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S76 SMJHL Postseason Bonanza Deadline: Sunday, June 2nd at 11:59PM PST
(This post was last modified: 05-15-2024, 09:20 PM by Pyro182. Edited 1 time in total.)

The S76 SMJHL Playoffs have begun, and it is time for Postseason Bonanza!

Wait! What's this?

Here's how PB will work: there are several tasks, each of which is worth varying amounts of TPE for putting in a little effort, for a maximum of 16 possible TPE total. You can mix and match, complete them in any order and do as few or as many as you would like (up to 16 TPE). Recreates, you will find this slightly different than CW. 

Here's how TPE will be earned:

For every 50 words you write about a prompt, you will earn 1 TPE. That scales on, so 100 words for 2 TPE, 150 words for 3 TPE, etc. If you wanted to 800 words about one prompt, that would be 16 TPE right then and there.

The graphics TPE scale has remained the same.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you can, please after every prompt you write about add a Word Count (ie. 150 words). This will greatly help the PT Team!

ONLY S76 SMJHL ROOKIES (S77 SHL DRAFTEES) CAN EARN TPE for Postseason Bonanza TASKS. If you signed after the trade deadline and are going into the S77 SMJHL Draft, this TPE is not for you.

You may claim affiliation from an (one, 1) ISFL, PBE or SSL PT this season for a max of 3 TPE.  

Deadline: Sunday, June 2nd at 11:59PM PST

Without further ado, here are our prompts!


1. Fan Appreciation Day
Your team is giving back to their supporters by holding a fan appreciation day for one of their games, where the team will hand out a special commemorative item to show thanks for their continued support of the franchise. You have been tasked to design the product to be given out to the attendees (can be a rally towel, foam finger, bobble head, etc.) Write a blurb about the item, including details on during which game was / will be given out.

2. Looking Towards the Future
As we near the end of S76, the SMJHL draft will be happening soon. Going into next season, what are your team's biggest needs and areas of strength? Do any holes need to be filled with call-ups? Do you have a position that is incredibly stacked? Give us all an overview of your team, from top to bottom.

3. Secret Plans
It’s never too early to start thinking about how you’re going to gain a competitive edge next season! How is your team going to go the extra mile to get wins next season? Is it a secret training regimen? Sneaky equipment modifications? Booby trapping the visiting teams’ locker room? Anything goes.

4. Funtimes
You have been designated as the team's official Fun Director! Now, everyone is looking for some sort of fun activity where you all can spend an afternoon or day to chill, hang out and build some team spirit. Especially after a long and stressful season, what are your plans to ensure everyone has a great time?

5. Superlatives
Every team will always have that really funny/annoying/quirky player and personality. However, usually they can be the ones that really make sure the team gels together nicely. Come up with yearbook style superlatives to describe some of your fellow teammates.

6. Team History
I know history isn't everyone's favorite thing to discuss, but a team's past can really define its identity, what its known for and who they are in the present. Tell us about your team's past! Have there been any franchise defining moments that are integral to your team or even SHL history? Conversely, is there some interesting tidbit that not many around the league know?


7. Winner Winner Chicken
At the end of the day, what we all really strive for is the Four Star Cup. It takes everyone's best efforts, an unrelenting determination to win and hard work to be able to hoist the glorious trophy. Out of the 12 teams in playoffs, who do you think will win the 4 Star Cup? Are you going for the clear favorites, or the underdogs? Give reasons to justify your prediction.

8. An Alternate Timeline
If you weren't playing for your current team, which team would you most like to be playing for in the playoffs.  Explain why you chose that team and how you think you'd slot into their roster.  Would your player make a big impact on the team?  Would you improve their chances of winning a cup?

9. What's in a Name?
A player name is the first of many steps that mark the start of a new SHL career. From meme names, real life references and parodies of hockey players, there are a wonderful assortment of names that can be found throughout the league. Which player(s) have the best name and why?

10. In the Zone
Some players are excellent in the regular season, however there are a certain few that really elevate their play in the playoffs. The pressure and the thought of winning it all really benefits some, while others just have that natural clutch factor, with a knack of showing up at the right times. Write about players who have been crucial to their team, or players that could be in contention for Playoffs MVP.

11. A 6 Star Show
Make a dream team of players from any team in the playoffs, with 3 forwards, 2 defenseman and a goalie, and give an explanation for each pick. It could be the best team ever, or alternative maybe the worst?


12. On the Radar
Write a pre-draft scout report on your player from the perspective of a journalist covering the prospects of the S76 SHL draft class. What do possible SHL suitors have to be excited (or perhaps wary?) about when it comes to potentially drafting your player?

13. Superstitious
In the NHL there’s a well known superstition that any team that touches their conference championship trophy won’t win the Stanley Cup. Are there any superstitions like that in the SMJHL playoffs? If so, what are they? Where do they come from? Does your player believe in them? Why or why not?

14. R&R
It's almost officially the offseason. Whether you just won the cup or didn't even make it past the first round of the playoffs, it's time to take a break and look toward the SHL draft. Tell us how you're spending your time this offseason, whether it be with family or friends.

15. Charity Drive
Professional hockey players are among the luckiest members of a community, but not everyone is given the same opportunities. As such, many players are expected to give back to the community by volunteering their time and energy off the ice with various charitable organizations. Write about a charity or event that your player helped out with

16. Goals
Although your career may still be in its early stages, it's still a great time to think about the future. What are some goals you have for your career, or some personal goals for the site? Are you striving for a HOF induction? Getting a site job?

17. Feedback
For recreates, how was doing this new version of CW compared to the old one? Was the experience better, or worse? How were the PT changes? For first gens, you can also talk about your experiences with PTs in general too this season!

18. Milestones - COMING SOON
You will have the opportunity to cover up to 3/16 TPE with milestones relating to your player's performance/accolades during the season. Link your post in the Milestones thread and post your comment in your CW reply to claim. They will come soon!

*no change to the Graphics TPE scale*

Fan Appreciation Day - 3 TPE
Your team is giving back to their supporters by holding a fan appreciation day for one of their games, where the team will hand out a special commemorative item to show thanks for their continued support of the franchise. You have been tasked to design the product to be given out to the attendees (can be a rally towel, foam finger, bobble head, etc.)
GRAPHIC:  Include a picture of the item and at least one SMJHL logo; must look like you at least kinda tried.

Front Cover - 3 TPE
Make a magazine cover featuring a player comparison from any series matchup. You can compare player stats, etc. or get creative and compare their pregame superstitions or whatever.
GRAPHIC: Two team logos, two player renders plus an article blurb or tagline.

Charity Drive - 3 TPE
Professional hockey players are among the luckiest members of a community, but not everyone is given the same opportunities. As such, many players are expected to give back to the community by volunteering their time and energy off the ice with various charitable organizations. Either write about a charity or event that your player helped out with, or create a flyer or invitation for your event, including team logo, a photo of your player render, and the charity/charities being supported by the event.
GRAPHIC: Include team logo, a photo of your player render, and the charity/charities being supported by the event

Spotlight - 3 TPE
The finals are always a great time for SHL hopefuls to get their name on the map. Make a hockey magazine cover regarding a specific player in the finals, either rookie or send-down, to hype them up.
GRAPHIC: A player render, the SMJHL logo of the team the player plays for (and/or SHL if they're a senddown), the name of the hockey magazine and a tagline about the player in question.

Once again, the deadline is Sunday, June 2nd at 11:59PM PST

Let me know if you have any questions

Enjoy :D

[Image: pyro182.gif]

Thank you hewasajazzman, Slothfacekilla, Sulo, Frenchie, and Raymond for the sigs Smile
(This post was last modified: 05-15-2024, 09:42 PM by roquefort. Edited 1 time in total.)

16. Goals

Although your career may still be in its early stages, it's still a great time to think about the future. What are some goals you have for your career, or some personal goals for the site? Are you striving for a HOF induction? Getting a site job?

As the draft rapidly approaches I've been left to contemplate my intentions with this character and my future career. To any prospective scouts, I recommend you read this in it's entirety as it may clear up some questions you have for me and help solidify my value to your team in the draft. 

As some of you may know, I am an ISFL user who hopped over into here to dabble a bit and learn a little about hockey. I can honestly say  - I haven't learned much. I was hoping to spark an interest in the sport via the league, but I've had some trouble getting into it. What I haven't had trouble getting into, however, is enjoying my LR! I had a great time within the Detroit Falcons locker room this season (despite their horrendous branding), and I can honestly say that they've set an excellent tone for the league. Due to my positive experiences with them, I can't wait to explore more teams and see what else the league has in-store. 

This is what brings me to the first "career goal" of mine - and likely the most important: I want to play for many teams. Potentially all of them. In the ISFL I am committed to playing for a single team for the rest of my career. I love the idea of being a loyal member of my team as well as a linchpin that my GMs can build around. That being said, I'd love to mix it up on here. What's the fun in doing the exact same thing across two different leagues? One of my major goals is to play on as many teams as possible. Dip my toes in the water in each LR. Find the one that suits me the best, and maybe end my career there. I think it would be very exciting to play the "free agency game" a bit, and as someone who isn't extremely active within the league I can see myself needing the extra money from those contracts. Based on this goal, I do not currently plan to resign a contract with whoever drafts me. I hope this is understandable. I want to be open about it to avoid any confusion or causing any teams to waste valuable draft stock on me rather than on a player who will be committed to their franchise for the long haul. 

While I look forward to hopping around, I also want to make it clear (and I suppose this is my next goal, or not a goal?) that I am not chasing championships. Winning is cool and all, but I really am not invested in the league (at this time) to the point that I'd take any pride in winning. I really just want to hop around and shoot the shit. If I see the opportunity to play for a new team, they're interested in having me, and they are a contender - I won't hesitate to join. But I also will not exclude teams that are less well-off from my FA bidding. I imagine as a low tpe player I'll have very little sway in where I go, but I do hope to find a home. I want to use FA as an opportunity to "network" and get to know some faces around the league. If I play for you as a low tpe player and enjoy the LR - I'd then LOVE to come back later as a high TPE player to help you contend. I understand that this may not be conventional and I hope that this strategy doesn't rub anybody the wrong way. I mean the best and I want to be as transparent as possible to avoid that. 

Finally, I'd like to hit many people. It just sounds like fun. When I saw that thwacking people was a skill in the SHL, I knew right away that I wanted to build around it. At the moment I'm going for a very balanced archetype to spend my TPE efficiently, but as I rise closer to 2k (and I will get there!) I'd like to spec more and more into whacking opponents. I told all my SMJHL scouts that I want to wreck people - and I'm telling all the SHL scouts the exact same thing. When I hang up my skates - I want to go down in history as a legendary shmacker. Big shmacks. 

Rat cruise missile. 

Thank you to anyone who read this - I look forward to the draft, and cannot wait in a few years to look back upon this post to see if I achieved my goals.

Roquefort Cotswald 

909 words + prompt

[Image: draft-ad.png?ex=66247d0e&is=6612080e&hm=...cddcfb611&]

pt pass

“The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again. ... There are neither beginnings nor endings to the Wheel of Time. But it was a beginning.”

[Image: HFFO.gif]

(This post was last modified: 05-22-2024, 11:25 PM by Muerto. Edited 3 times in total.)

2. Looking Towards the Future
As we near the end of S76, the SMJHL draft will be happening soon. Going into next season, what are your team's biggest needs and areas of strength? Do any holes need to be filled with call-ups? Do you have a position that is incredibly stacked? Give us all an overview of your team, from top to bottom.

The Great Falls Grizzlies had a better-than-expected regular season in S76, finishing 4th in the conference and advancing to the second round of the playoffs before falling to Newfoundland. This was the last gasp for a few players who will now be advancing into the SHL, definitely guys like Peanut and Gibbles who were leaders on the team and ate up a lot of big minutes. Their absence will create some gaps in the lineup but it will also give opportunities to some of the younger players ready to take a step up. On the forward side, Wonderbread, James Howlett, and Thomas Hudson will get their chance to be top liners, all have capped out so will be counted on to lead the way and produce on the powerplay. Hudson and Howlett are both S76 so potentially could hold those positions for a couple seasons. Rookie Marian Hanak was a draft steal, the 4th rounder has been developing very well and will be moved up the lineup, hopefully developing some chemistry with his linemates. The 2nd and 3rd line will largely feature inactives but who can still contribute.

On defense there is a big hole on the 3rd pairing as the Grizzlies only have 4 defenseman at the moment. Niclas Sundqvist will be the leader as the only 425 capped player. The rookies Wollker and Gorilla both have developed nicely and will be counted on to play a much bigger role. But clearly this is a draft positional priority so we might see some young blood there.

In goal this is the Grizzlies top strength. Rookie Elvar Gil-Gelad made a big statement with their play last season, but veteran Lee Harrison is also very capable. They rode the tandem to the best goals-against in the league last season, seems like continuing with that tandem could give some stability in that area. [WORD COUNT 311]

9. What's in a Name?
A player name is the first of many steps that mark the start of a new SHL career. From meme names, real life references and parodies of hockey players, there are a wonderful assortment of names that can be found throughout the league. Which player(s) have the best name and why?

AT-AT Wøllker is a pretty cool name if I do say so myself. The name is an homage obviously to Star Wars, but a nod more to the classics (especially Empire Strikes Back) than Grogu Mandosson, who I created because the Mandalorian was my favorite show at the time, but the AT-ATs are pretty iconic. But also named after my previous defenseman named Wyatt Wøllker (since Game of Thrones was my favorite show at the time) so I needed a Star Wars themed name that went with the last name, since Sekai Wollker had already been taken! When you hear the name, you just know something big and tough and scary is coming after you! Just hopefully they don't have a Jedi on the other team who can exploit his weaknesses!I am hoping AT-AT can have just as good a career as Wyatt, although it will be tough since Wyatt was a Hall of Famer and also made the SHL Top 75!    [WORD COUNT: 150+ words]

12. On the Radar
Write a pre-draft scout report on your player from the perspective of a journalist covering the prospects of the S76 SHL draft class. What do possible SHL suitors have to be excited (or perhaps wary?) about when it comes to potentially drafting your player?

In a Draft with several Defenseman standing out as potential 1st round picks, one of the players drawing attention from the scouts is AT-AT Wøllker from the Great Falls Grizzlies. He is a big tough D-man hailing from Iceland, standing 6'6" and weighing 235 pounds, he has good size and strength. He plays a very strong defensive game, in his rookie season he played 2nd line minutes and managed 99 hits and 117 shot blocks, in the playoffs he had 37 blocks in 12 games played, good enough for 2nd in the league through the first 2 rounds. He gets a moderate amount of takeaways but good enough to have a positive TA/GA ratio.The downside to his game is that he does not contribute much offense. He was the lowest scoring player on the team both in the regular season and the playoffs. It is definitely an aspect of his game which the team will want to see improvement in the next couple of seasons as he will be called on for tougher minutes, and to be an option on the powerplay. As an intangible, he is quite aggressive and not afraid to get dirty, leading the team in penalty minutes on the season. He is repped by the Muerto Agency, known for finding gems from Iceland who go on to have worthy careers. His ceiling is extremely high and could be a franchise defenseman for the team which selects him. Selected 3rd overall in the SMJHL Draft, he is projected to be a top 8 pick in the SHL Draft. [WORD COUNT: 250+ words]

18. Milestones : LINK TO CLAIM : +2 TPE

[Image: dZqcwmW.jpg?format=webp&width=710&height=473]

Grizzlies      S76 SMJHL DRAFT 3RD OVERALL PICK      Grizzlies
Argonauts        S77 SHL DRAFT 4TH OVERALL PICK          Argonauts
norway                     IIHF TEAM NORWAY                       norway


GM Pass

Aurora Knights Aurora Knights Aurora Knights Aurora Knights Aurora Knights
[Image: VZtEodi.png]
[Image: 1n0REYx.png]

RIP Dangel. See you on the other side, brother

GM Pass

Edmonton Blizzard Co-GM
Yukon Malamutes Hall of Fame
[Image: NwdnVLP.png][Image: fDB9MNX.png] 
[Image: 3j8MIXU.png]
Granny Panpan Count: 258

Quote:1. Fan Appreciation Day

Your team is giving back to their supporters by holding a fan appreciation day for one of their games, where the team will hand out a special commemorative item to show thanks for their continued support of the franchise. You have been tasked to design the product to be given out to the attendees (can be a rally towel, foam finger, bobble head, etc.) Write a blurb about the item, including details on during which game was / will be given out.

I love fan appreciation days because they hype people up and drive up attendance. For a team like ours that isn't exactly lighting up the record books or flying through the post-season, this can be more crucial that not. Therefore I would suggest we do a few different things throughout the year that I have experienced personally that help drive up attendance. For starters, for the home opener, we will hand out Malamutes posters w/ the season schedule. They will feature the months and the games highlighted, differentiating between home and away, as well as special promotion nights (such as this one) for fans to know in advance. it'll have an awesome large Mutes head on the top of it as well as a picture of the team at the bottom.

The next promotion would be mini hockey sticks w/ a claw on the end to function as a back scratcher. Personally I love the idea of a mini hockey stick because its something different from the norm as far as hand outs go. Now, you add a back scratcher to it? This is going to immediately raise the utility and importance of said item. Who doesn't need a backscratcher? Embedded on it will be our team logo and bright colors, so it's recognizable a mile away. We will give out on a night where we will host a charity fundraiser for the local children's hospital. Why you may ask? Well simple. The night will be themed with the phrase "You scratch our back, we'll scratch yours." as an intuitive way to drive up donations for the cause and the kids!

Lastly we would do a bobble head giveaway of a mini mute. Because let's be honest, we can all use an additional bobble head in our lives. It would be wearing a jersey of ours as well as representative of the team colors as shown in our logo. Additionally, we would once again chose to theme this with a charitable cause for the local humane society, because again, why not do something great with the promotion while driving attendance up? At the game, in between periods, we would highlight diff. animals available for adoption on ice in addition to raising funds. - 372 Words

Quote:12. On the Radar

Write a pre-draft scout report on your player from the perspective of a journalist covering the prospects of the S76 SHL draft class. What do possible SHL suitors have to be excited (or perhaps wary?) about when it comes to potentially drafting your player?

I think there's a lot of reasons that suitors and/or teams should be excited for in regards to my player. For starters I'm a hard worker and grinder. Since joining the SHL, I have only missed a single TPE task. I consistently chirp to earn income, and complete any and all TPE tasks available to me, even signing up to received reminders and notifications, so I'm always earning. In addition to that, I sought out a league job before I ever even got drafted and landed one as a media grader, which is great because it enables me to absorb content pertaining to the league and further my knowledge. I also have the bank and income to afford the off-season training, etc. which helps increase the TPE my player has. Lastly, I'm active in the league and LR and online consistently on discord, so there is no fear of me going in active. I think at the end of the day the most crucial thing for a team is to find someone who is laid back, outgoing, fun and active in terms of taking on responsibility like a league job and consistent in earning TPE & income so that a team can fill positional needs and not worry about having to draft for that need season after season. There are no worries of inactivity or myself getting burned out. - 229 Words

Quote:14. R&R

It's almost officially the offseason. Whether you just won the cup or didn't even make it past the first round of the playoffs, it's time to take a break and look toward the SHL draft. Tell us how you're spending your time this offseason, whether it be with family or friends.

The off-season is a welcome one for McLovin. It gives him a chance to take a step back, reflect and take in all of his successes and short-comings from the season while pondering what improvements and changes can be made for the season ahead. To do this, McLovin would retreat back to his beloved home. Most importantly it would give him a chance to disconnect from the ice and the game and let off some steam. First up would be visiting his parents and making sure they're doing well. After spending a few days with them, he would catch up with his friends over some phenomenal pizza and a range of fun activities such as paintballing, go-cart racing and TopGolf. Finally to close out his time w/ his friends, there would be a big bonfire w/ plenty of bourbon and smores to go around for all. Lastly, he would take a few days to be in solitude, taking his beloved sports car out for a short road trip and track time to enjoy and unwind and get his mind right before getting back on the ice. - 186 Words

Quote:18. Milestones - COMING SOON

You will have the opportunity to cover up to 3/16 TPE with milestones relating to your player's performance/accolades during the season. Link your post in the Milestones thread and post your comment in your CW reply to claim. They will come soon!

LINK to Claim - 2 TPE

[Image: yxRlGdj.png]
(This post was last modified: 05-16-2024, 12:39 PM by ZodiacEXE. Edited 3 times in total.)

TASK 1 - Fan Appreciation Day (113 words, 2 TPE)
For fan appreciation day, each fan will get a bobblehead base and the head of 3 randomly selected Falcons players. The bases are designed to allow for easy swapping, so each fan essentially gets 3 bobbleheads in one. That's not all though-- the box includes a checklist of each rostered Detroit player. The hope is that alongside the game fans will be trading heads around trying to either build their collection or get the player(s) they're biggest supporters of. The first five fans who collect a full set will receive 4 free tickets to a future Detroit Falcons game along with 5 more bobblehead bases so that they can create a full line.

TASK 12 - On The Radar (475 words, 9 TPE)
Smitty Werbenjaegermanjensen - The Iceberg
There are three levels to any analysis of Smitty. The first is appearance: he's an undead fish. At first that might seem less than ideal, but he measures at 6 feet 7 inches and 265 pounds! Talk about drinking your milk to make your bones grow strong! Still, injury risk was a big concern in the J Draft due to questions about how he "animated" for lack of a better term. His credentials are also questionable, with teams unable to verify a league that supposedly existed under his listed place of origin. So teams in the SHL have reason to be wary, right? Well not exactly.

The second level of analysis is what he showed during his rookie season. His size isn't for show-- laying down hits and blocking shots in a crease-clearing role for Detroit. Averaging roughly 21 minutes per game and being part of the penalty-kill rotation, he paired well with similarly-sized veteran defenseman Jimothee Penjiman. While you might want more offensive utility from somebody with Smitty's defensive numbers, it seemed like a solid rookie outing that might warrant a 2nd round pick (or a 1st if a team was feeling adventurous). However, we've still got one more layer of the iceberg.

The final level is potential, which I mean multiple ways. Physically, it's unlikely that Smitty could be molded to fit a different style of play given his entirely bony frame. What you see is what you get, and the still-lingering questions about his background and the mechanics of his body should lead teams to wonder just how long Smitty can last and if his potential ceiling is limited. Given how much money is needed to maintain top-level competition among players in this league, coming from the bottom of the sea may even further limit his potential. On the other hand, he showed flashes of being a solid playmaker during his rookie season which could be developed into a more common occurrence for Smitty.

In summary, there's a lot to like and a lot to dislike about Smitty. I project him as an average to above average two-way defenseman in the SHL. I'd be surprised to see a team take a gamble on him in the first round, more likely a 2nd or 3rd round pick. This may be surprising given some of the hype around his current rating grades, but teams do their homework and draft on potential first. He doesn't have any known character issues though, so he'll likely stay with the team that drafts him. Given this projection though, I wouldn't be overly surprised to see him move on in free agency without a role or get moved in a trade. However, I still believe that he'll end up with a career to be proud of even if he's not a superstar in the making.

TASK 18 - Milestones
Link to Milestone Claim - 2 TPE

PBE Affiliate - 3 TPE

[Image: KOKeZZJ.png]
[Image: UCTqPUg.png]

1. Fan Appreciation Day

Your team is giving back to their supporters by holding a fan appreciation day for one of their games, where the team will hand out a special commemorative item to show thanks for their continued support of
the franchise. You have been tasked to design the product to be given out to the attendees (can be a rally towel, foam finger, bobble head, etc.) Write a blurb about the item, including details on during
which game was / will be given out.

The item given would be a bubble head of Alexa Johansen in the form of a cake. As you shake it, small pieces of cakes come out of it that you can eat (but not recommended). The bubbling would also make a noise which, when thousands of people do it together, is there to support the team. It's encouraged to bubble the head when the other team is in the STL defensive zone to annoy them and prevent them from concentrating on scoring. A optional fee is asked when receiving the head and all funds go to Leukemia research and helping families affected by this disease.

106 words

I know history isn't everyone's favorite thing to discuss, but a team's past can really define its identity, what its known for and who they are  in the present. Tell us about your team's past!
Have there been any franchise defining moments that are integral to your team or even SHL history? Conversely, is there some interesting tidbit that not many around the league know?
An important moment in St-Louis history is the cup win in the season 72. The Scarecrows actually won this cup in game 7 winning the game 4-3 with 2 goals in the 3rd period. Crazy Tomato scored two goals in this win which is one of the most important win of franchise history.  He was the leader of this team during the playoff run scoring 10 goals with 10 assists for 20 points.Since this cup win, they have never made it out of the first round and and the team has struggled. This championship has a special meaning for many players that were around back then.

107 words

16. Goals

Although your career may still be in its early stages, it's still a great time to think about the future. What are some goals you have for your career, or some personal goals for the site?
Are you striving for a HOF induction? Getting a site job?

I have a few goals for my player and for myself. First, for my player, I wish to reach the 2k TPE club. While I know it's not easy, I have max earned since I have joined and I think it will be feasible. Second, I want to have the chance to have a leadership role in the SHL. I was already named assistant captain in SMJHL which was a great honnor. To be able to part of the leadership team of a SHL club would be amazing, but I know I'm very far from that. Third, making the Hall of Fame would be a dream come true, being canonized among the best to do it is the dream of every player. However, I'm not sure if I will be able to reach this feet. My player might not be built in a way to make this possible. Fourth, I would love to win two cups, one in the SMJHL and one in the SHL. For the SMJHL, this will be very hard as we don't own 2nd and 3rd round picks for the next two drafts, so we really need to hit on those first round picks. For the SHL, it will depend who drafts me and what type of team they are building. I do think it's feasible for me to reach at least one cup. Fifth, job wise, I currently have two jobs. One as a scout for STL and one as co-gm for the WJC for the British Islands. These could be both considered as minor jobs. This was my goal to as I don't want a big job right out of the gate. As I get experience and build my resume, going after mid-range jobs could become an option. I'm not sure if being a GM one day is something I aspire to be even though it looks really fun. I might go after a co-gm job with someone that I really appreciate as GM, that could happen one day. Sixth, as a final wish, I will just say that I hope to get an extreme rare trading card one day. My current rarest card has 11 copies of it which is not bad.

369 words

Quote: Wrote:12. On the Radar

Write a pre-draft scout report on your player from the perspective of a journalist covering the prospects of the S76 SHL draft class. What do possible SHL suitors have to be excited (or perhaps wary?) about when it comes to potentially drafting your player?
Louis Belanger is a right wing power forward. Louis can contribute everywhere on the ice but especially has good physical skills. He is the type of player you want on then forecheck since he has good checking and hitting skills. He is not afraid to be in the action and go in front of the net. In his rookie season, he played 66 games scoring 14 goals and 24 assists for a total of 38 points, good for 6th on his team (He had two hat tricks in the season). He did all his points on even strength as he was not used on the power play. He did see action on short handed part of the game, being on the 2nd wave. Belanger finished third on his team in GR with 71, an impressive feat for a rookie. He also had the highest GF/60 on his team. In the locker room, Louis is an assistant captain. He is very active and seems to be well liked by most of his teammates. He can be annoying some times, but that's life. A physical player, Louis had 110 hits. Third highest among his teammates. He is projected to be a late first round pick or early second pick. However, some think he could be seen as a steal when looking back the draft in a few seasons.

227 words

Milestones - COMING SOON

You will have the opportunity to cover up to 3/16 TPE with milestones
relating to your player's performance/accolades during the season. Link
your post in the Milestones thread and post your comment in your CW
reply to claim. They will come soon!

Link to Milestones thread for 3 TPE

Total number of words (only including parts that I wrote): 809

CW/ASW Pass from JHO
(This post was last modified: 05-25-2024, 02:26 PM by Steelflex. Edited 4 times in total.)

 12. On The Radar +12 TPE

When this assignment came across my desk, I won't lie, I wasn't thrilled. Jefferson Steelflex? It's a weird name by all accounts, he's an even weirder dude. I personally hadn't seen much of him in the press as someone covering the league pretty closely; he popped up in amateur circles a few months prior to the SMJHL draft and while he wasn't a total disaster on the ice, you got the feeling he didn't really know what he was doing out there at all. That being said, one thing stood out, and it was his electric speed on the ice. He couldn't really shoot for shit and his passing game was mediocre at best, but the second he took off down the ice at full tilt, you'd hear the murmurs in the crowd. After a few showcases, traveling the country and doing the circuits, the draft came around Anchorage shocked the league I think by taking Jefferson in the first round, seventh overall. Jefferson was humble at the draft show, he thanked the team and his family for their support and promised to do his best to improve his game under the tutelage of the Anchorage staff. After that, it was pretty much radio silence on Jefferson. He put his head down and went to work, seemingly around the clock.

Jefferson didn't shine terribly brightly in his first season, scoring 39 points on the back of 21 goals and 18 assists, which was enough to land him a very underwhelming +/- of -5. That being said, that value was 4th highest on the Anchorage roster, and trainers on the staff noted that no matter what, Jefferson was in there day in and day out putting in the work, executing the drills and asking questions to become a better man on and off the ice. Since digging deeper, I was excited to get to know the man beneath the sweater, and see what it is that drives him to compete and what it is he hopes to gain from his time as a professional athlete. He makes no public appearances, draws no attention and seeks no acclaim or wealth, so what does he want?

Well, I was dying for a chance to speak with him, and all calls to his agent's number redirected us to a sandwich shop in Temecula, CA. With no other options, I flew up to Anchorage and went right to the team's practice rink that same evening, where I was greeted by general manager Dan Johnston. Mr. Johnston informed me that he hadn't actually seen or spoken to Jefferson since the night Anchorage was knocked out of the playoffs in the first round. He scribbled down a phone number and told me to give them a call. 47 minutes after a very unnerving and cryptic phone call, a very rickety and broken down dogsled appeared before me, captained by no one. The Dogs looked at me expectantly, and after a moment's hesitation, I stepped on and grabbed the reins. Immediately the dogs took off, and we flew through the icy cold night. It felt like an eternity, and I couldn't see where we were going -- the snow and wind cutting across my face, forcing me to cover my eyes.

Minutes? Hours? Days? later we emerged through a dense thicket of pine trees in a secluded opening, surrounding a frozen lake. the lake was deeply scoured all across it's surface, and at the opposite end sat a simple, lonely cabin. the sled came to a stop and I stepped off, graciously thanking the dogs for their service. I walked to the door and knocked, and waited. and waited. i knocked again. I heard footsteps, and shortly after, a tall, weary-looking man with wild unkempt black hair opened the door, his piercing blue eyes staring at me, waiting for an explanation. Quickly I explained my quest, and my desire to get to know him and put his name out there before the upcoming major league draft. He looked puzzled, and calmly stated "I assumed my play would speak for me. Come in." I spent the rest of the evening assaulting Jefferson with questions, and he graciously answered them all. I spent the night in his spare sleeping bag, and he set me off on the first dogsled in the morning.

So who is Jefferson? What drives him? Jefferson is just a man who loves to skate. He loves being able to put the work in and have the results show. He's not interesting in fame or record breaking contracts, he just wants a team to call home and teammates to call his brothers as they lift the cup. So why the weird secluded cabin in the woods? "Cheap rent" is all he had to say.

(795 words total)

18. Milestones +1 TPE

Affiliate PT (PBE) +3 TPE

[Image: PDyLXEi.png]

HO Pass bby

[Image: lespoils.gif]

CW/PT Pass

[Image: DrunkenTeddy.gif]

[Image: Tqabyfh.png]  |  [Image: sXDU6JX.png]
(This post was last modified: 05-18-2024, 12:57 PM by TheGreatOne. Edited 2 times in total.)

18. Milestones +2 TPE - TheGreatOne

12. On the Radar +3 TPE (154WC)
Write a pre-draft scout report on your player from the perspective of a journalist covering the prospects of the S76 SHL draft class. What do possible SHL suitors have to be excited (or perhaps wary?) about when it comes to potentially drafting your player?

TheGreatOne is a 1 in a million prospect. I come from a long line of Hockey Descents, Wayne is my 2nd uncle and his career turned out to be pretty good last time i heard. Potential SHL suitors will get a hard working, very active player. Might not be the biggest voice in the locker room but i do what i'm asked of and always looking to for suggestions to improve each and everyday. I know players don't get to dictate where they will get drafted, if at all. But i hope to be drafted by a team where i can get my callup sooner than later. I would like to be an immediate asset to a rebuilding team that's looking to turn things around quickly and not afraid to throw young guys in there despite what the results might be. Remember every great team has gone through a long rebuild at some point in time

7. Winner Winner Chicken +3TPE (154WC)
At the end of the day, what we all really strive for is the Four Star Cup. It takes everyone's best efforts, an unrelenting determination to win and hard work to be able to hoist the glorious trophy. Out of the 12 teams in playoffs, who do you think will win the 4 Star Cup? Are you going for the clear favorites, or the underdogs? Give reasons to justify your prediction.

Out of the 12 teams that have qualified for the SMJHL Playoffs, Firstly i chose my own team New Foundland Berserkers to win it all (and at this time of this writing we are down 3 games to 1 in the Conference Finals to the Quebec City Citadelles) but despite being heavy underdogs we are playing our hearts out and there is no quit. if we end up getting eliminated its hard to not choose Quebec City but as history has dictated they have been unlucky finishing things off. With that being said you cant rule out a Carolina Kraken team that is itching for a another 4 star cup. and the surprise Maine Timbers who 1/4 into the season looked like they might be falling into a rebuild but here they are 1 win a way from a trip to the Finals. QCC exorcises those demons and get it done in 6 games.
(This post was last modified: 06-02-2024, 12:11 PM by NONAME. Edited 2 times in total.)

2. Looking Towards the Future
As we near the end of S76, the SMJHL draft will be happening soon. Going into next season, what are your team's biggest needs and areas of strength? Do any holes need to be filled with call-ups? Do you have a position that is incredibly stacked? Give us all an overview of your team, from top to bottom.

The Detroit Falcons are unfortunately going to lose three 425 TPE defenders in Penjiman, Jääskeläinen, and Imotekh which is going to put a huge hole in what was likely Detroit's strength last year. We do have younger guys like Cotswald and Smitty coming up but they won't have quite the same impact right away. Detroit will definitely look too add some defenders at the draft to keep the pipeline stocked. They are also going to lose Tomlander from the forward core, however, they already have replacements in guys like Point who will be able to expand to 425 TPE as well as even younger talent in guys like Kane, Styles, Science, and Kielinen coming up the pipeline. The biggest strength the Detroit Falcons have right now is definitely their goaltending. Soderstrom is a max earner and will be expected to take on a lot of pressure throughout this Detroit rebuild.

150 words - +3 TPE

7. Winner Winner Chicken
At the end of the day, what we all really strive for is the Four Star Cup. It takes everyone's best efforts, an unrelenting determination to win and hard work to be able to hoist the glorious trophy. Out of the 12 teams in playoffs, who do you think will win the 4 Star Cup? Are you going for the clear favorites, or the underdogs? Give reasons to justify your prediction.

As I predicted in my deep dive point task, I believe the Quebec City Citadelles are the clear favourites to win the Four Star Cup. They dominated the regular season finishing 49-15-2 which is good for 100 points and top of the league by a good 10 point spread. They had a goal differential of +110 which was +34 higher than the 2nd best team. Their success has continued into the playoffs where the swept the Kelowna Knights in the first round and then also swept the Vancouver Whalers in the 2nd round. The Newfoundland Berserkers have given them a little bit of trouble as the series is currently tied 1-1 but I do believe Quebec will pull through.

119 words - +2 TPE

16. Goals
Although your career may still be in its early stages, it's still a great time to think about the future. What are some goals you have for your career, or some personal goals for the site? Are you striving for a HOF induction? Getting a site job?

I have had one long successful career in the SHL with Bo Kane. With Bo Kane, I was able to accomplish a lot including a very successful WJC and IIHF career with 6 gold medals, 1 silver medal, and a bronze medal. For individual awards, I also was nominated for the Ron Mexico (MVP), won the Aidan Richan (most improved) and won the Elias Armia (award of excellence). I took on league jobs as I was a media grader multiple times and I also was a co-gm and GM of the Colorado Raptors where I also won the Nour Harrak trophy (general manager of the year). The area I feel like I failed is my TPE. I still ended up being a top 5 TPE player for the draft but near the end of my career I tailed off and wasn't able to reach the 2k club or fight off regression enough to have a long enough peak of a career. The reason why I stayed with the Kane last name was because I wanted to try and really focus on Bo Kane's career and where I feel like I failed and surpass it with his "brother". I'm going going to be looking at really positioning myself to have the most productive career possible which will also hopefully bring team success. I would ultimately like to reach the 2k club, have a better individual production career than Bo Kane, and also have a longer and more successful Co-GM/GM career.

250 words - +5 TPE

17. Feedback
For recreates, how was doing this new version of CW compared to the old one? Was the experience better, or worse? How were the PT changes? For first gens, you can also talk about your experiences with PTs in general too this season!

With previous players, championship week was always something I dreaded because it felt like a chore. The changes made have definitely made the experience more enjoyable and also easier to complete. It's nice that if you find one topic you enjoy writing about, you can keep going and complete the entire championship week on that one topic. It was always very annoying have to write about a ton of topics, especially when you don't really like writing so you're just forcing yourself to put words down that you don't care about. I also like how milestones are worked into championship week because I always found it slightly unfair when you have a player that didn't get a ton of opportunities so you don't reach any milestones and you fall behind the TPE race for your draft class. One change I didn't like is the mock draft having two different options. It became more of a guessing game on which way is more effective and I'd much rather everyone doing the same task with the same odds.

176 words - +3 TPE

18. Milestones - COMING SOON
You will have the opportunity to cover up to 3/16 TPE with milestones relating to your player's performance/accolades during the season. Link your post in the Milestones thread and post your comment in your CW reply to claim. They will come soon!

Milestones +3 TPE


Falcons Canada

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