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S76 All Star Week Due: Sunday, June 2nd @ 11:59 PM PST
(This post was last modified: 06-02-2024, 12:11 PM by puolivalmiste. Edited 2 times in total.)

1) Milestones +3

9) Dear Seattle, it's me, Pinli. If you don't know me I'm one of your top draft picks from a couple of seasons back, and things have been going really great down here in Colorado! I have a Four Star Cup, a playoff MVP nomination, and I went over a point per game last season! But hey can we be real for a second? I don't usually check the standing but I just looked and... holy shit you guys have been getting trounced. Whats going on up there? Is this a rebuild or something? I was promised victory and I was promised it immediately! I don't know whos up there playing right now but if you don't get yourselves into shape soon me and Shadow Fenix and going to have to do it for you! If you're lazing around then some of our Colorado work ethic is going to be a real shock, so get ready! It's cup time baby!

10) I know we have a Most Dedicated User award, and this is kind of in a similar vein, but I think we'd get a lot of value out of a "Sweetest Little Guy" award every season. You're probably thinking "Hey Dan, you're just making this so that your own player can win it every season of the course of their whole career!" and to that I say, so what? This is my ASW post and I'll rig it for myself if I want to. Pinli is so sweet and so little that I think the league should honour him year after year with a pat on the head and a big shiny gold star. Each star would weigh 25 pounds and be solid gold, and I'd line my trophy case with them in the hopes that I could eventually sell all 20 or so of them for a big chunk of change to give to my kids. In a way it's sort of like a pension but it also comes with a yearly compliment that I enjoy.

TPE 8/8

[Image: pin1_1.gif?ex=66ef0174&is=66edaff4&hm=69...e3ef77306&]

1. Milestones 2 TPE
2. b. The choices of Nash Topalo and Seamus O'Slapahan were completely acceptable as the only two defensemen picked in the top 10. Although I have a fling that Hodor and Gorg N’zola may disagree with that statement. Although this is the SHL and everyone know only offence gets the love. Lacking offence numbers Hodor and Gorg will always be missing from the all-stars.
Words ~62
2. e. I really cannot think of a rally good reason for Hugh Manius to make the All-star team other then I am a nice guy. Looking at Hugh’s numbers his seven goals, 23 assists, 42 hits and his 154 blocked shots are not going to cut to make the All-Star team. So the only reason I have is Hugh’s lovely personality.
Words ~60
4. 4 TPE

[Image: bonk.gif]
Sigs by @FlappyGiraffe,  @Steelhead77,  @ToeDragon84, @slothfacekilla, @Wasty and other dude I need to find your name

Lil' Manius

Big Manius

(This post was last modified: 05-31-2024, 12:01 PM by JT3. Edited 1 time in total.)

Quote:1. Milestones, up to 3 TPE.

Milestones are folded in with All-Star Week.

Link your Milestone claim as task 1 for up to 3 TPE towards your 8 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your ASW submission. This is done because the person who grades ASW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.

Claim 1 TPE

Quote:2. Written, up to 4 TPE - Shiny Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 topics related to the All Star Game to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words
a) You could make an argument for either. Damien Hirano has developed into a useful player and could have played a solid role on the team. However I would make my argument for Jussi Mutou. He has the potential to be a star player, so it may have benefitted the East to get him into the setup early and get some experience. Although that also kind of defeats the purpose of the allstar game.
b) I can't comment on defensive metrics much, but some other defenseman who had strong seasons (arguably some of them even better than the two top 10 D) are Willow Soderberg-Snooks, Wide Peepo Happy 3 Koivu, Cheeks Klapanen (did very well on a not great Calgary team) and the pair of Jay O'Neil and Christian Kinsinger both had great seasons. It's hard to argue against the reputations of O'Slapahan and Topalo though.
c) When things are close I tend to argue the side with experience, so for that reason I would lean towards the JRuke trio of Martin, Fiske, Bergmark. However Hargreeves may be the best player of the whole group at the moment and Beauregard and Wagner-Svensson are two very good up and coming young players, maybe that youthful fire propels them to the win.
d) My player absolutely should not have made the allstar game and I can't really make any meaningful argument for him to have. He's in the dog days of his career at this point playing a bottom line role. The only reason to bring him in would be as some kind of swan song tribute to his career, but he doesn't have the reputation for something like that to occur.

Quote:11. Written, 3 TPE, Almost a member (150 words min)
Which of the current players, who were still active during the season 76 has achieved enough that they should make it to the Hall of Fame? Are they already unquestionable first ballot Hall of Famer? Are they still close enough to their prime to make their case better or are they already so far in their career that realistically they are just working on their total career numbers at this point?
I think there's a number of people still playing right now that are slam dunk first ballot HOF players. Evil AllBran, Ivan Lacksamus, Lias Ekholm-Gunarsson, Konstantin Selich have all put up huge point totals with lots of time left in their careers, and they've all spent numerous seasons as MVP caliber players, so I think they probably all get in on a first ballot (and there may be others I'm forgetting too, but these 4 stick out to me). There are also other players that I think are clearly HOF caliber players but may or may not be slam dunk first ballots, depending on class strength. Players like Steve Harrington, Mikko Rashford, Ryu Jones, Max Manning should all get in at some point, and again I'm sure many more too. It's harder to comment on the defenseman or goalies without putting in a lot more effort than I'm willing to do for this PT so I can't comment on them unfortunately.

[Image: jjfrankiejj.gif]
Credits to OrbitingDeath, Tweedle, Incite, Wasty, and Slothfacekilla for sigs!

Player Profile | Update Page

1. Milestones, up to 3 TPE.

Milestones are folded in with All-Star Week.

Link your Milestone claim as task 1 for up to 3 TPE towards your 8 total.


Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your ASW submission. This is done because the person who grades ASW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.

link - 3 TPE

[Image: sigrotator123.gif]
 [Image: UEX4RCQ.png]  [Image: PHI-pepe2.png]  [Image: r2pSvNf.png]
Special thanks to Carpy48, Ragnar, Merica, High Stick King, Sulovilen, sothfacekilla, enigmatic and LeSizz for the signatures!


9. Written, 3 TPE, Players Tribune (150 words min.)
A popular format of media that has made a resurgence recently due to certain dedicated media writers, The Player's Tribune involves writing from your player's point of view in the 1st person. Write your Player's Tribune about your player's season. How do they feel about their results? Did they achieve their goals? Are they venting out frustration? Are there any moments of the season that were memorable?

Man, what a frustrating season for sure. I had some goals for this season after what was a lousy one last year. I really wanted to set my goals high even though I'd already had a successful career so far. I'd won an award, the Cup AND the International Gold over two seasons. I could retire and I'd be hailed as having a good, if short, run in the show. So for this season I wanted it all in one go: an award, the Cup and the Gold. Unfortunately, I accomplished none of these. I was leading the PIMs race for a while but got beat out in the end. We got beat in our run to the finals by a hot goalie and a lot of luck and on international ice, we just didn't get it done. It's on to the next season and I think I'll keep those same three goals going into it. There isn't really any point in shooting for anything smaller then getting it all, even if I might not always get it all in the end.

182 words.

10. Written, 3 TPE, Most Offensive Goalie (150 words min.)
The league has multiple awards, yet there is always room for improvement. What award would you add? Why that award and who it would be named after? Or which of the current awards would you change? How would you change it and why?

I'm just going to say it right out: we need an award for the best fighter in the league. An award given to the person who wins the most fights over the season would give another thing to strive for that isn't tied to points. We have awards for the best goal scorer and the best defenseman. We have awards for the most points and the most improved but nothing for those of us to seek the perfection of the art of fighting. Someone might tell you that the award for the most PIMs is the equivalent but that person would be very, very wrong. Getting penalty minutes doesn't mean shit. It just means the refs caught you doing something and tossed you in the box. Very few of the recent Turg winners in recent memory have ever had the most fighting wins in the league or any fighting at all really. I don't know what I'd name it but damnit, we need it.

164 words.

Andren Akerson (Present)
Adrik Baranov (S55 to S70)
Rurik Razin (S32 to S44)
Roy Razin (S17 to S32) (HOF/Rage HOF)
Audun Wissink (S5 to S15)

1. Milestones, up to 3 TPE.

Milestones are folded in with All-Star Week.

Link your Milestone claim as task 1 for up to 3 TPE towards your 8 total.


Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and
then link that post in your ASW submission. This is done because the
person who grades ASW will be a different person than double-checks

Milestones - 3 TPE

3. Written, 3 TPE, The Teammate One (150 words min.)

Tell me about your teammate who made the all star game! Who are they,
why were they an obvious choice to make the All Star roster, and what do
you expect from them this ASG? (If more than one of your teammates made
the game, pick one of those players other than yourself. If you are the
only player on your team selected for the all star game so far, write
about your team's candidate for last man in instead.)

I'd like to highlight my teammate Shadow Fenix who made the all star game with me. Shadow just capped off an incredible junior career with the Colorado Raptors. Shadow Fenix made the all star game three seasons in a row. In his rookie season, he made the rookie all star game. He's been Colorado's rock for four straight seasons as their number one center for all four years. Naturally he put up massive point totals in those four seasons. But most impressively, he lead the Raptors to their first Four Star Cup in S75. So its only fitting to play in the all star game one more time at the end of a phenomenal junior career. He will likely score a few goals like he usually does. If the all star coach/GM is nice, they will put me, Leonard Wood, on a line with him so we can tear it up one more time before we go to our professional teams.

7. Written, 2 TPE, How can so many people be so wrong (100 words min.)

Votes are in and rosters finalized, how you feel about the last 4
players that were voted in? Do you think there were more deserving
players that were left out or were you surprised to see these players
not to be picked in first place? Did player you voted for get in?

Pinli Switchbang and Nathangus McExplosion should have absolutely been in the SMJHL all star game. It's a travesty that they were not. With the Raptors this season, Pinli Switchbang was third in scoring with 79 points. In his breakout sophomore season, Nathangus McExplosion had a whopping 72 points. These players were crucial to the Raptors this season as they made it to the second round of the playoffs. Those two will continue to be anchors for the Raptors next season too. These players have been mistakenly overlooked and I hope the all star committee will correct this mistake after Pinli and Nathangus take over the league next season.

[Image: LChpoGG5_o.jpg]
(This post was last modified: 05-31-2024, 10:02 PM by FnoRespect. Edited 1 time in total.)

Milestones- S76 SMJHL Milestones ( + 3 TPE

3. Written- I think the most obvious teammate I could choose for this prompt would be Mia Lavoie. Mia had an amazing season with the Maine Timber leading the league in goals with 53 and trailing only her linemate in assists. This was accomplished all while Mia posted an impressive shooting percentage north of 20%. Mia would also lead the league in points with 113, as well as be the only player to have above 100 points in the SMJHL. This put her 15 points ahead of 2nd place in the scoring race. What makes the goal scoring for Mia even more impressive is the fact that only 11 of her 53 goals came on the power play, meaning the majority of her point production was done 5 on 5. Although the Maine Timber were full of players who deserve to make an all-star team this season, I can't think of anyone more deserving than Mia Lavoie. 
(155 Words) + 3 TPE

4. Written- I think that anything that gets the users more involved in the league is good. Even if it is just a few people. Allowing these people to draft the all star teams, gets more people involved in league activities. I know I personally would be thrilled to participate, and I’m sure I’d have a blast if I was picked to be one of the captains. I do think it’s good that the committee picks which players are eligible to be drafted, as if the captains picked players they might just pick who they thought would get them the win, rather than players who are truly deserving of an all-star nomination. If I had to choose who got to draft the all star teams, it would probably be the top GMs from each division. This way, it would be someone who had a good understanding of the player base, as well as someone who knows how to put a team together. It would also be a little bonus incentive for GMs who wanted to foster a top team.
(177 Words) + 3 TPE 

+8 TPE. 1 extra for safe measures. (Accidentally posted a reply when trying to edit so I have two posts… Whoops)

[Image: mikelis.jpg?ex=660c1ce5&is=65f9a7e5&hm=c...4a38cd630&]

Code: 2 TPE

1. Milestones, up to 3 TPE.

Milestones are folded in with All-Star Week.

Link your Milestone claim as task 1 for up to 3 TPE towards your 8 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your ASW submission. This is done because the person who grades ASW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.


3. Written, 3 TPE, The Teammate One (150 words min.)
Tell me about your teammate who made the all star game! Who are they, why were they an obvious choice to make the All Star roster, and what do you expect from them this ASG? (If more than one of your teammates made the game, pick one of those players other than yourself. If you are the only player on your team selected for the all star game so far, write about your team's candidate for last man in instead.)

Well three of my teammates made the All star game! So I will talk about all three of them, but too answer your question yes I was surprised tree made the all star game. Unfortunately Toronto didn't have the best of seasons as a team to get three players to the all star game is surprising. I do think all three players Jack St Claire, Eggward Elric and Brooklyn Physt all deserve to be in the all star game as they all had great seasons. Jack St Claire tied for top five in season scoring and Eggward Elric finished top fifteen. Brooklyn Physt had a insane rookie year leading Toronto defensemen in points and was solidly defensively. My expectation for my teamates at the all star game is too continue to what they did in the regular season and dominate. I also expect them to half fun and show off a bit.


5. Written, 3 TPE, Let me do it (150 words min.)
Anyone who was in drafting pool, but was not selected for All-Star game will take part in skill competition instead (and don’t really know what how that will end up looking like). But all of those players got close but ultimately were passed on by GMs making the picks. But what they got wrong? Who from skill competition should have been in All-star game and who would you replace to make room for them?

Well I have to pick my teammate who got robbed of being drafted. Jack St Claire some how wasn't picked for a team!!! How is this even possible??? Jack St Claire tied for fifth in point in the whole season and some how isn't good enough to be on the team? He had more points them a good number of forwards who got picked, so I can't understand why Jack St Claire wasn't picked by a GM. The only thing I can think off is the GMs didn't have room in there top six for Jack St Claire, but honestly that doesn't make sense. If I had to pick someone for Jack St Claire to replace I would pick Lasse Zeigler only because they were the last forward picked. I don't really have a reason to kick a play out from playing as they were pick and Jack St Claire some how wasn't picked so its hard to pick someone to replace.

[Image: ThkcuFb.png]
[Image: e4CexU0.png]

0. Afilliate PBE Task - 3 TPE

2. Written, up to 4 TPE - Shiny Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 topics related to the All Star Game to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. Which of the three Montreal players would have been best addition to either of the teams?
b. Nash Topalo and Seamus O'Slapahan were only defencemen picked in top 10. Were they two best options this season? Should there have been more picked early on?
c. Which of the teams could have better top line (center and two wingers), WhiteFuzz with Johnny Wagner-Svenson - Viktor Hargreeves - Antoine Beauregard or JRuke with Erik Bergmark - Derek Martin - Aksel Fiske? Why you think they are better?
d. Grzegorz Brzęczyszczykiewicz and Sir Devoir were picked with back to back picks and thus both teams secured their started. Does either side have advantage on net? Back up goalies were picked lot later, do you think they can play role in the game at all?
e. Why should YOUR player have made the all star game, and why should you be the last man in? (If your player did make the all star game, tell us why they were picked.)

A. I am going to say that Valerija Serapin would have been the best addition to the all-star rosters based on my knowledge of the league at large. My logic for this being on account of their name being worth the most in Words With Friends, and also understandably by that being the longest name of the three. What does that have to do with simulated hockey? Something something random number generators using odd systems.

Word Count: 74

C. Well either team could have the better top line as the chaos of the simulation we play in combined with all six being strong players means it could easily go either way. Now as for what team I think will have the better top line I am going to go with WhiteFuzz as I don't recognize any of the names, but they have more names which I think will help tilt the random number generator in their favor for the same reasons I listed in my previous task. Also I like the last name Beauregard more than any of the last names on the other team which means given I have no knowledge of hockey means I am betting on that for no real reason.

Word Count: 125

3. Written, 3 TPE, The Teammate One (150 words min.)
Tell me about your teammate who made the all star game! Who are they, why were they an obvious choice to make the All Star roster, and what do you expect from them this ASG? (If more than one of your teammates made the game, pick one of those players other than yourself. If you are the only player on your team selected for the all star game so far, write about your team's candidate for last man in instead.)

In this point task I get to talk about Alexandros Mograine who has surpassed Dave Heinrich to be the superstar center of the Chicago Syndicate according to my incredibly minute knowledge of the team and the league and hockey. Honestly given that I cannot exactly tell you what has made them surpass Dave other than just having more TPE and all that, but what I can say is that Slicer is a superb user who is far more deserving of recognition inside and outside the sim than myself. Being both incredibly supportive as a GM despite the difficulties involved in herding the cats that make up the Chicago Syndicate, and an enjoyable teammate to spend time with in the locker room he has been a pleasant part of the Syndicate for quite a while. I am glad his player has performed well enough to get him some recognition and I choose to believe it is because of how nice he has been as a user to his team. Now as for what I expect from his player in the all-star game I have zero expectations because I don't actually know what to expect from any game when it comes to hockey.

Word Count: 201

1. milestones post, +3 tpe

3. Written, 3 TPE, The Teammate One (150 words min.)
Tell me about your teammate who made the all star game! Who are they, why were they an obvious choice to make the All Star roster, and what do you expect from them this ASG? (If more than one of your teammates made the game, pick one of those players other than yourself. If you are the only player on your team selected for the all star game so far, write about your team's candidate for last man in instead.)
Praise Ju-gong. Love Ju-gong. Add Ju-gong helmet charm to goalie necklace. Smooch Ju-gong.
But in all seriousness, he's repeatedly proven himself to be incredibly good at covering for forwards who simply cannot play any defense whatsoever (Celeste Desjardins). And for forwards who refuse to learn how to play defense despite being harassed to do so by their goalies and their defenders (Celeste Dejardins).
Okay, seriousness now. Ju-gong's stats over the last couple of seasons have been absolutely astounding. This is a goaltender who knows how to stay calm and can ride a hot streak for all it's worth, and recover quickly from losing one. He's relaxed. He's calculating. He's the backbone of the Citadelles more than any skater on the roster regardless of their point production rate. All the goals in the world are meaningless if your goaltender is unable to stop them coming back the other direction. Every team wishes they could have Ju-gong, but everyone can't. Just Quebec. (160 words, +3 tpe)

10. Written, 3 TPE, Most Offensive Goalie (150 words min.)
The league has multiple awards, yet there is always room for improvement. What award would you add? Why that award and who it would be named after? Or which of the current awards would you change? How would you change it and why?

I think we should start rewarding violence. Fights. Hits. That kind of stuff. A real Spiders Georg situation with fights, surely, but why not recognize players that aren't likely to win any of the other existing awards because of the criteria, clear and explicit or otherwise? After all, a goon defender isn't going to win so much as most defensive awards, let alone something like an MVP. Why not recognize them for what they do accomplish and excel at? Why not make it a little bit more rewarding to target your playstyle to be highly physical, whether as a goon or agitator or simply based on high phys stats? Everyone else gets to reap the shiny, shiny rewards for good play and good seasons, but they don't, and that's just simply unfair as a whole. It's only fair to give these players an opportunity at some personal hardware just like everyone else. (152 words, +3 tpe)

[Image: skyrrhawk.gif]


C. I think WhiteFuzz has the better top line. Both are obviously incredible but Hargreeves might be the best player in the league and he really pushes that line forward. Bergmark is also obviously very talented, but I don’t think he stands out as far as Hargreeves does. It’s too even between the 3 of them to make a definitive answer but the skill of Hargreeves also makes it hard to not select his top line as the better one +1

D. With how the all star game is, absolute star power and insanely talented players all around, I don’t think the goalies make a huge difference. They won’t be trying their hardest because it’s an exhibition game and I don’t think either is really way better than the other. It’s probably an even matchup between them, and whichever one takes the game more seriously will play better. I would be happy to get both however as neither is a bad option. I can’t pick between them though. +1

This is my second time writing one of these, and it’s quite a bit different. I talked about my legacy in the first one, and that is sealed. We won the four star cup. I broke the all time blocks record. My main focus now is losing the friends I’ve made in Quebec. It’s not like we’re not friends anymore, I can’t see anything driving us apart, but it’s different isn’t it. We’re going to be all spread across the continent, me in Chicago and everyone else in different cities. How do you manage that? We go from the high of winning the cup, what we’ve been hoping to get for four years and as soon as we do that our team is ripped apart. We all knew it was coming obviously, but even knowing the inevitable will happen, when it arrives it’s still shocking. My main wish is to keep our friendships that we’ve spent so long building, and to keep growing and learning from eachother. Maybe the distance won’t be too bad. Maybe we’ll have experiences we wouldn’t have otherwise which will help us grow as people. I’m not sure what will happen but I do know that even once we’re split up, we’ll still be together in our hearts as cliche as that is to say. +3

[Image: Rn4Vt1E.png]
(This post was last modified: 06-02-2024, 12:18 PM by puolivalmiste. Edited 1 time in total.)


1. Milestones, up to 3 TPE.

Milestones are folded in with All-Star Week.

Link your Milestone claim as task 1 for up to 3 TPE towards your 8 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your ASW submission. This is done because the person who grades ASW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.

Link +3 TPE 


2. Written, up to 4 TPE - Shiny Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 topics related to the All Star Game to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
b. Nash Topalo and Seamus O'Slapahan were only defencemen picked in top 10. Were they two best options this season? Should there have been more picked early on?
c. Which of the teams could have better top line (center and two wingers), WhiteFuzz with Johnny Wagner-Svenson - Viktor Hargreeves - Antoine Beauregard or JRuke with Erik Bergmark - Derek Martin - Aksel Fiske? Why you think they are better?
d. Grzegorz Brzęczyszczykiewicz and Sir Devoir were picked with back to back picks and thus both teams secured their started. Does either side have advantage on net? Back up goalies were picked lot later, do you think they can play role in the game at all?

B. There are many great defenseman in the league and Seamus O' Slapahan and Nash Topalo are one of many. However in my opinion, Seamus O' Slapahan is not the best option in the top ten. Sure, Slapahan had an amazing regular season and had a record for being a great player, whatever game it might be, but other options such as Hodor or Willow Soderberg - snooks should have been a better choice. (72 words) 

C. In my opinion, I think the second option is superior. Not only does the math makes sense, but there are better players in the second forward line. Although the first line may have Viktor Hargreeves, the others aren't that close. While there is Erik Bergmark and Derek Martin in the second line. Here's the math: Viktor - 125 P + Johnny - 93 P + Antoine - 92 P = 310 P compared to Erik - 111P + Derek - 113P + Aksel - 89 P = 313 P. Damn that was closer than I thought but you get the point. 

D. I mean especially in an all star game, goalies hardly matter when it comes to their skills, because they get outplayed every single second. However when looking at the stats, Sir Devoir has a better save percentage which could mean a better game. But like any all star game, goalies are unpredictable. (52 words)



7. Written, 2 TPE, How can so many people be so wrong (100 words min.)
Votes are in and rosters finalized, how you feel about the last 4 players that were voted in? Do you think there were more deserving players that were left out or were you surprised to see these players not to be picked in first place? Did player you voted for get in?

Votes are in and rosters finalized, how do I feel about the last 4 players that were voted in? Well there are no surprises here, two Texas players and two Philadelphia players is not a shock to no one, any players from these two teams are acceptable. However, first let me examine the players first. The first player was Graj Virrok, which is no surprise, he had been a very good player throughout his career. Second is Jack McCarthy, this is no shock either because he is a solid defenseman with this year having 39 points. And lastly it is Lasse Zeigler, this is the biggest surprise, after leaving Minnesota for Texas, Lasse has immediately joined the all star teams. Good Job Jay.  

+2 TPE

 [Image: hbtB38x.png][Image: Screenshot_2024-07-25_171622.png?ex=66a4...56461ae57&]
                               Canada Knights Monarchs Thank you Enigmatic and Jaypc8237 for the sigs!  Monarchs Knights Canada
                                                                      [Image: qGhUIfY.png]  Monarchs Knights [Image: YADp0uU.png] 

pt pass

[Image: KSelich.gif]
Thank you all for the amazing sigs & player cards
Germany Citadelles  Stampede [Image: vhY18i8.png][Image: Raptors.png][Image: gs89eGV.png] [Image: eE2UQZC.png] Stampede Citadelles Germany

3. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 5 (Maximilian Wachter, Alexis Metzler) at 16:25
5. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 6 (Steven Stamkos Jr., Brynjar Tusk) at 19:48
8. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 7 (Brynjar Tusk, Alexis Metzler) at 13:55
9. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 8 (Anton Fedorov, Mikelis Grundmanis) at 15:12
10. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 9 (Dickie Pecker) at 19:43 (Empty Net)


[Image: 8NuVFvj.png]

Kenneth Lind (S78-)

Tomas Lind (S57-S78)

[Image: kennethlind.gif]

[Image: canadice.gif]
@sköldpaddor @High Stick King @Ragnar

[Image: hKhKXUL.png]

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