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S78 PT #0: Taste of a Champion Due: Sunday, August 11th @ 11:59 PM PST

Sydney Shaw, Justin Time, Viktor Hargreeves, and Edzus Scholz tried to go out to dinner, but they just could not agree with what to eat. Much arguing later, they find themselves in a predicament of forming a cooking competition. Time has begun, 45min, there are not many rules beyond "cook a meal". They did not even specify if it had to be edible. Shaw, in kitchen one, she loves to watch cooking shows but can she cook? Looks to be attempting some shrimp dish. Justin is over in kitchen two, he seems calm and determined, looks like steaks. Viktor in kitchen three, somber and quiet. Hes already breading the fish for a classic fish and chips. Lastly Edzus is in kitchen four, claims to be making Biezpiena plācenīši, something about frying cottage cheese? Im not really sure.
Fast forward and they all just ate what they made and were too stubborn to try the other dishes and didnt bother to hire judges. Well dinner is done.

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Blade Hunter learning about Hockey

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Option 2:

The worst experience of being nearly there to getting it ripped from your grasp happened just this past season. Texas has a been a contender for a while now, but hasn't gotten over that hump in the playoffs. This past season was different. We finished the regular season strong and had a great run in the playoffs, capped with a huge series win in the Conference Finals against the Pride. We finally made it to the Challenge Cup Finals. When we got there, we kept our foot on the pedal and stormed to a 3-1 series lead against the Wolfpack. Victory was in our hands. 1 win in 3 games was all we needed. Then, it happened. It's all still a blur, but the unthinkable happens. We lose 3 straight games and the Wolfpack are your champions. Absolute heartbreak.

Now, we head into this season and it's going to be very interesting how that loss affects us. Everything has been said and done right in training camp. We're ready to shake it off and have it drive us to another cup run, but until you get on the ice, you don't really know how it's going to affect us. There's a scar on this team from that loss and we're going to need to dig deep to heal that.

(219 words)

Guy Incognito - D - #24
Texas Renegades
Season 78
Regular Season - [G 6] [A 31] [Pts 37] [+/- +39] [PIM 42] [Hits 66] [SB 128]
Playoffs - [G 0] [A 0] [Pts 0] [+/- 0] [PIM 0] [Hits 0] [SB 0]

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ISFL affiliate

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Sig credits: OrbitingDeath & enigmatic

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Timber Scarecrows pride Aurora France

Quote:Players on your team agree to have a get-together during the offseason. Innocent argument over what to eat during the meet developes into a cook off, each player will be cooking a meal while rest will grade it, but only the best cooks stands as a champion.

Preparation time is short, rules are vague and competition is going to be tought as professional athletes often like to win. How will your player tackle the task? Do they have secret family recipe to go for? Can they cook at all or is their only way to win through sabotage and voter influence? Or maybe they are excellent cook to begin with? What they will cook? How it goes? And ultimately who will be the champion?

McLovin is a connoisseur of fine cuisine and relishes the opportunity to show off one of his many talents. In fact, its often asked what his backup plan would be, and he's said that it would be a professional chef with a small restaurant and a rotating menu.

So no sabotage is necessary, and the only thing required by him to influence the voters is his exquisite dish, which for this occasion, is a beautiful Beef Wellington. The important part is the beautiful pastry shell that envelopes the beef, and he will use a family tried and true recipe to make that part. He begins with a beautiful beef tenderloin, pan seared and browned to perfection. Next comes the beautiful prosciutto layer to add the ham flavor and provide a ground for the mushroom duxelles to be spread on. Lastly that beautiful pastry wraps it all together and gets it ready for baking.

How does it go? Perfectly, because this is McLovin and his name is synonymous with success and perfection. Does it give him an edge on the ice? Only if the opponent remembers that he beat their ass on and off the ice!

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Written Option 2:
When the final horn sounded in S75, we were all excited in LA. WE WON THE CUP!!!! LET'S GO!!!! And we had a young team, and great management, and everything was just starting to line up. This was the beginning of our moment. And then we failed to make it out of our division in S76 and S77, and it feels like we're that one pole vaulter at the Paris Olympic games-- top of the arc and catching it in the shorts.

As a team, I think we haven't made it through yet, but we're trying. For Oliver Castillon, it's a recognition that we need to be doing more individually to make the team better, to be good enough to win the California Cat Fight that's going to come in the Divisional Round of the playoffs. There's a bit of anger and frustration there because he's supposed to be growing and taking on bigger roles, but yet the success has dropped. So he needs to get better, needs to keep growing. There's still a belief there that the LA Panthers can and will win another cup, but it's going to take more work. (193 Words)

[Image: olivercastillon.gif]

Thanks @enigmatic, @Carpy48, @Bayley, @Ragnar, @sulovilen, & @dasboot for the signatures!


Graphic Option: Create an image that shows your players excellent taste for something (for example food, clothing, antique cars or whatever they like.)

[Image: BEBeOfj.png]

After eating at Bynum's steakhouse irl while at gen con last week I knew I had to use a pic from there

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[Image: lqfXIpe.jpeg]

What's this, we are at a team party and a cookout breaks out? This is perfect, as Dan spends many of his off days watching marathons of Chopped on the Food Network. Dan loves the idea of having a limited time to create the best dish possible from ingredients available and often mocks being on the show when preparing dinner. Dan will take the ingredients he has and build a dish that will absolutely blow the socks off of all of the tasters as well as the fellow competitors. Dan loves playing with ingredients and has an amazing feel for what herbs and spices work well to compliment and accentuate any type of food. Playing around with different combinations in his spare time Dan likes to consider himself as somewhat of a Professional amateur chef and is looking forward to showcasing those skills. Watch out Inferno members Dan is coming to cook you right under the table tonight.


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Credit to Ragnar and Enigmatic for the great Signatures

Option 2:

Well, my hardest fall was with a player I had in my main sim league. Got drafted 2oa to a bottom feeding team and won the Rookie Of The Year award the next season with 113 points in 72 games. That was the most I ever got, but the following seasons as we improved slowly, I got 92 and 104 points in the following seasons. Then we really improved in the standings, I wasn't even a point per game player anymore. I felt pretty useless for the next three seasons and the team was falling apart, again. New management came in and dealt players and myself away for another rebuild, which would turn out to be successful for them, even still riding that wave to this very day. I never got my production back up to a point per game level, but I got to the finals once on another team but we lost in seven games. I'd go on to retire a hot rookie, but a second line player. That was a hard fall for me then, my player today is doing well, entering his third pro season on a competitive team now that could challenge for a finals appearance. I haven't forgotten the heartbreak but I have learned the lessons.

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285 TPE
OTT (S76-)
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credit: enigmatic
389 TPE
COL (S56-60)

Written option 2: Slava Ukraini Heroyam Slava know that in the vibrant world of professional sports, the Toronto North Stars offseason cook off has become a highly anticipated event. The competition is fierce, but the atmosphere is electric with camaraderie. Slava Ukraini Heroyam Slava is a rookie forward with a penchant for healthy living and a competitive spirit and as a result he is ready to take on the challenge. With the competition heating up, Slava Ukraini Heroyam Slava knows that winning is not just about the taste of the disk. Presentation and timing are key. He plans as a result to make home made meat Ukrainian perogies. He also chooses the freshest garlic and onions along with vegetables to cook the dish, knowing that their vibrant colors will make his dish stand out on the table. At the end of the day Slava Ukraini Heroyam Slava ends up winning the competition and proving the rookie is he to make an impact on the team not only on the ice but off the ice.

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[Image: leafsftw1967.gif] 

Malamutes  Stars Malamutes  Stars

So let’s get one thing straight, Jett Labyrinth does not possess any sort of cooking skill or knowledge. He is however quite overconfident, something that has helped him on the ice become a first round pick in the SHL, but has also hurt him by putting himself into situations where he’s destined to fail. So when Jett boldly claimed he could win at a cook-off with his new Winnipeg Aurora teammates, it seemed like this was indeed one of those situations where he bit off more than he could chew. Since Jett has a personal chef, cooking is not one of his strong suits, but there was one meal he knew how to make, Kraft Dinner. The key is to boil everything in a pot at once with some shredded cheese, then let it simmer for a bit, that plus a little paprika. Now of course the whole team laughed at this, but when they tried it, they were quickly transported to a simpler time as a kid when this was as good of meal as you could get. Ultimately, Jett lost the cook-off because of course he made Kraft Dinner while his teammates actually made proper good meals.

Berserkers  Aurora  Uk
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PT Pass

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Graphic Option: Create an image that shows your players excellent taste for something (for example food, clothing, antique cars or whatever they like.)

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92 - Leighton Oligny- C
(This post was last modified: 08-07-2024, 07:52 AM by hockeyboy1. Edited 1 time in total.)

Written option 2: Vladimir, a standout player known for their dedication and skill, faced a significant setback that tested their resolve. Here’s a detailed look at their journey through a tough period and how they managed to bounce back:
The Setback:
Season Overview:
  • High Hopes: After an impressive regular season, Vladimir's team entered the playoffs with high expectations. They were top seeds and had dominated many of their games. The championship seemed within reach, and Vladimir was particularly optimistic about their chances.
  • The Collapse: During the playoffs, the team faced a surprising and intense opponent. Despite winning the first few games, they started to encounter unexpected losses. Injuries and fatigue began to take their toll. In a pivotal Game 7 of the Conference Finals, a crucial play went awry, leading to a heartbreaking last-minute loss.
The Downturn:
  • Emotional Impact: The loss was devastating. The team went from being on the cusp of the finals to facing a long offseason filled with questions. For Vladimir, who had invested so much into the season, it felt like a crushing blow. They went from “We’ve got this” to “It’s so over” in a matter of moments.
The Road to Recovery:
  1. Personal Reflection:
    • Dealing with the Loss: Vladimir took some time to process the defeat. They reflected on what went wrong, both individually and as a team. This self-reflection was crucial for understanding their own performance and the team's dynamics.
  2. Seeking Support:
    • Teammates’ Role: Vladimir leaned on their teammates for support. The team held meetings to address the loss, discuss what they could learn from it, and focus on what they could control moving forward. The camaraderie and mutual support helped Vladimir and others cope with the setback.
    • Coaching and Mentorship: Vladimir also sought guidance from coaches and mentors, looking for advice on how to overcome challenges and improve both physically and mentally.
  3. Rebuilding and Training:
    • Focused Improvement: Vladimir committed to a rigorous off-season training program. They worked on specific areas of their game that needed improvement, such as endurance and mental resilience. This period of intense focus helped them come back stronger and more determined.
    • Setting Goals: Vladimir set clear, achievable goals for the next season, focusing on both personal development and team success. They aimed to turn the setback into a learning experience and a source of motivation.
  4. Leadership and Influence:
    • Team Dynamics: As a respected player, Vladimir took on a leadership role, helping to foster a positive and determined mindset among teammates. They encouraged their peers, shared their experiences, and worked together to build a cohesive and resilient team.
  5. Mental Strength:
    • Mindfulness and Resilience: Vladimir practiced mental conditioning techniques, such as mindfulness and visualization, to strengthen their mental game. They learned to channel their emotions constructively and maintain focus under pressure.
The Comeback:
  • Season Performance: The following season, Vladimir’s team came back with renewed energy and focus. They applied the lessons learned from their previous experience, addressing weaknesses and leveraging their strengths.
  • Team Unity: The adversity faced during the tough period ultimately brought the team closer together. The shared experience of overcoming a setback fostered a strong sense of unity and mutual support.
  • Success: Vladimir and the team performed exceptionally well throughout the season, making it to the finals once again. This time, they carried the lessons and resilience gained from their past experiences. They managed to secure the championship, achieving the long-awaited goal.
The setback was a critical moment in Vladimir’s career, but it became a catalyst for growth and improvement. By reflecting on their experience, seeking support, and committing to hard work, Vladimir and their team were able to transform a devastating loss into a stepping stone toward success. The journey not only made them stronger individually but also reinforced the importance of teamwork and resilience, ultimately leading them to reach the pinnacle of their sport.

I have been blessed to play on many great teams that have made it to the finals and came up just short of winning a trophy in the SMJHL. On the other hand my history in the SHL has been kind to me and I have 6 cups to show for my time. But if I recall correctly, I have been to the Four Star cup with 3 different teams and each time came up just shy of winning it. I have to say that the junior teams have been very memorable to me. The biggest push to carry on and keep the course is done by the teammates in the locker room and the great GM's and team staff. As much as it hurts to lose out on a cup, its always comforting knowing you have a great team in the LR to help you get through the hard times and continue to push for the next season.

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