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Mid Season Awards Race
(This post was last modified: 12-15-2023, 10:34 PM by spidey. Edited 3 times in total.)

Whoa, whoa, we are halfway there! Mid-point in season 74 (At least week wise). I know a few teams have played beyond the midpoint of the season. Let’s take a look at how the award race is shaking out, all in my opinion, none of which has anything to do with the awards committee.

Challenge Cup:

1. Edmonton Blizzard:
Last Week: 1st
This Week: 1st
Edmonton continues to hold off others in first place. They outpace the rest of the league in winning percentage giving them a slight lead over the number two placed team. It is close, but with two games in hand and a single point behind, Edmonton is still the team to beat.

2. Texas Renegades
Last Week: 2nd
This Week: 2nd
Just barely falling behind Edmonton in our chase for the Challenge Cup, Texas has proven last week was no fluke and they are ready to compete in a potential long cup run. Sitting at a 28 – 5 – 2 record and currently leading the league in points with 58. They maybe playing with a chip on their shoulder next week falling behind Edmonton in the standings.

3. Buffalo Stampede
Last Week: Not Ranked
This Week: 3rd
After landing in the mix last week Buffalo put forth a strong effort and has really climbed in the standings as well as expectations of making a run in the East. A lot can happen between now and when the Challenge Cup is awarded but they have an impressive 27 – 4 – 2 record, only 2 points behind Texas with 2 games in hand. (Should they have been placed above Texas?)

In the mix:

Philadelphia Forge – Still looking strong, one of the most complete teams in the East.
Baltimore Platoon – Took a step back this week, but very much in the mix.
Atlanta Infernos – Perhaps fell the furthest among competitors between weeks, but pretty much a lock for the playoffs so they can surprise if taken too lightly.
New England Wolfpack – Always dangerous and a great record 23 – 9 – 3.

Ron Mexico Trophy (MVP voted by the committee):

1. Graj Virrok
Last Week – Not Ranked
This Week – 1st
Graj was in the mix for a reason last week, this week we are giving him number 1 in the trophy race. He is sitting second in the top 4 for goals (33), 2nd for points (65), Top 4 for shooting percentage, and owns 4 short handed goals (which is good enough for a tie for 3rd). He is a big reason the Forge are doing as well as they are right now.

2. Konstantin Selich
Last Week – Not Ranked
This Week – 2nd
I had a real hard time narrowing down number 2 on this list. There could have been a lot of ways to go here. But I chose the assists (44) and points (66) leader to take this coveted spot. If shooting percentage was a little higher he likely would have been number one or at least putting in a solid argument for number one.

3. Tommi Koivu
Last Week – Not Ranked
This Week – 3rd
Another player and another nominee that was previously unranked making their way into the conversation. Tommi is having a career year and a major reason why Hamilton is as competitive as they are. From the back end he leads all defenders with 13 goals (almost all on special teams 10 PP, 2 Shorthanded), 30 assists, 43 points. In the top 10 for hits (51) and shooting percentage (12.79%) If he doesn’t win this award he is putting up a very strong case for best defender.

In The Mix:
Johnny Wagner- Svenson – leading the league with 37 goals in 35 games! Was very close to making the top 3.
Shoyo Hinta – 36 goals in 36 games! So close to Johnny, and a point better in total (60).E

John McBride Award (top goalie):

1. Justin Time
Last Week – 1st
This Week – 1st
Last week Justin led the league in wins, he continues to do so with 26, 5 ahead of his closest competition. Tied for second in shutouts (3), top 3 for GAA (2.61), and top 6 for save percentage (.911). No one comes close at this point to our goalie leader.

2. Casey Fantobens
Last Week – 2nd
This Week – 2nd
The distance between second and third is close and both are still within striking distance of 1st. Casey gets the nod for his incredible league leading goals saved above average of 22.22. He is also tied for 2nd in wins (21), second in save percentage (.919), and 6th with GAA (2.86)

3. Anthony Dionne
Last Week – Not Ranked
This Week – 3rd
So, we did see a little movement among the top goalie candidate as Dionne manages to work his way into the top 3. He is now tied for second in wins (21), 10th in save percentage (.905), tied for second in shutouts (3), 5th in GAA (2.81). It is a very close race among the top goalie leaders.

In the Mix:
Base Pack – 5 shutouts! Wins are starting to come, is it only a matter of time until he breaks into top 3?
Ally Mathieson – Top 10 or better in almost every measurable stat.

Scott Stevens Trophy (Best Defender):

1. Tommi Koivu
Last Week – 2nd
This Week – 1st
There is a new number one for best defender. Tommi is doing nearly everything on the ice to help his team win. Leads defenders in goals, assists, points. Has become a human hit machine, and a special team weapon at all times. All of this and he is the league leader in take aways (61)!

2. San-sam Emerson
Last Week – 1st
This Week – 2nd
Wow this is a damn close race. San-sam also has 13 goals for a tie among defensemen and sits 3rd in points (38) just three behind Tommi. While this award is not just about points among defenders, a solid 58 blocked shots, and an impressive 31 take aways shows he is a fantastic overall defender.

3. Emil Egli
Last Week - Not Ranked
This Week – 3rd

I feel like it would be a disservice to the league by not placing at least one of Edmonton’s amazing defenders in the rankings. And it was a close call among them. I gave the nod to their point leader, but it could have been any one of their top 4 defenders as they have all contributed so much to this team success.

In the Mix:
John Brown – Been working his way higher and higher on this list, top 4 in points, and one of the best shot blockers in the league.
Ben Jammin – Still producing at a high level of points, with good overall stats.
Dirty Boots – Another high point producer with good stats across the board.

Bojo Biscuit (Best Defensive Defender):

1. Hodor
Last Week – 1st
This Week – 1st
The blocked shots leader (175) still owns number one among the Bojo award leaders, but it is getting closer and closer (not by blocked shots, he is 17 ahead of the nearest competition). He also owns a solid 2:38 of average shorthanded ice time (most among Texas’ Defenders), and an impressive +31 +/-, with a solid 26 take aways vs 9 give aways.

2. Toasty
Last Week 3rd
This Week 2nd

Toasty is sitting 3rd in blocked shots with 148, a fantastic number in only 36 games this season. His 34 hits are among some of the best of the shot block leaders. He has 22 take aways against 10 give aways while averaging 2:37 shorthanded ice time (top defender on his team). His +18 +/- continues to show the net positive he produces while on the ice, limiting his opponents.

3. Seamus O’Slapahan
Last Week – Not Ranked
This Week – 3rd
A little bit of movement at the top of this list. Seamus has put in a good number of blocked shots (126) good for eight on the list. He owns 29 take aways, to 10 give aways. He has been charged with playing 3:34 of average shorthanded ice time, over a full minute more than the second line defenders. All in all, a very good defensive showing by the veteran defender.

In the Mix:
Wendolene Ramsbottom – I really wanted to put Wendolene in the top 3 but a -27 is just too high, if that can level out in the second half of the season there is a strong case here.
Tommi Koviu – Fell out of the top 3, I believe it is because I focused heavily this round on Blocked shots and penalty kill time.
Darnell Mohamed Johnson II – Right in the mix, just need a few more take aways and a bit more PK time.

Ryan Jesster Award (Top Rookie):

1. Levin Schattenaxt
Last Week – Not Ranked
This Week – 1st
Tied for points lead among rookies. He is also tied for second with goals among rookies (15). Levin is the current leader among a very close rookie race. It is true this award is not just for points, but they do weigh heavily towards a final decision in my view. To add to his success, he owns a +/- of positive 17, 19 blocked shots, and done all of this with minimal power play time (averaging 0:54).

2. Inactive Forever
Last Week 1st
This Week 2nd
Sitting one point behind Schattenaxt (36) but tied with goals for second, I believe, (15). This is an impressive rookie season for Inactive considering he is playing less time per game than Schattenaxt. The only reason he is behind, he has played one more game and he is one point behind.

3. Dominik Winters
Last Week – Not Ranked
This Week – 3rd
Sitting at 34 points Dominik Winters leads the rookies (I believe) with 17 goals right now. Playing a minor role in the power play but averaging a good amount of ice time has helped to this success. A positive +/- rating (9) has helped him separate himself to other rookies in the scoring race.

In the Mix:
Logan Webb – tied for lead with 36 points is good, -1 +/- rating is bad, needs to improve that rating.
Sim Wen – I do hope Sim Wen is in the conversation with the actual awards committee, an amazing season by the rookie defender in points, +/-, Take aways, with minimal time have produced some good results.
Shootin Blanks – 31 points in 33 games is an amazing rookie season for anyone, throw in a 60% face off win percentage! AMAZING

Jeff Dar (Best Two Way Forward):

1. Ekaterina Valieva
Last Week – Not Ranked
This Week – 1st
I have a feeling this award can’t be decided or even close too, until the dust settles on the season. I am giving the lead to Ekaterina. Owning an even give away/take away something few forwards can brag about. She has played some powerplay time, but is heavily used on the PK. Despite the lack of power play time has still put up 42 points and 24 goals.

2. Outdoor Truck
Last Week – Not Ranked
This Week – 2nd
Blocking shots? Yep 42 times so far. 24 take aways to 25 give aways. Nearly even playing time on both PK (3:38 Average) and PP (3:21 Average). 42 points on the season. Clearly a two way forward and one of the better in the league in all aspects of this award.

3. Ivan Lacksamus
Last Week – 2nd
This Week – 3rd
This was close, I almost went a few directions with this one. Ultimately what won me over was the 30 take aways to 42 give aways were slightly better than one competitor’s percentage. And his massive average PK time (3:33) was much better than the other competitor’s percentage. 36 blocked shots to the mix and we have a very well rounded two way forward with 60 points on the season.

In the Mix:
Graj Virrok – Second week in a row. Needed more take aways to crack the top 3.
Evan Winter – Looked really good with his 32 take aways to 33 give aways, but a lack of SOI time hurt him.

Aidan Richan Trophy (Most Improved):

1. Oles Kobliska
Last Week – Not Ranked
This Week – 1st
My goodness, the points he has put up this year are astounding as Oles looks to nearly double his output from last year. Nearly every statistical category has seen a positive jump in production in addition to the points. Playing on a top team could have had a negative effect as ice time can be difficult, Oles has is making the most of his small increase and ran with it.

2. Johnny Wagner-Svenson
Last Week – 2nd
This Week – 2nd
Johnny has already out scored his previous best in goals, and he is 7 points away from reaching his best at 66. He has also seen a huge jump in this +/-. He is on track to increase a lot of different statistical marks and done so without increasing his playing time.

3. Pork Tenderloin
Last Week – 3rd
This Week – 3rd
Tenderloin has almost reached his previous point and goal totals from last season. He has received a jump in playing time but there is no doubt he has earned it with his impressive play. Not only has he nearly hit his best points, but also nears his best in blocked shots and looks to exceed his hit total.

In the Mix:

Billy Herrington – It is looking like Billy is less likely to double his points but has put up an impressive increase none the less. He is also on track to increase a number of defensive stats as well.
Jay Bryzi – Has put up some amazing points so far this season, 6 goals beat last year, 23 points nearly matching last year. He still has 29 games to get as many points as possible.
Kyie Murray – He led the league in points but slowed down a bit. Still in line for a big statistical jump in most categories and could push for a nomination in this award.

[Image: Ak8rQKy.png?width=675&height=375]
Sig by Lazyeye
[Image: image.png?width=600&height=300]
Sig by DaBoot
Knights Timber pride

It's incredibly hard to understate the season @moosey is having. 3rd line center with our two lowest tpe players and has 53 points in half the season when their career high is 61. Also top-10 in goals from the positon, absolutely incredible.

“The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again. ... There are neither beginnings nor endings to the Wheel of Time. But it was a beginning.”

[Image: HFFO.gif]


Aidan Richan Trophy is fairly tough, you really only get one shot to make your improvement count more than anyone else's

hodOOOOr'hOOOdoooooooor hoooodor hOOdOOORRRR, Hooooooodooooorrrr HoooooddddddddoooooooRRRR

SMJHL Stats || SHL Stats
[Image: YZjkK9Q.png] PORTAL [Image: rwqM7d3.png]
Berserkers Elk Falcons Renegades Germany

Stats Pre-S53 || Stats S53+
[Image: yXVPZSm.png] [Image: updates2.png]
Outlaws Switzerland Wolfpack
S53 All-Star and Richan Trophy Nominee
S60 Jeff Dar Trophy Winner
Never forget

All those tampa bay snubs smfh

[Image: MCP_.gif]
     [Image: ICON1.png][Image: lions-button-updates.png]

A lot if games left. Good write up! Would be cool to see some of them win! Lots of good choices

[Image: 0XJkcN5.png]
Czechoslovakia PROFILE || UPDATE || RAGE. Rage 
[Image: luketd.gif]


TK mvp would be unreal

[Image: rotti.gif]


Thanks for the kind words Smile

[Image: zcOwSzN.png] [Image: b1AwZLU.png]
First ever Yukon Malamute draft pick (1st overall S65)

[Image: ezgif-3-597e9990a5.png]


12-16-2023, 03:12 PMMCP_ Wrote: All those tampa bay snubs smfh


[Image: Katth.gif]

  [Image: CsnVET2.png]
Barracuda Germany Scarecrows Knights

[Image: cgv4vCv.png] [Image: 95lCCDx.png] [Image: GATPRRX.png]
S50 Challenge Cup Finals Game 7
[Image: gNFVjT6.png]

[Image: photostudio-1702982034659.jpg]
Snubbing Billy Hill for ROY is certainly a choice.

[Image: photostudio-1720667986458.jpg]

12-19-2023, 06:35 AMPapaSorin Wrote: [Image: photostudio-1702982034659.jpg]
Snubbing Billy Hill for ROY is certainly a choice.

If you weren't a -566 +/- I was going to put you in there.

[Image: Ak8rQKy.png?width=675&height=375]
Sig by Lazyeye
[Image: image.png?width=600&height=300]
Sig by DaBoot
Knights Timber pride

Thanks! You made my day!

Ekaterina Valieva - Baltimore Platoon
Co-GM - Maine Timber

[Image: ekaterina-valieva-spotlight.png]
Thanks @xjoverax for the sig!

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