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S75 PT0: Gebeneezer Boogie Due: Monday, February 12th @ 11:59 PST

Option 2:

Anyone who has known Brooklyn Physt by now knows that she is into one big thing outside of hockey, surfing. Sure she’s managed to branch out especially with, you know ending up in Colorado here in the SMJHL ahead of the S75 season. Branching out into things like snowboarding, which kind of feels like surfing on snow.

However, in the off-season, you do have to make time especially, with the extended off-season that Kelowna had last season to adequately, train and improve at hockey. Doubly so if you feel like last season wasn’t good enough and when you don’t win the cup, last season never feels good enough.

So in a huge break from her normal tradition of taking her mind off of hockey by going out going surfing somewhere. Last year with a big contract and the career year was in Hawaii. This year, Brooklyn spent the first half of her off-season rigorously training in the gym and on the ice, then when she looked to put together plans for a rewarding surfing trip, she found out she was traded to Colorado. So her plans changed into trying snowboarding for the first time the new change was invigorating.

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Well i would have to say that this dream could be very real -- as ghosts are very real, much like aliens! I heard the spirits coming, and they were giving me all of the tips to improve my game while I sleep! On the lonely Christmas-break night, I was visited by the ghost of my coach, and he was giving me tips on how to stay consistent as a rookie in the SHL. I am killing it thus far, but he's yelling at me for my defensive play, which may be slightly sub par at this point in the year. Thats the thing with a dream, you cant yell back at the ghosts! So basically they can yell at you endlessly and give feedback, so the ghosts and spirits are not so bad after all! He told me to stay within myself, find that drive, and continue to achieve greatness at the next level of the sport!

“I thought I was a goalie, but STA told me forget being a goalie they make nothing, and no one cares about them.  Guess what I was a center all along and I had no idea. Now I am the toast of the town, and I am getting offers from all the GMs and Scouts.”

– Spidey Talent Agency, on Activity Check

Option 1:

Surely this was just a dream.. and even if it wasn't, does it make much sense to take hockey advice from a 96 year old coach who somehow met their end in an unfortunate molasses sandwich incident? What even does that even entail? Did they make a sandwich out of molasses and give themselves a heart attack eating it? Did a molasses truck crash and spill its contents, trapping and drowning them in goo while they were eating a normal sandwich? Or did they just die naturally of old age while eating a sandwich made out of molasses cookies instead of bread? Mia kind of just glossed over their so-called warning and instead thought of a million questions about how this unfortunate accident even happened. Not to mention, the timing is a little odd. So far this season she leads her team in points with 6 goals and 12 assists and a +12, so she must be doing something right. That said, she does respect her elders and if the other ghosts visit she'll hear what they have to say... and probably try to get some answers about her coach while they're at it.

194 words

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thank you amid, swoosh and eni for sigs! <3

Quote:Written Task: What kind of lifestyle should a hockey player live in the offseason? How can you best strike a balance between recreation and relaxation, and training for the next season? Should you simply spent the first half in the Caribbean and the second half in the gym, or is there some other training regimen you follow? Feel free to tell me what your player happens to do, or to showcase your own expertise in real-world athletic training!

I think there needs to be some level of balance within your lifestyle, especially early in the offseason shortly after your year ends. Usually Noel will take a strict no-hockey break for the first month or so after the season ends. He will still work do some basic workouts a couple times of week but he isn’t in training mode by any means. This first month or so is purely dedicated to recreation, visiting family, taking a vacation or two and whatnot. After that he heads to France to work at his brewery with his brother for the next few months. During this time he slowly ramps up his off-ice workouts to eventually reach a daily training routine, and then a month or two before the season eventually heads back to his team city where he will get back on the ice to prepare for the season. But prior to that, he doesn’t touch the ice at all during the offseason. While he loves hockey, he needs a break for a bit and he doesn’t think it’s good to be on the ice all year round. But everyone’s routine will be different and everybody will train in the ways that best suits them.

[Image: jjfrankiejj.gif]
Credits to OrbitingDeath, Tweedle, Incite, Wasty, and Slothfacekilla for sigs!

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Option 1:

If you've ever seen the cult classic Threat Level Midnight there is a part were secret agent Michael Scarn has to learn hockey and his mentor Cherokee Jack has to teach him and starts his first lesson by sweeping the ice. That's what my now deceased mentor decided to teach me to relearn the basics. I rumored him for a minute then decided if you can check a ghost into the boards and as it turns out you can. The other three ghosts were a little bit more persuasive they actually told me what I was doing wrong and showing my hall of fame future if I go back to playing with the basics. The ghost of hockey past showed me how much fun I had learning the game growing up. I'm just thankful the final wasn't death, they showed me how much I had been letting my teammates down and the only way to fix that has to change my ways.

[Image: DrbPYHV.png]   [Image: B4x6AQm.png]
Scarecrows Russia Wolfpack

Rest In Peace Dangel

1st SHL Goal - S52 Game 1 vs Tampa 3. New England Wolfpack , Jakub Bruchevski 1 (Eko Van Otter 1, Delver Fudgeson 2) at 8:10

Scarecrows Platoon Russia

[Image: F4iUWyS.png]

Option 2:

Off seasons are a weird time in the SHL. All players have different ideas of what the perfect off season schedule is. To some, take time off for a vacation or get away are a must. Other believe you should never stop working out and training. Then there are people like me. While working out and training are a top priority for myself, I cannot help but take two weeks off to travel back to Italy to spend time with my family. Not only that, I get to see old friends and play some pick up football matches in what ever parks are available. Once those two weeks are up, it is time to get back into hockey shape. The hardest part is reminding myself that I get paid to play a game, and if I am not in the right shape, that money can easily stop. I spend the rest of the off season balancing training and personal time.

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Specters Monarchs Berserkers Scarecrows [Image: italian-flag.jpg?s=612x612&w=0&k=20&c=tO...eKFgvtgqU=]

Specters Armada Scarecrows Czechia
Panthers Specters Jets Scarecrows Usa [Image: 4star.png] [Image: challengecup.png] [Image: challengecup.png]
RIP Dangel #AD26  |  RIP TDZ

I feel like in the offseason the best balance to strike would be one where you can both train correctly and give your body a chance to relax. I think personally my player would take a month off and go out and do some camping and exploring the world away from the hustle and bustle of the gym and the rink. But that's not saying their off being aloof and eating junk food and just being a bump on a log, it means their out working and walking and enjoying life which is its own kind of training. Then two months before the start of camp, get back into the routine slowly and back into the gym at a normal, steady pace. The last thing you ever want to do is rush yourself into training, that just leads to a bad time all the way around. So to answer the question, a little of A and a little of B makes the dream work, to me!

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Hockey players should live a balanced lifestyle, especially during the offseason. There is enough time in the day for players to hit the gym and train and make sure that they are in top shape for next year, but also find enough time to spend with friends and family. With nash’s salary its nice to take at least a week to go hang out in some warmer weather especially because it is so cold up in buffalo where Nash spends a lot of the season. Nash being the bachelor pup that he is, he has a bit more of that freedom than some of the other players. Nash does still travel and visit his teammates in the offseason. After playing together for so long they are a special extended family so even after spending a full 66 games and regular season together he really enjoys visiting everyone and spending time with them off the ice as well.

[Image: topalo2.png] [Image: sig-nash.png]
[Image: Rangerjasegmailcom.gif]

option 2:
I feel like training while on a cruise in the off-season is a pretty solid choice. Try and go on a nice one-month cruise after the season and knock out some training while having fun on board. Afterwards it's time to get the head right and focus on the next season, eat your Wheaties and get to the gym hard. In between times there is still moments to have fun whether it's with family or friends. Not sure about a Caribbean cruise but maybe Mexico or let's say we can go to Europe and do a Mediterranean cruise. It would be full inclusive and would have some fun with free drinks. Now I am really wanting to go and thinking I need to talk to the wife about going to Europe or relax somewhere. It's been a while since I've been to Australia, and I feel the itch of going back every day. Need to do that!

159 words

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Being a pro hockey player takes year-round dedication. But resting as important as exercise when getting your fitness up, as it is for professional athletes in order not to burn out. Inge Baardsen would start his offseason with a trip back to Tromsø, in order to catch up with his former coaches and teammates and inspire the younger generation and show them that anything is possible. Catch up with some family and friends, unwind a bit. But on his return to Saskatchewan, the work really begins. Hitting the gym in the Regina Elk facility to get that conditioning back, getting back out on the ice as much as possible, just getting the feel of his stick and handling the puck back, emptying buckets of pucks on the ice and shooting them all at the goal, then put them back in the bucket, switch spots and go again, repeat over and over. That’s the kind of grind it takes to make it in the SMJHL, so that’s what Inge Baardsen is going to do.

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Prompt 2

I can’t speak to the common player, but M’Baku Olubori hasn’t known a minute of peace in years. When he came over to North America, he initially was a little more chill. Went home to be with family for a bit, but also showed up to participate in World Juniors stuff. That all changed after his agent turned GM, Johnny Hamilton, enrolled him in Cassius Darrow’s summer conditioning camp.

Many may have forgotten Darrow’s… passion for fitness. That summer camp in Seattle? It’s hell, and it’s where Baku and Lias Ekholm-Gunnarsson forged a friendship. Those summers pushed both men to their limits, and instilled some habits in Baku. Now, he takes a little time off each offseason to spend time with his family and loved ones. Part of that, he helps run summer camps in both Baltimore and Abuja, Nigeria for youth. While in Baltimore, he’s still training like it’s the season. Iron sharpens iron, and Baku’s blades are sharp. He stays focused because he’s staying engaged with Sweden’s IIHF camp and tournament each summer.

If you stay ready, you don’t have to get ready, and Mr. Olubori is always ready to throw the pads back on. He sets the tempo for the younger players who join Baltimore, leading by example to help the team continue their upward climb.

Platoon Elk Elk Platoon
Argonauts Argonauts

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Thank you karey, OrbitingDeath Ragnar, and sköldpaddor for sigs! 
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Option 2:

Graphic Task: Draw your player hitting the gym!


For Valerija Serapin, she is happy to see her old coach again. She was fond of the old man and hasn't touched any molasses since the incident in his memory. But she also recognizes that he has not come on a pleasure visit but with a warning. Her whole SHL career is in jeopardy with the fate of which to be decided by how well she handles relearning the fundamentals from the three comming visitors. After the ghost disappears, she rises from bed, changes into training clothes, gathers her hockey gear, and starts the stretches she has learned since she was a child. Whether the coming training is physical or mental she does not know. All she knows for certain is that the training that the ghost will put her through will be unlike anything she has gone through before. And she intends to be ready for whatever happens next.

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