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S78 All Star Week Due: Sunday, October 6th @ 11:59 PM PST


1. Milestones, up to 3 TPE.

Milestones are folded in with All-Star Week.

3 milestones

3 TPE 

3/8 TPE 

2. 4 skaters from Los Angeles made it, should coaches try to keep them together or would you want to see things mixed up more?

Personally, I would like to see the players from the Los Angeles Panthers mixed up during the all-star game. We know that they can play together already. These top players in the league have shown time and time again that they complement each other on the ice. It would be nice to see if they can play with some of other top players in the league as well. There could be another player that they can gel with gel with. The all Star game is supposed to be fun for everyone, the fans and the players. Mixing the players up would be a fun change for everyone, and at the end of the day, that's what everyone deserves. After the all Star, the Panther player will be reunited, and get the chance to get back to what they are familiar with, player all Star level hockey, playing some of the best hockey around.

Word count - 155


6/8 TPE 
7. What would be your starting lineup, 3 forwards, 2 defencemen and a goalie for one of the SMJHL conferences?

With the Anchorage Armada having 5 skaters selected to the SMJHL all Star game, they are in a very similar situation as the Los Angeles Panthers players. They could just play together, and keep the magic flowing. But like AI wrote earlier, I would like to see these players all mixed up. For my starting line up, I would go with with following forwards; Jett Labyrinth, Jon Garfield and my own player, Lyle Odelein IV. For the defenders, I would pick Scape Goat and Red Panda Jr and in net, I would go with Doom Guy. With representation from 6 different teams I think these players would shine together. 

Word count - 109

2 TPE 

8 / 8 TPE 

[Image: Ci4nm13.png]sig by @Bruins10 
Scarecrows   Specters   Canada 

1. Milestones, up to 3 TPE.

6. Your player decides to start a youtube channel, what kind of content they are creating?

Elliot Alderson is already not a fan of social media in general. He doesn't have a Facebook, twitter or LinkedIn. Only Reddit because it's semi-anonymous and 4chan. Always surfing on the dark web also. However, just for fun, he creates an anonymous page where he posts videos of hacking exploits and streams his coding session online for the whole world to see. The reason he does it live and on such a public forum is to create controversy and show how easy it is to hack governments websites. For Elliot, hacking is always about sending a message, to show that the people are not slaves to the corporate and capitalism society. In the end, he's able to gain quite a following and everytime Youtube decides to strike down the channel, he's able to create a new one with a different name. No one can catch him, because he's always surfing the web in an anonymous way. 

156 words - 3 TPE

11. Written, 50 to 200+ words. Chirper Is Content

Honestly, most people have very low-effort chirps and it makes it difficult to answer them. I wish people could create conversations, discuss about their day or hobbies, but noooo!! Instead we have "chirp chirp" and one or two words answers. Writing a sentence or two and putting more effort into their chirps could have a great and significant impact on the forum and keep people engaged. For example, if I see a chirp that I like, I try to respond to it and engage with the individual. Everyone should do the same as well, so we can have a healthy and engaging community. In a nutshell, no more low-efforts chirps please and we can potentially create some nice discussions instead of what we currently have!

125 words - 2 TPE

[Image: elliot-alderson-spotlight.png]
Credit: xjoverax

1. 3 tpe via milestones

2. I'd like to see them spread out the LA players amongst the lines. Sure, chemistry is helpful in this engine, but those poor players have already had to play so many games together this year. They played an entire regular season, plus a whole ass playoff run which included all for rounds. Then you factor in preseason, and all the time that they've spent together after the season celebrating their cup win and it actually seems a little cruel to make them have to spend more time together. If anything, that much time could mean that they end up not like each other as much anymore and they lose chemistry.

9. I would not have liked to see more representation from those teams. The All Star Game festivities are still a meritocracy and we shouldn't be adding more players unless they were actually deserving of being an all-star. It's one thing to try to take one player from each team, but to spread the love even more to players who didn't deserve it as much or contribute to their team's success in the same way seems wrong. To take a spot away from someone who earned their way on, even if it's with 3 of their teammates, just to spread the love doesn't make sense at all and I hope it doesn't come to that - fun and joy be damned.

13. Rasmus should be making a good run at winning the award for rookie of the year. You might think - hasn't he been in the league for a long time at this point? How could he possible win the rookie of the year? Simple minds, simple minds. Firstly, your rookie season only ends if you say so. No one has said so. Second, he's keeping it young at heart. Third, the energy he brings is comparable to a rookie and he makes just as many mistakes.

[Image: NCQjJT2.png]
Berserkers     -       syndicate      -     Berserkers
(This post was last modified: 10-06-2024, 11:27 PM by caltroit_red_flames. Edited 1 time in total.)

One (1) affiliate claim from either PBE,  WSBL, SSL, or the ISFL will be accepted for 3 TPE! *if you’re claiming this and have a different username on the affiliate's site then you need to state that in your post to get credit.*

Written, 50 to 200+ words each. Shiny Grab Bag
2. 4 skaters from Los Angeles made it, should coaches try to keep them together or would you want to see things mixed up more?
3. Before last player in votes all of the East defencemen are from different teams, which pairings you would create from them?
4. Which of the goalies you would have starting for each team?
5. What can city of Tampa Bay offer to players they are hosting for All-Star games?
6. Your player decides to start a youtube channel, what kind of content they are creating?
7. What would be your starting lineup, 3 forwards, 2 defencemen and a goalie for one of the SMJHL conferences?
2. Generally I would say yes. The all star team itself is what matters, the game itself is just about having fun. Do you have more fun playing hockey with your friends or playing with random people at stick and puck? Based on that I'd keep players who player together during season together during the all star game.
6. Cal Juice would make a youtube channel that reviews different juices and just drinking a juice box, based off of the idea that Jon Drinks Water had. His channel is literally just him drinking bottles of water and also a review bracket that was really interesting. Cal Juice would buy a ton of jugs of juice and compare them based on taste, texture, cost and how you feel after drinking it.

9. Written, 50 to 200+ words. We Had To Pick Someone
More than half of the teams only got one player to the game. Those being (in random order) Edmonton, Calgary, Chicago, New Orleans, Minnesota, Seattle, Manhattan, Atlanta, Toronto, Montreal and Hamilton. Would you have liked to see more players from these teams, if yes, who should in your opinion have made it? How you feel about the spread of the spots in general?
Personally I think that if you're going to put more players from teams in the all star game just to have more representation of different teams then it shouldn't be called the all star game, you're looking for something that's just a fun exhibition game. I know the all star game is meaningless but making the all star team definitely matters. It's supposed to be the best players in the league, not a drop in. So no, take the best players. If one franchise puts together a super team that dominates for the entire season then tough shit if you wanted to make the all star game then play better. This isn't peewee hockey, this is the SHL where the best players in the world are supposed to play. If you really want to have more representation then you could do what the NHL has done and make teams for each division instead of a team for each conference. That would add more players to the all star game without making it lose its meaning.

[Image: 5PYmCAe.png]
[Image: doubtfulalpha.gif]
[Image: 0XJkcN5.png]
[Image: vHNIXVO.png][Image: 639861613880541184.png] Cal Juice [Image: 639861613880541184.png][Image: RyzkmSj.png]
[Image: Eo2nBCt.png] Tomas Zadina
[Image: tkMQzhf.png] Brady McIntyre
[Image: ice-level.svg]

1. +2 TPE

Obviously, I love that so many Panther players made it to the All Star game, even if I'm not one of them but I don't think that they should be paired up together during the all-star game. We all get to hang out enough over the course of the regular season and playoffs and I'd bet that it'll be a good time to let loose and hang out with our opponents for a little bit. Maybe chirp them a little while they bask in having just won the Cup. Hanging out with the enemy might even end up being beneficial and have them pick up some tricks they can use.

110 words.

I think it's pretty clear that Grzegorz Brzęczyszczykiewicz should be starting for the western all-star team. The man has won the most out all the goalies present this season and that deserves the recognition of being a starter for his all-star team For the eastern all star team, I feel that Tibuk Soonika should be getting the start. His team did make it to the finals in a surprisingly Cinderella run and he was a big part of that. Let him have some recognition for what he did. It's even better since they are hosting the game this season and that alone should have marked him as a starter.

109 words.

If Andren was to start a youtube channel for the fun of it, it'd be about the one thing that he knows that he is good at: fighting and being an agitator. From tutorials for young and upcoming agitators on how to lure your opponents into taking a penalty and then fighting when the time comes to commentary videos in which he gives his opinions on who won which of the shamefully infrequent fights and why they did so. He thinks that he could do some real good in reviving the lost art of fighting and being an agitator in the SHL.

102 words

Andren Akerson (Present)
Adrik Baranov (S55 to S70)
Rurik Razin (S32 to S44)
Roy Razin (S17 to S32) (HOF/Rage HOF)
Audun Wissink (S5 to S15)

1. Milestones: 3 TPE Claimed

2. 4 skaters from Los Angeles made it, should coaches try to keep them together or would you want to see things mixed up more? The All-Star game is a celebration of a lot of things, talent, the league's star power, but above all else, it's about the fans, and what these fans in Tampa Bay certainly want to see is a lot of their great players, so that will mean splitting them apart and keeping them together in equal measure. For the good of the players, it might be good to have them together as a group of four for a stretch, while having them spread out between friends and other star players will help to give fans what they want. More is better, and that matters when it comes to the bay.

5. What can city of Tampa Bay offer to players they are hosting for All-Star games? Tampa Bay is an excellent city to host just about anything, the pleasant weather, the multitude of attractions, and the sports-conscious fans make it a fantastic locale for sports events like the All-Star Game. Beyond that, hockey’s taken hold in the state of Florida, meaning even with the relative desert conditions for the sport, it’s as good as Warroad to anyone. The Barracuda have been one of the worst organizations in the league, and one of the most decorated, and just in time to host the event, it looks as though they have returned to glory with a great team, as the four representatives demonstrate.

[Image: TRVzgUB.png][Image: dEdEwDx.png]



Milestones +3 TPE

?. ISFL Affiliate (3 TPE)
1. Milestones (3 TPE)
13. Now hear me out, I believe Cade de Vries should definitely be the SJMHL defender of the year. He was #5th in goals for defensemen, 2nd in assists for defensemen, and 1st in points for defensemen. He had a better overall game rating of 70 compared to his previous year performance of 68, which included a uptick in Offensive Game Rating net change of +4. My statline is very similar to my previous years statline, of which I won SJMHL Defender of the year, with a greater offensive production and about the same defensive ratings, Cade de Vries should be a shoe in for defender of the year (108 Words, 2 TPE)

1. Milestones +3 TPE

2. As far as the four players making it from Los Angeles, I think for the All-Star game you should try to keep them together due to the chemistry that they already have built up. Since they have played together all year, they would have a great chance of producing a lot during the All-Star game to help the team win. (60 words +1 TPE)

4. As far as goalies go for the West I would start Justin Time and for the East I would start Five-Hole Sieve. I would start Justin for the west due to him having the most wins in the league with 44 which was better than number to his all star goalie mate with 36. Another reason to start Justin would be his top four performance in goals against average at 2.89. I would start Five-Hole because he had a tarp for save percentage at .910 and lead the league in goals saved above average. I would also start Five-Hole because I am biased because he was my goalie for New England. (112 words +2 TPE)

8. As far as all stars go New England had two players get selected and the one that is going to be highlighted is Antoine Beauregard. Antoine is an obvious choice to be selected to the All-Star game due to leading New England in goals with 40 to assist with 56 and ultimately leading the team in points with 98. He was also the best player on New England for +/- at + 29. What I expect from him during the All-Star game is to do exactly what he did for New England, which was to contribute offensively and help lead his all-star team to victory through goal scoring and play making. ( 109 words +2 TPE)

1. Milestones, up to 3 TPE.

Milestones are folded in with All-Star Week.

Link your Milestone claim as task 1 for up to 3 TPE towards your 8 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your ASW submission. This is done because the person who grades ASW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.

Link +3

8. Written, 50 to 200+ words. The Teammate One
Tell me about your teammate who made the all star game! Who are they, why were they an obvious choice to make the All Star roster, and what do you expect from them this ASG? (If more than one of your teammates made the game, pick one of those players other than yourself. If you are the only player on your team selected for the all star game so far, write about your team's candidate for last man instead.)

Oh man, let me tell you about Tibuk Soonika. It's been an honor defending for this guy, since it's basically a two wall system between the Tampa Bay defense and goaltending, and Soonika is the brick wall of brick walls. The fact that they were in is exactly the kind of thing the East needed.

(55 words) +1 TPE

13. Written, 50 to 200+ words. Just Hear Me Out
Most people would be exited to win an award. Make a case for your player to win an award. If you cannot make reasonable argument, even very biased one, for any award your player should receive, you are free to suggest adding a new award that your player would be competing for.

Jølngüštrâädüvich DuBølk is more than worthy to collect every defensive award this season. Some might say Maximova is the worthier winner for their points production, but that would be the wrong thing to say. The fact that Jølngüštrâädüvich DuBølk has not only gotten enough points to be in the top ten, but also be such a defensive dynamo, is a true testament to their mastery of the position. Some might say he's a product of being a linemate of John Brown. To that, he agrees his production is because of brown. However, it's because of their brotherly bond with each other, 2 bodies acting as one soul, so despite the mainstream hockey media's efforts to disparage the two of them, it does not change the fact that Jølngüštrâädüvich DuBølk is a worthy winner of any award. Some people might try and bring their coaching system, and wonder if they are a result of a good fit rather than skill. Unfortunately for detractors, they can be separate factors to success. The point I'm trying to make out of this is simple: there is no good reason why Jølngüštrâädüvich DuBølk can't win all the defensive awards, and there are no good counter examples either.

(202 words) +4

[Image: MCP_.gif]
     [Image: ICON1.png][Image: lions-button-updates.png]

1- Milestones

+2 TPE

6. If Leo had a YouTube channel it most likely would just be a pretty boring vlogging channel that only gets popular because of his cat, Scumrat. He’d go through the life of a pro hockey player and also do a sort of, “learn English with me” as he starts to speak it better and could maybe help out other Latvians who are trying to learn English as well. His most popular video would be when he recorded himself, some teammates and friends getting lost on a hiking trip in the offseason(stay tuned for the media wink wink). One thing he would also do is taste testing mtn dew flavors because he loves mtn dew, Baja blast is S tier btw.
120 words, +2 TPE

13. Leo isn’t going to win any awards or isn’t really in the running for any of them. He’s slowing getting better and better so maybe one day he’ll get a best defender nomination but I think the perfect for award for him now would be “Biggest Powerplay Merchant”. When you think of a powerplay merchant it’s someone who doesn’t score except on the PP, but the way it’s described is usually on people who score a decent amount and have like half of their goals on the powerplay. Leo had 14 goals this season, 9 of them on the powerplay. Nearly 65%. What makes it worse is that even though all of his TPE since coming to the SHL has gone into offense. He scored the same amount of even strength goals as he did last season. 5. He can not score during even strength but when it comes to powerplay he loves potting them. He could genuinely be the biggest powerplay merchant in the league and I’m curious to see if he continues this or just decide he wants to start scoring during even strength(he probably won’t). I also think another award he could win would “Biggest Shift in Role” as he went from Chicago’s lockdown defender who didn’t score at all and is now Chicagos lead scoring defenseman. Why’d he do this? Coz defense is boring and also it just seems like a better build to make currently since so much TPE is in his defense already.
250 words, +4 TPE

[Image: Rn4Vt1E.png]

2. I can see arguments for it going both ways. On one hand, with the Panthers winning the cup it could be seen as a sort of victory lap/cup celebration extension of their offense. A well deserved recognition of their efforts wouldn’t hurt! On the other, one of the All Star game’s main characteristics is the weird pairings of superstars the league would normally never see in a thousand years. Personally, I’m partial to the latter - I think that getting crunk during the parade is enough celebration for the Panthers. Split em up. Gimme the weird shit. WC: 100 TPE: 2

6. If Abdi were to start a YouTube channel the content would be mostly unrelated to hockey in any way outside of maybe the occasional interview. It would be something closer to the variety channels of old: some gaming, some more “podcast” variety stuff, some rambling and ranting. He would use a really shitty voice changer and it would be like those vtubers who everybody knows the identity of but all kind of keep in kayfabe about the actual identity thereof. Probably invite some of the homies from the J to chat shit every once in a while but he would be the only one in character. WC: 106 TPE: 2

9. Well I personally think there should be a lot more people from the listed teams. Specifically from Minnesota. Like 20 more guys from Minnesota actually. I’m not biased at all. Jokes aside though, I don’t really have too much of an issue with the way the All Star teams are chosen, though maybe a slight increase in consideration towards the not top of top end would be nice. The name of this prompt is one I agree with - you have to choose somebody. I’m not really expecting you to pick 3 All Stars from the last place team in the league. WC: 102 TPE: 2

13. Alright, alright. I know I haven’t really been in a position to win any of the traditional awards this season and I won’t even bother putting in the effort to make a pitch. I mean: look at my fucking statline man I had ONE GOAL this season. Pukeworthy. Disgusting. You hate to see that. So hear me out right? Give me an award for the Funniest Statline. 1 goal is so utterly useless, even by defenseman standards I struggle to even comprehend it. I have not qualified for a single milestone this season, albeit with a few misses. But don’t let that stand in the way of a good story - shit is hilarious. WC: 114 TPE - 2

1. Milestones, up to 3 TPE.

Milestones are folded in with All-Star Week.

Link your Milestone claim as task 1 for up to 3 TPE towards your 8 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your ASW submission. This is done because the person who grades ASW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.

2 TPE from Milestones:

11. Written, 50 to 200+ words. Chirper Is Content
Often people Chirp only for money and don’t really check what others have been chirping about, but it doesn’t have to be so. Find one or few interesting Chirps from this weeks thread, that you could reply to, and tell us why you picked those. Do they raise interesting topics that you’d have something to say about? Or maybe they are just something funny that made you smile?

102 Words 2 TPE

So this has been a bounce back season for The Murray in a major way.  Even just looking at his stats in a straightforward point total way since his award winning rookie season this was the first time above a point per game finishing with 84 on 63 assists against 21 points.  Looking at the index initially I wanted to say that a full 75% of The Murray's scoring coming as assists would be a great award amongst players over a point per game (I didn't look beyond the ppg players for award consideration), but then all of a sudden I saw Ray Alexander's 68 points and a ridiculous 60 assists accounting for over 88% of their total scoring!  Tossing that idea out the window and with no obvious choices for a real SHL award to give The Murray I would like to propose the Mississippi Award for most mid.  The name comes from the Mississippi River that cuts the US in half between the East and West. It is awarded to the player that is the most, meh across the board.  The inspiration comes from the milestones for this season where I either barely cleared the bar or fell just short as is the case with missing both hits and blocks by fewer than 5 each.

13. Written, 50 to 200+ words. Just Hear Me Out
Most people would be exited to win an award. Make a case for your player to win an award. If you cannot make reasonable argument, even very biased one, for any award your player should receive, you are free to suggest adding a new award that your player would be competing for.

217 words 4 TPE

So this has been a bounce back season for The Murray in a major way.  Even just looking at his stats in a straightforward point total way since his award winning rookie season this was the first time above a point per game finishing with 84 on 63 assists against 21 points.  Looking at the index initially I wanted to say that a full 75% of The Murray's scoring coming as assists would be a great award amongst players over a point per game (I didn't look beyond the ppg players for award consideration), but then all of a sudden I saw Ray Alexander's 68 points and a ridiculous 60 assists accounting for over 88% of their total scoring!  Tossing that idea out the window and with no obvious choices for a real SHL award to give The Murray I would like to propose the Mississippi Award for most mid.  The name comes from the Mississippi River that cuts the US in half between the East and West. It is awarded to the player that is the most, meh across the board.  The inspiration comes from the milestones for this season where I either barely cleared the bar or fell just short as is the case with missing both hits and blocks by fewer than 5 each.


1. Milestones, up to 3 TPE.

Milestones are folded in with All-Star Week.

Link your Milestone claim as task 1 for up to 3 TPE towards your 8 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your ASW submission. This is done because the person who grades ASW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.


Writing Prompts

Written, 50 to 200+ words each. Shiny Grab Bag
2. 4 skaters from Los Angeles made it, should coaches try to keep them together or would you want to see things mixed up more?
6. Your player decides to start a youtube channel, what kind of content they are creating?

2. 113 words, +2

I would 100% split up the 4 skaters from Los Angeles.  This event is a mix of teams, so let's not make a whole squad which we see during the regular season.  I also feel like this would be more competetive.  They'll be motivated to play for bragging rights back on the home rink.  I think the players should pick lines themselves in this case and draft from the other pairs that are on their team.  Fans back home will react to the vote of confidence when a star from a dominant team chooses to play with a star from a struggling team.  Gives them a platform to show off their flashy skills.

6. 122 words, +2

To keep this all star themed, I think Slip McScruff is making a conspiracy theory gossip channel.  He's hyperanalyzing all the interactions of players on the all star roster and speculating about upcoming trades and free agency.  Oh, this defenseman didn't pass to his teammate and instead passed to this forward on a division rival team, trade request incoming?  Oh, this forward was stonewalled by this goalie, maybe he's wondering what it would be like to play in front of a real goalie, free agency incoming?  I can't believe the coach benched his own player, is there trouble in the locker room?  Did you see the jerseys they created for this event, time for the league to get a new jersey partnership?

11. Written, 50 to 200+ words. Chirper Is Content
Often people Chirp only for money and don’t really check what others have been chirping about, but it doesn’t have to be so. Find one or few interesting Chirps from this weeks thread, that you could reply to, and tell us why you picked those. Do they raise interesting topics that you’d have something to say about? Or maybe they are just something funny that made you smile?

107 words, +2

Whenever I pop open the chirper thread to lay my wisdom, I look on the previous page and see if there is anything that I can comment on with a simple "hell yeah brother" type of response.  It brings me back to the ToeDragon days where he would drop in out of nowhere with a simple comment then disappear.

For example, this beauty by CptSquall.  If I didn't mess up my chirps this week, I'd probably have hit him with a Cheers and a hell yeah.  I'm gearing up for my season tickets to the Kraken, so like, yeah Hockey is coming back in a big way.

13. Written, 50 to 200+ words. Just Hear Me Out
Most people would be exited to win an award. Make a case for your player to win an award. If you cannot make reasonable argument, even very biased one, for any award your player should receive, you are free to suggest adding a new award that your player would be competing for.

54 words, +1

I think Slip McScruff should earn the ultimate participation award.  He's played the most game in SHL history and doesn't have much to show for it.  In his prime, he locked up the blocked shots record and some franchise hits and block records.  Now, he's chasing the hits record just by participating really hard.

[Image: scrufdaddy2.gif]
credit to Flappy, ToeDragon, and Carpy

Steelhawks Patriotes Stars Panthers Platoon Specters Platoon Panthers Specters Aurora Jets Usa Scarecrows

[Image: Tqabyfh.png][Image: UDyqktK.png][Image: 1DL5JDX.png]

1. Milestones, up to 3 TPE.

Milestones are folded in with All-Star Week.

Link your Milestone claim as task 1 for up to 3 TPE towards your 8 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your ASW submission. This is done because the person who grades ASW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.
Milestones +3

[Image: Chocula22.gif]
Berserkers Wolfpack France

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