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S77 PT #3: Humppaa Suomesta Due: Sunday, June 30th @ 11:59 PM PST

The easiest way for Graj to force the opposing player to instigate the fight would be simple. Tall gibberish at him. Hit him every single time he's near him and it wouldn't cause a penalty. Slap his stick as often as possible. Shoot pucks directly at him sometimes. Do everything in his power to make it clear beyond a shadow of a doubt that he is coming after this motherfucker. Even if he can't speak to make him mad by insulting his mother or family - which is indeed cheap but my god it works - he can flip him off discreetly and just go above and beyond to make him mad. Also, he's going to use common English phrases such as "Good job!" And "Way to go!" As inflammatory sentences whenever the opponent does something poorly. This should serve to rile his big opponent up into a fight by the end of the game, as long as the Forge is winning.

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Thanks to EAB and sulovien for the sigs!

For Lasse Zeigler, he came over to the United States as a teenager and even now has still been adapting to the North American way of life. Every single day Lasse still experiences new things he has never seen before, and tries out whatever it is. The most important part that Lasse takes to heart is spreading his culture, the German way of life to everyone else around him. This can be anything from his language to German food, such as Currywurst, Schnitzel, and many many more. Lasse takes immense pride in his cooking skills, cooking for himself whenever he can, and for the team when the opportunity arises. You can't ask Lasse how his teammates enjoy it, as he thinks that everyone loves it, but I wouldn't take Lasse's word for it, you'll have to ask the Renegades as well as the Monarchs and the old Scarecrows. Even better you could ask everyone from Team Germany, who would know the difference from his cooking to stuff straight from Germany.

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Anna Skovgaard grew up in Norway, so coming to North America to play in the SMJHL was quite the culture shock. Her English was very good when she arrived, but after getting drafted by Quebec City, she soon had the pressure of needing to know some French for the rabid French speaking fanbase in the city. The people from Quebec are also so much more up front about everything which has taken a lot of getting used to. However moving to Canada has come with a few things she has really come to enjoy. Baseball isn’t really a thing in Norway but it has quickly become Anna’s favorite offseason activity, adopting the Toronto Blue Jays as her favorite team. Another thing she’s really enjoyed in Canada is the food, specifically poutine. There is just something about it that Anna loves. After explaining what it is to her Norwegian family, they all gave her a look like she had lost her mind with these crazy North American foods. 

Prompt 2

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Mostly ways to deal with the cold, having teammates from countries that are far colder than his native Netherlands meant that Sunrise was able to get used to the weather a bit faster than he probably would have been if he had moved to the country under academic terms. He did give them a bit of knowledge from his farming days and, naturally, his science degree came in handy a couple of times but mostly as a curiosity.

To be fair, Sunrise was always pretty open to new experiences ever since leaving his home village to attend college in Germany so it only makes sense for him to have an easy time gathering along with people from other lands. At any rate, the cultural impact he has gotten from the move to Calgary so far has not been massive but it one can say it has been appreciated, to put it politely.

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Scarecrows Dragons Czechia
Player Page - Update Page
Former Players: Yoshimitsu McCloud (LW, #64) - Outlaws pride Platoon Jets Aurora Ireland
Won a Four Star Cup once, knew ninjutsu, picture editors hated him, never tried free agency
Anton Harrier (LW, #90) - Battleborn Rage Ireland
Won WJC gold, liked skateboarding a lot, went to the finals with Manhattan, kept his seat glued in LR

Aksel is really good at miming, and he's also really good at losing fights. He's had 2 fights his whole career and he's lost 2 so he's 100% on losing fights. At least if he gets that roughing call, he takes the other player down with him and that's important, especially when it's a game where he's feeling off and can get some players who are having a good game some more time without an opposition that will really get in their way. He will do pest stuff like checking for no reason, little hooks around the stick and skates, and if players are stuff unfazed he'll move into more drastic tactics. He will shout in their ear as he's doing those things, not any real words just noises. That'll usually do it - he can get some good reactions out of being noisy. But then of course he sucks at the fighting part and he will drop like a coward.

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gay heghog

Well the first thing I would do is go to the Wikipedia list for offensive words in their language as a starting point. Construct some elementary sentences about having intercourse with their parents or something. Standard chirp material, but I want them to know I’m serious by taking the effort to learn their language. Then I’m gonna learn to construct more complex sentences - more abstract and local specific insults. Emphasis on abstract: if I can come up with some extremely specific hypotheticals, excessively weird comments related to things not appearance or family based, that will probably do more damage than anything else. Then once they get used to that, I start acting really gay, this doesn’t work on everybody but the people it works on it works VERY well. Then I bring back the parent intercourse jokes but with serious intent this time. Works like a charm.

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Graphic Option 2:

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Roger's really learned a lot. He's learned that Australian's are freaky and like to have their toes out. He aint complaining but it's something he's definitely noticed. Otherwise, it seems like Scandinavia is always cold, or at least the weather updates from the Euro teammates in the offseason never seem too appealing.

One thing that has been life changing has been the introduction of bidets. Largely a foreign concept to a simple minded American hockey player, the simple cleanliness that the foreign body enjoys is life changing. Overseas plays had never heard the adage of the required second confirmation wipe after the initial clean wipe. They all said "shouldn't you just need your one drying wipe?" and that set in that there was a significant culture gap at play. Now, all of Manhattan is living on the concept of the bidet. Some would argue it is an attempt to be high class that all socialites will strive after, but others will recognize it as a trend borne from the Rage locker room in the name of pristine bottoms.

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phillipe Eko eel otherwise known as PEE has taught me a lot about Norway. First of all, in Norway it is not customary to sit with your team mates at lunch but rather you sit alone in a dark corner and eat solo. At first I thought everyone on the Atlanta inferno was just being mean to me but they all swear they don’t party and eat together and that they have all adopted Norwegian customs. I do see pictures of them on Simbook but I think they just take pictures because they’ve adopted another Norwegian custom which is posting pictures on the internet that are artificial intelligence.

Another Norwegian custom pee taught me is that when you enter the team shower you gotta do a little twerk. So far nobody else has done this but my team mates told me that it is a sign of respect in Norway and i didn’t wanna make captain mad so I turn on some hip hop music and buss it down. McExplosion really likes it at least.


GM's Son of the Montreal Patriotes would use the one simple language that would get past all actual language barriers. The language of drinking beer. GM's Son would simply start throwing beers at the other player on the bench (so it wasn't a penalty), ensuring that these beers were warm so that the player would be disgusted when he actually drank them. After repeatedly challenging the player (and beating him) to shotguns, chugs, and other sorts of beer drinking contests, and providing him with warm beer, the player would obviously be ready to fight. However, one final push would be needed to get the opposing player an instigator penalty of his own: insulting his favorite beer by throwing full cans of it away directly in front of the player. At this point, the player would quickly lose control and instigate their own fight against GM's Son, which they would lose, and put their team down.


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Written 2:

Coming to the modern world was a culture shock for Jamie Fraser. Everything was different, even in the highlands, from the language to the food. This only got more difficult to wrap his head around when introduced to modern England and the modern United States. Understandably, technology was one of the biggest shifts to comprehend, and while it hasn't always been the smoothest Fraser has accepted the magic of computers in this new world of his that he now is thrust into. 

Art and music was another big shift for our favorite love interest turned hockey star, as the advancement of modern society has left much room for changes to music since the 1700s and there were plenty of artistic eras skipped over as he traveled through the stones. Fraser has found comfort in folk music, pretty much anything with a slower tone and acoustic guitar is easier for him to embrace and is a pleasant shift back to a simpler time.

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PT Pass

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Agate definitely doesn’t use her words to goad her opponents. Sometimes she actually forgets to speak at all for the duration of the game. The focus runs that deep. What she does do however is absolutely brutalize people with the butt end of her stick. She’s got an eye on the refs at all times and knows exactly when, and more importantly where, to strike. She knows the gaps in the padding, the pressure points, the recent history of injuries. And so she pokes and prods. She sometimes sticks a little tack on the end of her stick to get some blood. Just an annoyance of course. But it usually gets them going, the universal language of pain. When it comes time to get down to it, she’s always ready for a scrap, but most importantly, she’s out there intimidating players on and off the ice. Off? Yeah that’s what the suspicious mail is all about.

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