Mr. Woggins prefers to watch the 10 metre Air Pistol part of the Olympics. It's something he truly enjoys as a sport on account of growing up as a professional 10 metre Air Pistol athlete.
I'm counting Esports as actual sports because we're getting to that point with peoples talent levels and similar, and Willow absolutely adores Counter Strike and everything about it. She plays for Sweden part time in international charity matches and always pops off.
Viktor isn't really a sports guy to begin with, but I guess if he had to pick one...maybe fencing? It's probably as close as he's going to get to seeing a lightsaber battle.
08-15-2024, 11:16 PM(This post was last modified: 08-15-2024, 11:17 PM by johjeff. Edited 2 times in total.)
Jonny enjoys watching Olympic rugby. He appreciates it's physicality, teamwork, and strategic elements, which are related to the intensity in hockey. The fast pace and dynamic competition in rugby aligns perfectly with his love for high-energy sports.
Favorite to watch would be football. Nothing better than Saturday college football and then Sunday NFL football. If it were up to me, I would never leave the couch for the entire two days!
My player really liked the breakdance competition. B-Boys and B-girls are both artists and athletes. She wished the CIO would include it in the next Olympics in 2068, in Osaka.
Ekaterina Valieva - Baltimore Platoon
GM - Maine Timber
Chopper really loves the bare knuckle brawling in the under ground Canadian Olympic league. While there are no medals or anything of the sort the raw physicality and technique is inspiring.
Pyro182 Player Progression Director
Resident Gobbo
Westley's favorite sport to watch has to be racing. I have no idea why, but he just loves cars so getting to watch them come by and then go away a bunch is really exciting for him. The only part that makes him sad is that he's not allowed out onto the track to do things like poke the bumpers or examine the wheel spokes.
Thank you hewasajazzman, Slothfacekilla, Sulo, Frenchie, and Raymond for the sigs
Seamus really liked watching the competitive rowing events. Some of those cutthroat boaters out there really know how to paddle hard and get through some dangerous situations. Everyone likes a barrel roll.
Credit to Vulfzilla for the awesome render pic ||
Mutedfaith Registered
singing solo you can't hear him
Being Swiss, Julian is a big fan of the Swiss national sport Schwingen, also known as Hosenlupf. He always tries to catch the local games when he's back home.
It's definitely tennis. Tennias has a lot of great elements for a great watching experience. It's a very traditional and "gentlemanly" sport. Very high pace, very skilled and athletic players. Especially when the best of the world play against each other, it's always fun to watch.
Soccer is always a fun sport to watch, but my favorite is always the track and field competitions. The drama is unmatched, especially in the longer races
Gaia Mormont Registered
S18, S34, S38 Challenge Cup Champion
I tend to like the championship matches of sports. Though i might not watch baseball all year, I will pay attention to the World Series. Just for an example... but yeah. Most sports I know who won the season.