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Chirper #81 (AC Week #539)

sleep is not on the menu

[Image: Evok.gif]

[Image: merha.gif]

Wednesday tomorrow already. Friday off. 2 days left.

[Image: Oats.gif]

[Image: 401.png] [Image: S42cup1.png] [Image: r-Wt4-AB350oooo.png][Image: WuTGq5J.png][Image: XUMDqMO.png]

For a moment this morning I had 94 TPE . . . "Bank error in your favor" kind of thing . . .


[Image: 5ODjzxe.png]
Citadelles Blizzard

Split games with Detroit today, good enough.

Nor Ge
Norway Citadelles

Salzberger Lillehammersson
Norway Inferno World Falcons

Anders Christiansen
[Image: inferno.png] [Image: dragons.png] [Image: wolfpack2.png] [Image: stars.png] [Image: Dxdffra.png] [Image: hGKuRrv.png] [Image: sAx3Llh.jpg] [Image: firebirds.png]

That's some Ws!

[Image: Dextaria.gif]

[Image: Niz2wua.png]  [Image: iB9r7kM.png]  [Image: 6by0kBi.png]
Thanks to @DELIRIVM, @Moreorless89 and @ValorX77 for the sigs!

08-27-2024, 11:34 PMOhtaay Wrote: Wednesday tomorrow already. Friday off. 2 days left.
Almost there!

[Image: Dextaria.gif]

[Image: Niz2wua.png]  [Image: iB9r7kM.png]  [Image: 6by0kBi.png]
Thanks to @DELIRIVM, @Moreorless89 and @ValorX77 for the sigs!

Shoot I forgot chirps almost

[Image: Oon045t.gif]
[Image: yRQ5DtN.png][Image: ZSWcyJU.png]

I do love doing tactics, can't lie

[Image: Oon045t.gif]
[Image: yRQ5DtN.png][Image: ZSWcyJU.png]

dos mas

[Image: jE4ioeC.png][Image: meOh9pz.png]

no mas chirperos

[Image: jE4ioeC.png][Image: meOh9pz.png]

Better get to chirping

[Image: kO5aAZV.png]
[Image: 8NuVFvj.png]

The Rage in a tough spot since the great start. Time to give it our all!

[Image: kO5aAZV.png]
[Image: 8NuVFvj.png]

work is killing me right now

[Image: fFccrkD.png][Image: SNCAGza.png]

Can it be hockey season yet?

[Image: fFccrkD.png][Image: SNCAGza.png]

NOLA's season has been a roller coaster so far

[Image: the5urrealshl.gif]

[Image: 9TttCL9.png][Image: kPo7Awc.png][Image: M98Qi4H.png]

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