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S75 PT#1: Orr What? Due: Monday, February 19th @ 11:59pm PST


Hand eye coordination is something that most definitely can be trained, but some people and animals alike are just born with a much greater affinity for it than others are. You see athletes all over the world across all disciplines of sports train in a different manner but when it comes to hockey, its all back to stick work. Nash will stay out on the ice longer after each pass working on his stick handling and knocking pucks out of the air. Even for a defenseman making sure to hit pucks square on and stop them is a really important skill. When the opposing team is trying to clear the zone you have to do your best and keep it in there to get pucks back on net. Its not about virtual effort but its the sum of all the difficult things and you just need to practice. Just have someone shoot pucks at you and put in the time and you'll get better!

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[Image: Rangerjasegmailcom.gif]

Option 2 -

Training for hand eye coordination is not nearly as hard or strenuous as it sounds. Luckily, being in the Toronto area, gives me great access to many resources. One of those resources is the Toronto Blue Jays, who play just down the street from us North Stars. When one of my teammates asked for some advice, I got in touch with my good pal Yusei Kikuchi, the pitcher, who agreed to help out. He told me that the best way to train hand eye is to take major league pitches, but blindfolded. Your senses will improve without the ability to see, and the fear one may have is evened out by the extreme trust you must put in the pitcher. Try doing it batting left and right handed, and the results will speak for themselves. Of course, this won’t improve your skills overnight, it will take 5-10 years but will be worth it.

When asked how to help improve hand-eye coordination, Caspian Leevi has a great recommendation—the hook and ring game. It is considered one of the oldest pub games, commonly recognized as a game called Ringing the Bull. Now available for purchase in stores, the hook and ring game is accessible for players of all ages. Played by swinging a ring on the end of a string in an attempt to get it to catch on a hook, the game requires focus, strategy and some good old fashioned luck. Caspian recommends alternating hands every time the player is successful at catching the ring over the hook. Drinking a beer each time also helps improve hand-eye coordination (and balance, not mentioned but also highly desirable) due to the increasing difficulty level and focus required. As an added challenge, someone can stand in front of the player to obstruct their view. Once proficient, the player should challenge themself for longest streak in a timed period and aim to improve that.
(169 words)

ISFL affiliate

[Image: Morleyhockey.gif]

Ironically bobby orr was actually visiting me to give a giant lecture. while he may have been one of of the best players ever but he actually has some advice on how to GRIND IT OUT, so to speak, in the arena. He mentioned it in more of a "I PLAYED THIS WAY SO YOU SHOULD TOO" mentality. Now, in terms of the question that I want to ask, and I in fact did in this dream, is how to stay consistent in the face of trials and tribulations. Bobby replied to me with a grin and said "dangle snip celly boy, thats all you need to do to win in this league -- its like the three's F to americans (family football faith). When he told me this i thought that this is what I do already, so I did not know what to take from that dialogue. But, it was good to see this ghost of bobby orr in my dreams.

“I thought I was a goalie, but STA told me forget being a goalie they make nothing, and no one cares about them.  Guess what I was a center all along and I had no idea. Now I am the toast of the town, and I am getting offers from all the GMs and Scouts.”

– Spidey Talent Agency, on Activity Check
(This post was last modified: 02-16-2024, 02:37 PM by Valpix. Edited 1 time in total.)

Louise St. Martin has become kind of a hand-eye coordination expert with her ability to shoot the one-timer. Training hand-eye is usually pretty hard to do, though. There's video games, yes, but pressing a button is very different to Doing Stuff. So unless we're throwing it back 15 years to motion controls (god remember when that was the future) that's probably out of the question. There's just throwing them in the fire by like, playing baseball, a sport whose offensive game is like 90% hand-eye, but I'm not sure that'll be an effective teaching method. So instead we'll be trying something a little different: archery. It's something Louise did a decent amount when she was younger, and the principles of aim-and-fire are not too dissimilar to lining up a shot. The mechanics are different but you still have to have proper alignment and coordination.

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Thanks to @Ragnar, @Symmetrik, @Merica, @enigmatic, and @sulovilen for the sigs! 
Avi courtesy of @MN_Moosey
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Citadelles Switzerland
Citadelles Switzerland Stars Blizzard
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Option 2:

Only the common folk with no skill in the area call it hand-eye coordination. The masters in the discipline like to refer it as eye-hand coordination, as they know that it is the eyes that do the work and lead, the hands just just follow. Thus, the key to training this is to focus training on the eyes, as being athletes, having good hand function and ability is already a given. So how do you train ones eyes to become a master at eye-hand coordination you ask? It is simple, to master and truly appreciate the gift of sight, one must fully understand what it is to see. Hence the only drill you have to do is to simulate blindness, either by but not limited to blindfold, having a severe allergic reaction, bee stings to the eyes, pinkeye, having your eyeballs surgically removed, or only being in rooms/environments where it is pitch black. This will heighten all your other senses including sight, as not being able to see for an extended period of time will give you SUPER vision once you are able to see again, everyone know that. And with super vision, comes super eye-hand coordination.

202 words

Edmonton Blizzard Co-GM
Yukon Malamutes Hall of Fame
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Granny Panpan Count: 258

Option 2

Something I distinctly remember being impressed by was watching an F1 driver place his hands on top of his coaches hand. The coach held a tennis ball in each hand. While staring straight ahead, the driver had to catch whichever ball was dropped. Sometimes, the coach would throw in a curveball and drop both balls. In addition to drills like that, the obvious solution is to pick up some of IStir MyPudding's special cognition boosting pudding. It's a special formula designed to give you an instant increase in brain power with no extra effort on your part. It's fast working and guaranteed to give you results you never even thought were possible. The only way to really see how effective this magical product is will be to try it for yourself. Cases start at $12, but you'll need at least 5 cases before the results become permanent.


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pt pass

“The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again. ... There are neither beginnings nor endings to the Wheel of Time. But it was a beginning.”

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Wait, what was going on? Mary woke up on her couch in Regina, a half-eaten bowl of popcorn resting on her stomach. Her hand was still situated in the bowl of buttery goodness, but what's this? Why was Bobby Orr in her apartment? He went on and on about the perils of spending too much of one's hockey-gotten riches too early, lest you be tied up in endless litigation with your agent and former teams trying to recoup any of your money instead of selling every worldly possession that you own. She rubbed her eyes as this old head continued to speak to her, but it all started to blend together.

Mary woke up once more, this time for real? Had she been dreaming? One, two, three, four, who the fuck is Bobby Orr? This refrain went through her head over and over as she reached into her bowl of popcorn for her first chomp of the morning. Except, wait a minute, there was something in her hand? Had Bobby Orr actually visited her? Or, rather, his ghost? That wouldn't make much sense. He wasn't even dead! But, she was a little bit broke. Too much popcorn and vape spending. Maybe this receipt would command a high price on eBay?

Elk  Rage
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Sig by sulovilen!
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Prompt 2

When Athur Kaliyev had come to Crystal for hand-eye coordination tips, Crystal had admittedly been quite confused. Arthur was a certified dangling god, and Crystal... well she passed well and she punched well. But she agreed to help. Arthur had of course tried the usual juggling and bouncing tennis balls at walls, but still seemed determined to find a new exercise. So, the next day, Crystal brought him over to the punching bag in the Calgary Dragons Gym. She forced him to throw punches, first getting technique and general placement down, then helping him home skills, specifically aiming for and punching specific small targets. She did this by drawing small xes on the punching bag in chalk and seeing if Kaliyev could hit the chalk mark hard enough to remove it or at least lightne it. Over the coming days, Arthur got better and better at the drills as they did them every day. At the end of the 5th day, Kaliyev had thanked her for her help and told her the exercise was really helping his game. The next game, he had dangled both defencemen and sniped in a top shelf beauty to score the game winning goal

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The best way to train hand eye, is by juggling. You start with two balls tossing them back and forth, easy at first. Then you add a third, then a forth. Once you add the fifth ball it starts to get a lot harder. Personally I can only do six, which took a lot of practice. But I also do it while unicycling just to make it a bit harder. The unicycling doesn't help with the hand eye so much, but it makes the fact that I wear a clown suit more appropriate. It should be noted I play defence, where it is more of a puck to body coordination in blocking shots that I use more than anything. At least with the juggling you can have a side gig at kids birthday parties in the offseason though. Plus if your hockey career doesn't work out, at least you have a way to guarantee you won't get laid.

[Image: NOLA-oiduser.png]

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