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S77 Championship Week Due: Sunday, July 28th @ 11:59 PM PST

1. Trivia Verification Word: JWS

[Image: AgentSmith630.gif]
Thanks to @sulovilen, @the5urreal, and @sve7en for the sigs!
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Trivia Verification: HF

9. Written, 50 to 200+ words. One Step Closer
After long last Minnesota managed to make their way to second round, but were not able to push further just yet. Since switching to FHM we have had multiple teams that have won the cup but there are still quite few teams that haven't been able to make it all the way. Baltimore, Calgary, Manhattan, Minnesota, Montreal, Tampa Bay and Toronto have not won the Challenge Cup during the FHM era, some have been close, but which one you think will be the next one to win and why do you pick them over the others?

Toronto will be the next team out of the bunch to win the Challenge Cup, and everybody thinks so. After blowing up the team in the late S60's, the North Stars have used their high draft capital to establish a team that have shown promise as we enter the late S70's. Their first two picks in the new order, Bender Junior and Ace Lightning, have entered their prime and along with the (fairly) newly acquired Louise St. Martin, have created quite a veteran core on the backend. Brooklyn Physt and Westley Kirkpatrick will be counted upon now as they enter their early primes, to continue their trajectory that makes the Toronto defense one of the strongest in the league. Denebor Milasch, the goaltender who should win rookie of the year, will be even better than he was last season. A strong second half of the year catapulted Toronto into the playoffs and they were very close to beating the eventual champions because of the stellar goaltending of Milasch. Hypothetically, the North Stars should be a brick wall in S78. Their forwards, who have been the strongest part of Toronto for the past many seasons, have taken perhaps a step back, with their veterans aging. However, the youth is coming! Bobby Tkachuky, Aumy Junior II, Florian Soderberg-Motyla and Mac Griddle should all see more ice time, and thus a bigger role to show the fans what the future has. Toronto makes the second round next season, and the cups will come soon!
(254 words)

11. Written, 50 to 200+ words. One Season Closer to Retirement
One season behind all of us. How did your player perform compared to your expectations? What do you expect from next season? Are you being hit by regression so hard that anything close to this season's performance would be a win in your books? Or maybe you are reaching your peak, in either of the leagues and hope to compete for some awards?

Ace Lightning has had an interesting career so far. He started out strong on a bad team, but has had a few rough seasons as the best player on the team. After a rough S76, S77 started out much like that, but a few coaching changes put Lightning in more offensive situations, and he thrived both offensively and defensively, which is promising for S78. This is his peak, so it has been a little disappointing that he hasn't made more of an impact among the other defenders in the league. This season will be very important for him, because regression is coming!

(103 words)

1. Verification word: Romans


[Image: sobchak.png]

1. CW TRIVIA, 1.5 TPE for participation

verification word: robin

7. This time for J: Who you got? Who wins the Four Star Cup? Why?
The Colorado Raptors win the Four Star Cup. The Raptors win it because they are the greatest franchise ever. I realize that is a bit of a homer response considering it was my junior team and I won a championship with them but its the truth. And I will never stop repping them and rooting for them to win it all.

Words: 61

9. Written, 50 to 200+ words. One Step Closer

After long last Minnesota managed to make their way to second round, but
were not able to push further just yet. Since switching to FHM we have
had multiple teams that have won the cup but there are still quite few
teams that haven't been able to make it all the way. Baltimore, Calgary,
Manhattan, Minnesota, Montreal, Tampa Bay and Toronto have not won the
Challenge Cup during the FHM era, some have been close, but which one
you think will be the next one to win and why do you pick them over the
Whether is the real world or the fake hockey world of the Simulation Hockey League, the Minnesota curse is real. Minnesota is destined to fall in the first or second round even if they take place in a fictional Minnesota. Now, the team that I believe will be first to finally get over the hump in the FHM era is the Montreal Patriotes. This Montreal team is loaded top to bottom with top tier prospects. It is only a matter of time to get these young rising stars up to SHL speed and playing their best hockey. With this group of promising youngsters, Montreal will finally put the days of endless rebuilds behind them and march forward with a stellar hockey team that will contend for Cups. This young core is the future of not only the franchise but the entire league. Look to players like Jussi Mutou, Xavier Beausoleil, Charlie Slurpe, or John Peanut to lead the charge and propel Montreal to a Challenge Cup.

They might suck now as a team but once they gain more experience as a team and get in more trainings, nothing will stop them. At one point they will reach critical mass and become unstoppable. They will win a few cups and then maybe flame out to start a new rebuild. Who knows? Maybe I'm entirely wrong and New England will keep dominating instead.

Words: 231

[Image: LChpoGG5_o.jpg]

CW Trivia verification word: Siuuu
(3 TPE)

4/ While one block is certainly one less puck to worry about for the goalie, it's important for every team to find a perfect balance when it comes to blocking shots. After all if every player surrounds the puck and it somehow slips through to a teammate then that leaves the defending team very vurnelable. So that's why it's more effective to have one or two players at max try and block the shot while the rest makes sure no one can go freely on their goal. After all a balanced team is much more hard to score on than a team that only specialise in one or two things.

(109 words, 2 TPE)

11/ Granted Sonja is still quite far away from regression or even considering retirement as she has just started her SHL career she already want to do as well as possible. One could say it's too early to be thinking about when the time comes to retire but at the end of the day, when one looks back at their career they want to say that "yeah, I've won this, I've won that" so it's important to do well from the very begining. Before the start of her rookie season Sonja really only had a few expectations about her season. On one hand she wanted to hit 50 points which might have been a big ask for some but not for Sonja, she always had high ambitions after all. And on the other hand she wanted to be in the top 3 when it comes to assists in her team. For her first goal, she just about managed to hit it with 57 points in 66 games which might sound good but considering how she started her season, she kinda looks back with mixed emotions on that regard. However her second goal was much more of a success as she managed to finish first in her team when it comes to assists so overall she is pretty much satisfied with her season even if it had it's ups and downs. As for next season, she really only want to improve her numbers from this season.

(244 words, 4 TPE)

" Maybe someones er... they don't like me but... because i'm too good, i don't know why. "

[Image: Tsunny_New_Sig.png?ex=66d56cfd&is=66d41b...e0f6dde96&]

CW Trivia Keyword: Sconnie (3 TPE)

[Image: CnPenxE.png]
(This post was last modified: 07-25-2024, 08:00 PM by Massive Coiler.)

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1.5 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.



8. Written, 50 to 200+ words. New Challenger Arises
New England has been one of the top teams in the league for all of the 70s, winning two cups during their four finals appearances. While Texas has not had finals appearance since they won the Cup in S62. Based on regular season standings you could think that Texas comes in with the advantage but last time New England went to the finals after they finished regular season at 9th they won the cup and in general they have lot more experience from the finals. Do you think that New England can take advantage of their experience or is this just another series with clean slate for both teams? Who you got? Who wins the Challenge Cup? Why?

My money would be on New England, mainly because they keep knocking my Forge out of the playoffs and they have to win here for my own sanity. But also the experience and blah blah helps over a team that hasn’t been there yet, as we all know from watching the same talking heads repeat the same thing every year in the finals of every sport. Regular season be damned, the Wolfpack are just in the pocket. The playoff sim is their element and I don’t care about anything the regular season displayed for either of these teams. No way after this run that they’re capable of coming up short.

110 word count


11. Written, 50 to 200+ words. One Season Closer to Retirement
One season behind all of us. How did your player perform compared to your expectations? What do you expect from next season? Are you being hit by regression so hard that anything close to this season's performance would be a win in your books? Or maybe you are reaching your peak, in either of the leagues and hope to compete for some awards?

Antonio Flusso is nearing the end of his career in all likelihood. At the very least is nearing the end of being an elite defender in the league. The early seasons of regression haven’t done much damage to him or his game, but it’s coming here now. If anything, my two most underwhelming seasons of the last 5 came as a 2K TPE player. I was stronger before I hit 2k and this past season falling a little below it, I saw an increase in scoring which was a pleasant surprise. Honestly, despite regressing even more for this upcoming season, my hopes are high to have another one or two very high end seasons before having to adapt my game to a more one-sided focus (probably on the defensive end). So on paper I shouldn’t believe that this season will be anything special, but I feel like I’ve got another good one in me here. I don’t anticipate any awards being added to the shelf, but I expect a high level of performance to rival my last 5.

Word count: 178


[Image: Flusso.png]
Sig by @Evil_AllBran

[Image: YztPk3T.png] [Image: 6by0kBi.png]

Prompt #11

My player, Elvar Gil-Galad, a goalie for The Great Falls Grizzlies, didn’t really perform up to my expectations this season but truthfully, in hindsight, I should have expected the infamous sophomore slump. The Grizzlies, based off analysis that I made up in my head, were not expected to be that good this past season but I was still hoping for better stats than I got. My goal-tending was inconsistent but I truly believe the code for FHM is geared to support skaters getting huge point totals and who suffers with that premise? The goalies by letting in ridiculous amounts of goals no matter how good they are. I had games where had over sixty shots and a game where I had seven shots. It was so weird.

The Grizzlies are an up-and-coming team for sure and it was hard to grind through this season knowing our best is at least a season away but this season could be compared to a Wednesday. We are over the hump. Our glory days are coming, at least I hope so! The elusive four-star cup is what I want most out of my junior career and season 79 we will have more capped players than not. That is our year I hope and dream!

210 words. 4 TPE

Prompt #12

My prediction for this year’s World Junior Championships is that Team World will win. Why do I predict this? It’s because I have insider information by being on the team that we are awesome. Some new players, some returning players thee mix looks really nice this season. But most importantly, the two Goalie’s Song ju-Gong and Elvar Gil-Galad might be the greatest tandem duo the World has ever seen. I mean the team, not the actual world but that would be pretty great.

If these two play to their all-star potential they can steal some games in the round robin and get good positioning into the playoffs. From there, I predict the team will shine. The World will dominate the world.

The one thing that I hope the goalies will achieve this go round is that one of them will get a shut-out. And then I hope the other goalie gets two haha. Last year was such a bugger, I can’t remember if it was round robin or pre-season, and yes I’m too lazy to go look it up, but Song had a shutout going until ten seconds left in the game. We all raged at the travesty to be honest. This time we’ll get one. Or we’ll sigh trying.

Good luck IIHF-ers!

213 Words. 4TPE

[Image: wLeEjGc.jpeg]

(This post was last modified: 07-28-2024, 01:03 AM by leviadan. Edited 1 time in total.)

1) bang

8) Honestly if we're talking raw experience, you have to give the edge to NEW. They may have been out of the top contention spots for a couple of seasons, but their amazing core is still in tact, and they've just been trying to find the right pieces to surround them with to grab another win. They may have a rebuild or a retool on the horizon soon, but it's hard to look at their squad and think those guys can't finish the job, because they've done it before. Texas on the other hand had a real winning pedigree in the late S50's and early S60's, but that team is entirely gone-- both in management and on the ice. The culture is still there, the history is still there, so that give the guys something to draw on even if they don't have the direct finals experience themselves. It's easier to believe you can win when there was an amazing group of guys wearing the same jerseys as you are that got it done just over a decade ago. Hell half those guys are in player development and management roles now, so they can tell you right to your face that it means something to win as a Renegade. But with all that said, in my opinion a history of winning isn't the same as actually doing it-- so I gotta give New England the edge here. (236 words)

10) This isn't a player per se but I wanted to give my flowers to Coop and Antique managing Texas. I've seen first hand the excellent job those guys are doing at gathering wonderful people together and creating a locker room that has people excited to win the cup. It's tough to build that culture when you take over a team in the depths of a rebuild, and they handled in incredibly. After all that work they find themselves in the finals and they deserve it 100%. I know they didn't get the cup this season, but I believe they'll do it soon. They're too good at their jobs to not get it done. (113 words)

TPE Earned 8/8

[Image: pin1_1.gif?ex=66ec5e74&is=66eb0cf4&hm=61...8d73302d2&]

PBE affiliate task, user name Patey


12. Written, 50 to 200+ words. Old Reliable IIHF Analysis

Write your predictions for this year's IIHF tournament or WJC! Tell me about your team! What are your expectations for your player? What teams are you watching out for this time around? Did last season's results surprise you and how much do you expect them to change this time?

When looking at predictions for the next IIHF season, the expectations are high for Finland and myself, especially since I won the past 3 WJC in a row. Finland also has a lot of great players, so anything other than a medal on the podium would probably be a failure. I do not have many expectations for my player since he is just playing his rookie season as a part of the IIHF, so he will probably be getting minimal minutes on a third line pairing on defence. If I am able to look down some of the other top lines and record a good +/-, then I will really have nothing to complain about. As for whatever other country I will be watching out for this tournament, it will definitely be the U.S.A, especially because they are going to be our division rival, and it should be the team we are battling to become first in the division with. If we somehow do not win that game, it will give us a tougher match up later on in the tournament in the playoff round, if we make it there. I mentioned it before but anything other than a medal for Patey V2 will be a failure for him and his country. Finland is a mix of young and old, so capitalizing on teams like these is when it is important most, because were not sure what will be our future when the veterans retire.
200+ words

13. Written, 50 to 200+ words. National Rivalry

Which team do you see as your main rival in either IIHF or WJC? Maybe it is the closest neighboring country or someone who you have met in the playoffs countless times? Or maybe your team got split for WJC and you now have eternal hatred for the other team or the other way around, did your teams get merged and you want to show to your old partners in IIHF why they were bringing you down? Do you think that most of your team agrees with your pick or is it for more personal reasons?

If were talking division rival, it is definitely the U.S.A, because as I mentioned before, they are the determining factor whether we battle for the top spot in the division. As for cross division rivalries, it would be Sweden. It would be Sweden because as the top European teams, we want to make sure we take the crown away from them as the top team. Losing in the finals or another round is one thing, but if it is to another top European country, that's when pride comes on the line.

91 words TPE+1

8 TPE total


1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1.5 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.



11. Written, 50 to 200+ words. One Season Closer to Retirement
One season behind all of us. How did your player perform compared to your expectations? What do you expect from next season? Are you being hit by regression so hard that anything close to this season's performance would be a win in your books? Or maybe you are reaching your peak, in either of the leagues and hope to compete for some awards?

Jarrod Lakemore has entered regression and is entering the tail end of his prime. He is still putting up all-star numbers and is expected to lead the forward line for Buffalo and is hoping to capture at least one more cup before the end of his career. Buffalo isn't particularly strong TPE wise at the moment and is better positioned to be amongst the leaders in that category in 5-6 seasons, when Lakemore would be at the end of his career or perhaps even retired. Despite being fairly average in TPE, Buffalo has consistently outperformed expectations and has made the playoffs every season of Lakemore's career. Even their cup run in Lakemore's rookie season they weren't one of the regular season powerhouse teams or one of the top TPE teams. So even if Buffalo may not have the best team on paper, Lakemore and Buffalo have still shown they have a puncher's chance every season and have been a tough out for any opponent in the playoffs, even those that boast what would appear to be superior rosters. (185 words)


12. Written, 50 to 200+ words. Old Reliable IIHF Analysis
Write your predictions for this year's IIHF tournament or WJC! Tell me about your team! What are your expectations for your player? What teams are you watching out for this time around? Did last season's results surprise you and how much do you expect them to change this time?

Latvia has finally gotten over the hump as last season they managed to make it out of the group stage and into the knockout round after a disappointing run of many consecutive seasons of dropping out early. Latvia will be looking to build on that, as they are still a fairly young team that still is perhaps a couple seasons away from truly contending. For the upcoming IIHF season, it would be a huge success if Latvia would manage to not only make the knockout round, but perhaps score an upset and make it to the medal rounds. While certainly not one of the favorites, Latvia is a feisty team with a couple of stars and solid depth that has a chance of surprising some of the better teams. Most important for them will be taking care of business against some of the weaker teams, and putting up strong showings against teams on their level. As long as they can make it out of groups, with the playoffs being a single knockout game per round, anything could happen for Latvia. (180 words)

Citadelles  S68 - Jarrod Lakemore - C Stampede

off checklist
(This post was last modified: 07-26-2024, 07:22 PM by GreyGooseVodka. Edited 2 times in total.)

1. CW Trivia Keyword: lancerevo

14. The New England Wolfpack are S77 champions! The New England faithful celebrated into the early morning hours after their big win. After being pushed to the brink by the highly competitive Texas Renegades, the Wolfpack found a way to dig their heels in and stay alive. The series started off as a quick two to nothing lead for the Renegades. The first game was a seven goal offensive outburst by the high flying Texans, followed up by a stellar performance winning four to two in game two. New England wasn't done there though, they fought back hard in the third game and had a convincing win. The excitement didn't last long though, with Texas showing up and winning game four. With no other option then to win, the Wolfpack relied on the strength and resilience of their core members and veterans. They pulled off three consecutive wins to earn the right to hoist the trophy once more, as they had done so often in the past. The Wolfpack were led by their second line, consisting of Antoine Beauregard, Nathan Cormier and Bruno Tooyo. Both Beauregard and Cormier posted incredible assist numbers, showcasing their dynamic playmaking ability, while Bruno tied for team lead with eighteen goals. Texas was an incredibly difficult and historic opponent to face for the Wolfpack, but they pulled through with sheer willpower. (225 Words) +4 TPE

7. As a Newfoundland Berserker, I'd obviously like us to win. The history of success Newfoundland has cant be ignored, we have a super solid top four defense and we will be back to the finals soon. Aside from my own team, the St. Louis Scarecrows look quite strong this upcoming season. They have strong defense and goaltending, along with some of the leagues top scorers. (65 Words) +1 TP

1. cw keyword: Kiekko

7. This time for J: Who you got? Who wins the Four Star Cup? Why?
So it is very simple reasoning i want the yukon malmutes to win the four star cup there are two reasons in total: the first one is the more simple one that being: I played with my current player my J career in yukon the second one is: thats where i met my first SHL people (idk how to say this) so it holds a special place for me as my first SHL experience so this is why i will most of the time cheer for yukon to win it and if i don’t its because im playing somewhere else in the J

11. One Season Closer to Retirement
So coming in to my first season it was kinda of a roller coaster i didn’t even have high expectations but i got for days just not having a single goddam point so at first i was disappointed but then my player started getting points and at the end of it all it went above my expectations what is nice to see but i would definitely remove the part where i didn’t get any points at all. And hopefully i will be better and better since that was my rookie season and atm i have been max earning and have really good linemates what would help me get a lot of points. Also im gaining a lot of TPE even now i would probably preform better then last season at least the start of it so hopefully this league will at some point see kaarlo koivunen lift the cup and win at least a single award

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[Image: 3XFmqtw.jpeg]

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