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S74 PT #3: Ok, Boomer.

Option 2:

Marek Carda spends extra time after practice with Falcons rookie goaltender Luke Fromm working on shots from a variety of angles by dumping pucks out all over the zone and using rebound bands for simulated passing and one-timers. This type of practice can be done solo or lately, they've invited Tomlander to join in for a special drill. Marek sets three piles of pucks down - 1 at each offensive zone faceoff dot and one in the high slot - while Tomlander positions himself net-front. Marek quickly skates from pile to pile, rocketing shots on goal while Tomlander tries to screen Fromm or deflect the shots past him. This gives all three more practice - Marek with shooting, shooting for the tip, and getting to loose pucks quickly, Tomlander with screening and deflections, and Fromm with battling, positioning, handling screened shots, and reacting to tips. Overall its a lot of fun and has helped them out quite a bit. They're looking to incorporate the rebound bands next time out to force/practice more movement, ideally with Marek using angles to shoot from a different spot than he initially passes to the bands from.

194 Words

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Written Task: An old-school hockey media boomer of whatever type you dislike the most is complaining about your player and demanding you be traded. Everyone who knows what they're talking about is already calling him a moron, but you decide to get in on the fun. Using your player's burner twitter/X/whatever it is this week account, write a trollpost response designed to infuriate the boomer media host and his fans. The sillier the better. Your objective is to make him angry and make everyone else bust their guts.

Dearest Boomer,

I am not sure what is indeed the proper greeting for someone of your age so forgive me if I am off base. Perhaps we are supposed to shake forearms? Do we do it with the gauntlets or without, alas I digress. I taken heed of your recent comments to have me banished from the realm, we call them teams or cities now, and I put express my displeasure. Why doth thou have such angst towards me and mine? have I forsaken you and yon kin to a place worse than what hades could produce? if that be than I bespoke you to recant your misgivings for I have nothing but the purest intentions with your beloved. For soothe my time here nay be an entirety but I beg thy to have pittance for mine. May the morrow be more pleasing to your eyes Boomer of Florida.

PS I docked your mom. suck it wanker I ain't going anywhere!

Tibuk Soonika - G - Tampa Bay Barracuda| Portal Page

You would think that the old school would appreciate her style of play. And yet again she has been disrespect by those who on paper should love her. When has the walking fossil ever had a good take? The medication hes takes for the pain must be effecting his brain. I'm not even sure he knows what sports he is watching. He has pronounced her name wrong every time he tries to speak it during his incoherent rants no one cares about hearing. Is he even watching the games or does he sleep through them and dreamed what he is actually talking about. The man is so old school that they had to tare down the building and consolidate the students. But why her when there are so many other worse than her. Is he truly sexist, believing the a female has no place in a man's game or is he a clown saying whatever gives him views and clicks?

Option 2:

Squidwardo always stays out late at practices in order to train with Jim Wen and Karter Mendenhall doing some unorthodox drills in order for all three to improve. The first drill they do is set up milk cartons at the far blue line, the center ice line, and the near blue line. They try to make stretch passes and hit the milk cartons to practice sending players on breakouts. The next drill the trio works on is blue line slides. In order to practice breaking up breakaways the goaltenders need to practice on their Hasek-like ability to make poke check saves. They run a drill where they must skate fast from their end and slide forward with a pokecheck at their blue line, and try to go as far from their blue line as possible without skating, like curling but with goaltenders being the rocks. The last drill they work on is windmill saves, Squidwardo takes shots at them while they lay on their backs and kick their feet up trying to make big saves,

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First of all you are old. This is coming from Pass Forfeit the player on the Los Angeles panthers who was traded for a bag of pucks (and two first round picks, a couple seconds and a player). Nonetheless, being old isn't bad it is just disappointing. To see you waste away the years saying things that people pretend to agree to in order to make money. I make shots that people pretend to think are going in the net and I don't age half as bad. Take a look at Slip McScruff, he is 87 on the ice doing his thing probably going to fall apart sometime soon and will be in beer leagues by the time he reaches 187. He actually has good opinions and thinks, and I quote, "Pass Forfeit is a really cool dude with a normal name and Im old and I think this." I digress, ageism is a real problem with sports these days so instead of ragging on boomers we should just rag on people with bad opinions. Which means you. Thank you for coming to my TEDx talk (I wasn't accepted for the real deal)

Pass Forfeit (D) ● Player Profile
Kraken Rage Panthers

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Special thanks to Blitz, jhockey, Ragnarr, and sulo for the gorgeous sigs <3

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the 5 Out Goalie Iso is taking the league by storm.

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PBE PT - Bayley

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Thank you OrbitingDeath! <3
(This post was last modified: 12-20-2023, 03:08 PM by Wheels. Edited 2 times in total.)

In the age of digital banter and instant clapbacks, navigating the wild waters of hockey media can be as entertaining as the game itself. So, when an old-school hockey media boomer decided to grumble about trading Fry, it was time to have some fun.

From my player's secret social media arsenal, I unleashed a troll post masterpiece. "Heard I'm getting traded to the moon for a sack of space pucks! Lunar hockey, here I come! Old-timers will probably call it 'moon landing interference' when I dominate up there.  #OutOfThisWorldSkills #TradeRumorsOrCosmicComedy"

The response was a mix of confusion and laughter, with fans and informed analysts appreciating the absurdity. As the boomer's rage echoed through the traditional media channels, the rest of us reveled in the hilarity of a cosmic trade that could only exist in the whimsical world of a troll post. After all, sometimes, the best defense is a good laugh.

153 Words

Option 2:
I think Mänty and Kavanagh focus on all around team play and their own area of expertise during the regular training sessions but at the end of every skate they stay on ice to focus on bit more flashy while maybe not so effective moves. Their end routine usually includes at least some shootouts where Mänty tries out more experimental stuff while Kavanagh goes for over the top flashy moves to make the saves. They also spend time training for breakaway pass from Kavanagh to Mänty just in case to get some odd breakaways with pinpoint accurate passes from the goalie. But their main focus at the end of all that is on scoring goals as goalie and not some boring empty netters but instead they take positions on opposite nets and start blasting away with few pucks from their own end towards the other persons goal in effort to score a goal. Mänty has better stick for shooting the puck but he lacks the goalie gear while opposite is true for Kavanagh. Neither is yet to score a goal but with amount of training they are doing it is only a matter of time until one of them does.

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Sigs by @Carpy48, @Nokazoa and me


Graphic Task: Create an Xs and Os diagram of an offensive play that involves your goalie. It does not have to be legal or make sense.

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White board draw up of Base Pack getting a beer before scoring in front of the net

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Hey there sports fans! I am putting in my two cents to get behind this rumor that Dunkler Sowerwine’s days in Detroit are limited! Hooray!! The Falcons got D-men coming out the yazoo! So why do we need some high and mighty aWaRd WiNnInG player on the roster? We were just fine before the mainstream junior simulation hockey media began looking at our players and honoring their achievements! In fact, lets hit the rebuild button today! 2nd place is the crowning achievement for this team! No need to aim any higher! Let’s go back to the days where our only active player was the GM! There’s no room for any personality in this locker room, so Sowerwine should start packing his bags! We need to bring back fan favorite DETBOT1! In fact, a little bird told me there could be as many as 9 DETBOTs on next year’s team! Let’s trade his for VANBOT2, or KELBOT1!

WC: 156

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This drill is for both myself, a defenseman, and the goalie. There are 4 or more players arranged around the ice in shooting areas, think top of circles, blue line, low circle. They pass the puck around while myself and the goalie both move to correct positioning. The defender taking away far side shot and stick in passing lane, goalie taking the rest. This is a very simple drill, but when you do it enough not only does it help both learn better positioning to take away more net from the shooter, but by doing this together enough you learn to really trust your partner knowing you don't need to take away all options from the shooter yourself as you have confidence in your partner to do their job. Doing this correctly limits both the amount you have to shuffle around, and not screening your own goalie. It also lets you each cheat a little bit, making it even harder to be scored against.

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Thanks to @Ragnar, @Symmetrik, @Merica, @enigmatic, and @sulovilen for the sigs! 
Avi courtesy of @MN_Moosey
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Citadelles Switzerland
Citadelles Switzerland Stars Blizzard
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philippe eko eel is uniquely built to steady our goalies' mental toughness. one thing about goalies is that they have plenty of pressure on them at all times and need to be mentally tough in order to still perform at their best. it's tough to mimic the pressure of a real game situation in a practice environment since no matter how hard you try it's just not gonna be the same. so the atlanta inferno work on simulating distraction in other ways - it's not exactly the same, but it at least practices their focus. philippe eko eel is an eel you see which means he has a body type that is extremely eel-esque. during practice, he shimmeys into the goalies gear and wraps his eel body around one of their arms or legs while they're getting peppered with shots from the rest of the team. the feeling of having a slimy eel slime his way down your arm into your armpit is a distracting one, so this trains the goalie to focus on the puck above all else.

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thanks @Carpy48 and @frithjofr and @rum_ham and @Julio Tokolosh and @Briedaqueduc for the sigs
Armada Inferno norway

PT Pass

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06-11-2021, 05:33 PMKenitohMenara Wrote: [Image: BLUE.jpeg]
Welcome to the hall, Ben!

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