking a hotdog?: just eat it raw

What made you join the SHL?: reddit post, seemed intriguing, stayed for the community

If you could travel back to any point in time, what would it be and why?: JFK assassination, I wanna see who did it

If you had to give a 30 minute lecture from memory what topic would you choose?: Spirit Island

Waffles or pancakes?: Bacon and eggs

If a tree falls in the forest does it make a sound?: not if it's shy

In honor of your team’s Pride Night, you’re being asked to wear a pride-themed warmup jersey to be auctioned off for the benefit of a local LGBTQ+ youth charity. How do you respond?: I wear it with no issue

Any hobbies you've been into lately?: Spirit Island and Binding of Isaac

What is the best book you have read and why? (Comics included): A Song of Ice and Fire series (GRRM plz)

What do you consider the most important part of a fun league experience?: the locker room/community

What's your favorite pokemon? Why?: Stakataka, because it's made of bricks kinda

What video games do you play?: TTS, Apex, Binding of Isaac, BG3 

If you were to choose  a breed of dog you would most likely be, what would it be and why?: Boston Terriers are my favorite so let's go with that

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Player Name: Muon Collider
Position: LW
Recreate or First Gen?: Recreate
    Recreates: Who was your last player?: Dork Dipplet
Full Discord Username: dirkdigglet

How many hours a week do you usually have free? (ie 1,3,6+, etc): 10-20

What is the most optimal way of cooking a hotdog?: honestly, boiled

What made you join the SHL?: lots of cross league friends Smile

If you could travel back to any point in time, what would it be and why?: I don’t think I would, I like life the way it is right now Smile

If you had to give a 30 minute lecture from memory what topic would you choose?: How to cook a steak

Waffles or pancakes?: pancakes

If a tree falls in the forest does it make a sound?: Does a bear shit in the woods?

In honor of your team’s Pride Night, you’re being asked to wear a pride-themed warmup jersey to be auctioned off for the benefit of a local LGBTQ+ youth charity. How do you respond?: Of course!

Any hobbies you've been into lately?: Rocket League 

What is the best book you have read and why? (Comics included): The Smoke Jumper. It’s just an incredible story, told from multiple perspectives, about a very exciting Profession

What do you consider the most important part of a fun league experience?: having fun and making progress as a team with the locker room!

What's your favorite pokemon? Why?: Diglett… for what I think are obvious reasons

What video games do you play?: Rocket League, BG3 

If you were to choose  a breed of dog you would most likely be, what would it be and why?: Husky, love the snow!

Well, I will not be blackmailed by some ineffectual, privileged, effete, soft-penised, debutante. You want to start a street fight with me bring it on but you're gonna be surprised by how ugly it gets, you don't even know my real name- 

[Image: Muon-Collider-Sig.gif?ex=6581fbe3&is=656...5534def5e&]
(This post was last modified: 11-22-2023, 11:47 AM by Drokeep. Edited 1 time in total.)

Player Name: Come O'Dirga
Position: C
Recreate or First Gen?: Recreate
    Recreates: Who was your last player?: Hans Graf Forge legend
    First-Gens: How did you find the site?
Full Discord Username: drokeep

How many hours a week do you usually have free? (ie 1,3,6+, etc): plenty for this league lol

What is the most optimal way of cooking a hotdog?: Over a campfire

What made you join the SHL?: I like when my GM screams at me to do PT 

If you could travel back to any point in time, what would it be and why?: To last week cause I had bomb meals for lunch 

If you had to give a 30 minute lecture from memory what topic would you choose?: Spanish history 

Waffles or pancakes?: Waffles clear 

If a tree falls in the forest does it make a sound?: Yes, its science bby

In honor of your team’s Pride Night, you’re being asked to wear a pride-themed warmup jersey to be auctioned off for the benefit of a local LGBTQ+ youth charity. How do you respond?: LFG another cool jersey to wear 

Any hobbies you've been into lately?: Building models 

What is the best book you have read and why? (Comics included): War and Peace 

What do you consider the most important part of a fun league experience?: A fun non toxic Locker Room 

What's your favorite pokemon? Why?: Piplup cause hes a boss

What video games do you play?: Recently a lot of metal gear solid 

If you were to choose  a breed of dog you would most likely be, what would it be and why?: corgi cause I have one

Raptors Raptors  Raptors Raptors Raptors Raptors

Forge Forge Forge Forge Forge Forge 

Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany 

[Image: drokeep.gif]

Player Name: Kal Åkar Kekkonen
Position: Defenseman
Recreate or First Gen?: Recreate
    Recreates: Who was your last player?: KEKW Kekkonen
Full Discord Username: runescapeplayer

How many hours a week do you usually have free? (ie 1,3,6+, etc): varies due to workload but plenty

What is the most optimal way of cooking a hotdog?: yo momma jokes @hotdog

What made you join the SHL?: Schmidt recruited me from r/bluejackets

If you could travel back to any point in time, what would it be and why?: i dunno dude i don't really have rose tinted glasses for the past

If you had to give a 30 minute lecture from memory what topic would you choose?: SHL is all i know so i guess SHL

Waffles or pancakes?: Pancakes

If a tree falls in the forest does it make a sound?: yes it do

In honor of your team’s Pride Night, you’re being asked to wear a pride-themed warmup jersey to be auctioned off for the benefit of a local LGBTQ+ youth charity. How do you respond?: I honor my team's pride night by wearing the pride-themed warmup jersey

Any hobbies you've been into lately?: the same old with OSRS and SHL

What is the best book you have read and why? (Comics included): Betrayal at Falador by T.S. Church

What do you consider the most important part of a fun league experience?: Personal relationships

What's your favorite pokemon? Why?: Wooper

What video games do you play?: OSRS, MW2, Chel, etc.

If you were to choose  a breed of dog you would most likely be, what would it be and why?: breed isn't important, just know I would have 5 legs and minimal teeth

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Player Name: Demir Bellona
Position: RD
Recreate or First Gen?: Recreate
Recreates: Who was your last player?: Matt Kholin
First-Gens: How did you find the site?
Full Discord Username: Kalakar

How many hours a week do you usually have free? (ie 1,3,6+, etc): Well I'm about to have all the free time.

What is the most optimal way of cooking a hotdog?: bbq? steamed is pretty good too

What made you join the SHL?: I saw the reddit post on /r/hockey in 2019, it looked like a fun idea

If you could travel back to any point in time, what would it be and why?: Ancient rome, it's all I've been thinking about

If you had to give a 30 minute lecture from memory what topic would you choose?: How to sim on fhm6

Waffles or pancakes?: Both are great but waffles?

If a tree falls in the forest does it make a sound?: Of course

In honor of your team’s Pride Night, you’re being asked to wear a pride-themed warmup jersey to be auctioned off for the benefit of a local LGBTQ+ youth charity. How do you respond?: Looks like a great idea unless you're gary bettman

Any hobbies you've been into lately?: I read, play video games, do photography, travel a lot

What is the best book you have read and why? (Comics included): Recency bias but maybe Golden Son by Pierce Brown, such a great scifi book.

What do you consider the most important part of a fun league experience?: An active locker room fixes everything

What's your favorite pokemon? Why?: Metagross maybe? I just have a nice childhood memory of that pokemon

What video games do you play?: I quit ff14 to recreate but right now, fractured online and a little bit of rocket league with the boys

If you were to choose a breed of dog you would most likely be, what would it be and why?: Siberian husky maybe, I just love that breed. I don't think I yell as much though

[Image: Kalakar1.gif]


Player Name: Roman Cechmanek II
Position: Goalie
Recreate or First Gen?: First Gen
Recreates: Who was your last player?: N/A
First-Gens: How did you find the site?: Friend
Full Discord Username: prattk1987

How many hours a week do you usually have free? (ie 1,3,6+, etc): 6+

What is the most optimal way of cooking a hotdog?: Hotdog rolling grill for sure!

What made you join the SHL?: I wanted to explore a new style of fantasy hockey?!

If you could travel back to any point in time, what would it be and why?: Probably a couple of years before my grandfather passed away so I can ask him about his entire life & be old enough to absorb the information.

If you had to give a 30 minute lecture from memory what topic would you choose?: Narrative history of Formula 1 rule changes.

Waffles or pancakes?: Waffles with cinnamon & butter.

If a tree falls in the forest does it make a sound?: Totally!

In honor of your team’s Pride Night, you’re being asked to wear a pride-themed warmup jersey to be auctioned off for the benefit of a local LGBTQ+ youth charity. How do you respond?: Bathe me in rainbow colors baby!

Any hobbies you've been into lately?: I just build an e-bike.

What is the best book you have read and why? (Comics included): Very Bad Men by Harry Dolan because it was so good it kept me calm during multiple visits to the doctor.

What do you consider the most important part of a fun league experience?: Reward player progression & realism.

What's your favorite pokemon? Why?: I never played Pokeman much honestly.

What video games do you play?: Assassin's Creed & Call Of Duty mostly.

If you were to choose a breed of dog you would most likely be, what would it be and why?: Alaskan Malamut. I'd like to think I'd be a work horse type of dog that would thrive in horrible weather conditions.
(This post was last modified: 11-24-2023, 03:15 PM by gaby. Edited 1 time in total.)

11-18-2023, 07:14 PMBadWolf Wrote: ONLY S74 SMJHL Rookies (S75 SHL Draftees) are eligible for this PT. This is NOT for people who got drafted into the SHL (S74 SHL Draftees).

If you want to be drafted high in the SMJHL entry draft, you've got to make sure you're on teams' radars. Fill out the following questionnaire compiled by Head Office and the General Managers to earn some easy TPE and show everyone more of who you are and what teams get if they draft you!

6 TPE for completing all the questions.

SMJHL HO Questions (5 Questions)

Player Name: Henri Losanov
Position: G
Recreate or First Gen?: Recreate
     Recreates: Who was your last player?: Marco Barengrub
Full Discord Username: gaby

SMJHL GM Questions(14 Questions)

How many hours a week do you usually have free? (ie 1,3,6+, etc):6+

What is the most optimal way of cooking a hotdog?:campfire

What made you join the SHL?:reddit post

If you could travel back to any point in time, what would it be and why?:mid 00s. Different choices

If you had to give a 30 minute lecture from memory what topic would you choose?:Sports

Waffles or pancakes?:pancakes

If a tree falls in the forest does it make a sound?:yes

In honor of your team’s Pride Night, you’re being asked to wear a pride-themed warmup jersey to be auctioned off for the benefit of a local LGBTQ+ youth charity. How do you respond?:yes

Any hobbies you've been into lately?: video games

What is the best book you have read and why? (Comics included):Garfield.Lasagna

What do you consider the most important part of a fun league experience?:Winning casino bets

What's your favorite pokemon? Why?:Ratata. Its ass

What video games do you play?: RPG

If you were to choose  a breed of dog you would most likely be, what would it be and why?: Beagle.Snoopy

Deadline: The start of the S74 SMJHL draft

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Player Name: Mary Hollywood
Position: LW
Recreate or First Gen?: First Gen
     First-Gens: How did you find the site?: PBE had an affiliate thing with CSBA, so joined here after joining PBE
Full Discord Username: ihatereyson

How many hours a week do you usually have free? (ie 1,3,6+, etc): Varies, but maybe like 10-20.

What is the most optimal way of cooking a hotdog?: Grilled (very charred)

What made you join the SHL?: I like sim leagues, I like hockey, now I can sim hockey!

If you could travel back to any point in time, what would it be and why?: Sometimes I think about living in ancient Greece or Persia or something and then I remember I would probably die within two seconds.

If you had to give a 30 minute lecture from memory what topic would you choose?: I wrote my thesis on the Indian national cricket team and the role it played in the formation of a unified Indian national identity, so probably that.

Waffles or pancakes?: Pancakes by a million.

If a tree falls in the forest does it make a sound?: Of course, silly.

In honor of your team’s Pride Night, you’re being asked to wear a pride-themed warmup jersey to be auctioned off for the benefit of a local LGBTQ+ youth charity. How do you respond?: Sounds fun!

Any hobbies you've been into lately?: Been doing a lot of creative writing lately. I also started Muay Thai about six months ago so I've been getting beat up for fun as well.

What is the best book you have read and why? (Comics included): House of Leaves by Mark Danielewski was a fun read just because it's such a weird style of book. The last book I read was Three Assassins by Kotaro Isaka which was very fun too.

What do you consider the most important part of a fun league experience?: I think it's important to have a balance between being committed to league activity and not taking it too seriously. It's important to have folks that make content and are active in group chats/servers, but also people have to be able to mess around a little bit. It is a pretend sports league. We are all a little dorky for being here.

What's your favorite pokemon? Why?: Mudkip was my starter Pokemon in the first Pokemon I ever played (Ruby) so he's up there. 

What video games do you play?: FIFA, COD, Fire Emblem, 2K, just started Destiny.

If you were to choose  a breed of dog you would most likely be, what would it be and why?: Every day I wonder what it would be like to be my brother's dog, he's a weird Pekingese-Beagle hybrid. A Peagle, if you will. Also I'd like to be a lab. Or a corgi.

Elk  Rage
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Sig by sulovilen!
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[Image: 8E70VfU.png]

Player Name: Masked Stanger
Position: Goalie
R/FG: First Gen
FG: Searched on google "hockey simulation league" and this was the first to pop up.
Discord: Stanger77

How many hours a week do you usually have free? (ie 1,3,6+, etc):

Usually I'll have between 5-10 hours free in a week with nothing to do.

What is the most optimal way of cooking a hotdog?:

I like to barbeque mine or just over a campfire if I'm at one.

What made you join the SHL?:

I've been following hockey more and I also like playing the video game. The portal and indexes on this forum look awesome so I'm excited to get involved.

If you could travel back to any point in time, what would it be and why?:

I would probably head back only 200-300 years ago when the Earth still seemed untouched and undiscovered as population was so small compared to now. I'd definitely build a cabin in the mountains somewhere to live out my days with my dog.

If you had to give a 30 minute lecture from memory what topic would you choose?:

I would present a lecture of my life. No one knows it but me so I could easily talk about it for half an hour.

Waffles or pancakes?:


If a tree falls in the forest does it make a sound?:

Yes when a tree falls down there is a big bam that follows.

In honor of your team’s Pride Night, you’re being asked to wear a pride-themed warmup jersey to be auctioned off for the benefit of a local LGBTQ+ youth charity. How do you respond?:

Yeah I'd wear it I'll sign it for them too.

Any hobbies you've been into lately?:

Lately I've been enjoying hanging out with my friends and my girlfriend.

What is the best book you have read and why? (Comics included):

Honestly I am not a big book worm, never have been the type to sit down and read but if I did I would probably love non-fictional stories.

What do you consider the most important part of a fun league experience?:

Interacting with others, feeling part of the community, and having a well run league will make this experience fun.

What's your favorite Pokemon? Why?:

My favourite pokemon is Infernape since he was my starter pokemon and Pearl was my first pokemon game.

What video games do you play?:

I like playing Minecraft and NHL recently.

If you were to choose  a breed of dog you would most likely be, what would it be and why?:

I would choose an Australian Shepard just because they're a gorgeous breed. If I were to actually pick myself it would probably be a little boxer dog or something.

Player Name: Literally Wizard
Position: Left Wing
Recreate or First Gen?: First Gen
     First-Gens: How did you find the site?
Friends also advertisements from ISFL
Full Discord Username: baz1757

How many hours a week do you usually have free? (ie 1,3,6+, etc):

I would say on a week over 6+ can depend on the week obviously

What is the most optimal way of cooking a hotdog?:

You grill the hotdog then you put it in the bun and then you put condiments on

What made you join the SHL?: 

Hockey seems cool and I wanted to be able to have some fun in a league and relax with as little jobs as possible and SHLs community is great from what ive heard

If you could travel back to any point in time, what would it be and why?: 

Probably back to when Colts won their most recent super bowl, relive the good days

If you had to give a 30 minute lecture from memory what topic would you choose?:

History of Rock and Roll

Waffles or pancakes?: Waffles duh

If a tree falls in the forest does it make a sound?: 

did the tree trip, or was it a trust fall

In honor of your team’s Pride Night, you’re being asked to wear a pride-themed warmup jersey to be auctioned off for the benefit of a local LGBTQ+ youth charity. How do you respond?: of course ill wear it

Any hobbies you've been into lately?: 

sim leagues haha besides this tennis and pickleball

What is the best book you have read and why? (Comics included): 

The Number Four Series, i loved it when I was younger

What do you consider the most important part of a fun league experience?: 

Being able to have an enjoyable experience on your team whenever you need to get away!

What's your favorite pokemon? Why?: 

Furret hes so cute and I love ferrets

What video games do you play?: 

R6, Fortnite, AC and OW

If you were to choose  a breed of dog you would most likely be, what would it be and why?: 

I had a border collie when I was growing up so i have to go border collie ive always missed her

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The Simulation Hockey League is a free online forums based sim league where you create your own fantasy hockey player. Join today and create your player, become a GM, get drafted, sign contracts, make trades and compete against hundreds of players from around the world.