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S78 All Star Week Due: Sunday, October 6th @ 11:59 PM PST
(This post was last modified: Yesterday, 08:26 AM by OrbitingDeath. Edited 2 times in total.)

Affiliate claim - 3 TPE:

Milestones - 3 TPE:

Graphic - 3 TPE: [Image: h6uBCUW.png]

[Image: m38.gif]
Update Thread - Player Page
Update Scale

Former players:
Ivo Willems (S9 SMJHL) (S10-28 SHL)  
Xander Green  (S33-35 SMJHL) (S36-47 SHL)
Vorian Atreides (S49-51 SMJHL) (S52-61 SHL)


GM pass

[Image: ekovanotter.gif]
thanks @Carpy48 and @frithjofr and @rum_ham and @Julio Tokolosh and @Briedaqueduc for the sigs
Armada Inferno norway

DEV pt pass

[Image: DrunkenTeddy.gif]

[Image: Tqabyfh.png]  |  [Image: sXDU6JX.png]

1. Milestones, up to 3 TPE.

Milestones are folded in with All-Star Week.

Link your Milestone claim as task 1 for up to 3 TPE towards your 8 total.

+1 TPE Claim

2. 4 skaters from Los Angeles made it, should coaches try to keep them together or would you want to see things mixed up more?

I mean honestly you could look at this in two different ways. Keeping them together would absolutely almost guarantee a win. I also think that fans of the Los Angeles Panthers would want to see this continued dominance. They know their players can dominate together, they want to see that. On the other hand, it's an All Star game. Does it really matter if you win or not? Most players and coaches treat this as a time to have fun, and it certainly could be fun mixing them up and trying to see what other sort of chemistry they can find.

WC: 101
+2 TPE

5. What can city of Tampa Bay offer to players they are hosting for All-Star games?

Errr, well, I mean they have a Busch Gardens which is really fun? And some nice beaches? I also hear that they have a really good aquarium and zoo. Beyond that, you may get some good sightings of the wild Florida man that are known to be wandering around out and about.

WC: 52
+1 TPE

6. Your player decides to start a youtube channel, what kind of content they are creating?

Paul Bondage absolutely loves gaming in his downtime and during the offseason when he is not training. He would start a standard Let's Play style YouTube channel, just playing games of various genres to see what stuck. It would almost certainly turn out that a few months into his channel, he would give a shot at video essays, one of his favorite forms of YouTube videos. It would almost certainly be 8 hours or longer of him just rambling nonsense about the Final Fantasy series, but there are sure to be some weirdos out there that would like and subscribe. He is also absolute trash at fighting games. It could be fun to start a series of going from noob to pro to see how long it would take him to learn and evolve as a fighting game player to being actually decent at Tekken. As much as he would like to play some NHL, no way in hell would he subject himself to that madness.

WC: 166
+3 TPE

8. Written, 50 to 200+ words. The Teammate One
Tell me about your teammate who made the all star game! Who are they, why were they an obvious choice to make the All Star roster, and what do you expect from them this ASG? (If more than one of your teammates made the game, pick one of those players other than yourself. If you are the only player on your team selected for the all star game so far, write about your team's candidate for last man instead.)

I mean, tale as old as time, General Manager uses his power to put himself into the All Star Game. Yeah Philippe-Eko Eel is an incredible defenseman. I'm sure he will do great. But surely Jiggle E Puff could have made it in? Billy Harrington? I am not mad. Please let it be known that I am not mad. Please do not put in the newspaper that I am mad.

WC: 70
+1 TPE

[Image: lPQWyve.png?ex=662bf46d&is=66197f6d&hm=a...dd3527ca4&]

10-01-2024, 05:34 PMGyro_Hero Wrote: 1) Milestones! I've got the link below, and secured +3 TPE for myself through it!

[+3 TPE, total 3]

6) Your player decides to start a youtube channel, what kind of content they are creating?

Oooooooh, okay, so Matthias would either be one of the very best, and most respectable sorts - you know, the "here's a tutorial on how to make friends with the wildlife" or "Primitive technology - building a house out of only logs and mud!" type, or, he would be the most toxic little shit on the platform - "I smuggled a polar bear into the Maine Timber's locker room and it ate all their equipment [PRANK! FUNNY!]" And honestly, I worry that if he ever got his hands on technology like that, He might just wind up arrested. The platform is so open-ended, and the personalities at Saint Louis and Edmonton are so big, that he might well just end up setting up a camera and letting the locker room conversations blare out as some sort of absurd podcast. All I can say about his content output is that it would be frighteningly irregular, both in time, and in substance.

[162 words]
[+3 TPE, total 6]

11) Often people Chirp only for money and don’t really check what others have been chirping about, but it doesn’t have to be so. Find one or few interesting Chirps from this weeks thread, that you could reply to, and tell us why you picked those. Do they raise interesting topics that you’d have something to say about? Or maybe they are just something funny that made you smile?

Well now, not to toot my own horn, but @kahri has been known to come into our locker room and start randomly quoting my Chirps as some sort of absurdist art - but from this week's thread, @bbjygm quoting the Incredibles made me smile, I could hear Craig T Nelson and Holly Hunter bitching at each other in that RV, even from just reading the lines - hearing others chat about the draft, and @Elad315 excitedly going into debt for that sweet, sweet TPE made me laugh hard enough to wake up the cat - honestly, Chirps are just a great part of the community, and while they often don't get much attention, I'm glad they're there - and also dear god please I need more money I always need more money there's NEVER ENOUGH

[140 words]
[+2 TPE, total 8].

Thanks to everyone again for such a great season - I'll see you all in the next one <3

I think you’ll like todays chirp.

S78 Milestones 3/8

ISFL Affiliate 6/8

Task 6 - YouTube Channel 8/8
If Graj Virrok were to start a YouTube channel, it would be a bit of a jack of all trades event. Though he would be happy to create gaming content that focuses on his hilarity and not on his gameplay - he'll never be recognized as one of the most talented gamers on the planet, but does have his moments - he would be more inclined to create a channel that focuses on the finer points of eateries in the Philadelphia area. He's never been one to be a super foodie, but he knows good food, and he would be a commoner's guide to the best eats around. Many people don't have the exact flavor profiles of professional chefs, so he would give blunt, honest reviews about where he eats and hope to help people find the best food for their taste buds when they come to Philly. (146)

[Image: laser.png]

[Image: Virrok.png]
Thanks to EAB and sulovien for the sigs!

5. What can city of Tampa Bay offer to players they are hosting for All-Star games?

The city of Tampa Bay offers many unique opportunities for players to meet the local wildlife, both human and animal. Everyone will be wandering around to see the mythical Florida Man, until they realize that it's way too easy to find and then spend the rest of the trip holed up in their hotel rooms, waiting to go home. Inevitably, they'll have to go out for something to eat since room service meals will be way too expensive (and lets face it, very bland). They'll spend their trips out covering their face, trying not to get recognized. That only attracts the Florida Man though, who will just be waiting for someone to ridicule about wearing a mask in public. After running from such a confrontation, the players will be forced to stop somewhere quick like McDonalds, where the ice cream machine will surely be broken and they'll be out of french fries. They'll run back to their room with a bag full of McDoubles and swear to never come back to Florida again. (172 words, 3 TPE)

8. Written, 50 to 200+ words. The Teammate One

Jølngüštrâädüvich DuBølk isn't technically on my team, but he was on my fantasy team and I think that's close enough. I didn't have him on my initial roster, but I did make a pretty early swap for him and he ended up carrying my team to a second place finish in my group, when before I was sitting at a very uncomfortable seventh. If that's not an all star worthy performance I don't know what is, and I don't want to figure out what is because I love having some fantasy TPE in my pocket. Hopefully I can find him available next season and he can do a repeat performance. (110 words, 2 TPE)

13. Written, 50 to 200+ words. Just Hear Me Out

Robo Sven had a pretty average year. So average, in fact, that he did not qualify for a single milestone. It was his last year in the SMJHL, so he was sitting at a nice capped 425 TPE build. I would propose a new award for the painfully average, as his season was not a failure of a season by any stretch, but there was also nothing really to get excited about. There were many milestones he missed out on by just 1 or 2 metrics but it doesn't change the fact that by all measurable stats, his final season in the J's was utterly forgettable (especially as the Whalers got bounced in the first round). Therefore I propose the "Completely Fine" award, which will be handed out to the player who finishes with a completely fine stat line with nothing else you can really say about it. The award can just be an aluminum bust of a completely fine shrug. (161 words, 3 TPE)


[Image: steveoiscool.gif]

HO off season pass

[Image: gunnarsoderberg.gif]

[Image: xJXeYmQ.png]
[Image: DG0jZcS.png]
. : [Image: zS2lCMp.png] : .

Yesterday, 10:32 AMElad315 Wrote: I think you’ll like todays chirp.
I just never could figure out a way to make good commentary out of "Stan Kroenke is a pile of broccoli shits soaked in asparagus piss"

Like, that statement is just too powerful to add anything to xD

"That way - no, no, a little to the left!"

"Oh, shit, not like that wait no -!!"


"Oh god Cake is gonna hit me again" :'0

GM pass

1. Milestones:

GM pass

Manhattan Rage | General Manager
[Image: LSZLcjq.png]
thanks Sulovilen for the sig!
D | Manhattan Rage | Czechia

[Image: 8NuVFvj.png]

GM pass

[Image: lily-sig-3.jpg]
(This post was last modified: Yesterday, 01:56 PM by Rabidsponge21. Edited 1 time in total.) - PBE PT - Milestones x 3

Written, 50 to 200+ words each. Shiny Grab Bag

6. Your player decides to start a youtube channel, what kind of content they are creating?

[Image: 4zfXx6o.gif]
[Image: 9sKIbXE.png]

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