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Playoff Power Rankings - S74 SMJHL Season [2x Holiday Media]
(This post was last modified: 12-30-2023, 02:09 AM by Jexter.)

With the S74 season coming to a close and the Holiday season still somehow upon us, we welcome you to this special holiday edition of the power rankings. We have added a few things to show the spirit of the season. Quick note on the Nice and Naughty lists, those are just going to be a quick look at top performers on the team and some fun stats for the Naughty (not actually bad performers). I will also limit the nice list to 3 players. Alright, Dash Away All!

Having A Holly Jolly Christmas

Santa Claus
1.   Citadelles   Quebec City Citadelles Citadelles
Holiday Movie: It's a Wonderful Life (more for the title than the actual plot)
Record: 48-12-6
Last Ten Games: 6-3-1
Midseason’s power rank: 1. Change: None
The Owls been the team to beat all year and have secured their first round bye as well as a regular season title. They will now need to take the necessary steps to not fall into the same pitfalls as the Whalers did last year during their Four Star Cup run. Hopefully, some bells will ring and these angelic owls will get their wings. Of course we may ponder as to what a world would be like without such a dominant team on top, but I think with all the great personalities from this team, we would be far worse off. We approached Defender Juan Tymer for a comment and he had this to say: "Although lots can be said about the Quebec City Citadelles veteran players, the real reason they have been so successful this season is due to their stellar rookie class who have all excelled with limited ice time. On defence you have, first overall Demir Bellona sits 3rd in team defencemen scoring, behind Jaromir Jagrbomb and Juan Tymer, and the Giant Norwegian Fredrik Gronlund whos +37 is second only to future DPotY Leo Roze. The Quebec Goalies, although rookies, can already be considered league allstars, with both in the 5 of every major goalie stat and have a combined 6 shutouts." Clearly, the Owls are feeling very confident going into the playoffs and they have every reason to be confident, but there is always a chance that such confidence, much like a stash of cash by Uncle Billy, is misplaced.
Nice List: Jeff Hunziker, Leo Roze, and Song Ju-Gong
Naughty List: Bog Damsel, QCCBOT1, and QCCBOT2 (lowest plus/minus)

2.   Falcons   Detroit Falcons Falcons
Holiday Movie: A Hallmark Christmas Movie
Record: 42-20-4 (perfectly balanced on home and away records too)
Last Ten Games: 5-5
Midseason’s power rank: 2. Change: None
The Falcons soared this season and everything seemed to go A okay with very little conflict and looking like a very happy ending for everyone. The Falcons are a young team from the big city that are rallying around some home(grown/town) talent (that probably wears flannel) and looking to be a serious contender to win the holiday festival (Four Star Cup). With the Falcons, they will be sipping hot coco watching the first round, having handily and easily taken the divisional title and earned a bye. To be honest, it would be much closer between them and Colorado, but the fact that the Falcons have gotten the bye ranks them higher in this power ranking.
Nice List: Luke Fromm, Trevor Lahey, and Prince Marius
Naughty List: DETBOT1 and DETBOT2 (play more games, you lazy sacks of suds)

3.  Raptors Colorado Raptors Raptors
Holiday Movie: Violent Night
Record: 41-17-8
Last Ten Games: 7-2-1
Midseason’s power rank: 5. Change: +2
Rounding out the bird teams at the top, the Raptors have been able to bounce back from rotten time last season where nothing seemed to go their way, but these young kids put on an absolute show this season and discovered the true meaning of hockey: scoring more goals than the opposition and hitting them hard when they can. With plenty of violence, hits, PIMs and fights, the Raptors are on a mission to rescue their franchise hopes from the despair that was last season. Look for them to be an absolute menace to face in the first round as they will take on the Knights.
Nice List: Valerija Serapin, Shadow Fenix, and Nicholas Scalice
Naughty List: The Legion of Boom (the big hitters known as Juusi Mutou, Xavier Beausoliel, and Leonard Wood)

4.   Timber   Maine Timber Timber
Holiday Movie: A White Christmas
Record: 39-20-7
Last Ten Games: 8-2
Midseason’s power rank: 4. Change: None
Much like dating a pair of sisters, the trajectory of this team is eerily similar to that of last year where the Timber were able to make a late lunge in the standings and slingshot from the first round bye into another Four Star Cup. While Vermont is close to Maine, the weather still shows that the snowfall of goals is forecast for the region. Really, this team has been dreaming of another Four Star Cup, just like the ones they have on their shelves and these days, that future is looking merry and bright.
Nice List: Ace Guilded, Nelly Celly, and Jordan Thompson
Naughty List: Jean-Jacques Francois Jacques-Jean (for Laurence Laboeuf, needs to be better as the Pride of Quebec)

5.  Berserkers  Newfoundland Berserkers Berserkers
Holiday Movie: Love Actually
Record: 38-25-3
Last Ten Games: 3-7
Midseason’s power rank: 8. Change: +3
All the signs are there for this team to replicate the playoff success that they had last season. Say its just carolers or something, but these persistent players are coming whether you love it or not. To me, this team is not perfect, but it does not need to be in the playoffs. They ask how many, not how. Ya know, at Christmas you tell the truth and I got to say, this team could absolutely rally off of another solid season with great play from all the positions and go on a serious run should their goaltenders keep it up. While they have a bit of a rough patch here at the end of the season, they are going up against a team that has struggled this season *checks notes* gasp nevermind they are in trouble. It's the Grizzlies, they face the Grizzlies in the first round of the playoffs. Hide your kids, hide your wives, these bears love destroying high seeds in the playoffs or at least really making them work for it.
Nice List: Launchpad McQuack, Ben Harrison, and Dan Craig
Naughty List: NLBOT1, NLBOT2, and NLBOT3 for low plus minuses

6.   Malamutes   Yukon Malamutes Malamutes
Holiday Movie: How the Grinch Stole Christmas
Record: 35-26-5
Last Ten Games: 3-6-1
Midseason’s power rank: 3. Change: -3
The Malamutes scrapped in the toughest and most competitive division in the SMJHL. However, while I could bemoan the fact that the Maine Timber took the first spot in the division, they did not steal it. They played well down the stretch while the Mutes dropped some games. Really the main story that I am biased towards is the story of Langston Hardison-Laurent who stole the top goal scoring title from Jeff Hunziker. Like a small hearted and vindictive green beast, Langston pushed hard to try and get closer and closer to getting the title, but realized that having all the presents/goals means nothing, because the reason for the regular season is to come together as a team and do something special. Sure, his goal this season grew three sizes from his totals last season, but he is even more proud being able to play alongside such amazing people. Yukon will have a tougher matchup in the first round against the Elk, but are looking forward to it.
Nice List: Langston Hardison-Laurent, Karter Mendenhall, and Peyton McBride
Naughty List: Florian Soderbeg-Moltya and Bobby Tkachucky for the insane number of PIMs, and all of the Yukon bots for taking my ice time.

7.   Armada   Anchorage Armada Armada
Holiday Movie: Elf
Record: 36-28-2
Last Ten Games: 4-5-1
Midseason’s power rank: 6. Change: -1
The Ships were trying their best and sailed forth from the North to the big cities of the south. Ultimately, this season looked more like a buddy cop movie on the score sheet, but the rest of the team was working together to bring in the team and holiday spirit and helped get the sleigh off the ground and into the playoffs, making sure to avoid the Kraken that threatened to drag them down to the watery depths. With how much the Armada scrapped this season in the crowded EOTTIRD Division,  the battle-hardened sailors should be a force to be reckoned with in the playoffs. They will take on the Whales, as they seemingly must face aquatic themed teams all year.
Nice List: Joseph Reed, Deep Thought, and Stun Gun
Naughty List: ANCBOT1, ANCBOT2, and ANCBOT3 (acting more like anchors and dragging down the Armada's 4th line)

8.   Whalers   Vancouver Whalers Whalers
Holiday Movie: A Christmas Carol
Record: 33-28-5
Last Ten Games: 7-3
Midseason’s power rank: 7. Change: -1
The Whalers have made playoffs, but will haunted by the mistakes of Playoffs past, particularly last year where they were the favorites to win the Four Star Cup. Now with a solid roster, the Whalers are surprisingly not too concerned with Playoffs present or Playoffs Future as the Whalers are able to ride the waves of the remaining players from the juggernaut that was last year's team. Of course certain players have been a bit of scrooges when it comes to hogging the goals this regular season, but they will be looking to spread the wealth in the postseason. Indeed, even Little Timmy(the bots) will need to pull their wait for this roster to look as unstoppable as they did last season. Fittingly, the Whalers will take on the boats or the Armada in the first round.
Nice List: Lily Jin Morrow, Groaty Bronson, and GM's Son
Naughty List: Ethan Brown (PIMs), Grell Fortox (Worst Faceoff %), and VANBOT1 (Worst DGR)

[b]9.  Elk    Regina Elk Elk
Holiday Movie: The Polar Express
Record: 26-38-2
Last Ten Games: 2-7-1
Midseason’s power rank: 12. Change: +3
The Regina Elk much like the movie The Polar Express, have been a bit of a one player show with Mac Turner putting up incredible numbers, as Tom Hanks did in playing every character. However, this old bell may still ring for those that believe in this team. Really the Elk should be seen as a moderate success story this season as they go through a major rebuild this season after losing many of their top players. However with promising new players with perfectly finely animated faces, the Elk are on a high right now. Facing Yukon will be their reward.
Nice List: Mac Turner, Mary Hollywood, and Bean Beanman Jr.
Naughty List: REGBOT1, REGBOT3, and Mikkael Enevoldsen (low plus/minus)

10.   Battleborn   Nevada Battleborn  Battleborn
Holiday Movie: National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
Record: 32-27-7
Last Ten Games: 8-2
Midseason’s power rank: 10. Change: None
The Battleborn have been doing some planned remodeling (maybe adding a pool) and the rebuild is going well as they continue to make playoffs appearances, thanks in part to the great defensive work of their team. They may get distracted by the pretty faces, but as long their cousins (recent acquisitions) behave well, they could still be a decent threat in the playoffs. Despite winning in their division, I do not really trust the Battleborn over other teams, but who knows if their goaltender gets hot. They are coming into the playoffs with a fantastic record in the last games of the season.
Nice List: Just Perfection, Sergey Ivanov, and Literally Wizard
Naughty List: NBBBOT1 for the very low plus/minus, and Aksel VINsen simply because I keep on misspelling your name.

The Abominable Snowman
11. Grizzlies  Great Falls Grizzlies Grizzlies
Holiday Movie: A Charlie Brown Christmas
Record: 23-41-2
Last Ten Games: 5-4-1
Midseason’s power rank: 13. Change: +2
Okay, I have them down here again. Most of us remember the last that the Grizzlies made into the playoffs and I had them written off. (They went on a heater and almost beat the best team from the regular season in a seven game series in the second round.) However, while some might be calling the Grizzlies block heads, you all should listen to me like I am the director when I say that though the Grizzlies look like a sad, small tree, they willa ctual make a fine Christmas tree. They just need a little love. So really do not count out these Bears no matter how the regular season went. The fact that they are once again in the playoffs should make shivers run down the spines of any and all high seeded teams that they are liable to fall into the trap. Good luck to the Berserkers who need to try and survive the bear attack.
Nice List: Poiklm, Beau Kavanagh, and Jani Manty
Naughty List: The Bots for perhaps the lowest collective plus minus of any playoff team. Like it is really bad.

Hermey the Elf
12.   Knights   Kelowna Knights Knights
Holiday Movie: Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
Record: 22-42-2
Last Ten Games: 3-7
Midseason’s power rank: 11. Change: -1
The season started out well enough for the Knights, but they quickly fell back down to earth, needing to learn how to fly. The alarm bells were sounding, but they were still getting their own noses/lamps turned red and lit up. They would have found themselves in the land of misfit toys if not for the 3 team division that they were placed in, but now they get a chance to pull off upsets worthy of the Grizzlies last year. Who knows, come Christmas Eve, if the weather is right, we could find these warriors leading the sleigh. They will have a very tough challenge in facing the Raptors in the first round.
Nice List: Activity Check, Daniel Durkburg, and Brooklyn Physt
Naughty List: Five-Hole Sieve, for living up to their name, Paul Bondage, something just feels dirty here.

The Island of Misfit Toys
13.  Kraken Carolina Kraken Kraken
Holiday Movie: Home Alone
Record: 31-28-7
Last Ten Games: 5-3-2
Midseason’s power rank: 9. Change: -4
Normally on a power ranking a team with the record of the Kraken would be much higher on the power ranking. However, these squids failed to finish in the top 3 of their division and will not be in the S74 Playoffs. They were in the closest division in the SMJHL this year and have been left behind while everyone else goes to Paris... I mean the playoffs. Carolina will need to spend time setting traps to catch some steal(er)s in the draft and wait for everyone to come back for the new season. Hopefully they can make a positive change, ya filthy animals.
Nice List: Rence Sykut, Betzee Nickelback, and Lazer Gato
Naughty List: Walter Melon, Lilian Flapberg, and Denebor Milasch, all had a rough go of it down the stretch, but should be able to bounce back.

14.  Scarecrows  St. Louis Scarecrows Scarecrows
Holiday Movie: Frosty the Snowman
Record: 16-48-2
Last Ten Games: 3-7
Midseason’s power rank: 14. Change: None
The Scarecrows will miss the playoffs this year after finishing last in the league and 4th in the Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division. However, the reason for the movie is that the Scarecrows will be back on Christmas Day/Next Season and should look to be stronger than ever or at least this year with a more experienced team and Head Office as this was the first go around for the new GM. There might be some magic left in their hats for next year and they might need that magic to make sure they get the draft picks they want to build up this team.
Nice List: James Madison, Konig Wolf, and Cameron Dallas
Naughty List: none, I don't want to be mean. It's the Holidays.

Thus concludes this special holiday edition of the Power Rankings. Normally, this would be the part where I would say to DM any complaints to HFFO, but it is Christmas Time and HFFO did a fantastic job getting the sim up and running for us, even with it crashing constantly. HFFO was able to figure it out and get the sim done and streamed to everyone (we had agood time in the chat). Instead, I will say a massive thank you to HFFO and everyone else involved in making this league tick.
I hope everyone had or is having a great holiday and have a Happy New Year!

WC: 3017

[Image: F84OPdM.jpeg]
Shoutout TheOPSquid for the Sig
(This post was last modified: 12-30-2023, 08:15 AM by sve7en. Edited 1 time in total.)

You could at least have kept us up there in the rankings above 4-5 of those teams, hell we were 3-2-1 vs Detroit this season.

[Image: sve7en.gif]

[Image: 1tWWEzv.png][Image: 8zFnf2t.png][Image: 6Lj3x8E.png][Image: xkAdpbO.png][Image: xnZrhKU.png][Image: 9YigPG2.png][Image: bpYxJ69.png]

heck yeah Betzee made the nice list!!!!!!

[Image: 1161116581909246052.gif?%60] [Image: kahri.gif][Image: 1161116581909246052.gif?%60]

[Image: 200w.gif?cid=6c09b952ugxlk8nd3075ntyw02y...w.gif&ct=g]

Playoffs baby.

[Image: dinonuggets2.gif]
Credit to Amidships & sulovilen

Hope Santa brought Mary a lot of popcorn this year, making the nice list and all

Elk  Rage
[Image: cLeHjn1.png]
Sig by sulovilen!
[Image: 6eVg1pG.png]
[Image: 8E70VfU.png]

Mikkel def on the naughty list. Enough minus to give frost bite within minutes

[Image: 4zfXx6o.gif]
[Image: 9sKIbXE.png]

12-30-2023, 08:12 AMsve7en Wrote: You could at least have kept us up there in the rankings above 4-5 of those teams, hell we were 3-2-1 vs Detroit this season.
in a true power ranking, definitely. unfortunately its a playoff power ranking... so.

[Image: F84OPdM.jpeg]
Shoutout TheOPSquid for the Sig

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