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S77 PT #3: Humppaa Suomesta Due: Sunday, June 30th @ 11:59 PM PST

Option 1

Willow has some educational background with other languages and she is capable of speaking Swedish, Danish and Finnish, so hopefully the opposing player is from there because she would easily be able to sow the seeds of a fight eventually. If that method fails, option two is just hopefully Willow has a teammate who speaks whatever language their star player is and just use them there. If that still fails, there is the old tried and true method, just constantly hit the opposing player until he gets fed up and wants to fight. Big hits are a universal language and while one probably won’t start anything, three or four in a row, especially when Willow is going out of the way to hit them, that will get the blood pumping. Last method is the hail mary assuming all else fails, simply just pants the opponent and they will get the message and the fists will start flying.

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Boots is attempting to get in the hockey game deep and under the skin of WPG star forward Mikko Rashford. After a couple hard attempted hits, Boots discovers quickly that Rashford is quick to get away as he's used to being a target of other teams. He would need to find another way to get Rashford to slow down and face him to get him to drop the gloves for a match in the middle of the ice. Boots ended up reaching out to his good buddy Anton in Finland to find out some good Finnish slang to piss of Rashford. After some confusing chats that Boots mostly understood but wasn't quite sure and also after sending many photos of his pets, Anton taught Boots to say "You smell of fish and your mother dresses you funny" in the swiftest smoothest Finnish language anyone had heard. 

Next game against WPG, Boots was anxious to get out on the ice and in Rashford's face. 


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Why would they need to understand English? Violet would just hurl insults at them until she matches a language the opposing star player understands. The language of aggression is universal, too -- a few choice hits that aren't just hard but obvious and targeted should at least notify the opposing team that we mean business. And since we're building on the prior ruleset changes (I assume these PTS are in one continuum), players get rewarded for fighting and can be given a stint in the penalty box for smacking into the walls of the arena too hard. Instead of making the hit itself cause team distress, why not just stick the player perpetually in the penalty box for smacking the walls with too much force until they get mad and start hitting you back? Force them into a playstyle that isn't optimal for them (ie forcing a skilled player into playing a dirty enforcer/fighter game) so you can distract them from that? Done and done: player gets penalized multiple times and can't play their game because they're too distracted.

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Thanks @Amidships!
(This post was last modified: 06-24-2024, 08:46 PM by soulja. Edited 1 time in total.)

Yuri Boyka III has finally been selected to play for Team Russia in IIHF. As a result he decided to spend a lot of his training on aggression and fighting. The new Yuri Boyka III is full of testosterone and ready to rumble at any given time. It is time for his first IIHF game and it is against team Latvia. There is no better rivalry than these two nations especially with what happened in the past in their political environment. Yuri Boyka's target to test his new training is on Latvia's top offensive forward, Matiss Ozolinsh. Yuri Boyka is saying things and putting the finger straight at his face but Ozolinsh is unfazed. Yuri Boyka tries to trip him but he quickly evades. This started to frustrate Boyka because he was unable to get a reaction from Matiss. Yuri Boyka is also smart enough to know not to take unwanted penalties so doesn't want to do anything obvious and stupid. Only thing Boyka can think of at that moment was to basically try and make fun of the oppositions penis size. This magically turned out to work because Matiss became frustrated and slashed boyka. Matiss was put in the box for 2 minutes and Russia had the powerplay. Even worse for latvia was that Boyka was the man to capitalize on this powerplay and score the goal, which ended up being the game winning goal.

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PT pass

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[Image: Tqabyfh.png]  |  [Image: sXDU6JX.png]

First off - I am a wimp and wouldn’t ever consider fighting someone that plays hockey. No chance at all. But I did dump some TPE into aggression and fighting late last season to see if I could get some fights in but fhm wouldn’t let me do it. I don’t know why because I wanted to fight. But I guesss that segways nicely into this pt itself.

In this situation the best method is not to try to fight the person themselves but instead go target one of their stars. Get some borderline hits on the guy that’s just casually moving the puck down the ice. Maybe a boarding call. But piss off the team and that guy will be quick to get in your face. Never hurts to go chirp at the bench and talk shit about their wives, sisters, or moms. Men have huge egos and won’t be able to take too much of that shit.

Now will you end up with your face bashed in? Probably. Will it help you picking up ladies? Definitely not. But will it help you check the “fight a hockey player” off the bucket list? For sure! But make sure it’s the last item on the bucket list or you may not be able to fulfill the others….

[Image: thiefofcheese.gif]

[Image: Yztckjo.png] 

Sig credit: Ragnar, Carpy48, High Stick King


Written Option 1: So you got good advice from discord and decided to spent most of your TPE on aggression and fighting. Now your player wants to go and fight the star player on opposing team but you realize during the first period that they are tough as nails and wont be shaken by hard hits. On top of that they barely seem to understand English. Yet your player knows better than to take instigation penalty on top of fighting, so how do they make the star player on other team mad? Do they use sign language? Download a dualingo during the intermission? Hire a translator?

In a game against the Manhattan Rage, Ben Jammin has made it clear his despise for their up and coming prospect "Betzee Nickelback" that he intends to fight and agitate them whenever they face each other in the SHL. Betzee is a bit on the older side and can't seem to quite hear as well so Ben will look to "wiggle" to get the attention of Betzee. He will also look to talk about a show called "love island" to entice Betzee into conversation and make it look like Ben is interested in one of Betzee's shows. Ben Jammin has also been known to screenshot Betzee's chirps and share them with the general discord server, so he will continue doing so and making sure to ping Betzee whenever he does for maximum annoyance. If any of these tactics don't work, then he will look to go after one of Betzee's teammates such as Aksel Fiske, surely Betzee will look to defend a fellow and beloved teammate.

(166 words)

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Hugh Manius can be very childish when trying to get under an opponent’s skin during a game. Especially when they cannot understand English and even more so. Adding to this Hugh is not much of a linguist, thus his childish antics even more enjoyable. He will place his stick between his les and stroke it. Hugh will also bring his stick to his mouth and pretend to drink from it. Additionally, he will also inappropriate grind himself into tough as nails player who cannot speak English as everyone knows the international language of love. Unfortunately, New Orleans Specters management does not appreciate Manius attempts at humor and typically require him to go political correctness training but Hugh accepts that as it really gets under some player’s skin. Also, any player the Hugh is grinding on general tries to stay away from direct body contact thus throwing them off their normal game, making Hugh the victor.

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Sigs by @FlappyGiraffe,  @Steelhead77,  @ToeDragon84, @slothfacekilla, @Wasty and other dude I need to find your name

Lil' Manius

Big Manius


Graphic 2
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Its been a long con, a game of patience, and setting a seed really early on in their careers. Coming into the SMJHL side by side as rookies, Derek Martin and Erik Bergmark (@NYR73) had something to prove, both wanting to leave their mark, the former having been a 4th overall pick, and the latter begin a 12th overall pick. When they'd play each other, Derek would gently whisper ''poop face'' in Erik's ear, something mild, but something that overtime would perhaps come to be an advantage for him. After Erik eclipsed Derek in their SMJHL careers, and after he had a better start on Baltimore than Derek did in Los Angeles, Derek has had Erik's number for the last three seasons, narrowly inching him out on goals and points in that period of time, adding a layer of annoyance. This brings us to season 77, Derek is having a slump, and needs to activate his trap card. As such, Erik is ripe, ready to be forced into an unexpected goon match, ready to lose his marbles without even understanding how it happened. They're one ''poop face'' away from a bout of fisticuffs that could hopefully turn the tides on the season.

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@jason kranz sig elite / @sulovilen elite sig
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Panthers Ireland Highlanders
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It is really quite simple for Manhattan Rage's Austin Morley to get under the skin of an opposing player as he has been doing it since he could play competitive sports. He is a master at finding new and unconventional ways to troll his opponents while maintaining an act of innocence and keeping clear of any officials watchful eyes. In this particular scenario, with the opponent being tough as nails and unable to speak the same language, Morley would resort to some of his tried and true tactics. The first of which is to make sure to always try and tickle him in some form when they are near each other. I know this can be challenging with hockey gloves on, but Morley has been working at this since he started holding a stick and his finger dexterity and custom "tickle gloves" make it easy work. Every time Morley and the opposition are against the boards together or fighting for a faceoff, Morley is sure to give a little tickle until he can't take it anymore. (176 words)

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Will Nuck is a German born player playing in North America and as a result has had the pleasure of playing with and against players from all over the world. One of his new found favorite meals sense entering the league has become Poutine. Layers of gravy and cheese slopped over heaps of fries has become an almost erotic formula of post game meals. Being German and European means there was always a love for good cheese and adding gravy to the mix of potatoes has become something of an obsession for him. Speaking of melted cheese we cant continue without mentioning Will's love for North American styled pizza. Even though Pizza is an Italian creation, it is made differently in Europe then on American soil. His favorite part is the change in crust, while the NA style has many different crusts to choose from, his favorite is the stuffed crust. Because why not add my cheese to an already cheesy meal!

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(This post was last modified: 06-25-2024, 10:12 AM by TheOPSquid. Edited 1 time in total.)

Squidwardo Tentacles is an expert instigator. It does not matter if his opponent understands his words or not, he was always taught actions speak louder than words, and what better way to piss someone off than by using his actions? Using some classic instigator moves Squidwardo would try to rattle the other team and not just any specific player. The first and most efficient way to get another team rattled is to obviously snow the goalie when they go to cover the puck. If that does not get the other team angry the next bet is to dig for the puck and keep trying to push the puck into the net when the goalie tries to cover the puck and the whistle goes. An extra slash to the back of the shins "when going for a stickcheck" is a surefire way to make sure the other team knows what is happening. A couple facewashes after the whistle and an accidental punch or two goes a long way in the scrums and will be a great way to try and piss off the other team. The key to not getting an instigator penalty is to immediately skate away after doing the dirty act so the ref doesn't think you are trying to escalate the situation.

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Jennifer has learned a lot from her teammates on all 3 teams. Being from South Korea and living for a bit in America, she already had parts of those cultures that she enjoyed. But being in Canada with her new Canadian teammates, she learned to appreciate things like curling, All Dressed Ruffles, Nanimo bars, and Avril Lavigne. She’s also gotten to learn a bit of French from her Quebecois teammates as well. She also has teammates from the Nordic countries and has picked up bits of their languages as well as their foods. But the culture she’s learned the most about is Czechia. After joining their IIHF federation, she has really taking a liking to all things Czech. She is conversational in the language and working her way towards fluent, she rooted for the Czech National Team at the Euros, and shes taking a liking to Kolaces, Svíčková na smetaně, and goulash. Overall, Jen has enjoyed learning all about the cultures of the world and hopes to learn more.

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Thank you @xjoverax and @phoenix for the sigs!

Graphic option 2:

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[Image: CaleSalad.gif]
[Image: kalesaladshl.gif]
some high fibre sigs are Powered by AllBran, 

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