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S74 PT #3: Ok, Boomer.

Written Task: Describe a drill your player does with your goalie in practice. If you are a goalie, your task has not changed, but you get to decide whether you're drilling with your backup or playing with yourself.

I would say that most players probably do shooting drills with their goalie to help them prepare for the kinds of shots they can expect in a real game. Seamus being a two way defender like to practice some unorthodox maneuvers with his goalie. In times when the goalie has to leave the crease because they have the better playing the puck, Seamus practices getting in the goal to block shots just in case. It is supposed to help with some risky plays and to better reduce the stress on the goalie. Other drills that he works on are just straight up set up plays where Seamus can work on breaking out the right player. Being in the right place at the right time to receive a pass. Signaling with the goalie which direction he wants player to be when he handles. Just anything to help the communication between the players.

[Image: seamsu_500.png?ex=66b438d3&is=66b2e753&h...96a382d50&]

Credit to Vulfzilla for the awesome render pic
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After a poor rookie season, Tanner Pitts has taken it upon himself to complete extra training as a way to catch up to his peers. After much deliberation, Tanner Pitts found a handful of highly rated goalie coaches in Colorado that were willing to assist him in taking his hockey skills to the next level. Since then, Tanner Pitts has been working none stop to improve his game. Even while practicing 4 times a week, Tanner found the time to work on the finer pieces of his game. One of the things Tanner Pitts worked on was his hand eye coordination. Tanner fired up his laptop and played Fortnite for 20 hours a week to work on his hand eye. When this wasn't working enough and he was getting beaten senseless by 13 year old's, Tanner tested the good ol' tennis ball training. Tanner worked on juggling to understand the space his hands were occupying and make sure that less pucks would sneak past his glove and blocker sides. Now if only he could learn to close his legs and stop those pucks too..

184 words

Quote:Written Task: Describe a drill your player does with your goalie in practice. If you are a goalie, your task has not changed, but you get to decide whether you're drilling with your backup or playing with yourself.

First, the goalie and my player get together and make sure the ice is perfectly clean of any debris or divots.
Then, they strap skate blades onto the bottoms of barrel tops, and connect a bungie cord to the front so that they can be hauled by someone. Then, my player and the goalie take turns being hauled around by their teammates. This is to incentivize weight loss, since the lighter you are, the easier you are to haul, which means you are more likely to win the contest.
Next, the two work on their balance. They place sticks all around the ice, making a veritable obstacle course that can be slowly but surely traversed. The player that’s not competing at that moment is still engaged through the throwing of pucks at the person balancing. Obviously this helps improve coordination, but it also helps let off some steam after some tough games.
Finally, they engage in plain shootout drills. No point in ignoring all the fundamentals of hockey, since it’s unlikely they’ll be walking stick tightropes during an actual game of hockey.

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Canada | Player Page | Grizzlies | Player Updates | Inferno
(This post was last modified: 12-24-2023, 09:54 PM by Shiamus. Edited 1 time in total.)

We do a drill similar to what they do during halftime at basketball games. Instead of the shooter and a ball, we have me shooting with a puck, trying to make it into the goal - which our goalie is of course blocking.

It works very similar to how that works, but with small differences:

Instead of a layup, i'll practice a penalty shot.
Instead of a free throw, i'll skate around a cone and shoot it from short distance.
Instead of a three pointer, i'll go and shoot it from far out.
And instead of a half court shot, I will do a slapshot from center ice.

We will do this countless times until i make all four types of shots in a row. My record is about 22 minutes, and I think the longest took 3 hours...

Its a very fun drill to practice shootin! I highly recommend it! It is also a great way for our goalies to adapt to different types of shots - especially penalty practice.

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Option 2:

Written Task: Describe a drill your player does with your goalie in practice. If you are a goalie, your task has not changed, but you get to decide whether you're drilling with your backup or playing with yourself.

Me and our goalie Sir Devoir doesn't really have a specific drill or anything like that. We do some practice about clearing the net and shot blocking. The biggest thing is me helping clear Sir Devoir's line of sight and making sure he can get a clear read on the puck. In my mind Devoir is one of the best Goalies in the SHL so letting him play his game is top of my list. Since I'm still sort of new to the team being that it's my second year on the team my goal is to get on the same page as Devoir. We do some drills were it's 2 vs 1 with just me and the goalie, learning which player to pick up and go after and which one Devoir is willing to take. Other then that we do pretty straight forward and normal drills, but I will say the communication between the two of us have improved immensely in just a season.

[Image: DrbPYHV.png]   [Image: B4x6AQm.png]
Scarecrows Russia Wolfpack

Rest In Peace Dangel

1st SHL Goal - S52 Game 1 vs Tampa 3. New England Wolfpack , Jakub Bruchevski 1 (Eko Van Otter 1, Delver Fudgeson 2) at 8:10

Scarecrows Platoon Russia

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Option 2 - Written Task - 186 Words

The Winnipeg Aurora had the day off, but goaltender Rebecca Montagne and Lord Farquaads were hard at work with a strategic drill that hones the symbiotic relationship between the goaltender and the skaters for the club. The chosen drill is a high-intensity "Screen and Deflect" exercise, designed to simulate chaotic moments in front of the net during a game. The skaters barrage pucks from various angles, attempting to obscure the goaltender's vision. This challenges the goalie, demanding lightning-fast reflexes and the ability to maintain focus amid the chaos. For the netminder, the drill presents a dual challenge. They must make crucial saves and communicate effectively with their teammates to guide defensive efforts. The harmony between the goalie and the defense is paramount, ensuring everyone moves as a cohesive unit to thwart scoring attempts. To add an element of unpredictability, the drill alternates between solo sessions with the backup goalie and joint practices with both goalies. This dual approach not only sharpens individual skills but also fosters a sense of camaraderie and trust between the goaltending duo, creating a formidable last line of defense for our team.

Aurora Knights Aurora Knights Aurora Knights Aurora Knights Aurora Knights
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RIP Dangel. See you on the other side, brother

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gay heghog

Thomas Liebold does a ton of different drills with the goalies on his team to help them outside of practice, one because he is an overall great and thoughtful guy and two because he is a local goalie coach and people pay his a ton of money to try to teach them how to play goalie even though he has no idea what he is doing most of the time. Liebolds favorite drill to do with goalies is to just bag skate them. hockey games are really long and most goalies play the entire game so it is important that they have really good cardio. to ensure they do he makes them skate like in the movie Miracle. goal line, blue line back redline back, far blue line back far goal line back. this way the goalies might not be the most skilled but they will definitely be the best conditioned and hopefully be able to stop pucks

Option 2: Graphic Task

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Outlungus   Usa Monarchs  Grizzlies  

Fileworker PT Pass

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Thanks to sulovilen for the sigs!
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Check out past episodes of Rich and Luke!

I will be requesting a trade as a little bit of a trolling device because of this guy Boomer guy who keeps telling me that I need to be treated and that’s what I think I’m going to do I am going to request a trade on Twitter and it will obviously be a joke, but I will make sure that I mention him in the tweet and then that way everyone gets mad at him and attacks him but they don’t know that behind the scenes it’s just a little bit of trolling like a troll archetype my friend Gooney also thinks I should do this because he thinks that it will be good trolling for the boomer trolling a boomer I will also be doing some other things with my fingers, and that will be helping to troll. It will be very good and he will seriously fall for the epic trolling that will be going on.

[Image: rotti.gif]

Dear Mr asshole.
My agent told me I shouldn't read the shit you write. They also told me not to reply under any circumstances. But here we are and it don't like to take shit without being able to defend myself.
So in going to keep it civil. I would hope that someone that has over twice my age in. seniority would know when to apply pressure and when to mellow out, obviously this isn't the case here. So while your takes are hot garbage that is the only warm thing about you. So here's what I hope happens, I wish your wine turn to water. I wish that the ground you stand on begins to sunder, I hope that ants eats your eyelids so that you never be able to sleep. I wish that bees sting your taint, and that all your hard drives and devices crashes so that you have to use media invented in the 1800's.

Chees Mephistopheles


Hoang's best work is done with a defensive partner, but presented with a goalie, he does like to do a few drills. For one, he's one of the few players on the team that can handle the puck well enough to pull off the Michigan, so the goaltenders make him do it to ensure they have the practice. The drills Hoang does control tend to be his handling of the puck and ability to screen the goalie, something he feels he struggles with. This entails the goalie coach handling the puck from the point to the slot, and the goalie attempting to move to ensure line of sight. This is especially difficult with smaller players like Hoang, but he tries to make up for it by moving around quicker. It's an awkward situation, but it's something that Hoang can do to help his goalie and himself.

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Options 1:

Mikko Rashford needs to go.

That’s the headline, that’s the post, that’s it folks.  Long gone are the 131 point seasons that we thought we could expect from the forward, gone are his dominance on the right side of the ice.  Things have gotten so bad that he’s been found as a left winger as recently as this week, with the coach pissed off that Mikko hasn’t produced an ounce of anything this season.

Don’t believe, just listen to Karl-Erik-Karl2-Wojtek in practice ever since he’s joined the team.  Many of the Aurora players have noted the new seasoned veteran calling out Mikko’s effort in practice.  Calling it “lacking” and “outright amateur”.  Maybe it’s just the point of his career where Mikko needs to realize that his shot just isn’t there, the brief moments of accuracy is gone, and the vision for finding his teammates needs effort to open up the opportunities that used to come so easily.



I heard the chatter about Cheeks only being worried about saving his own cheeks on the ice. I'd expect as much from a closer who can't even be called a has been, since you have never been someone at all. Never played the game of hockey, and I don't know what makes you an expert of any kind at all.

I saw your takes about SHL predictions in the past. Somehow you have a 0% success rate for all awards. The best thing you do on air is to stop talking. Retire already and find a new ass to kiss on TV. Not even children's shows would need a clown like you.

In the off chance you decide to grow a spine, come out to Calgary and I'll see you in the practice facility. We can run some drills and see who puts in effort on the ice. I won't be afraid of dropping some klap bombs on you. Get ready to get your cheeks klapped.

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