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S76 All Star Week Due: Sunday, June 2nd @ 11:59 PM PST
(This post was last modified: 06-02-2024, 08:09 PM by baz. Edited 1 time in total.)

Milestones for SMJHL Center +3 TPE
PBE Affiliate +3 TPE

Task 7

In my opinion the last player in should be Connor Simard who really stepped it up this for the Nevada Battleborn having the best season of his career. Simard had 73 points this season compared to just his 27 last season which is a huge step up and should get any player recognized for their achievement. While yes he does fall short behind some other players in points Simard made do for the Battleborn and had 4 game winning goals. There is no doubt within in my mind if the Battleborn had to pick another person to be an all star it would be Simard. He will be the future of this franchise for seasons to come.

[Image: IsJIh5s.png?format=webp&width=872&height=1066]
(This post was last modified: 06-02-2024, 06:37 PM by caltroit_red_flames. Edited 2 times in total.)

Affiliate link - 3 TPE
PBE Champions Week

2. Written, up to 4 TPE - Shiny Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 topics related to the All Star Game to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. Which of the three Montreal players would have been best addition to either of the teams?
b. Nash Topalo and Seamus O'Slapahan were only defencemen picked in top 10. Were they two best options this season? Should there have been more picked early on?
c. Which of the teams could have better top line (center and two wingers), WhiteFuzz with Johnny Wagner-Svenson - Viktor Hargreeves - Antoine Beauregard or JRuke with Erik Bergmark - Derek Martin - Aksel Fiske? Why you think they are better?
d. Grzegorz Brzęczyszczykiewicz and Sir Devoir were picked with back to back picks and thus both teams secured their started. Does either side have advantage on net? Back up goalies were picked lot later, do you think they can play role in the game at all?
e. Why should YOUR player have made the all star game, and why should you be the last man in? (If your player did make the all star game, tell us why they were picked.)
d. I honestly do not think either team has an advantage. Realistically this is an all star game. While skaters may go a little hard the goalies both know that this is a show for the fans and that they do not want to get injured in a meaningless game. Imagine you are leading up to a playoff run and your Ron Mexico level starter is out for the rest of the season. Nah, these guys will hardly even butterfly during this game so honestly I think it'd be better to have a junior goalie in net trying to prove themselves than a goalie bound for the playoffs.
e. Cal Juice should have been in the playoffs because he is a total offensive dynamo out there. If his stats don't show it's because he's stuck playing with awful linemates and coaches with their heads so far up their butts they can taste their dinner so he isn't getting power play time. If the selection group had any idea what they were doing Cal Juice would have been the first player selected without a thought of any other player.

9. Written, 3 TPE, Players Tribune (150 words min.)
A popular format of media that has made a resurgence recently due to certain dedicated media writers, The Player's Tribune involves writing from your player's point of view in the 1st person. Write your Player's Tribune about your player's season. How do they feel about their results? Did they achieve their goals? Are they venting out frustration? Are there any moments of the season that were memorable?
Hey everyone, I'm Cal Juice the rookie on Chicago. Most of you probably don't know me very well and for good reason. My first year was rough. I went from a junior team that was rebuilding to a pro team that was rebuilding. It's hard doing that, you start to feel like maybe you're the problem when that happens but Chicago set me up with a sports psychologist. The coaches and I have also gone over tape together a ton and so I suppose the upside is that I am learning a ton from my mistakes. We are a young team and together we are building character through adversity. The late period comebacks that we are having to do far too often are showing us that we can get through the hard times and hopefully when those are happening less often we can make the unfortunate first periods less important with remarkable third periods. I'll be back next year and I'll be even better. That's a promise to the fans and a threat to the other teams.

[Image: 5PYmCAe.png]
[Image: doubtfulalpha.gif]
[Image: 0XJkcN5.png]
[Image: vHNIXVO.png][Image: 639861613880541184.png] Cal Juice [Image: 639861613880541184.png][Image: RyzkmSj.png]
[Image: Eo2nBCt.png] Tomas Zadina
[Image: tkMQzhf.png] Brady McIntyre
[Image: ice-level.svg]

1. Milestones - 3 TPE

2. Grab Bag - 2 TPE
b. I think Nash Topalo and O'Slapahan were solid choices, although for the sake of my fantasy team, I may have some other options to be in the ASG and top 10. Phillippe-Eko Eel probably had a good chance, along with Filip Lund, both of whom have also been early fantasy selections. I think the defense group was quite deep though, so going for the top forwards earlier probably just made more sense objectively.
e. Well Cheeks was the best defenseman for Calgary this season so I think that he could have been an option. He led defensemen on his team by 15 points, and scored a pretty solid 14 goals in 66 games. He is going to be in the skills competition too, so there was some inclination of talent. So if last man in voting is still going on, please vote for Cheeks! I would be honored.

3. The Teammate One - 3 TPE
So it seems like Tom Pedersen was the Calgary representative to the ASG (with yours truly Cheeks Klapanen in the skills contest). he was definitely a solid choice, leading the team in goals by nearly 10 goals and points with 77. Sunrise van de Schubbe et al was a solid 2nd choice, but with Pedersen's goals (also jeez, whopping 25 on even strength vs 7 on the PP, 6 SH goals too is crazy), he was definitely the favorite. He was a pretty late pick in the ASG draft, so expectations may not be the highest for him. But in CGY, we're all rooting for him to do his best and bring back some honor. I still don't really know what events Cheeks will be participating in but hopefully he'll have a good showing as well.
(This post was last modified: 06-02-2024, 06:37 PM by gurbs. Edited 3 times in total.)

1. Milestones

3. Graj Virrok is a standout player on our ice hockey team, renowned for his exceptional skills on the ice. His proficiency in skating, puck handling, and scoring goals has made him a formidable force in the league. Throughout the season, Graj has consistently delivered impressive performances, making him a clear choice for the All-Star roster. In the All-Star Game, I anticipate Graj to shine brightly on the ice, showcasing his talent and determination to excel. His ability to control the game's pace, create scoring opportunities, and contribute defensively will undoubtedly make him a key player for his team. Fans can expect an exhilarating display of hockey prowess from Graj as he represents our team with pride in the All-Star Game. In the All-Star Game, Graj's speed, agility, and precision on the ice will be on full display, thrilling fans and showcasing why he's among the elite in the league.

4. The current system prioritizes team representation over individual merit, ensuring every team has a presence at the All-Star game. While this promotes league-wide inclusivity, it may overlook standout performers on the same best teams. Shifting focus towards selecting the best players, regardless of team affiliation, could better showcase talent and elevate the competitiveness of the All-Star event. While team representation is important for fan engagement and league parity, emphasizing individual performances would elevate the prestige of the All-Star game and provide a more accurate reflection of the league's top talent. Ultimately, a balance between team representation and individual excellence is necessary for a fair and captivating All-Star experience. Having the best on best is something the SHL should strive for.

[Image: gurbs.gif]

3. One of the players that made the All-Star game from the New England Wolfpack was Seamus O’Slapahan. Seamus was the top point scorer for a defenseman on New England coming in with 52 total points resulting from 15 goals and 37 assists. 15 goals put him number six overall for defensemen on the season and 37 assists put him at number eight overall for defensemen on the season. Seamus was able to achieve those points as a defenseman by being paired with the number one and number two forwards in points on New England during the regular season. Seamus also played on power play one where he accumulated 19 of his 52 points from. I think having this many points and being top 10 in all scoring categories, would make him an obvious choice for making the All-Star game. What I would expect out of him during the All-Star game would be for him to work on setting up his teammates to allow them to produce on the ice and score goals. +3 TPE

4. I really like the new draft format for the All-Star teams. I think it is a fun way to get people involved and I think it is an interesting way to see how people would build an All-Star team if they got to draft their players. There can be a lot of strategies that go into a thought process while drafting and prior to the draft whether to try to get all the best players or try to get players that match up with teammates it just brings a nice new concept into the All-Star game, and hopefully will be continued moving forward in the future All-Star games. I think it is good for the committee to choose the pool players. That way there are multiple people having inputs to what players they think should earn a spot to be drafted for the All-Star game. As far as the pool of players goes, I think that 3 to 4 players from each team to be drafted is good. You still want all the best players to have a shot at playing in the All-Star game. And I think that last year‘s finalists are perfect people to be drafting the All-Star teams for the next season. +3 TPE

7. I think the last four players that were voted in were good, however, it was sad to see that Montreal had no representation in the All-Star game. I think that every team should have at least one player representing their team in the All-Star game. As far as the players go, there are so many players that deserve a shot to play in the All-Star game, and at some point it does get hard to narrow down who the top players are that deserve it. The player that I was shocked about the most was Graj Virrok. I was shocked because he was a player that was top 10 in goals and top 10 in points during the regular season but again, some people are going to be left out or voted in last. It was just surprising to see that he was one of them. +2 TPE

Affiliate Link -

[Image: puddlesoduck2.gif]


[Image: t0DZX3k]

1. Milestones

Milestones (+3)

+3 TPE

a. Which of the three Montreal players would have been best addition to either of the teams?

Gotta give the nod to Hirano here. Amongst all 3 players, they're leading in points at their respective position. Defense is lame as a position so sadly, Serapin is out of the running. BUT defense is really cool for forwards so I gotta let Hirano get in for their time spent on the PK. All-star isn't all about offense, people need to see some good defending to make it worthwhile.

+1 TPE

over 50 words

b. Nash Topalo and Seamus O'Slapahan were only defencemen picked in top 10. Were they two best options this season? Should there have been more picked early on?

Alright, I already said it before but I'll say it again--the defense position is LAME. No defensemen should be taken ever until the final picks. In fact, they should be picked after the goalies. Out of the defencemen available, yeah, probably the best (dont wanna look at them, defense disgusts me) but there's no shot they should've gone earlier.

+1 TPE

60 words?

3. Written, 3 TPE, The Teammate One (150 words min.)
Tell me about your teammate who made the all star game! Who are they, why were they an obvious choice to make the All Star roster, and what do you expect from them this ASG? (If more than one of your teammates made the game, pick one of those players other than yourself. If you are the only player on your team selected for the all star game so far, write about your team's candidate for last man in instead.)

The Kraken have plenty of all-star representation to pick form. All of them are valid as hell to pick, but I gotta talk about Jack Keigan. The down under plunderer, the GOAT goal scorer, the other title you'd give a legendary player. Let's keep its simple--Keigan was the best offensive weapon on the Kraken this season. Popping 41 genos speaks for itself, really. But it's not like he's selfish--far from it actually. Keigan also came out with over forty apples. He also isn't just the "best offensive weapon" but he's also a locker room threat. Need a DM to run some games? Someone to do a little bit of voice acting? Yeah, he's got you set. You may not catch him at all hours but if you need a goal or a good time you go to the same place; the all-star game to find Jack Keigan.

+3 TPE

150ish words

8 TPE total baby

[Image: mazatt.gif]

[Image: KhdDH3Q.png] [Image: q4PM2XX.png]

1. Milestones, up to 3 TPE.

Milestones are folded in with All-Star Week.

Link your Milestone claim as task 1 for up to 3 TPE towards your 8 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your ASW submission. This is done because the person who grades ASW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.

Milestones +3 TPE

3. Written, 3 TPE, The Teammate One (150 words min.)
Tell me about your teammate who made the all star game! Who are they, why were they an obvious choice to make the All Star roster, and what do you expect from them this ASG? (If more than one of your teammates made the game, pick one of those players other than yourself. If you are the only player on your team selected for the all star game so far, write about your team's candidate for last man in instead.)

Aksel has two teammates from Manhattan in the all star! Wayne made the all star game as a goalie, and Shnopple made the skills competition. Both are young players who are really coming into their prime and did incredibly well this past season. Aksel is selfishly proud of making the all star game again, but is looking forward to seeing more teammates in the roster! He had hoped that Shnopple would make the game rosters, but having him attend at all is huge. He's unhappy that Morley once again is snubbed, in past seasons he definitely should have made the roster, maybe even over Aksel, and there's still a lot of hope that he will see the all star events as he's in his prime. Still, missing the all star game and skills competition isn't the end of the world, and those who don't make it can enjoy a break in between grueling games nearing the end of season.

10. Written, 3 TPE, Most Offensive Goalie (150 words min.)
The league has multiple awards, yet there is always room for improvement. What award would you add? Why that award and who it would be named after? Or which of the current awards would you change? How would you change it and why?

There can always be more goalie awards. I would add an Offensive Goalie award, and award it to the goalie that I feel like is the most likely to earn a point off a goal during the season. The sim engine is a coward and won't let goalie goals happen, so the award will be less based on points and more based on vibes. Which goalie is doing well, and has a great offense that would probably score off a pass. Which goalie has a great poke check and thus would be able to accelerate that puck across the sheet of ice and into the other goal? Entirely hypothetical and probably contentious, but we need more fun awards that aren't just a reflection of season stats. That's my opinion, plus goalies need more recognition. They do all the cool stuff and don't get a lot of good feedback for stats, so give them a silly little award.

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[Image: jZtKPwK.png]    [Image: Thz4BYW.png]    [Image: ivBf7yq.png]    [Image: sXDU6JX.png]

[Image: merha.gif]
[Image: kvwHYOm.gif]
gay heghog

2. Written, up to 4 TPE - Shiny Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 topics related to the All Star Game to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. Which of the three Montreal players would have been best addition to either of the teams?
b. Nash Topalo and Seamus O'Slapahan were only defencemen picked in top 10. Were they two best options this season? Should there have been more picked early on?
c. Which of the teams could have better top line (center and two wingers), WhiteFuzz with Johnny Wagner-Svenson - Viktor Hargreeves - Antoine Beauregard or JRuke with Erik Bergmark - Derek Martin - Aksel Fiske? Why you think they are better?
d. Grzegorz Brzęczyszczykiewicz and Sir Devoir were picked with back to back picks and thus both teams secured their started. Does either side have advantage on net? Back up goalies were picked lot later, do you think they can play role in the game at all?
e. Why should YOUR player have made the all star game, and why should you be the last man in? (If your player did make the all star game, tell us why they were picked.)

b. I think they were definitely the best options this season I mean Nash Topalo is the best defenseman ever have you seen that guy he is an absolute dog on the ice he really goes out there and chews up the competition. Seamus is pretty good too I guess but I don't have a dog in that race.
e. Steve Harrington should have made the all-star game because if the voters were actually fans like NHL I think he would get a lot of votes for being really old in sort of a meme pick. The buffalo fanbase would be very strong with all their success and they would probably be able to vote in some players that aren't necessarily that good anymore.

10. Written, 3 TPE, Most Offensive Goalie (150 words min.)
The league has multiple awards, yet there is always room for improvement. What award would you add? Why that award and who it would be named after? Or which of the current awards would you change? How would you change it and why?

I would add the Sad Ketchup award for worst plus minus of the season. Having the worst plus minus has to be really sad and there is nobody more sad than Tylar. I don't know if he would have ever won the award but if you ask him he probably has won it dozens of times because his player is always shit in his mind. An award for least amount of points or ice time would be similar but would probably go to somebody IA or really ruin someones day but worst plus minus is kind of a team stat so at least you got something to show for being on a shit team with a sad player that can't stop the inevitable scoring imbalance. This season's winner would be Emil Karlsson with a blinding -90 on the ice because Montreal is deep in the dungeon of rebuilding and there's no hope for an award there unless the Sad Ketchup award gets made.

11. Written, 3 TPE, Almost a member (150 words min)
Which of the current players, who were still active during the season 76 has achieved enough that they should make it to the Hall of Fame? Are they already unquestionable first ballot Hall of Famer? Are they still close enough to their prime to make their case better or are they already so far in their career that realistically they are just working on their total career numbers at this point?

Obviously I'm gonna say that Steve Harrington should be in the Hall of Fame. Unquestionable first ballot is maybe not so cut and dry, as Harrington never did actually win any individual awards. The rest of the case is very solid though, with two cups, 3x All-SHL, ron Mexico and jesster noms, 2nd in points all-time among other stats close to the top. According to the SHL75 that luke put together Harrington is #45 on the list which should be a slam dunk as there are a lot more than 45 players currently in the hall. No more awards will be coming at this stage in his career, but Harrington is still hanging on to maybe set those records that he is getting close to. I think it would be tough to argue against first ballot for the all time points leader but we are still probably 5 seasons away from Harrington reaching that mark if he gets there.

[Image: arTbD7O.png]

Germany Berserkers Stampede Stars Barracuda syndicate Blizzard
[Image: PuANRuu.png]
(This post was last modified: 06-02-2024, 09:37 PM by Seymour. Edited 1 time in total.)

1. Milestones, up to 3 TPE.

Milestones are folded in with All-Star Week.

Link your Milestone claim as task 1 for up to 3 TPE towards your 8 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your ASW submission. This is done because the person who grades ASW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.
+3 -

3. Written, 3 TPE, The Teammate One (150 words min.)
Tell me about your teammate who made the all star game! Who are they, why were they an obvious choice to make the All Star roster, and what do you expect from them this ASG? (If more than one of your teammates made the game, pick one of those players other than yourself. If you are the only player on your team selected for the all star game so far, write about your team's candidate for last man in instead.)

I’m thrilled to talk about my teammate, Troy McClure III, who made the All-Star Game this year! Troy has been an absolute rock in our defensive core, and his selection for the All-Star roster was no surprise to any of us. His consistent performance on the ice, combined with his unwavering dedication and work ethic, makes him an obvious choice for this honor. Troy has been a constant presence in our defense, always stepping up in crucial moments and never shying away from a challenge. His ability to read the game and make smart decisions under pressure has been invaluable to our team. He’s not just a great player, but also a phenomenal person. Off the ice, Troy is always there to lend a helping hand, provide encouragement, and keep the morale high. His positive attitude and genuine care for his teammates create an environment where everyone feels supported and motivated to give their best

7. Written, 2 TPE, How can so many people be so wrong (100 words min.)
Votes are in and rosters finalized, how you feel about the last 4 players that were voted in? Do you think there were more deserving players that were left out or were you surprised to see these players not to be picked in first place? Did player you voted for get in?

Inge Baardsen, who absolutely deserves this recognition. Inge has been phenomenal this season, putting up impressive stats with 23 goals, 45 assists, and a total of 68 points. With 23 of those points coming from powerplay, it's clear how crucial Inge has been to our offensive strategies. Inge's consistent performance and ability to deliver in high-pressure situations makes it a no-brainer. Their skill set and on-ice vision have been key components of our team's success. As for the other players, I do think there were some deserving individuals who didn't make the cut, which is always tough. There are only so many spots, and the competition is fierce. However, the players who did get in have shown exceptional talent and dedication throughout the season, and they deserve this honor.

[Image: geRnYPO.png][Image: 0S9kFQ6.png]
Shout out Ragnarr for these two amazing sigs
(This post was last modified: 06-02-2024, 09:28 PM by Repgnar.)

1. Milestones, up to 3 TPE.
SMJHL Milestones : +3 TPE

4. Written, 3 TPE, It is the draft season (150 words min.)
Task 4 – It Is The Draft Season (165 Words)

I really think the format change when it came to All Star selection was a home run/slam dunk/top shelf/insert sport term here. Being a few sports leagues I really commend anyone involved in making any award-based experience better for the users involved. There’s a few different routes one can take and I think this method does a great job of getting the most amount of players in where it makes sense but also allowing the community to be involved with a selection process. Some leagues automate the selection process by having the sim or a formula take out the potential for a user to do a bad job in selecting players. Unfortunately this automation can cause players or fringe, unique experiences to be overlooked. By having representation from all teams and by having a user select players that will benefit their allstar team I think this strikes a great balance and look forward to my player being in the process down the road as well.

10. Written, 3 TPE, Most Offensive Goalie (150 words min.)
Task 10 – Most Offensive Goalie (160 Words)

I’d love to see an official award with the media grading team overseeing it that recognizes users for media that goes above and beyond each season. I wouldn’t want this to be tied to TPE or any in-sim benefit but public recognition and a monetary award would be great to see. In the International Simulation Football League there’s an unofficial (semi-official?) award that a great user by the name of Baron does each season. I say semi-official because I’m pretty sure the awardees do get a bit of sim league money for their accomplishment. Media is primarily used as a way to afford equipment and/or scratch an itch for users that really enjoy certain aspects of the league. Media is a way to tell a story, put together stats, or push for a change in the league they reall want. Having an official media award for users that do this and beyond would be a great improvement in the league.

8 TPE Earned

Milestones TPE+3

7. Written, 2 TPE, How can so many people be so wrong (100 words min.)
Votes are in and rosters finalized, how you feel about the last 4 players that were voted in? Do you think there were more deserving players that were left out or were you surprised to see these players not to be picked in first place? Did player you voted for get in?

Honestly do players deserve to get in, especially if they were not a clear choice? I believe the only ones that deserve to get in are the clear cut top players of the league, to the point that you should be in no matter what, because your game is that good. If you get to the point where you are barely noticed and you have to wait for someone to potentially voted in, there is no one more deserving or less deserving, because you probably did not deserve it anyway. I unfortunately forgot to vote, so I'm not sure if a top consensus ended up getting in, but as I said before, make yourself known before a vote.


11. Written, 3 TPE, Almost a member (150 words min)
Which of the current players, who were still active during the season 76 has achieved enough that they should make it to the Hall of Fame? Are they already unquestionable first ballot Hall of Famer? Are they still close enough to their prime to make their case better or are they already so far in their career that realistically they are just working on their total career numbers at this point?

If I had to make a case for an award that may not be in the league currently, it would be called something like the chatterbox award. The way to earn this award would be to talk the most shit during the games, or doing it during pre/post game press conferences. I think the league is getting a little soft and rivalries are not forming as some may like, so giving out an award that is not directly player related may give more incentive for those to talk more to others around the league, and to also create those rivalries. On top of that, we all like to see new badges on the side of our names, so it would be interesting to see a trophy with a set of teeth on top of it as well. Those who talk the most on the site should be recognized, as sim luck does not always represent a user.


Total TPE+8

isfl pt 3 tpe 
1. Milestones  2 tpe
9. Written, 3 TPE, Players Tribune (150 words min.)

A popular format of media that has made a resurgence recently due to certain dedicated media writers, The Player's Tribune involves writing from your player's point of view in the 1st person. Write your Player's Tribune about your player's season. How do they feel about their results? Did they achieve their goals? Are they venting out frustration? Are there any moments of the season that were memorable?
Is it over? Age is taking is toll and the team too is getting old.  It was a really difficult season. At least we managed to make the playoff but it was a hard ride. Once again we got eliminated in the first round. Like Angus Mcfife , my old captain use to say : We got bapped. It’s frustrating to live the same thing season after season.  My dream would have been to give Atlanta another cup. But I am not the player I once was. I got less than 100 points this season. I had my first campaign with a negative plus or minus.  It was a really sad time outthere. I don’t think that next season would be better. But at least my career was fun. In 792 games, I have 426 goals and 581 assists. I have more than 1000 career points. It’s been a good ride, but I am not ready to say that it’s over. I aim to have 600 assists and 500 goals. I think I still have it in me.


[Image: 75fL0ul.png]
credit to Qwest



d: of the two goalies, Grzegorz Brzęczyszczykiewicz and Sir Devoir, I think that it is supremely clear that we have a single clear standout best pick of the two. Grzegorz Brzęczyszczykiewicz would score higher in scrabble, and I have it on good authority that the sim team picks who wins based on that. I think that letting this player slip by was a strong mistake.

e: I think that 3WW Wingmate Roc was not chosen to the SMJHL all star game and I am okay with that. The all star committee does not select based on the correct criteria, which is wingspan, and so we can't expect them to pick correctly. The entire team should have been Quebec City Citadelles as we were teh winners anyway.


I think any change up to the All star format is kind of good because it is different and fun, not really that there is a qualitative change to how the teams are built.

I know that there are people who really want to make the all star game and that they might have missed it even with a great statistical season, but in that vein someone who might not have made it stat wise but wanted to got in.

I think that all selections are kinda broken in the real world anyway, so I have not issues from a "realism" perspective.

I don't think I'm in a spot to get in for quite a few seasons yet, so I don't have as much to think about this topic. I know I'll probably care a bit more, but all star doesn't seem to matter much, it's really such a lesser award or something on the resume.

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