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S76 PT #3: Hostile Takeover Due: Sunday, April 28th @ 11:59 PM PST

I think the obvious answer to what other position that a goalie would want to take over their usual position is definitely a left or right winger. Let's think about it. Defense, on its own, is already pretty close to being a goalie. Sure, defense gets to do a bunch of fun things like actually lay out some hits and wind up massive slap shots from the blue line. But they also spend a lot of their time doing mundane things like blocking shots and cleaning up dump shots that rattle around the boards. That's basically what a goalie does, but also when they are stuck behind the trapezoid. So that leaves the forward positions. Center is a glory position, but again I don't think you want that if you are a rehabbing goalie. Too much special pressure, when all you want to do is take spicy feeds and bury them into the back of the net.

[Image: v71TGsT.gif]

2) I think Pinli would make a great coach. He's an adorable little guy, and would be a lot of fun to watch marching back and forth on the bench. You'd barely be able to see the top of his head walking behind the seated players! That's very cute so the fans would love it, but also he's a good lil' motivator. He'd give everyone back pats and kind words before they jump on the ice, then let you know how special you are when you get back from your shift. The players would love to play for him and that's what matters most in a coach. Also with his vast SMJHL experience he'd understand the ins and out of the pro game, and be able to speak with his players on a level they understand. Lastly he'd get an old timey pair of suspenders and high waisted pants for his game time outfit. It would look quite stylish and then after the game when he has to answer questions they'd leave the players alone and instead ask Pinli where he got his darling little outfit. The players will appreciate this and so will the photographers who get a beautiful photo!

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I’d like to take a crack at goaltending. A lot of people characterize goalies as weird, and that might be for a good reason, but I would still like to venture down that path and see what’s up. Goaltending seems like one of those lonely positions. At least a defender you have another member of your pairing out there to back you up in case you get out of position. Sure, it’s awful to put your partner in that situation, but there’s a better safety net on defense, albeit a small one, than there is for goaltending. It would be nice to be responsible to the degree a goalie is. Sometimes they are unfairly attributed with a loss, but sometimes they get to shine and be the talk of the town for standing on their heads and making all the needed saves. It would be different, for sure, but it would be a welcome change from the typically one-third of a forward line.

Reed Kobo - Winger - #33
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Elijah Jones - Winger - #33 Retired
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Toivo Kosonen - Defenseman - #33 Retired
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[Image: 2ew9foG.png][Image: rnSNsnU.png]

I think the easiest switch for me would be from Defence to Goalie. Well, realistically changing to forward would be easier, because being a forward is so damn easy to play even Atticus Hale can do it. Anyway, goalie for me would be nice because I already block a lot of shots, so having bigger pads do help with that would be nice. Plus then I could use my arms and have bigger hands to block with. Thinking about it, maybe I should have been a goalie. If only my parents could have afforded all those pads when I was growing up, maybe my life would have turned out different. I really don't have the flexibility for it though. Plus I wouldn't get to hit people, which would be a tough change for me. Plus I am already bad at scoring, so as a goalie that pressure would be gone. And if I ever did score it would make massive news.

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[Image: FuriousChicken.gif]

If I had to choose, it would definitely be the game on 2043-1-27 against the San Francisco Pride. That is a game against our division rival, and we are extremely close in the standings so turning their arena into a home game for us would be massive. ON top of that, the season series between us has gone in San Francisco’s favor so far, so being able to take 1 game from them to shift it back even would be a tremendous one.

It also makes sense logistically, as we are in the same state, so our fans would probably get there early to really pack that arena and get things going from the warmups all the way until the final whistle. It could also send a great message to the Pride to show the type of fans we have on our side and come playoff time, you know how much our fans are willing to do for us.

[Image: Otrebor13.gif]

[Image: 7MO9RpC.png]  [Image: gdppv5N.png]

(This post was last modified: 04-27-2024, 10:35 AM by MikeLiut. Edited 1 time in total.)

Option 2 - To be honest, we even talked about this. Switching from a very defense-oriented center to a reliable defense player would be easy to do and could help. Defense players are rare, but good defense players are very very rare.

I think my player does have an important role in the lineup, plays big minutes in crucial situations though. Baltimore is playing really well in PK, and the Liebold sandwich line is playing much better in all three zones. My teammates – especially the Liebold bros – are amazing too, helping our performance. I think the boss considers by switching Valieva to D, we would fill a somehow vulnerable spot with one that would become harder to fill. There are not a lot of defensive centers with 1950 TPE out there.

But I think Valieva could become a good D player and I would not be opposed that to here finishing her career on the blue line. She could transition well to a reliable player, and regressing the more offensive attributes.

WC: 168

Ekaterina Valieva - Baltimore Platoon

[Image: ekaterina-valieva-spotlight.png]
Thanks @xjoverax for the sig!


Other than playing Defense in Buffalo I think that Nash would do a great job playing as a goaltender in the league. Watching Casey Fantobens in net and playing defense, these two position basically have the same basic principle. Keep the puck out of the net. Nash is always giving up the body and making sure the puck doesn't get any closer to the net than it needs to be. Puckhandling and passing are skills a goaltender needs as well and Nash has been great this season in the passing department with a total of 33 assists. Nash loves chasing the puck, and tracking it side to side is important for a goalie as well. Nash never takes his eye off the puck. Fast reflexes is a skill that Nash has as well that would translate well to the position. I think spending that extra time with the goalies is going to rub off well on Nash in the future.

[Image: topalo2.png] [Image: sig-nash.png]
[Image: Rangerjasegmailcom.gif]

Graphic Option 2: If your player is skater create an image of them playing as a goalie or if your player is a goalie create an image of them playing as skater. Either way the player render needs to be recognizable.

[Image: 5UktuIK.png]

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For a team like the San Francisco Pride, there's really only one choice for a road game we want to turn into a home game, and that's our final matchup against the Los Angeles Panthers. It's rare these days in the SHL for two divisional and geographical rivals to be peaking at the same time and fighting each other for the division, but this season has been one of them, with the upstart Pride making a strong show of ousting league's TPE leaders from their presumed throne. With both the division title and a slim shot at the President's trophy in the sights of a team most had written off as "not close enough", the Pride fanbase is roaring as the team closes in on the final stretch. A short road trip to the other California rink is a perfect chance for our fans to follow the team and bring the home ice energy to a big game.

[Image: RAmenAmen.gif]
sig credit: Ragnar, Sulovilen, Enigmatic, Bayley
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[Image: RAmenAmenPride.gif]
(This post was last modified: 04-28-2024, 11:24 AM by jaypc8237. Edited 1 time in total.)

If Lasse could change positions right now, and still carry over the skill he already has, it would have to be goalie. Goalie to him is one of the most intriguing positions, and he’s always loved to play it. “I remember when I was just a boy me and my friends always would go out to the Outdoor Rink and play shinny, but we rarely had a goalie, so whenever I got the chance I would strap on the pads and have a blast with my friends.” As for play style, there is no correlation as Right Wing and Goalie are polar opposite positions. It’s just Lasse’s love for the net that brings him to want to play there sometimes. Maybe not in professional leagues but probably out with some friends just goofing around, having fun. Even then still Lasse would 100% come out to Renegade’s practices suited up as a goalie, and maybe @Anthique as a player so we can both try out other positions? 

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Written Option 2: What position other than your current position would your player choose to play if given an opportunity to change their position, and why? What about their playstyle lends itself to that position, or what about your personal hockey fandom would be better fulfilled by playing that position than the one you picked?

Ever since I created Levin, I told myself that I wanted to make a winger that was more defensively-minded than most, with an emphasis on making him as good a counter-attacking forward as possible. As such, if Levin was to change position for any reason, I would transform him into a defenceman. His current skill set would work very well as a mobile defenceman, one that is quick to play man-to-man in the defensive zone with either a body check or a stick check in order to retrieve the puck, and that can reliably restart the offence on the breakout, whether it is by carrying the puck himself, or by making an outlet pass to a forward. The only part that is playing "against" him would be his smaller size - but that hasn't stopped Levin from being in the top 3 skaters for hits among his teammates, so I don't believe it would be that big of an obstacle to surmount.

(167 words)

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Chiefs Monarchs Lions Berserkers Switzerland Blizzard pride Panthers Grizzlies

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Special thanks to @Carpy48, @Chevy, @Turd Ferguson, @fever95 and @enigmatic for the signatures!

PT Pass

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prompt 2

At this point, M’Baku Olubori has played all three forward positions during his SHL/SMJHL/IIHF career. He came in as a big strong right winger, but quickly was shifted around the lineup where the team needed him the most. Now he’s settled into being one of the premiere centers in the SHL, leading the team in scoring and the entire SHL in goals currently. He’s shown the ability to play all three forward spots and likely will continue to cash in on that versatility for the surging Platoon. Beyond that, Baku has always given some thought to playing defense. The coaching staff approached him a few seasons ago about that possibility, given his athleticism and summer reps working with one of the SHL’s best two-way defensemen of all time, Cassius Darrow. Taking over the blueline would be a significant change for the Nigerian native, but not one he’s unable to tackle. The shift to center came with a need to read the other team’s setup more and scale back the aggression that was his trademark early on. He can leverage what he learned at center to playing defense as well, while also continuing to showcase his monster shot. The only think Baku can’t (won’t?) do is play goalie. That takes a special breed of person, and not even Baku's that nutty.

Platoon Elk Elk Platoon
Argonauts Argonauts

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Thank you karey, OrbitingDeath Ragnar, and sköldpaddor for sigs! 
[Image: BAL_Player_Page.png] [Image: BAL_Update.png]
(This post was last modified: 04-27-2024, 04:06 PM by goldenglutes.)

written prompt number two the second one

so binko has actually already played every single skater position on the ice for the atlanta inferno because he started his career as a defense man and then he ended up becoming a forward and i believe has played both center and wing so the only position left for him other than potentially playing on his off side which he may or may not have already done in his career depending on how @hotdog (the general manager of binko's old team the atlanta inferno) had the lines in the past is the goalie position, and it would likely be a successful endeavour for binko because he has the stature of a goalie standing at a very tall 7 feet or something and three hundred poundaroos he is a bit of a big guy and he is likely very good at stopping the pucks using his big body by getting in the way between the puck and the goal. enjoy @micool132

[Image: glutes2.gif]
Signatures by Vulfzilla, Jepox, Jess, rum_ham, Ragnar, and myself
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[Image: tkMQzhf.png] [Image: tdKmZA0.png]

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