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S74 All Star Week

1. Claim 3

2. Written, up to 4 TPE - Shiny Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 topics related to the All Star Game to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. Two teams, Edmonton and Los Angeles, tie with five total nods each. Both of those teams are in the West. Playoff rivalry aside, do you think it's to the West's advantage or disadvantage to have a relatively large number of players from the same two teams? Does it make the all-star game better or worse when this happens?
Everyone knows that line chemistry transfers over from one sim to the next, so if these players are already used to playing with each other then that is a big nod that they should have a great game by already knowing each others strengths and weaknesses. I think it will make for more spectacle and fun and I dont even watch the game anyways.
b. While the East rolled it back with two top defensive pairings - this year that means Philadelphia and Hamilton - the West mixed it up with only Los Angeles having two defensemen present. Everyone else has a new partner. Which side's defense are you more interested in watching?
Line chemistry, line chemistry, line chemistry. I think that the east will have some great D opportunities, but having a stellar D in FHM is so random that you never know what to expect. You can have the top D-core, but if you can't score then that means nothing. The best question here is which D player is absent that always bring his A game to special teams?

4. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.) How much of a correlation do you think there is between TPE and an all-star nod? Should there be more, or less, than there is?
For the most part, I think that a low tpe player can easily get into the all star game. The first main reason is that there is parity that allows everyone to send at least one member from each team so there is always the chance of representation. The second, even if a player is high TPE they can have a good season or a bad season depending on luck and the team around them. I think higher tpe generally relates 1:1 with performance in general, but there are times when a player has a really great unexpected season and the RNG of a simulation comes through. If it was totally reliant on TPE, we would see the highest TPE player in the league always be the best at what they do and that just is not consistently correct. If you look at Seamus in this past season, he had terrible PDO and that reflected in his stats and therefore reflected in his not being picked up for the allstar game.

[Image: seamsu_500.png?ex=66b438d3&is=66b2e753&h...96a382d50&]

Credit to Vulfzilla for the awesome render pic
[Image: gXlAFBa.png]|| [Image: 8CbZQAJ.png]

1. Milestones, up to 3 TPE.

Milestones are folded in with All-Star Week.

Link your Milestone claim as task 1 for up to 3 TPE towards your 8 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your ASW submission. This is done because the person who grades ASW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.

Milestones Claim (2 TPE)

2. Written, up to 4 TPE - Shiny Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 topics related to the All Star Game to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. Two teams, Edmonton and Los Angeles, tie with five total nods each. Both of those teams are in the West. Playoff rivalry aside, do you think it's to the West's advantage or disadvantage to have a relatively large number of players from the same two teams? Does it make the all-star game better or worse when this happens?
b. While the East rolled it back with two top defensive pairings - this year that means Philadelphia and Hamilton - the West mixed it up with only Los Angeles having two defensemen present. Everyone else has a new partner. Which side's defense are you more interested in watching?
c. While there aren't any new faces in net this season, which pair of goalies do you think is going to have more fun?
d. Why should YOUR player have made the all star game, and why should you be the last man in? (If your player did make the all star game, argue for one of your teammates instead!)

a. The two teams of Edmonton Blizzard and Los Angeles Panthers with 5 players each will definitely be an advantage for the western conference team as the players have chemistry coming into it and now we will see some hopefully higher scoring and highlight reel plays. The eastern conference team should watch out! (52 words)
b. You have the option between seeing amazing chemistry with continued pairing from the regular season, or the chaos from having mixed lines. Personally, I am always a fan of watching new line pairings play and to see if they can find some spark despite never having played with each other before. (51 words)
c. Between the west and the east, I am more interested in seeing the show stopper in net in terms of Justin Time. With this being his fourth all star game, I expect him to let loose a little bit and maybe try some things that he might not do in an actual game, although maybe his competitive spirit will come out. Regardless, it should be a lot of fun. (69 words)
d. I am seeing a lot of older players make it into the all star game from Dick Clapper and Jimmy Wagner both making it in for the first time in their careers. Ryosuke Sato honestly had a solid 35 point season which is the highest since a number of seasons ago, all while being defensively responsible leading the team with 179 blocks. At the very least, it is something to look at! (72 words)

3. Written, 3 TPE, The Teammate One (150 words min.)
Tell me about your teammate who made the all star game! Who are they, why were they an obvious choice to make the All Star roster, and what do you expect from them this ASG? (If more than one of your teammates made the game, pick one of those players other than yourself. If you are the only player on your team selected for the all star game so far, write about your team's candidate for last man in instead.)

William Tree is the heart of the Toronto North Stars offense. For the second season in a row after making it to the SHL, Tree has done nothing but produce and led the whole team in points with 98 points. That is 10 points more than the next highest point getter on the team in Jimmy Larkin-Conway. Within the 98 points, it is distributed pretty evenly with 39 goals and 59 assists making him tied second for the most goals scored on the team, just behind the 42 scored by Aumy Junior II and tied with Jimmy Larkin-Conway. With 59 assists, he clearly leads the team and helps set up others. Defensively, William Tree is not a slouch either with 52 blocks and 74 hits, he has the second most blocks for forwards on the team and he is not afraid to throw the body. All in all, an all around game for William Tree and the clear all star from the Toronto North Stars. (165 words)

8/8 TPE

[Image: Dextaria.gif]

[Image: Niz2wua.png]  [Image: iB9r7kM.png]  [Image: 6by0kBi.png]
Thanks to @DELIRIVM, @Moreorless89 and @ValorX77 for the sigs!

1. 3TPE

2. a. 1 TPE One team has 5 based on regular season dominance, the other has 5 due to stacking the ballot box. Both are great strategies and I am excited to see all those teammates working together at the game having a good time. I do think this will make the west destroy the east as a prebuilt chemistry can be very strong. 60 words

2. b. 1 TPE More interested in the west side. For one, I am on it and it will be interesting to see how I perform with a new partner and star forwards in front of me. I think D chemistry isn't quite as important as forward chem, as there is only 1 other player to directly coordinate with. Plus seeing some new pairings is always a fun thing and can lead to a bit of chaos, which is great for a fun game. 80 words

4. 3 TPE . I think TPE in relation to your team is more important than overall TPE for an All Star nod. Because each team gets a selection, even the basement teams with a 1k top player gets in. Of course higher TPE generally means more skill and better chances of getting picked, but FHM can be pretty random sometimes giving a ~1400 player 120 points, while a 2k player only gets 80 while on similar skilled teams. That can be due to the way each player is deployed, but thats some advanced stuff no one really understands. I think the TPE balance to making the game or not is pretty good, as it is hard for rookies, but the veterans have a better chance at it with their experience. I think there is a good balance of TPE needed for the all star game, but it might be interesting to have a separate game where you just take the top 30 TPE players and stack both rosters for 1 game just to see what happens. Or just be signed by a garbage team and squeak in with 41 points in your 21st season. 189 words

8TPE Total

[Image: NOLA-oiduser.png]

+2 TPE

4. Written, 3 TPE, TPE TPE TPE (150 words min.)
How much of a correlation do you think there is between TPE and an all-star nod? Should there be more, or less, than there is?

I think TPE should definitely be taken into considerations when All Star voting takes place. This is what we use as our value system for skill points so why wouldn't you take into account the quantified skill level we have for each player. As a goalie I don't have a ton of control over the outcome of some games but I put a ton of work into trying to make my goalie as high skill as possible. in the real world you can tell when a goalie is of a higher skill level but playing on a crummy team. Here we can often see lower TPE goalies who are carried by good teams and then have the praise heaped on top of them because they are "Elite". Lets look for other means of identifying who the truly elite players are and give them the praise they deserve! I for one am casting my vote for include TPE as a All Star benefit. 162 Words

8. Written, 3 TPE, Lazy Reaction Content (150 words min.)

The Last Men In are now decided and the rosters are finalized. Who was a good pick? Who got snubbed?

How dare the Tampa Bay Barracuda be left with but a single entry into the All star game! We are a proud, proud team and to be shunned like such an institution like that of the All Star committee is, simply put, deplorable. I demand equal representation and I am most definitely not seeing it. Like imagine there being 3 times as many Hamilton players as there are Tampa Bay Barracuda players! What sort of world is this?! In fact I am putting forward and official request to have the All Star game changed to a write in ballot only so we can determine who the true All stars of the league are. Unless of course this swings the wrong way on me in which case I would think it might be best if every team volunteered their best and brightest and we all just called it a day. Any takers? No? wait do we already do this? I'll see myself out. 162 Words


Tibuk Soonika - G - Tampa Bay Barracuda| Portal Page

+3 TPE - Milestones

Milestones +3

2.A) Honestly I think its worse. 10 players from 2 teams is crazy. One of the issues is that while yeah their stats are probably better than some of the people who didnt get in, they deserve it less than players on worse teams. If 5 players from a single team make it you might have to consider that maybe its just the fact that the team is good and not all deserve an all-star nod

2.D) +1 TPE
One may argue the all-star game is based only on offense, but Leo Roze was for sure one of the top 10 defenders in the J last season. +15 more than second place in plus/minus, leading almost every single advanced stat defensively, he was for sure a star player for QCC but the fact his star play is on the defensive end he gets completely overlooked. Considering the 10 defenders who made it were just the top 10 scorers, might as well call it the all-score team or something as there are many stars who get overlooked because they just shine in other aspects

4) I think tpe obviously has some correlation to if someone gets an all-star bid. If you have more tpe you are more likely to be better in the sims. I think its less important as to how much tpe and more into where its been put. We can tell the all-star game is focused on offense so if youre a high tpe player with a more spreadout build, theres a good chance that the lower tpe player with more tpe into offensive stats and score more will get that tpe. I do not think it should be considered however when the all star team is making their team though. It should be purely on stats and how good the player is that season. I think if there was ever any looking at tpe to determine an all-star, there could be some funky stuff that happens. So more TPE = more likely to make all-star game but its not all that matters.

[Image: Rn4Vt1E.png]

last GM pass I think

HO Pass

[Image: Lodge-Sig.png]

1. Milestones, up to 3 TPE.

Milestones are folded in with All-Star Week.

Link your Milestone claim as task 1 for up to 3 TPE towards your 8 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your ASW submission. This is done because the person who grades ASW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.

Link to my milestone post


4. Written, 3 TPE, TPE TPE TPE (150 words min.)
How much of a correlation do you think there is between TPE and an all-star nod? Should there be more, or less, than there is?

Well I can not comment on goalies in this league cause well, I have heard it is just RNG and whilst TPE can help it does not do an absolute shit ton to help out so for that position on the ice I would say probably not much. I personally always see players are in a prime season zone and that usually would mean that you have the potential to gun the MVP award and just thrive or make a claim of Hall of Fame.

I know some people do well late or early on but honestly I would say it matters a lot. I do not know what you need in order to get an all star nod and well I am unsure how many people care or focus on it but if they do, hey good for you! I would assume most high TPE players always get on that are on the super teams of whatever era they are on. But its more healthy and even than it used to be of just 2 teams always making it.

[180 words]


5. Written, 3 TPE, Last Men In (150 words min.)
Argue for one of your teammates (not yourself!) to be the last man in for your conference!

Hello sir or madam, I am once again writing to in form you of a friendly reminder to get Aneeq into the All Star. I have no idea if they have ever selected an inactive player on the all star teams before but if we get the ability to pick a lovely user then this is the guy. This swiss legend is 1 of the nicest most wholesome people ever. He literally can not feel aggression! I have no idea how he reacts if he stubs his toe but it would not be with anger! I think he had a good season too yet again so honestly that is good enough to qualify getting him into the I have no idea what the format is but still perfect setting for the Zopf meister!

Do I say this cause he is damn near my brother? No, I say it cause he truly is the best person going. Also it would make my actual bestie proud of him too.

[168 words]

9 TPE so good enough for the 8

Raptors Proud S67 - S69 Colorado Raptors Captain  Raptors
Uk S57 Forward of the Season Award winner  Uk

Now I am free <3

[Image: 41-2.png?ex=65d9e0d0&is=65c76bd0&hm=ada7...1aae5535a&]

Quote:1. Milestones, up to 3 TPE.

Milestones are folded in with All-Star Week.

Link your Milestone claim as task 1 for up to 3 TPE towards your 8 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your ASW submission. This is done because the person who grades ASW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.

Milestones (+3)

Quote:3. Written, 3 TPE, The Teammate One (150 words min.)
Tell me about your teammate who made the all star game! Who are they, why were they an obvious choice to make the All Star roster, and what do you expect from them this ASG? (If more than one of your teammates made the game, pick one of those players other than yourself. If you are the only player on your team selected for the all star game so far, write about your team's candidate for last man in instead.)

Let's delve into the prowess of Shoyo Hinata, Billy Herrington's teammate on the Atlanta Inferno, who secured a coveted spot in the All-Star Game. Shoyo's selection was a no-brainer, owing to his remarkable skills and pivotal role in the team's triumphs. As a forward, Shoyo brings an electrifying blend of speed, agility, and scoring finesse to the ice, often leaving opponents trailing in his wake. His relentless drive and dedication have earned him admiration both within the team and across the league. In the upcoming All-Star Game, expectations run high for Shoyo to showcase his talents on a grand stage, dazzling fans with his lightning-fast maneuvers and pinpoint accuracy. Whether setting up goals with deft passes or unleashing blistering shots, Shoyo possesses the capability to leave an indelible mark on the game. With his presence, the All-Star Game promises to be a thrilling spectacle, highlighting the exceptional skills of one of the league's brightest stars.

Quote:5. Written, 3 TPE, Last Men In (150 words min.)
Argue for one of your teammates (not yourself!) to be the last man in for your conference!

Let's shine the spotlight on Binko Koivu, a key player on the Atlanta Inferno roster, and argue for him to be the last man in for our conference. Binko's contributions to the team have been invaluable throughout the season. As a defenseman, he brings a perfect blend of defensive prowess, puck-moving skills, and leadership on and off the ice. Binko's defensive reliability and ability to shut down opposing offenses make him a crucial asset for our team. His strategic positioning, keen hockey sense, and knack for disrupting plays have consistently thwarted the opposition's scoring attempts. Additionally, his adeptness at initiating breakouts and contributing to the offensive rush adds another dimension to our team's gameplay. Furthermore, Binko's leadership qualities, exemplified through his work ethic and positive attitude, have a significant impact on our team's morale and cohesion. His presence on the ice instills confidence in his teammates and inspires them to elevate their performance. Therefore, considering Binko Koivu's consistent performance, defensive prowess, and leadership qualities, he undoubtedly deserves to be the last man in for our conference in the All-Star Game.

[Image: image.png]
[Image: dankestmemes69420.gif]

[Image: vhY18i8.png] [Image: gs89eGV.png] [Image: nBgNUTY.png]
Armada        Canada        Stampede
Falcons        Usa

1. Milestones (3 TPE)

4. Written, 3 TPE, TPE TPE TPE (150 words min.)

How much of a correlation do you think there is between TPE and an all-star nod? Should there be more, or less, than there is?
I don't know that TPE should be the end all for what is considered an "all star" level player. There's a lot that goes into a successful player, from their build, their deployment by their GM, to even just their teammates and their teammates' skill. If someone is building poorly, or making weird decisions, then obviously there isn't much correlation between high TPE and being an all star. However, I really question what you're spending on if you have over 1.7k TPE and have a bad build. Must be something egregiously bad, somehow. Then there's deployment, FHM is nice that you can play certain roles within your team and have some specific style of play when you're on the ice. Hopefully your GM or co-GM is somewhat aware of how all that works and can deploy you properly. Lastly, if your teammates just suck, chances are you'll struggle as well. Or maybe you'll get all the points, who really knows. Sim engines do as they please sometimes. Maybe flip a coin to see if you're an all star or not.

2. Written, up to 4 TPE - Shiny Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 topics
related to the All Star Game to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE.
Each answer must be 50+ words.

a. Two teams, Edmonton and Los Angeles, tie with five total nods each.
Both of those teams are in the West. Playoff rivalry aside, do you think
it's to the West's advantage or disadvantage to have a relatively large
number of players from the same two teams? Does it make the all-star
game better or worse when this happens?

d. Why should YOUR player have made the all star game, and why should
you be the last man in? (If your player did make the all star game,
argue for one of your teammates instead!)
a. I think the NHL has shown how even rivalries can be put aside for the all star competition and deep ties can result in strong performances. Sidney Crosby and Alex Ovechkin are one of the first rivals to teammates that I can think of in the all star competition. From playing each other so much in the regular season and playoffs, they were quite familiar with each others' games in the playoffs and were able to play very well together in the all star game when deployed together.

d. I guess Cheeks was pretty good at scoring goals from the blue line. Scoring 18 goals as a rookie defensemen should be considered fairly impressive, even if his +/- was a miserable -61. He had 41 takeaways or something to just 10 giveaways, so fairly strong metrics there. Around 70-80 hits and blocked shots each. I dunno if it's really all star worthy beyond the goals as a rookie d-man, but I guess its better than absolutely nothing. Maybe the best defenseman on Calgary too, so could be worth something there as well.

1. Milestones, up to 3 TPE.

Milestones are folded in with All-Star Week.

Link your Milestone claim as task 1 for up to 3 TPE towards your 8 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your ASW submission. This is done because the person who grades ASW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.

S74 Milestones 3 TPE

2. Written, up to 4 TPE - Shiny Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 topics related to the All Star Game to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.

a. Two teams, Edmonton and Los Angeles, tie with five total nods each. Both of those teams are in the West. Playoff rivalry aside, do you think it's to the West's advantage or disadvantage to have a relatively large number of players from the same two teams? Does it make the all-star game better or worse when this happens?

I think it’s a massive advantage to have players who have played on the same team during the all-star game. Most of them will come into the game with a certain level of chemistry that could lead to massive dividends offensively in a game that is more open like your typical All-Star game. I don’t see anything wrong with having multiple players from the same team as long as they deserve to be there.

74 words

b. While the East rolled it back with two top defensive pairings - this year that means Philadelphia and Hamilton - the West mixed it up with only Los Angeles having two defensemen present. Everyone else has a new partner. Which side's defense are you more interested in watching?

I will be more interesting to see how the pairing of the Western Conference will be able to play together. I love the fact that the All-Star game allows us to see how two top players could perform together if they were put on the same team and Western Conference team will allow us to see that by having only two defensemen coming from the same team.

67 words

3. Written, 3 TPE, The Teammate One (150 words min.)
Tell me about your teammate who made the all star game! Who are they, why were they an obvious choice to make the All Star roster, and what do you expect from them this ASG? (If more than one of your teammates made the game, pick one of those players other than yourself. If you are the only player on your team selected for the all star game so far, write about your team's candidate for last man in instead.)

My Atlanta Inferno teammates who made the S74 All-Star game roster is forward Shōyō Hinata. Let’s look at Shōyō Hinata nomination in more detail. I think Hinata deserve his All-Star spot simply because he is one of the best players offensive in the whole league. Hinata lead our team in goals with 61, which was good for second best in the league, and in points with 115, which was good for fourth best in the league. These numbers show that Hinata is one of the best players in the league and not having him in the All-Star would be hard to justify. As for his upcoming performance during the upcoming All-Star game, I expect to see more of what we saw this season, which means lots of points which should be fairly easy to pick up since the All-Star game is usually more open and the players are way less motivated when it comes to playing defense than what we see during regular season games.

165 words

Nor Ge
norway Citadelles

Salzberger Lillehammersson
norway Inferno World Falcons

Anders Christiansen
[Image: inferno.png] [Image: dragons.png] [Image: wolfpack2.png] [Image: stars.png] [Image: Dxdffra.png] [Image: hGKuRrv.png] [Image: sAx3Llh.jpg] [Image: firebirds.png]

Milestones +3

8. Written, 3 TPE, Lazy Reaction Content (150 words min.)

The Last Men In are now decided and the rosters are finalized. Who was a good pick? Who got snubbed?

So I was lucky enough to be the last defenseman in for the East and while I'm incredible grateful to make my first ever All Star game, I'm glad to see my teammate Erik Bergmark make it in as the last forward as he truly deserves it. Erik was one of 17 player to have 100 points and was 11th in goals scored with 49. Not only is Erik a great scorer but he also has over 100 hits, really showing that he makes an impact on both sides of the ice. This is Erik's 3rd All Star game appearance and he has earned all 3 of them, he set personal records in every scoring category this season and I am very glad to see the fans agree with me. In the West I'm very happy to see Axel Kirkby and Jimmy Wagner. It has to be really special for Wagner as this was the last season in his long career and is his 1st All Star game.

b. While the East rolled it back with two top defensive pairings - this year that means Philadelphia and Hamilton - the West mixed it up with only Los Angeles having two defensemen present. Everyone else has a new partner. Which side's defense are you more interested in watching?

While I think the most interesting defensive pairing is the West since all of these defense will have limited experience, the East should be a well oiled machine while the West could take a few shifts to get used to each. For me though the East's 3rd pairing is the most interesting to me. I'm on that 3rd pairing in my 1st All Star game and I'll be matched up with John Brown who really came into his own this season and is already considered one of the best defensemen in the league.

a. Two teams, Edmonton and Los Angeles, tie with five total nods each. Both of those teams are in the West. Playoff rivalry aside, do you think it's to the West's advantage or disadvantage to have a relatively large number of players from the same two teams? Does it make the all-star game better or worse when this happens?

In sense it does give the West the advantage as these two teams have battled each other a lot of the years and know each other pretty well. On the other hand there could be a rivalries to get over and might take awhile for these 2 large contingent of players to get over it. It definitely makes things more interesting to watch. But some of these players play together on the national teams.

[Image: DrbPYHV.png]   [Image: B4x6AQm.png]
Scarecrows Russia Wolfpack

Rest In Peace Dangel

1st SHL Goal - S52 Game 1 vs Tampa 3. New England Wolfpack , Jakub Bruchevski 1 (Eko Van Otter 1, Delver Fudgeson 2) at 8:10

Scarecrows Platoon Russia

[Image: F4iUWyS.png]
(This post was last modified: 01-26-2024, 05:31 AM by dankoa. Edited 1 time in total.)

1. Milestones

Milestones claim - 2 TPE

3. Written, 3 TPE, The Teammate One (150 words min.)

I was very happy to see that my teammate Prince Marius, aka @karey was given a spot in this season's SMJHL All Star game. I have known Karey for many years on this site and we have shared many locker rooms on the site in that time, so it's great to not only be able to play on the same team as him once more but to be able to witness his player thrive. Marius had a fantastic season with the Falcons, being tied for the second most assists in the league and establishing himself as perhaps the best playmaking winger in the SMJHL this year. It'll be interesting to see who he gets paired on a line with in the All Star Game, because they'll be likely to score a ton of goals with his tape to tape passes coming in. I'm excited to tune in and see how Prince performs, and I believe being selected to this roster is a very fitting end to a great season that he should be really proud of as a player.

179 words

4. Written, 3 TPE, TPE TPE TPE (150 words min.)

I think there's probably much more of a correlation between high TPE and being an All Star player in the SMJHL than there is in the SHL. It seems to me by looking at the rosters that nearly all of the players in the SMJHL ASG are 425 TPE capped players, while there's a greater level of variation in the SHL. Based on the way the TPE scale works, perhaps the very top TPE players in the SHL have less of an actual attribute advantage than the top TPE players in the SMJHL where the difference that 75 TPE can make can be pretty seismic. In the SHL there's a lot of other factors that can come into play to affect performance also. I think I'd probably say as a blanket statement that there's a minimum level of TPE needed to reach All Star performance in the SHL but it's probably a good bit lower than you might guess based on what I've seen in the past, whereas in the SMJHL you're doing very well to be an All Star without a 425 TPE build.

185 words


[Image: VkRiFym.png]

[Image: dankoa2004.gif]

Task 1: Milestones (3 TPE)

[Image: Darby-Reznor-black-and-white-sig.jpg]
[Image: Darby-Reznor-MET-sig.jpg]

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