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S74 PT#0: Your Dad

Option 2

Alright the Toronto North Stars are battling it out with... the Montreal Patriotes? For the last spot in the division? Well this is going to be easy, but assuming we're in a situation in which this happens, Ryosuke Sato would do whatever it takes for the North Stars to return to the playoffs once more. For one, he will hire some crazy fans to bother the players the night before the game so they are unable to get a good sleep. Then, he would organize for the team's transport to the stadium to be delayed so that they will have to find other means of getting there. Then, if the Patriotes are able to make it to the ice, they will be surprised that Sato has somehow dulled all of their skates and now their equipment guy has to work overtime to make sure that their skates are all sharpened. A lot more can be done and this is just naming a few!

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[Image: Niz2wua.png]  [Image: iB9r7kM.png]  [Image: 6by0kBi.png]
Thanks to @DELIRIVM, @Moreorless89 and @ValorX77 for the sigs!

Option 1

Los Angeles Panthers had a mediocre season last time, finishing in the middle of the table just slightly above the positive side of the standings. With their core continueing to earn more than their regressed veterans are, the Panthers are set for a fiery season. Especially when their defense is skyrocketing with Nathan Meagher becoming defensive defenseman of the year material to rival with Hodor and Emil Egli, Georg N'Zola finishing his 2 season long physical training regiment, so he aint a scrub N'More, especially when Aleksi Kettu is standings strong next to his side to cover up for his lack of defense. Pass Forfeit is leading the fray on the defense while Derek Martin has taken the N'Zola approach on being more on the offensive side - which makes sense considering he's a forward. Axel Kirby is still going to go to worlds end to keep both ends of ice occupied and Yannick Svoboda is there to put the dad in dad jokes around the locker room. LA Panthers dark horse run lfg

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Everybody knows the only thing St. Louis has going for it is the pizza so pizza will be Simo's weapon of choice. A handful of idiotic square pies will find their way to the Scarecrows the day before their game against Detroit, donated by a local fan "in preemptive celebration, for clipping the wings of the Falcons". You might expect poison - you would be roundly right. The mushrooms, already unworthy of being part of a pizza, should induce vomiting within four hours; under the cheese, each piece received a jolly helping of OmegaLax, guaranteed to have you cleansed and sparkling through the medium of evacuating your entire colon in thirty seconds; the anchovies...are just there because anchovies get a bad rep and deserve more respect.

What the Scarecrows probably won't even notice is the letters on the stickers of each box. An S, a K, an R and many Es: skreeeeee, baby, skree

[Image: Skree.gif]
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Let me start by using a great dad joke I picked up the other week.

Why do Swedes have barcodes on their ships?

So when they come to port they can Scandinavian.

So that is out of the way. Tampa is going to win the cup because we are. It is pretty simple. We have the best team in the league and we will score a ton of goals and not concede any at all. It will the best SHL season in history. Oh this was joke number two.

We will not win the cup, not even close. Not even if we had all the luck in the world. Sure we are steadily progressing to better things, but we are far from there to be competing for the cup. We have to stay realistic and not set impossible goals for ourselves. We will get there in due time, but not just now.

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Barracuda Germany Scarecrows Knights

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S50 Challenge Cup Finals Game 7
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my team (yukon malmutes) are going to win the cup this season with a lot of build up and improvment from every player in the team with also practising our chemistry together making sure everyone knows how to play with each other then in games we will make sure we will outscore the other team and win to get enough points to get to the playoffs and we will also make sure our lineups are optimal and everyone is at their best in the playoffs and to ensure we win the playoffs we will gather at least two thousand dollars and give them to every referee at the game (you can't leak this to anyone) after bribing the referees we will just dive and get our elite powerplay in and make sure we again outscore the opponent what would be easier with the increasing powerplays after getting to the finals we will again bribe the referees but with more cash to make sure again we get a bunch of powerplays to win

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ISFL Affiliate PT

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[Image: Darby-Reznor-MET-sig.jpg]

ISFL Affiliate

Just sheer vibes across the locker room. When you've got a team firing on all cylinders on the ice, its easy to feel good about things and to carry that through all the season and to a cup. But what about when the going gets tough, when a slide happens and things aren't clicking. The puck has a mind of its own, what if it isn't bouncing your way? That's when vibes being at an all-time high matter. If your locker room is dead, if the gang isn't on top of things and aren't sharing team meals and having fun dancing to t-swift after games, you can let things get to you. Good vibes, good humor, that's the way to go, absolutely. Derek isn't afraid to lighten the mood. After practice once : "Singing in the shower is fun until you get soap in your mouth. Then it's a soap opera." That got the lads and ladettes going, especially after @FuzzSHL put the team through the ringer and made em do laps for hours on end, taking after Herb Brooks depiction in Miracle where they kept going even after the lights were out. It takes that, good chuckles and vibes.

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@jason kranz sig elite / @sulovilen elite sig
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Panthers Ireland Highlanders
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ISFL Affliate

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Update Thread - Player Page
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Former players:
Ivo Willems (S9 SMJHL) (S10-28 SHL)  
Xander Green  (S33-35 SMJHL) (S36-47 SHL)
Vorian Atreides (S49-51 SMJHL) (S52-61 SHL)


The San Francisco Pride is absolutely going to win the cup this season, there is no question about it. Why do I say that? Well, let's just look at the high end talent that is on the team right now. Toasty O'Bigbers, Chuchichäschtli Zopf are going to be the top two defenseman on the team with Willow Söderberg-Snooks not too far behind, so we have 3 really good defenseman to build around while our offense continues to develop and do well. Our big scoreer is going to be Viktor Hargreeves as they are the most likely person to make the All-Star Game and lead the team in all of the different categories. However, we do have KyIe Murray and Oskar Scholz also who will be a big part of the offsense. Now, we are very young with a lot of call ups, so it is going to be an absolute dynasty for the Pride. We are here and going to be for many seasons.

[Image: huNeCNb.png]
Thank you OrbitingDeath! <3

Option 2

In order to sabotage the other team, I would just sabotage lots of little things in order to inconvenience them for their pregame prep and game time rituals. First I would deflate their soccer ball so they can't play keep ups to warm up before the game, then I would tie their skates together in obnoxious ways so they would have to take time to undo them. I would also put clear tape over their blades so when they go to step onto the ice they slip and fall, I'd fill their sticks with water in order to add weight to them, I would also turn off their glove warmer in the warmup hallway so their gloves are cold, then spray some water into them so they are cold AND wet before they use them. Finally, the secret weapon is to get a bottle of bitters and put a drop or 2 in each water bottle, so the water tastes bad and they don't want to drink it on the bench.

[Image: TheOPSquid.gif]
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Option 2: monkaS (166 words)

The water system. That's always the biggest thing, right, you hear about it all the time when it comes to sports teams and complaining about things in opposing stadiums. When the water goes out, everything goes to shit. As such, it's time for Benny to put that emergency tradesman work to use and get to working the visiting team's plumbing out. Of course, Tampa ownership isn't going to be one to be happy about intentional sabotage of a team, that's against the competitive spirit of the game. As such, he's going to have to do it under cover of darkness and try to do it overnight with his access badge to the building. If the toilets aren't flushing, if the showers aren't running, if the sinks aren't flowing--it's going to throw everyone on the opposing team off of their vibe--and that's the goal right? They can take a shower after they get home from hitting the links. Meanwhile, Tampa will be smooth sailing into the playoffs...

[Image: MvfRxO2.png]
sigs by me bitch

(This post was last modified: 11-29-2023, 10:26 AM by ViN. Edited 1 time in total.)

Quote:OPTION 2 - monkaS
Written Task: Describe how you would sabotage your team's archrival before a game in which the winner makes the playoffs and the loser goes golfing. The sneakier the better. Don't get caught!

I would sabotage my teams arch rival before a pivotal game by taking some notes from the great Lawrence Taylor. You see, back in the late 80's Lawrence Taylor (Hall of Fame NFL player for the New York Giants) would hire and send escorts to his opponents hotel rooms the night before their games to tire them out. Sure he had to shell out some money to get this done, but the results would be well worth it. For me, I think this would be better done quality over quantity. I'll be sending escorts to the top pairings and starters for our arch rival. The first line for the forwards as well as the defense will be getting a visit. Can't forget the starting goal tender either, he'll also most definitely be getting a visit. I'll be paying for the all night service for them as well. Have a good time boys, go crazy.

159 words

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ISFL Affiliate

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The Grizzlies and the Patriotes will both end up hoisting their respective cups thanks in part to some clever subterfuge against other teams in their leagues.  The confusion that will ensure will practically hand the cups over on a silver platter.  What do I mean by this?  Well, before each game, and especially true in the playoffs that the teams will make there will be one question asked of the opposing team which will have them questioning the absolute sanity of the "grizzwalds" and the "Pats".  What is that question you might ask?  Well, they will see members of each team hastily running through a makeshift camp that will be set up on the concourse just above the ice.  When they ask what we are doing, everyone will be yelling "We are ranning!".  Then, they will question us with "Why do you say ran when you are obviously running?" and we will be obliged to answer, since it is a camp... "Because its past tents!"

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