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Chirper #52 (AC Week #510)

im ready for a great season by the Platoon Platoon

Todays prediction:

Detroit wins opponent lose - rinse and repeat #Back2Back

Falcons Hockey fan for life. I pack the heat and score the goals!   Barracuda

[Image: Point_Celly-13020730.gif]

02-05-2024, 07:23 PMec06aaj Wrote: getting ready to bring back the "die rocky die" chants

I do want Rock vs Roman at WM, but the way it was brought is one of the worst booking I've seen since i began watching wrestling just before the Attitude Era.
I'm good with Cody vs Seth, but to hear it all happened prolly because Rock wanted it so makes me sick. I smell what he's cooking, and it smells bad.
I feel bad for Triple H as well as Cody right now.

[Image: Ibelieveinjoesig.png]
Say his name and he appears! 
Believe In the Whalers! Whalers
Believe In the Team Canada Red  Canada
Believe In the the Specters Specters
Believe In Joe Primeau!

fuck forgot about predictions. got attacked by a rogue dog this weekend f

well it's an all terrain vehicle, so yeah you can do donuts in your living room

Citadelles  S68 - Jarrod Lakemore - C Stampede

Started the season with a win, great!

Nor Ge
Norway Citadelles Forge

Salzberger Lillehammersson
Norway Inferno World Falcons

Anders Christiansen
[Image: inferno.png] [Image: dragons.png] [Image: wolfpack2.png] [Image: stars.png] [Image: Dxdffra.png] [Image: hGKuRrv.png] [Image: sAx3Llh.jpg] [Image: firebirds.png]

Regular season LET'S GOOOOOOOOO

I'm so pumped! Go Atlanta! Go Regina! Let's GET THIS BREAD

[Image: qgldMOE.png]
Thanks @Amidships!

Is hockey back yet?

Is the index down????

Opening night yay!

[Image: pRYfhit.png]

Go Timber/Spectres!

[Image: pRYfhit.png]

micool told me I'm allowed to say "I'm gonna win the cup" so long as I'm on his team. So when I get called up to ATL, I'm gonna win the cup yayayaya

[Image: qgldMOE.png]
Thanks @Amidships!

Another week upon us

[Image: ho-lee-smokes-iihf.png]
Thanks Jove for my sig

Boy is Monday just the worst or what?

[Image: ho-lee-smokes-iihf.png]
Thanks Jove for my sig

Hmmm is it just me or is the index down?

[Image: Dextaria.gif]

[Image: Niz2wua.png]  [Image: iB9r7kM.png]  [Image: 6by0kBi.png]
Thanks to @DELIRIVM, @Moreorless89 and @ValorX77 for the sigs!

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