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Quote:Originally posted by JmanPens19@Nov 21 2012, 04:03 PM
I thnk it would be very cool to see the eliminations like the SHL Expansion

That's what I was hoping for. I just want to know who sent apps in :lol:

Quote:Originally posted by JmanPens19@Nov 21 2012, 04:03 PM
I thnk it would be very cool to see the eliminations like the SHL Expansion
omg yes...

[Image: MaU5eKD.png]
[Image: kECK2tc.png]

Quote:Originally posted by I Am Goalie@Nov 21 2012, 03:10 PM

Why do you deserve to get a job? Klose has done way more than you.

What has he done? I deserve it becuase I got screwed I had it until Dion stepped down and said he gave me the reign and the league says no, even tho I wasted time doing updates which interfered with my Player Updates job which I've lost now because of that, you deserve crap. kesler would be a better GM than you and Klose I'd see you as a GM in the SHL imotbh but the NWJHL would suit you honestly too. Also Secord you'd obviously have to get a job you seem like a good guy. SCREW YOU SERPE!

I agree with Secord too, stop backing up yo friendz and yoself when you know you ain't getting crap. Wink LOVE YOU SECORD , DION & GIFTER!


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Play nicely with others, guys.

Quote:Originally posted by JmanPens19@Nov 21 2012, 03:32 PM
He is transitioning into a HEEL! OMG...

Quote:Originally posted by Dion.OvOxO@Nov 21 2012, 04:33 PM

He is transitioning into a HEEL! OMG...

OMG NO. DION 2.0. What have you done? He was fine till he became your co Aggrieved

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Quote:Originally posted by JmanPens19@Nov 21 2012, 04:32 PM


I'M NEARLY, NEARLY NEVER MAD, except when it comes to herpes here. *cough* I mean serpe *cough* LOL. I love you too JMAN!

Quote:Originally posted by JmanPens19@Nov 21 2012, 04:33 PM

OMG NO.  DION 2.0.  What have you done?  He was fine till he became your co  Aggrieved

I don't know he tried raping me in teh shower once and used this machine on me, made me open my eyes and watch this documentary about SWAG & CRAP! HELP PLEASE!

Quote:Originally posted by Storm@Nov 21 2012, 03:30 PM

What has he done? I deserve it becuase I got screwed I had it until Dion stepped down and said he gave me the reign and the league says no, even tho I wasted time doing updates which interfered with my Player Updates job which I've lost now because of that, you deserve crap. kesler would be a better GM than you and Klose I'd see you as a GM in the SHL imotbh but the NWJHL would suit you honestly too. Also Secord you'd obviously have to get a job you seem like a good guy. SCREW YOU SERPE!

Well this is my point, you arent fit to run a team. I have been a player updater for awhile, whats the big deal? Kesler would be a good GM. You are another sotry I dont want to read.

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Quote:Originally posted by Storm@Nov 21 2012, 02:53 PM

lol so they'd take you over gifter no way you could run any nwjhl team with yo attitude.

1. i never said to take me over gifter infact nowhere in this thread did i even say i'd apply for a gm job

2. what does an attitude have anything to do with getting a gm job.....obviously they don't care about attitude or you would have never been picked last season

3. that post wasn't defending weither or not i should be a gm it was simply saying that the misstreatment of rookies from the veterans is what turns people away from this league

4. where the fuck does this random attack come from? after i had to play for you all nwjhl season....i even stayed on board when i thought of quitting not to screw you over and in return i get to miss 6 games more than my suspension because of your "amazing GMing" which involves just dissapearing on the team midway through the season and then i get this random attack

I became a Face again. I wouldnt wanna be a heel again never Tongue

Quote:Originally posted by I Am Goalie@Nov 21 2012, 04:35 PM

Well this is my point, you arent fit to run a team. I have been a player updater for awhile, whats the big deal? Kesler would be a good GM. You are another sotry I dont want to read.

Like I'd take anything from herpes. How am I not fit to run a team? I am a VHLM GM, I was the NWJHL CO-GM for half the season and HEAD GM for the other half. I took care of the team when Dion left, many people tell me I can run a team well I won't take crap from you herpes, I know people who said I was fit to run a SHL team. Dude, I won't take anything from a guy who used to be such a dick everyone in the SHL hated him and put his rep to -100 and then he tries to cover it up and act like it never happened and says he's changed but hasn't. Have you ever ran a team, do you know how much work it is to deal with crap players that want out? NO, i didn't think so.

Hey guys just let Storm keep digging a bigger hole that he cant climb out of.

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