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S79 SMJHL PT #0: New Places Due: Sunday, October 13th @ 11:59 PM PST

Congratulations on being drafted! The hard work starts now, and your teammates are all ready to get to know you!.

Written Option: You just walked into the locker room for the first time. How did your new teammates respond? Did they organize anything to welcome you and the other draftees to the team? Must include at least 150 words.

Graphic Option: Make an image depicting a couple of members of your team hanging out together in the locker room. Must include the team logo somewhere.

You will receive 3 TPE for fulfilling all the requirements for any of the options. (You only need to do one of the options to get the credit and wont get additional credit even if you do more than one).

All responses are due on Sunday, October 13th at 11:59 PST. NOTE: IF YOU SUBMIT/EDIT AFTER THE DEADLINE YOU WILL RECEIVE REDUCED/NO TPE.

Reminder that Discord only hosts images for very limited time so you should use something else for hosting images.

Affiliate claims from either PBE or ISFL or WSLB or SSL are accepted; link directly to your post and note if your username is different there.

If you have any questions/concerns, please PM me. Tasks with malicious intent will not be graded. The graders reserve the right to determine malicious intent, after discussion with me. You will not be warned.

Only S79 SMJHL rookies (S80 players) are eligible for this task.

[Image: puolivalmiste2.gif]
Sigs by @Carpy48, @Nokazoa and me


I got drafted fifth overall to the Ottawa Highlanders  Highlanders Highlanders Highlanders

I literally got into the door before they shoved a nametag on me that said "Molded by humidity" and made a Bane impression? They then said something along "Vengeance"..?

Three dudes in a corner sat and repeated "Hi Bob" to each other in a circle, it was weird but shockingly charming.

From inside the showers I heard someone repeating "DESTROY THE F***ING VALKYRE CAMS" to themselves, I popped my head in and saw them crying in the corner under the running water, they've must've had a rough game of just before I got there. I gave my condolences and turned around to a jump-scare of a big man in a chef hat.

He was awfully close and .. erotic? Maybe a bit sensual even.. 
While throwing out his hand to introduce himself. He shook my hand and brought me in close, whisperered in my ear:

"Welcome to the Highlanders Kid, I'm Frenchie and I'm your Papa now."

I smiled nervously, said my thanks and sat down in my booth. I took a big breath and thought to myself:

Home Smile

[Image: undefined]       

After the surprise that I went #1 settled, I walked into the locker room and was greeted by at least 5 people immediately greeting me at the doorway. My new teammates all wanted to know about me, who I was, where I was from, my favorite NHL team, and for some reason what my favorite ice-crame flavor was. This was definitely pre-planned. In the background I saw Naomi, Gwen, and Ramen, the trio that recruited me, probably chuckling at how swamped I was. Once the dust settled the trio showed me around the place. It is huge, and definitely some space-time warping going on, how can a locker room be this big? They got a room with a TV and hockey running so I’m at home already. After this ordeal, it was my turn to stand and wait for the other draftees to get in so I could help swamp them. It was quite a fun night, as it was 3 am at the time and I won’t forget this welcome. I guess it’s time to learn French now… hope the media pressure here isn’t as bad as it is with the Habs.

As Kim Chaewon enters her new home for the next 4 seasons in the junior hockey league, she is greeted by her new teammates, equipment personnel, coaches all take the time to introduce themselves to Chaewon. There are high hopes for Chaewon as she had a great scouting conversation with the management team and they were very excited to bring the famous k-pop idol into their organization. There was a nice team lunch for all the new draftees to get acclimated with the team and they served amazing dishes for the entire team such as dumplings, sushi and pizza. The team knows that Chaewon likes romance movies, so they all watched "Star is Born" since that is Chaewon's favourite movie in the romance genre.  Afterwards, the team got together in a conference room to highlight the plan for the upcoming season and what the hopes were for the team. Chaewon is excited to get the season going and doing her part to bring the team great success for the Carolina Kraken!

(171 words)

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[Image: KS8UYv9.png] [Image: zFE0mSA.png] [Image: IhVx0wj.png] [Image: sXDU6JX.png]
Thank you @Stadacona for the Chaewon player sig!


On Draftnight i was so exhausted from being nervous. I fell asleep right there in the hotelroom and didn't made it to the draft. When i woke up really early the next morning my phone was buzzing. Like none stop. But i kinda wanted to atleast relive the draftexpierience. So i opened up the replay of the entire draft with the expectation that I'd probably be picked at #21 by the Kelowna Knights or at #25 by the Yukon Malamutes, because that's what my guts told me. The draft started with a banger when the QCC blindsided everyone and picked my now teammate Rodwin at #1, which noone expected. The Draft went on and after pick #19 there was kind of a break and the moderators were swifting away and talked about other topics. I thought: "one more pick and then it's going to be me maybe better get my breakfast real quick". Just when i entered the room again, the next blindside happened: "With pick #20 of the S79 SMJHL Draft the QCC select RW Shiny Rainbow". I was stunned, happy, surprised, shocked, my jaw was on the ground. My Interview with QCC was probably just 5 sentences long and lasted 3 minutes, i even answered on my prospect questionaire that french was my worst nightmare. I grabbed my phone, thounds of spammessages from those of my friends who are owlets fans saying "one of us! one of us" they must have texted me this for hours. A last minute invitation from the Maine Timbers GM who wanted to meet me just before the draft. Well i was already asleep. And then the message i was looking for: An invitation to the QCC lockerroom for their big draft party with congratiulations for now being part of the QCC. It was several (not 7) hours old already. I left everything and directly rushed to the lockerroom. When i finally arrived and entered it was almost empty already. Empty glasses, empty bottle, empty plates. Only 2 people were left and still partying. I had no idea who they were, but i was hugged, i was greeted and welcomed and i was offered tons of drinks right away. But i still had to wait till afternoon to actually meet any of my new teammates or the QCC head staff.
(This post was last modified: 10-07-2024, 09:23 PM by JBeckQuest. Edited 2 times in total.)

For Quazon, the draft itself was dizzying. Team after team, passing on a man who was always #1 power in his spheres of influence until almost all the way through the second round. To drop this far through the ranks was a new and unexpected experience. Anger turned to grit turned to retribution. He would soon rise above them all.

A Detroit Falcons Lincoln town car met Quazon at his hotel, ready to bring him to his new locker room, but Quazon opted to walk. To feel the dark, dusty cobblestone streets underneath his feet one last time. He had finally made it into the SMJHL, and he knew the impoverished roots he had come from would soon be a distant memory. He needed to feel connected to the streets that had made him - the dark alleyways that had thrust him into a position of power as a young lad. With each step, Quazon recounted each time a team had passed him by. All 26 times. Step by step his shadow grew larger and more menacing in the moonlight. Each pace in the darkness he made another promise to himself.

Refreshed, refueled, and purpose-driven, Quazon stepped out of the shadows into the bright lights of the Detriot Falcons locker room. He felt no nerves. Was he numb, confident, or both? He looked at each of his new teammates in the eyes and felt unbridled certainty - from the looks he got back, Quazon could tell this was the place and these were the people that would help him grow in power and respect. He gave and received silent nods. Everyone was of one mind: Victory. Excellence. Conquest.

Complete domination.


[Image: VYytaep.png]

The day after getting the call from Rankle i knew what we were going to accomplish when i walked into the arena, being the last rookie in it was great to see all the new faces such as Puma who is going to be my saviour protecting my crease and his likely partner in crime Darzins my two fellow newcomers who i will hop to lean on as much as possible, as i move around touring the arena i stumbled into the old starter Gil-Galad who is sadly leaving this season and going to the big leagues, as we talk for a bit he lets me know what is expected here in this hockey club, i know its going to be a tough task to fill his shoes but its something im ready for. Lastly i step into the coaches office to thank him for having the faith in me to be the goalie they take it meant the world to be given a chance to play for Great Falls. As i head home with a smile on my face i know it is time for me to take my game to the next level and prove why im one of the best goalies to play in the SMJHL.

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How did your new teammates respond? Did they organize anything to welcome you and the other draftees to the team? Must include at least 150 words.

Well walking into the SHL locker rooms isn't really great for Grog. Let me explain a little. Grog is huge. Not only did grog had to duck to enter the locker room, it was essentially sorta like limbo for the gentle giant. But when I finally entered the locker room everyone was shocked at my size. Truthfully, they didn't say much. More intimidated than anything. I do remember hearing someone say under their breath "Thank Goodness he is on our side." No one organized anything for Grog because Grog truthfully has no idea whats going on. He just enters a room, smiles, plays hockey, and leaves. Now replying as the user: The draft was fun to watch! I had no idea where I would go and I think the knights is a great fit for me. Also our personalities on discord work really well together, lots of DND fans there. Lots of good people. I am very happy to be a Knight.

Wow, there I was after recently being drafted in the first round by the Yukon Malamutes, I first stepped foot in the dressing room. The first thing that struck me was the incredible logo and colour scheme. The immediate pride I felt was unexpected but welcomed. The first time meeting the team, I couldn’t believe how welcoming and warm they all were to me. I think we all know we can accomplish something special as a group here. Initial conversation was very light, mostly we learned about eachother and our hobbies. We found a bit of common ground when it comes to golf and our passion about various sports. Something amazing about people coming from all around the world is how active the chat is at all hours. There always seems to be a conversation flowing that you can be a part of at any time. I think I’m going to fit in nicely here, happy to be in my new home!

I walked into the locker room of the Citadelles a little while after LALLAREN_1 and I have to really give it to the GM's and the team. Even though nobody really wants to talk to a plain 2nd rounder who is a defensive D to boot after being blown away by the sex appeal and glitz of a Swedish 1st rounder, they still made me feel welcome and seen. I was a bit surprised not to end up naked and duct-taped to a coat rack in the hallway, but then again things luckily evolved a bit since the 80's. Instead there was chatter of Pokémon, a bit of Bruins hate and people being friendly with each other. As mentioned by my glitzy Swedish teammate above, there are lots of facilities where people can bond, discuss strategy or help the newbies. I left for my hotel room in the middle of the night with a contented smile, which is about as much visible happiness a German can produce.

[S80] Uwe Bindewald - LD |  Quebec City Citadelles

Walking into the locker room for that first morning skate for the Walleyes is something that I will never forget. My teammates were so welcoming and a few had already reached out via text to welcome me aboard. Even though I was a "new fish" they were all keen to take me under their fins. It was not long until we were joking and talking excitedly about what the new season will bring. After practice came the media scrum, Tip Toasty helped walk me through the questions and hold back the over zealous Thunder Bay media core. It really helped turn what could have been an intimidating situation into a happy one. I could not ask for anything more than how I have been received in Thunder Bay. I immediately feel like I am a part of the team and that has built into an excitement and anticipation for the season ahead of us! I can hardly wait to see what is in store.

If Myers has million fans, then I’m one of them.
If Myers has one fan, then I’m THAT ONE.
If Myers has no fans, that means I’m dead.

(This post was last modified: Yesterday, 12:26 AM by Elad315. Edited 1 time in total.)

After being drafted lower than projections, Colton Paraygeko remained unphased, knowing that the number you are drafted is of no real significance. Drafted at 26th, Colton was ecstatic as it was in his top 3 preferred teams based on discussions with various scouts across the league and had real chemistry. However, he was disappointed that his name was botched in the announcement as it is obviously pronounced Puh-rage-ko. But he didn’t let that spoil the night as he entered the locker room with his head held high, doing his signature side shuffle. After getting some warm welcomes from the ladies and gents in the locker room, Colton proceeded by standing on a chair and giving a tremendous and heartfelt speech about how Stan Kroenke is an awful shell of a person and could probably be on the mount Rushmore of shit stain humans that weren’t dictators. Along with Richard Sackler, Jeffrey Epstein and Robert Kelly (not the comedian). After his passionate speech, he took a bow and waited eagerly to meet the rest of the draftees.
(This post was last modified: 10-07-2024, 09:22 PM by JBeckQuest.)


[Image: VYytaep.png]

Hopping into the locker room I saw many new faces and tons of firmiliar ones. It was a very warm welcome fromt the colarado raptors I was chatting with the GM Takk practically the whole draft and we had a plan so I wasnt totally supprised to get drafted to the team but still was good and fun. I knew a few of the guys (Vice and Darthdaevin) from a game I play in e league for. Basically the reason I picked Darthdaevin as my player name, I just couldnt think of anything else and we where chatting during that moment. It was fun at first but got a bit confusing after a while. I tried to stay quiet during the draft after it got to around the second or third round because by then I was just hoping to get on this team because I knew a few guys. Overall great experience everyone is very friendly and happy to have me.

[Image: AaGrxcS.png]
(This post was last modified: Yesterday, 12:25 AM by Elad315. Edited 2 times in total. Edit Reason: Posted in error )

Added in error. 

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