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S75 PT0: Gebeneezer Boogie Due: Monday, February 12th @ 11:59 PST

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I would say a hockey player likely has the find a balance of both being able to have a relaxing time off and enjoy themselves, but also the fact is that they have a contract and a job to do. I believe having the proper balance would be critical, so go have fun, take a trip, enjoy yourself, spend time with friends and family, but they have to remember that they are contracted to be abel to play hockey. So being able to balance enjoying yourself and being a professional athlete is a must. If a player knows that they can get carried away with "fun" then they need to take more time before returning from the break to get themselves back to game or practice shape. There is a reason why there is not many stories out about players who struggle to return because most know they are required to be in a certain shape or level of player when returning and create plans to be able to fulfill that.

172 words

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Made by Rindiee, rum_ham & Carpy

Jacob Mueller S5-S
Julien Dupont S6-S13
S9 Challenge Cup - Calgary Dragons
IIHF Gold - Germany
Rufus Reinhart S13-S24
S14 Challenge Cup - Texas Renegades
Christoffer Björnsson - S25-S35
S25 Four Stars Cup
S26 Tom Corcoran Trophy - SMJHL Top Goalie

Sami Owens - S36-S52
S38 IIHF Bronze - Canada
S39 IIHF Gold - Canada
S42 IIHF Silver - Canada
S51 Challenge Cup Champion - HAM
Liam Slate - S54-Present
S53 WJC Bronze - British Isles
S54 WJC Silver - British Isles
S55 Four Star Cup Champion - Newfoundland Berserkers
S57 IIHF Silver - Great Britain
S58 IIHF Silver - Great Britain
S60 IIHF Silver - Great Britain
S61 IIIHF Gold - Great Britain
S67 Challenge Cup Champion - Seattle Argonauts
S68 Challenge Cup Champion - Seattle Argonauts
Triple Gold Club

Sad Ketchup -Present
S76 Ryan Jesster Trophy Winner

Option 2:
When it comes to the offseason there need to be a balance. Not only do you need to take a break and decompress from the grind that is the regular season but those bumps and bruises you got along the way need a chance to heal. This is where when the season first ends its time to get away. Jump on the plane and head on a vacation to just get away from it all and reset yourself mentally. After that vacation is over though start the rehab and work your way back to game shape. There are so many players out there that would take your job in a heartbeat don’t make it easy for them. Keep earning and getting better every season and offseason to be out there putting your best on out there. This will win over the hearts of fans and show all the haters wrong. We are out here to compete and win and no time like the offseason to help prepare yourself for the battles that are to come.

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some high fibre sigs are Powered by AllBran, 

Option 1:

Good ol' Sato was rolling around in his bed one night and then he was having a dream of when he was back in his mite-hockey days. Skating with the other young aspiring hockey kids, Sato remembered the good old days of striving to get to the SHL. However, as he was heading to the bench, his coach told him that his head wasn't in the right place and he needs to find his love for the game again. Thinking it was just a dream, Sato simply dismissed the remark and woke up soon after. However, when he checked his phone and the time he realized a ghostly figure in the corner. Scared to death Sato tries to close his eyes again thinking he was dreaming, but unfortunately he was not. It was his old coach again but this time telling him he has to remember that feeling. Confused and startled, Sato wasn't too sure what he was going on about, but it seems like the night is young and there are many lessons to be had.

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Thanks to @DELIRIVM, @Moreorless89 and @ValorX77 for the sigs!

PT Pass

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Option 2 Written task: Slava Ukraini Heroyam Slava offseason lifestyle aims to strike a delicate balance between relaxation, recreation, and training to ensure optimal performance for the upcoming season. This includes first and foremost mental preparation as mental toughness is just as crucial as physical fitness in hockey. The offseason is an opportunity to work on visualization techniques, goal-setting, and mental rehearsal to cultivate a resilient mindset for the challenges ahead. Next Slava Ukraini Heroyam Slava focused on skill development as the offseason is an ideal time to hone specific hockey skills such as shooting, stickhandling, and skating techniques. Players can participate in skill development camps, work with personal trainers, or engage in structured practice sessions to refine their abilities and address weaknesses which lava Ukraini Heroyam Slava to imporve many areas of his game in his second season in the SMJHL. Finally Slava Ukraini Heroyam focused on rest and relaxation traveling around the Caribbean islands for a month.

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Malamutes  Stars Malamutes  Stars

All hockey players need some sort of relaxing routine for the summer. Even those that don't make the playoffs should be relaxing for at least a week or two. Then of course, they need to hit the gym and the ice the hardest, because you know, they suck and didn't make the playoffs. Sorry, not sorry. Hard truths hit. Anyways, back to relaxing and rehabilitation. It's about time that this gets more recognition league wide. Everyone has a different vacation idea behind them. SOme like to go to places where they get educated and get learnt on some new things. Some like to relax and do absolutely nothing on a beach. Some like to be adventurous and test their bouts of courage and strength. Ubba though, Ubba Lodbrok, current center for the Anchorage Armada of the SImulation major Junior HOckey league, prospect for the Philadelphia Forge of the Simulation hockey league, he likes to do it all, at the same time. He wants a relaxing adventurous seminar on how to do nothing for a week. Just kidding, he lays in the woods at his cabin and disconnects from the world. That's how he gets ready for the season.

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render cred: @rum_ham, @Rangerjase @Ragnar @supertardis101 @Jogurtaa @Drokeep @evilallbran @Carpy48 @enigmatic
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Armada  Forge  Finland


Player sees a ghost

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(This post was last modified: 02-06-2024, 12:27 AM by sliceruser.)

written task option 2:

        The offseason although devoid of hockey playing outside IIHF is still a very important part of the year for a player as it is the best time for them to get their R and R but you still have to maintain that physique but continuing to train. For Alexandros continuing the training isn’t an issue as he would simply set a couple days out of a week to do workout and skating but that leads into another issue he has. He is not very good at going on vacation or stopping to relax so when he does get some free time to himself he simply uses it as a lazy day to sleep and not have to do anything and that is a bliss for him in of itself so he will endeavor to try and spend 1 week going to a proper vacation like a Caribbean in between it all but likely go back to the regular regimen and nice peaceful lazy days off he enjoys as normal.

-169 words

Option Two:

Who needs balance! When you work hard all season you have to take at least take a break for a couple of weeks in the offseason. Enjoy life to the fullest! After travelling around for so long and having to play and train every single day every player in my opinion deserves to spend time with their family and in their own home for at least two thirds when there is the chance to not play! Enjoy some great food, some amazing company of friends and just sit back on the couch and relax for a while is the way I do it. The last third of the offseason can then be spent to get back into shape and do the things that are needed. That way the body and mind is ready for a full schedule again and the family is pleased to have been able to spend some time with their loved one.

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Canada Timber  Jean-Jacques François Jacques-Jean || S74  Timber Canada
Austria Barracuda Kraken  Finn von Murphenstein || S57 - S72  Kraken Barracuda Austria 

PT Pass

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Option 2: To start the offseason, I think the first thing you should do is step away from everything related to hockey for a minimum of two weeks and up to a month. I think it’s important to simply relax after a hard season and chill for a bit. Most of the time, that would involve taking a trip to an interesting place somewhere in the world and to not skate at all during this time and only do light training or no training at all. After that small vacation, it’s time to start hitting the gym again with precise goal that would help every player improve the things they need to work on. Then you slowly start to hit the ice again with a mix of working on personal skills and joining organized games to simulate some kind of game situation. I think at the end of summer, your goal should be to be in the best shape you can while not feeling any kind of fatigue.

166 words

Nor Ge
norway Citadelles

Salzberger Lillehammersson
norway Inferno World Falcons

Anders Christiansen
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Crystal was certainly surprised one night when she walked into her living room in her fiancée's apartment and standing there was Coach Jones, just as she remembered him. Coach Jones had been a mites coach in Columbus for years and years, long before Crystal had come around, and had continued to do so until he died recently. Crystal had been unable to attend the funeral due to the ongoing season, but had made sure to send flowers and a sizable donation to the youth hockey program in Ohio that had made her a future SHL talent. What had shocked her more was what he told her. That she had lost her way. Over the course of the night she saw her past, a young girl at a minor league hockey game in Columbus, falling in love with the sport and begging her parents to let her play. She saw a scared young girl take her first strides on an ice rink, saw the girl smile broadly as the found her footing quickly and was soon zooming around the ice in a Chicago Syndicate jersey. Then she saw her present. It was a game from just before the break where a defenseman on the other team had taken a high elbow to the face of her linemate. Crystal saw her own eyes fill with rage and immediately throw her stick on the ice and drop the gloves as she skated across the ice at the defenseman. Behind the glass she saw a young girl, her face contorted in confusion and fear as Crystal punched the player over and over. The girl wore a Chicago Syndicate jersey. The Syndicate scored on the resulting powerplay. Lastly, she saw her future. A 30ish year old woman in an apartment overlooking Okanagan Lake. The apartment was well furnished, and the view was breathtaking. As she looked back, she saw the women's face. It was her own. Leaning against the chair was a cane. The ghost, shrouded in mist and wearing black robes, spoke with Coach Jones' voice. "Your passion is what makes you great Crystal. You're loyal, and you're proud of who you are. That's good. But remember that there's more to hockey than fighting and hitting. You're a role model for players to come. Don't cut your career short because you think the only things you're good at are chirping and hitting people. Learn to love the game again, like when I coached you. Skating around with the biggest smile through your mouth guard."

When Crystal suddenly snapped upright, she saw that it was dawn on Christmas. Her fiancée was startled awake by her, but they went on to open presents. Jane had gotten her the same style of Syndicate jersey Crystal had worn as a kid, but in her current size. Crystal teared up at the gift and hugged Jane tightly. That day, Crystal had reached out to a defensive skills trainer she knew to set up some drills, as well as arranging a visit to the youth hockey program in Columbus that Coach Jones had coached in. She decided that she could improve as a player, while still being the lovably bombastic Goon everyone knew and loves.

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PT Pass

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