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S78 All Star Week Due: Sunday, October 6th @ 11:59 PM PST

1. Milestones
+3 TPE

8. I think that SFP has sent the same 3 players to the All-Star game the last few seasons and it’s one of those things that is hard to argue against any of them. Viktor Hargreeves has been one of the best players in the SHL for a long while, Willow Soderberg-Snooks is a true #1 defensewoman and Justin Time is arguably the best goalie in the league as well. We are blessed to have a large group of deserving players from Edzus Ozolins to Logan Webb among others, but the top of our team remains those three elite players. It’s a good problem for the committee to have in terms of deciding who to take because if you take any of those players from San Francisco, you’re going to be in good shape in terms of who you’ve got representing the team in these fun, invitational type events like the All-Star Game.
WC: 152
+3 TPE

9. I think that leaving things the way they are in terms of having at least one player per team is the right way to go about doing things. I don’t believe that teams should necessarily have sympathy players, and I think that it would likely end up that way if we tried to make it so that teams had to have 2 or more than two players. There are a lot of teams that could realistically have more than the 3 players that they do, and by increasing the minimum for other teams, they’re not going to be able to include players that are very worthwhile and get them replaced by guys that maybe aren’t as deserving of that recognition.
WC: 120
+2 TPE

Alex Winters (retired)
Matej Winters (retired)
Dominik Winters
S45 Jesster Trophy Winner
Challenge Cup Winning Goal Club: S52
(This post was last modified: 10-05-2024, 09:13 PM by Toivo. Edited 3 times in total.)

S78 Milestones +3 tpe

PBE PT +3 tpe

Written, 50 to 200+ words each. Shiny Grab Bag
2. 4 skaters from Los Angeles made it, should coaches try to keep them together or would you want to see things mixed up more?
As a player on the Panthers, this is an easy keep them together. If you line them up against each other, you’re just going to get some crazy physical play. These guys love each other, but they never get the opportunity to really lay into each other. Practice is kind of a tame affair. So if they square off in the all star game, expect some of them to really lay in the hits and we don’t want that. We don’t want the Panthers self-destructing via the all star game. Everyone else in the league might approve of that, but let’s keep the band together and strong for now.

Reed Kobo - Winger - #33
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Elijah Jones - Winger - #33 Retired
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Toivo Kosonen - Defenseman - #33 Retired
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[Image: 2ew9foG.png][Image: rnSNsnU.png]
(This post was last modified: 10-05-2024, 09:46 PM by oknom. Edited 2 times in total.)

Milestones Claim
+3 TPE

Written, 50 to 200+ words each. Shiny Grab Bag
3. Before last player in votes all of the East defencemen are from different teams, which pairings you would create from them?
For the Eastern Conference defensive corps, Jaromir Jagrbomb and Nathaniel Barca are the two most prolific offensive defenders from the group. I think I would elect to split them up so we would have some offensive contributions up and down the lineup. All Star games aren’t always about sound defense, so trying to get the offensive boost on the most pairings possible makes more sense than having a turbo charged scoring pairing.
Jagrbomb is getting the top pairing with slightly better offensive stats. Skating alongside the Rage defender will be Georg N’Zola from the Los Angeles Panthers. N’Zola is mostly getting the 1st pairing nod here thanks to having so much TPE. This is a funky point in time to look at TPE with regression due, but either way that was enough to break the tie for me.
Pairing with Barca on the 2nd unit is Jølngüštrâädüvich DuBølk from the hometown Tampa Bay Barracuda. DuBølkis a solid all around defender with high positioning and defensive read. I think combined with Barca’s offensive presence, this unit will look to clog shooting lanes and maintain possession as much as possible.
The last pairing puts the S68 Baltimore Platoon and last defender in Philip Fry with Pihlippe-Eko Eel from the Atlanta Inferno. The Oops All Phil line is a nod to two veteran defenders getting some great recognition later in their careers than our other all stars.
WC 234 +4 TPE

9. Written, 50 to 200+ words. We Had To Pick Someone
More than half of the teams only got one player to the game. Those being (in random order) Edmonton, Calgary, Chicago, New Orleans, Minnesota, Seattle, Manhattan, Atlanta, Toronto, Montreal and Hamilton. Would you have liked to see more players from these teams, if yes, who should in your opinion have made it? How you feel about the spread of the spots in general?
I think the teams that surprised me the most for only having a single all star representative are Toronto, New Orleans, Atlanta, and Manhattan. Based on where those first three teams (TOR, NOLA, ATL) finished in the season standings I would have expected them to have no shortage of high performing players to make an all star roster. Manhattan just struck me as a team with good players, but a roster that is still taking shape.
WC 76 +1 TPE

3+4+1 = 8 TPE

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GM Pass

[Image: Z8yXihx.png] [Image: U0nD2Rt.png]

ASW Pass

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1. Milestones, up to 3 TPE.

Milestones are folded in with All-Star Week.

Link your Milestone claim as task 1 for up to 3 TPE towards your 8 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your ASW submission. This is done because the person who grades ASW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.

+3 TPE

Written, 50 to 200+ words each. Shiny Grab Bag
6. Your player decides to start a youtube channel, what kind of content they are creating?

Niclas Sundqvist would make a channel to weigh up against his very physical playstyle on the ice. Playing on the borderline of good and dirty means sometimes you cross the line even with no intent and the image of Sundqvist could quickly go out of hand. That is why he partly goes for educational content, showing how to skate and protect yourself on the ice, aiming to reach out to younger players in a hope to reduce the amount of hurtful injuries that could happen. But that's not all! He also decides to show what life is like for a professional hockey player in the Simulation Hockey League. Showcasing parts of daily life such as food, exercise, meeting friends,  teammates and what goes into a day. Especially some travel blogs for when the team is away on long trips. Sometimes interviewing influential players, coaches or GMs, both from Manhattan but also other teams.

[153 words] +3 TPE

9. Written, 50 to 200+ words. We Had To Pick Someone
More than half of the teams only got one player to the game. Those being (in random order) Edmonton, Calgary, Chicago, New Orleans, Minnesota, Seattle, Manhattan, Atlanta, Toronto, Montreal and Hamilton. Would you have liked to see more players from these teams, if yes, who should in your opinion have made it? How you feel about the spread of the spots in general?

It's always sad when a lot of teams only have one player show up to the All Star Game. One could question why these teams only have one player show up. Is the case that they only have one good enough to take a spot? Or is it that there is some bias always skewing for the teams going far in playoffs? Eleven of 20 teams only having one player partaking is something to be critical of, at least according to me. I believe that there is more to be had, even if some teams are worse they are likely to have at least two very good players. If one fourth of the league only had one player, it would be more believable. It is at least better now than if some teams were to not have anyone.

[138 words] +2 TPE

3 + 3 + 2 = 8 TPE total

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from +2

Agate would definitely make those like 3 hour videos of her just doing work and projects on her remote farm in the middle of the most beautiful place you’ll never get within 100kms of. One of those ones where the first video is her cutting an hour long driveway from the nearest dirt path to whatever clearing on her property she decided would be base camp. And she’d insist on trying to use the most labour-inducing tools possible, except when the neighbours show up with one of those Indiana Jones Jungle Cutters, and save her years of clearing. Would be great functional training for hockey though! +2

So actually, I already responded to a Chirp this week, talking about how someone should build a Natural Language Processing project built on our existing Chirp Data and then ask it questions about life and hockey. I think it would be complete and utter garbage, but I still want to do it, especially considering I’m taking Natural Language Processing classes this semester and next. I’m already working on some other Natural Language Processing project ideas for other leagues, and so once I have the foundations down, I think it would be pretty easy to crawl the Chirp pages to get all of the Chirps and give them some structure. In fact I already conceptually know how I would do the project, I just haven’t seen the implementation yet to go off of. I’ve built predictive models, I’ve been deep learning models, and I’ve done all the text pre-processing like a million times now, but the combination is something novel to me. Could I stop being lazy and figure it out myself? Sure, but then what am I paying college for? These are exactly the kinds of projects that I want to use to get ready to do actual portfolio projects, to build those multi-use modules that will save me a ton of time down the road! +4

1. +2


Troy McClure has already started a YouTube, in an effort to earn some cash on the side since @luke and @JR95 told me I can't get more than my contract allows. With that being said I use YouTube to mostly talk about the SHL, with my friend in the league @Seany148 wr mostly joke around and have really very little to say, but we just got our first sponsorship from the greatest Nation of Czechia. Hopefully we can stream even more soon, with more content. Currently I'm offering a streaming service called Troy× where I set up a podcast for you and you do all the talking, I just control the visuals in an effort to keep things moving. I'm no @Rich where in I can entrain with the visual stream while talking, but I try my best. Oh also I plan on streaming card openings, my plan being to do those medias on a schedule! [156 +3]


Troy McClure IIII is never going to win any individual awards. He isn't the fastest. He isn't the strongest. He isn't going to score more than maybe .7 points per game at his peak. He isn't going to lead the league in blocks. Leadership isn't his strong suit. Troy McClure doesn't have value that is measurable in stats. Troy McClure will probably never be nominated for an individual award in the SHL, he will always be outshined by others. That is why Troy McClure should win the newly invented Mayonnaise on the side award.  That's right,  Mayo on the side. This award is presented to those players who compliment the team they play on, but aren't alone an ingredient that deserves much attention. Think of a team as a great deli hoagie. The cheese can be the BEST cheese, the meats can be the BEST meats, you can have the softest, most perfect bread. The toppings can be labors of love, pickles from some rare McClure pickle company. However, without the Mayo, something is missing. It's the forgotten ingredient, you don't make artisan Mayonnaise. But the Mayo makes the sandwich better, even if no one is ever going to say "man, that's some killer Mayo there!" [218ish] +4

+8 with a 1tpe buffer

[Image: TROYMCCLURE.gif]
Colorado Raptors Capitan S42-Until Forever!
Czechia Wants you! Ask about a transfer!!

ASW Pass (IIHF Fileworker)

[Image: CrazyMojitoSHL.gif]
Canada Blizzard Stars Renegades  Citadelles Citadelles Renegades  Stars Blizzard Canada 

1. Milestones, up to 3 TPE.

Milestones are folded in with All-Star Week.

Link your Milestone claim as task 1 for up to 3 TPE towards your 8 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your ASW submission. This is done because the person who grades ASW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.

+3 TPE

Written, 50 to 200+ words each. Shiny Grab Bag
2. 4 skaters from Los Angeles made it, should coaches try to keep them together or would you want to see things mixed up more?

Although the four players from the Los Angeles Panthers have proven that they are electric to watch while playing with each other throughout the regular season, I think that for the All Star Game you need to split them up to give the fans something that they have not seen before. The point of the All Star Game is to get weird and see pairings that you probably will never see otherwise.
(72 words / 1 TPE)

3. Before last player in votes all of the East defencemen are from different teams, which pairings you would create from them?

I would create the pairings that would hate each other the most to try and drum up some story lines for the All Star Game. The first pair is going to be Philippe-Eko Eel and Nathaniel Barca. Eel and the Atlanta Inferno were the ones that bounced Barca and the Philadelphia Forge in the first round of the playoffs. For the second pair, I am putting Georg N'Zola of the Baltimore Platoon and Jølngüštrâädüvich DuBølk of the Tampa Bay Barracuda together. This is for the same reason as the first pair. The fishy boys defeated the bird bros in the Eastern Conference finals and N’Zola must still be fuming from that. The final pairing is going to be Jaromir Jagrbomb of the Manhattan Rage and whoever gets voted in for the last slot. Given how long Manhattan has been rebuilding, they do not have any fun playoff animosity to focus on.
(151 words / 3 TPE)

6. Your player decides to start a youtube channel, what kind of content they are creating?

If I was starting a Youtube channel, it would be a mix of cooking videos and behind the scenes of the SHL world. Most people who follow the SHL know that San-sam Emerson is Korean and loves to share his culture whenever he can. There would be weekly cooking videos focusing on different Korean dishes. I would also supplement those with training videos and tips for becoming a better hockey player.
(71 words / 1 TPE)

[Image: EmersonSHL.gif]
[Image: uDjThoa.png]

(This post was last modified: 10-06-2024, 08:45 PM by Leoben. Edited 1 time in total.)

Milestones - +3 TPE

Quote:11. Written, 50 to 200+ words. Chirper Is Content

So I found the chirps from user LeakyClink which were very interesting. In the first chirp, clink said they were having a crazy day at work and it was driving them nuts. Never has a chirp said so much in so few words, but also raised so many questions. What does Clink do for work? They could be a sports commentator, work in fast food, a lawyer, doctor, or maybe a prison warden. Why is the day being crazy? And why is it driving them nuts? In the next chirp they said they were going to a sport game the following day so it all worked out.

100 Words

+2 TPE

Total TPE

Quote:13. Written, 50 to 200+ words. Just Hear Me Out

Okay so I know Clarence isn't the only one to do this but in three seasons Worley will have played Defense, Wing, and Center while in the J. He has already stated that he'd rather win a cup than any individual accolades and really doesn't care about his stats as long as the scoreline is positive. He'd even hold the door or drive the Zamboni if that's what was needed for success. So I'm creating the Clarence Worley Award for the player most willing to do whatever it takes to win. I'm not talking about the conventional stuff like being active. But the guy most willing to clean the mold out of the showers and pick up the dirty socks. There are also dirty tactics they can employ like destroying the vent system in the away locker room, killing the hot water to that side, dirty things like that. It's not just about switching position, but getting under the skin of your opponents.

160 Words

+3 TPE

Total TPE

[Image: v1uynGf.png]

Highlanders Patriotes

Renegades  raiders  Finland
[Image: WuTGq5J.png]

1. Milestone
SMJHL Milestones :
(+3 tpe)

I'm not from there but I've visited the city one time, and the temperature is really nice! The city of Tampa can bring a sunny environnement and the luxury can be seen. Maybe have a roller hockey game between the players just for fun? Would be nice seeing players what they can do with a different pair of «skates».
(59 words +1 tpe)

For the Southern Conference, I would go with this:
Doug Weight : Leading the league in assist, he knows how to find his teammates. He also lead the league in points so he shows he can also score.
Barron Samedi : Second in goals in the league, with Weight on his line that would make a formidable offensive duo.
Alexa Johansen : My teammates in STL and parter on my line, she was fantastic this season and she can do everything on the ice. Would be a great asset on that line.
Hvaik : Leading the league in goals for a defenseman is great, but doing it with a big 25 goals is amazing! Also second in hits so he's not only offensive.
Marko Kivimaki : Hard season defensively for him since his team had a tough season, but he managed to get some relatively good offensive stats and he was not afraid to help his team defensively with a lot of block shots and we need those guys!
Evil Kyle Murray : My goalie in STL, had really good stats for us and I fully trust him!

(182 words +3 tpe)

I think I have a chance at the «Best two-way forward» awards. I was 5th in hits in the entire league, got at least 70 pts so was more than a point per game players, as a winger with no «talent» in it I managed to win more than 80 faceoffs and my giveaway/takeaway ratio is not that bad for a forward that was playing on the first line and against the best defender. Was playing more than 2 minutes in shorthanded and playing as a «two-way forward» in FHM and having a 76 game rating overall and 78 in defense it's pretty good!
(104 words +2 tpe)

So this is it, I got my 8 tpe total.

All star /CW pass, one last time

Milestones: 3 TPE

5: Being from Tampa, MattyJ knows what the city of Tampa can offer (I am also currently living in Tampa). There is one big problem and that is we l another hurricane headed right for us. Maybe the best thing they can provide is shelter. Besides that, Tampa is a lively city with a lot to do. Players could be treated to dinner boat cruises along the river. They could be given day passes to Busch Gardens for them and their families. They could get tickets to a Buccaneers game on Sunday. They could also go to all the great bars and restaurants we have in the heart of the city. The players would likely be given nice rooms at the Marriott Waterstreet hotel that has incredible views of the water. Players could also be given options on activities they want. They could go on a fishing charter, travel to Disney, or have free time. Lastly, Tampa has incredible facilities to host this all star event. Amalie Arena is right downtown and is ready to host this star studded event. Tampa is the perfect city for this event. It is growing every year and thousands of people want to live there. Just stay safe with the hurricanes. 

4 tpe. 207 words.

6. MattyJ would start a gaming YouTube channel. He would stream Super Blood Hockey and CFB25. He is also known to be quite the call of duty player. On game days, MattyJ might mix in a vlog, but it would be game focused. It is one of his favorite past times and he wants to share it with the world.

1 tpe. 59 words

[Image: mattyj.png]
(This post was last modified: 10-06-2024, 12:54 PM by Steelflex.)

Milestones +3 TPE

PBE Affiliate Post +3 TPE

13. I wasn't nominated for it, but honestly I was expecting I would be, so I firmly believe I should win the Most Improved Player award for this last season. I completely turned it around from a miserable S77. In S77 I scored 13 goals and 26 assists for a meager 39 points and a pretty devastating -38 plus/minus. I was NOT happy with those results. After some changes to my build, and ofc some changes from the team leadership, I scored 40 goals (a 27 goal increase) and 44 assists (that's +18) to the tune of a +35 plus/minus (that's a net change of +73). Anchorage was a team to fear this season and we ran the regular season, and while I don't normally like to toot my own horn, I feel like I was a substantial part of that as the team's top scorer; again, a big shift from my previous seasons in Anchorage, and certainly deserving of at least some acknowledgement as one of the game's most improved players.
173 words +2 TPE

Total: 8 TPE

[Image: PDyLXEi.png]

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