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S77 PT #2: Bigger, Better, Faster, Stronger Due: Sunday, June 23rd @ 11:59 PM PST
(This post was last modified: 06-20-2024, 03:17 PM by spidey. Edited 2 times in total.)

A lot of people get Captain America's powers wrong. They think he has super strength, super speed, and many other supers. The truth is the super soldier serum hightens every aspect of a human to its fullest potential. So he would have the smartest mind a human can have, why he is such an amazing tactician and can memories fighting styles instantly. He can run as fast as the fastest sprinter for distances of a marathon runner, and is every bit as strong as the strongest men in the world.

So the SHL equivalent would be to have maxed out stats in every category. According to our TPE chart a player maxes out at 20 in any category. So we would need to sink in 241 TPE into every available category we can. Screening, getting open..ect.

Now there are a few categories with limiters depending on the position you play, but if we are being honest Captain America does not have any limiters so for sake of argument, all categories now reach their full potential no matter position.

Beyond the initial 155 TPE all players start with it would take an additional 241 TPE to max out a category. We would than have to multiple that against 23 upgradeable stats for a total of 5543 additional TPE or a total of 5698 TPE the maxed out Super Soldier SHL player would carry.

But there is one final argument, the Super Soldier player could potentially increase stats that are unavailable to average SHL players. Meaning another 200 TPE would be poured into determination, team player, leadership, temperament, professionalism to boost those stats from 15 to 20. Meaning another 1000 TPE will be added. For a new total of 6698 TPE for the Super Soldier Logan Webb...I better start messaging friends to join up. I need a lot of TPE to catch up.

[Image: Ak8rQKy.png?width=675&height=375]
Sig by Lazyeye
[Image: image.png?width=600&height=300]
Sig by DaBoot
Knights Timber pride

Louis Belanger would become a big green monster on the ice. His name would be Hulk. He would destroy everyone on the ice. Can you imagine hulk on skates? Once he has the puck, everyone else would be too scared to get the puck away so he'd just skate to the net, crush the goalie and then shoot the puck in the net which gives a goal. Having a goal will add +1 to his goal stats and +1 to his total points. It's the dream of every single player that players hockey and also SHL to have +1 in goals. His other abilities would be that he'd be so tall that he would hit the jumbotron by accident each time he gets to center ice. Jumbotrun would then fall on other people and hurt them all. His coach would love his hulk and make sure he has enough greese under his elbows.His max TPE would be 5000 because the cost of getting to Hitting 55 skill is very expensive.

Option 2:

Well each opponent is different, and you have to play your game, but also adjust to their game to ensure you can limit their chances. It starts off with video, you have to watch video to learn how your opponent plays, and how the the team likes to use him. From there, once you have an idea of how they play their game, you can compare it to your own game. See what matches up well, and what doesn't. For the items that don't you have to see if it will create big issues adjusting too, or if playing your own game will work. Outside of strategy, you have to make sure you just play harder and faster then your opponent, will can overcome the short fallings. You have to remember it is ultimately a team game, so there is only so much you can do by yourself, but if you use the team around you it will make it a lot easier.


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Written Option 1: Your player has been chosen to undergo a player enhancement program à la Captain America in order to create the next super SHL player to make the league more entertaining for fans. How does your player gain their newfound abilities? What sort of superhuman abilities does this program give your player? What would be their peak TPE?

Bobby Tkachuky is a best on the ice as he's already one of the strongest on the ice, but even so if Bobby got Captain America enhancement he would get super human strength. Obviously this would make strength be Bobby's highest TPE stat. Bobby Tkachuky would get this new super human abilities by being kidnapped by scientist after he passed out drunk form parting to hard one night. Bobby would wake up in a bed strapped down while the scientist would preform test to give Bobby super human strength. The results would just make Bobby even more athletic as he would naturally get faster and more agile for the enhancement. After Bobby returns to the ice with his new abilities he would be an unstoppable monster just running though everyone as he possess the puck to force his way to the net constantly. Bobby would have to be some what careful or he might end up hurting all the opposing player with his hits.

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Written Option 1: Your player has been chosen to undergo a player enhancement program à la Captain America in order to create the next super SHL player to make the league more entertaining for fans. How does your player gain their newfound abilities? What sort of superhuman abilities does this program give your player? What would be their peak TPE?

JJ Frankie JJ will undergo the amazing new gene enhancement technology to become Capitaine Québec. The best hockey player the province has ever seen and will probably ever see since the outcome will be so astonishing that it will be agreed upon to never use the technology again to not taint the history of the new and enhanced Jean-Jacques François Jacques-Jean. First will be the enhancement of the stomach. The ability to digest all the food but only take the calories needed to sustain current muscle mass and strength. Which means no worrying about food ever again! A great start. Then comes the skating ability. Whatever the maximum amount is right now does not matter anymore. We will push those stats to 11 (Which is less than the max is right now, I am aware, but it's just a matter of speech, it will be like 142). The final TPE after all the enhancements for sure will be over 9000, if not for the memes than for what?

168 words

[Image: gREvMiW.png] [Image: H3aFgmg.png]
Canada Timber  Jean-Jacques François Jacques-Jean || S74  Timber Canada
Austria Barracuda Kraken  Finn von Murphenstein || S57 - S72  Kraken Barracuda Austria 

Nathaniel uses a combination of raw determination, grit and speed. A lot of times players will shy away from corner battles, or fights along the boards, but Barca dives in with speed head first. This reckless abandon to his own safety does lead to some significant injury time, and his body takes a beating, but more often than not Barca is able to gain control of the puck before the opposition is able to get into position. This allows for the nice quick breakout pass to exit the zone and completely neutralizes the opposition. Another thing Barca does is throw his weight. If there is an opportunity to finish a check he makes sure that happens. The physical play does wear him down, but it also means some opponents just give up the puck if they know they are going to take a hit going after the puck. Finally, Barca utilizes his speed. As one of the faster defensemen in the league, he is usually able to at least keep pace, or get to dump ins before the opposition forwards. Pair this with a goalie who is able to delay dump ins and more often than not dumping in on Barca simply means turning over the puck for a quick Philly breakout.

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Option 1

I think if you’re modifying Willow to make her into a super player, you’re probably keeping her the same for the most part. She’s pretty good at both sides of the puck, but I think you could probably just take her to the extreme. Replace her bones with the same stuff Wolverine is made of, so she hits harder and doesn’t get damaged from hits or blocked shots, maybe attach some turbo engines inside her arms or something so she can rip slapshots at 200MPH and just break any defender who tries to block it. Willow would gain these abilities via a brownie that’s infused with the mystery strength serum. Just because she’s a psychopath who hates people doesn’t mean she doesn’t like normal things as well. Her peak TPE would probably be boring, just a capped build in nearly every stat which would be like 3K TPE but she’d still find a way to not lead the league in scoring.

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Boots was cornered in the arena hallway one evening and asked about what kind of enhancements would be beneficial to a hockey player. Boots without thinking too much said Rocket Arms!!! Boots was then tackled by two men in suits and knocked out.

Boots came too in a dark room with nothing around but a note saying enjoy your new arms! He was ecstatic! As Boots hit the ice for the next game he was ready to play some hockey. First thing he tested was a rocket of a shot. It fired off way high and out of the rink and was never seen again. It was going to be tough to aim a rocket shot. Next Boots used his rocket arms to cross check an opponent. As they were nailed by two sets of oncoming arms holding a hockey stick, Boots skates off to the bench but was quickly called for a holding penalty. The player he cross checked was stapled to the board with two rocket arms holding them in place. Maybe rocket arms wasn't such a good idea after all.

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At my current state I am a Roc who is still growing. Of course all legendary beasts like myself are always growing, but I would say that I am in my first form, my rookie season having been the base form.

It might sound like I'm rambling but I think based on some lore I've read, my character grows in form, like a baby dragon to young to adult dragon to ancient, for example, at a rate that is in base 9. So at 1 TPE I am in egg form, 9 TPE I am at baby form, and all the way up.

Of course we subtract our base TPE given and so I am in maybe my second form, unable to pass the bounds of the TPE cap, and this serum would let me uncap while in the J and defeat all who may oppose me. I think we should definitely let me do this and only me.

PBE affiliate:

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PT Pass

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Thank you hewasajazzman, Slothfacekilla, Sulo, Frenchie, and Raymond for the sigs Smile

Is this PT based on Rebecca Montagne? As she is also known as the superhero quake she already went to a transformation when she was younger, not done by science but by teragenesis. This gave her the powers to tremble earth and unfortunately for her, it would also crack the ice, deeming her powers useless for using in the simulation hockey league. But she is still happy that despite her performance not-enhancing superpowers, she was still allowed to play like she was a regular human. Every player responding that they have gained super powers that help them on the ice, should all be banned from playing out the season, maybe this will help Montagne finally get some better save numbers and help the calgary dragons forward. As much fun it would be to have super powers, lets keep them away from the ice and keep it a fair game for all athletes.

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Update Thread - Player Page
Update Scale

Former players:
Ivo Willems (S9 SMJHL) (S10-28 SHL)  
Xander Green  (S33-35 SMJHL) (S36-47 SHL)
Vorian Atreides (S49-51 SMJHL) (S52-61 SHL)

Prompt 2

M’Baku Olubori’s game really has developed over the years into a well-rounded offensive player for the Baltimore Platoon. He doesn’t worry all that much about getting outmatched by opponents, and will lean on his linemates and teammates to help overcome challenges. While just a year or two past the likely prime of his career, he’s still scoring at a high level for the Platoon. Frequently, he’s been relied on to be the main play driver on his line over the years, and he embraces that. Trust in his teammates might be his main weapon; even when they don’t believe they can make a play, they can expect Baku to put them into a position to succeed. He’s also gotten wiser on how to play certain opponents, which was sorely lacking when he first came to North America and relied too heavily on his physical tools. As of late he’s getting into position to score more than previous years, which has been exciting for the 10th year player. Baltimore’s wide open attacking style helps keep Baku and his teammates loose and ready to keep pushing for more goals (and more wins).

Platoon Elk Elk Platoon
Argonauts Argonauts

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Thank you karey, OrbitingDeath Ragnar, and sköldpaddor for sigs! 
[Image: BAL_Player_Page.png] [Image: BAL_Update.png]

Option 2

Being outmatched is basically Marton's entire career. But that word isn't part of the Survivor tagline because Jeff Probst knows it ain't all about what you can naturally (or unnaturally) do. Instead, you gotta outwit and outplay if you want to outlast. Marton has always focused on his O-read and D-read for that very reason. He simply knows the game better than his opponent, can read his opponent in half a blink, and knows what the other guy is going to do even before that guy has made up his mind. And then it's all about getting in the right position, which comes partly from knowledge and partly from endless repetition of practice, practice, practice.

Bigger guy about to lay a hit? You have to be ready to absorb it. Bigger guy needs to get hit? Set yourself up for the blow he's not expecting. Quick stickhandler coming at you? Be patient, read his hips and hands, then just hip check him onto his ass.

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Sig courtesy @sulovilen

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Your player has been chosen to undergo a player enhancement program à la Captain America in order to create the next super SHL player to make the league more entertaining for fans. How does your player gain their newfound abilities? What sort of superhuman abilities does this program give your player? What would be their peak TPE?

The fact that John Peanut is a humanoid legume wasn't already baffling enough, the powers that be in Montreal determined that he would be the best candidate to receive their new, state of the art, "Performance Enhancing Natural Improvement System".  Because of his harder outer shell, Performance Enhancing Natural Improvement System injections were going to be out of the question, team doctors were able to determine that a jelly based mixture would permeate wonderfully.

Upon receipt of the Performance Enhancing Natural Improvement System injections, play for Peanut would be harder than ever while simultaneously increasing role fulfillment.  It provided a natural "+10" boost to all his measurable metric standards, but more importantly gave him an incredible amount of stamina.  Whereas normal defenseman who filled many shifts, including PP time would be gassed by the end of a game and especially after going back-to-back days of games, now JP is only mildly exhausted and lusting for more. 

To quote the rookie defenseman after receiving his legalized injections:  "I feel amazing!  Like I could skate for days around the competition.  Everything is so much harder now.  Even my slapshots from the blue-line are like a Fulton Reed shot!"

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